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February 08, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-02-08

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Tonight: Partly cloudy,
low 10-15.
Tomorrow: Snow likely,
high in the upper 20s.

One hundred four years of editorial freedom

February 8, 1995

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WASHINGTON - President
Clinton's aides went up to Capitol
Hill yesterday to sell the president's
$1.6 trillion budget for 1996, but they
found few takers even among Demo-
Republicans who now preside over
the hearing rooms in Congress pre-
dictably assailed the president's fis-
cal blueprint released Monday, ac-
cusing him of using rosy economic
forecasts and inflated budgetary ac-
counting to achieve most of the $144
billion in spending cuts the budget
claims over five years.
But many Democrats also ex-
pressed disappointment with the
President's budget, which calls for
annual budget deficits of $200 billion
until the turn of the century. Several
took potshots at what was supposed
to be the one real crowd-pleaser in the
budget - a $63 billion package of tax
cuts for the middle class.
These Democrats said that the tax
cuts were ill-advised in a period of
rising federal deficits and that the
president should have slashed more
"We favor cutting spending first,
rather than borrow-and-spend, tax-
and-spend, even tax-cut-and-spend,"
Rep. Glen Browder, of Alabama, told
White House budget chief Alice Rivlin
at a House Budget Committee hear-
ing. Rep. Charles Stenholm, of Texas,
a sponsor of the balanced budget
amendment that recently passed the
House, chimed in that "I don't think
we can afford tax cuts at this time."
Over in the Senate, the ranking
Democrat on the Budget Committee,
Sen. James Exon, of Nebraska, de-
clared that the tax cuts were "fiscally
See BUDGET, Page 2

'Pump it up
Business School student Mitch Fisher works out yesterday afternoon on an inclined leg press at the Intramural Sports Building.

MSA condemns suspended student, 'U' in resolution

0 Assembly criticizes
University for not
* using conduct code
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
In a response to the University's
suspension of LSA sophomore Jake
Baker, the Michigan Student Assem-
bly last night adopted a statement
condemning the actions of both the
University and the student.
After an emergency meeting of
Ohe MSA Students' Rights Commis-
sion, the assembly voted 18-4 with
three abstentions to adopt the state-
"This is a make-or-break issue for
MSA. It's time we take a stand for
student rights and explain that free
speech may not always be best," said
LSA Rep. Dante Stella.
Baker was suspended last Thurs-
'U' fair to
area Black
By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
After postponing yesterday's Busi-
ness Acumen Forum, two University
offices will go ahead today with the
second part of their series on African
American entrepreneurship.
Minority Student Services and the
cademic Multi-Cultural Initiatives
ffice will sponsor the Ann Arbor
African American Fair in the Michi-
gan Union Ballroom from 10 a.m.
until 4 p.m.
Today's fair will afford students
the opportunity to meet with African
American student and community
business leaders.
"The goal is to begin ties be-
tween the residential and collegiate
*ommunities in the Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti areas," said Daria Young
of MSS said.
She related that of the fair's 28
participants, "the majority are area
businesses, owned and operated by
African Americans."
Student entrepreneurs with busi-
nesses and crafts will also be selling
their goods at the fair.
In addition, the Washtenaw
ounty Health Services and the Sickle
Cell Disease Association will pro-
vide screening for hypertension, cho-
lesterol and sickle cell anemia. Afri-
can Americans run a higher risk than
nther AmPrirann Af having ech nf

day for posting a story on the Internet
that described the torture and
sodomization of a woman. The story
included the name of a female Uni-
versity student.
The University has scheduled a
closed hearing tomorrow at 1 p.m. in
the Fleming Administration Building
to decide Baker's fate. The assembly
demanded that the hearing be public
and open.
MSA President Julie Neenan ex-
pressed disgust after reading a copy
of the story, which was posted on the
"(Vice President for Student Af-
fairs) Maureen Hartford let me read a
part of what was posted on the Internet.
I was absolutely appalled and dis-
gusted after I read the first two pages.
I had to stop reading. She warned me
that it got progressively worse,"
Neenan said.

