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January 17, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-01-17

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Journalism left without home in comm. dept.

Daily Staff Reporter
In a sweeping overhaul of the University's
troubled communication department, the
College of LSA will remove all film, video
and journalism coursework from its fifth-
largest department - renaming it the de-
partment of communication studies.
The move has left undergraduate jour-
nalism without a home -- LSA has decided
it no longer wants the discipline - and its
future remains up in the air.
"I think the end result is that those kind of

courses that once existed in the old speech-
communication department will be re-in-
vented and journalism will hopefully be-
come its own department," said communica-
tion Prof. Frank Beaver.
Under the changes, all film and video
courses will be transferred to LSA's Pro-
gram in Film and Video Studies. Coursework
in journalism will be removed from LSA.
Provost and Executive Vice President for
Academic Affairs Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr.
has established a Universitywide committee
to determine its future.

Communication department chair John
Chamberlin, head of the faculty committee
charged with determining the department's
future, presented the committee's report to
communication faculty Friday. A day ear-
lier, the LSA Dean Edie N. Goldenberg and
the Executive Committee endorsed the rec-
"I think the recommendations will sharpen
the focus of the department and allow it to focus
its energies more closely on a single mission,"
Chamberlin said in an interview. "It will equip
students to understand the processes of mass

communication in society."
The new concentration will focus on mass
communication theory - with students study-
ing the cultural, political and social areas of
Along with the removal of journalism and
film-video courses, the department will no
longer offer courses narrowly professional in
focus, such as corporate communication and
writing advertising copy, and will no longer
offer courses in public speaking.
The doctoral program in mass communi-
cation, now an interdepartmental program,


eventually will be shifted to the new
Juniors and seniors majoring in communi-
on will be able to complete the concentra-
under the present guidelines. The depart-
t will encourage sophomores to follow the
concentration, but they will have the op-
of meeting present requirements.
- See COMM, Page 14

* For students interested in learning
more about the changes, a meeting will be
held today in MLB Auditorium 4 at 5 p.m.




One hundred four years of editorial freedom

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K- -Day 199


Some skip
lectures to
sleep, study,
Daily Staff Reporter
As some students marched and
others attended lectures, many stu-
dents took the day off, while the Uni-
versity sponsored more than 30 pub-
lic lectures, discussions and panels
yesterday. Between catching up on
sleep and completing homework as-
signments, many treated MLK Day
s an extra Sunday.
"I spent the day catching up on the
homework that I didn't get to this
weekend," said Daniel Dixon, a first-
year Engineering student. "I think
there are definitely people that wanted
it off to observe the day, but I looked
forward to having it to do work."
Scott Fohey, an Engineering junior,
also chose to concentrate on homework.
"I think I'm just lazy. I did my
*omework today and I guess I just
didn't really seek anything out so I
didn't end up going," Fohey said.
Others took the long weekend to
leave campus and visit home. First-
year Nursing student Stacey Fahrner
visited her parents in Pinckney, Mich.
this weekend.
"I chose to go home. I took this
day as part of a three-day weekend,"
amner said.
Many students simply stayed in bed,
spending the day sleeping. LSA sopho-
more Erin Ross was unaware that events
were planned for the holiday.
"Nothing was announced in my
classes, but I don't think I would have
gone anyways," Ross said. "I think
it's bad that I'm not going, but to tell
you the truth I'd rather sleep."
Some students, however, chose to
*ecognize the holiday by attending
University events. LSA sophomore
Susan Podolsky attended the "Con-
flict & Community" lecture, featur-
ing bell hooks as speaker.
"I think this is definitely one of the
more serious holidays and there is a
problem if a lot of people don't recog-
nize it," Podolsky said.

March, activism mark observance

rally for

More than 500 students, including representatives of the Black Student Union, marched from South University to the steps of the Graduate Library for
Martin Luther King Day yesterday. They called on University President James J. Duderstadt to turn the Michigan Mandate into action.

Ex-NAACP director

'U' action
Daily Staff Reporter
Thirty-two years after Martin
Luther King led a march on Washing-
ton, marches across the country com-
memorated the day of King's birth.
Yesterday's MLK Unity March
served as a centerpiece to the
University's 8th Annual MLK Day
Symposium, which also included a
lecture by former NAACP Director
Benjamin J. Hooks and a panel dis-
cussion on the Brown vs. Board of
Education decision.
The march began on South Uni-
versity Avenue where members of
the Black Student Union led a group
of 500 toward the Michigan Union
chanting slogans like "Black power,"
"no justice, no peace" and "Fight the
Power." Students, faculty and staff of
all ages and races were joined by a
diverse group of locals.
Pausing in front of University
President James J. Duderstadt's South
University Avenue residence, the
group listened to David Jones and
Stephen Kinnison, both LSA juniors
and BSU officers.
The two read BSU's "Open Chal-.
lenge to James Duderstadt," which
asked Duderstadt to turn commitments
articulated in the Michigan Mandate
into action. They then attached it to
the president's front door in an action
reminiscent of Martin Luther, the
17th-century religious leader.
The group then proceeded to the
Diag for what was intended to be a
peaceful series of speeches on the
See MLK DAY, Page 2

Daily Staf
Although the audier
constantly changing, Be
sage remains the same
forward in its struggle
much work remains.
The former executi
tional Association for
Colored People - th
largest civil rights org
the Martin Luther Kin
dress yesterday. More
tended the speech at H
As long as people
racial justice, Hooks sai(
"dream is alive and we
Hooks began his ad

message of hope
X M. RAIMI King's last speech. On the rainy, windy night of
f Reporter Aug. 3. 1968, King spoke before 1,500 people
nce and auditorium are at Mason Temple in Memphis, Tenn. Hooks
njamin L. Hooks' mes- said King spoke about threats to his life.
: America has moved "Dr. King reminded us there would be diffi-
for racial justice, but cult and dark days ahead to prepare us for the
struggle," Hooks said.
ve director of the Na- The day after the speech, King was assassi-
the Advancement of nated. "I am convinced that you may kill the
le world's oldest and dreamer but you cannot kill the dream," Hooks
anization - delivered said.

g Day Jr. keynote ad-
than 400 people at-
ill Auditorium.
are willing to fight for
d, Martin Luther King's
dress with a story about

"Dr. King was indeed a prophet," Hooks con-
tinued, and listed many problems in the nation
today. Among those he cited were