The assembly's response empha-
sized members' concern with Presi-
dent James J. Duderstadt's decision
to suspend Baker without a hearing
under the Statement of Student Rights
and Responsibilities, the University's
code of non-academic conduct.
"The University, after all its talk
of code amendments, has just said
that it's OK for them to unilaterally
change their opinion," Stella said.
"The actions of the University and the
actions of the student are both dis-
LSA Rep. Jonathan Freeman
agreed that Baker is entitled to a hear-
ing before the code's panel.
"What was violated here was that
the University set up a code and then
they decide that they are going to
amend it at will.-That is the biggest
danger here," Freeman said. "We're
trying to make a statement that this

guy was thrown out before he even
got anything."
Vince Keenan, the chair of the
Students' Rights Commission, agreed
that the University should have fol-
lowed the code.
"We were told we're safer under
the code then in the old days when
President Duderstadt could just kick
anyone out. Yet, that's exactly what
just happened here," Keenan said.
"What (Baker) did was gross and rep-
rehensible. What the administration
did was worse."
Some representatives believe that
the suspension was a hasty and harsh
"This could have been dealt with
by taking away the student's ITD
account, or better yet it could have
been handled under normal legal pro-
ceedings," said Student General Coun-
sel Paul Scublinsky, an LSA junior.

Resolution text
"Whereas the President of the
University of Michigan has
acted inappropriately by single-
handedly suspending Jake
Baker, be it resolved the
Michigan Student Assembly
urges the University to abide by
the principle of innocent until
proven guilty and to treat all
parties in the Jake Baker case
with fairness. Be it further
resolved that MSA demands
the administration protect the
welfare of the woman named in
Jake Baker's posting. Be it
further resolved that MSA
demands that the hearing
involving this case be open and.

Republicans move to
alter 1994 crime bill
President plans to fight GOP efforts

thodically recasting last year's crime
bill, the House voted unanimously
yesterday to entitle victims to restitu-
tion and looked ahead to more con-
tentious measures to strengthen the
hand of prosecutors and curb death
row appeals.
President Clinton mounted an ef-
fort to head off another element of the
Republican "Contract With America"
that would threaten plans to put 100,000
new police officers on the streets.
But in the House, controlled by
Republicans for the first time in four

behind elements of the contract that
already have cleared, including the
balanced budget amendment and a
measure voted Monday to strengthen
a president's hand in eliminating
wasteful federal spending.
The strong votes for passage
"raises the question of why it's im-
portant to have a leadership that will
actually schedule bills the American
people want," he said in a slap at
Democratic leaders of the past.
Democratic leader Richard Gephardt
said measures brought to the floor so far
"are not things that affect real peoples'

In the main reading room of the Clements Library, Director John Dann and Arlene Shy, head of reader services,
examine one of the many rare books they are charged with preserving.
The Clements Library holds world-famous collections of American history

decades, Demo-
crats conceded the
GOP crime pack-
age would pass in
the next several
For its part, the
Senate neared its
first votes on the
proposed balanced
budget amend-
ment to the Con-
stitution. Republi-
cans said they had
the strength to turn
aside a Demo-
cratic demand that
they identify the
spending cuts to be
used to erase the
federal deficit. But

"(This) raifses
the question of
why it's important
to have a
leadership that
will actually
schedule bills the
American people
want. "
-- Newt Gingrich
Speaker of the House

lives. ... We've got
to get the standard of
living of people up
so they can have de-
cent families ... and
give their children a
brighter future," he
said. 'There is noth-
ing in the contract
that will accomplish
House Republi-
cans have post-
poned action on the
most controversial
crime-related mea-
sure likely to come
before Congress
this year. A provi-
sion backed by the
National Rifle As-

By Megan Schimpf
For the Daily
Walking into the William L.
Clements Library, one finds a large,
wood-paneled room filled with old
books in glass cases. Three chande-
liers hang from the ceiling overhead,
and plush armchairs wait to be sat in.
"It's been known for years as one
of thi niiirct nt-of-thr mwn ni rnfn

"We're not a library that collects a
lot of books by modern writers - we
provide the material they need to write
these books," Shy said.
The library opens the main room
to visitors daily from noon to 2:30
p.m. for studying or browsing through
a rotating exhibit. Currently, the room
feantre a nhntngranhv exhibit titled

ors seminar on critical thinking have
visited the library this term. Graduate
students also are assigned research
projects involving the collections.
Prof. Maris Vinovskis, chair of
the history department, teaches a his-
tory seminar titled "The Social His-
tory of the Civil War," and his stu-
dents - primarily juniors and seniors
- often turn to the Clements colen-

neither side seemed certain of victory
when the final vote is taken on the

sociation - and subject of a veto
threat by Clinton - to repeal last

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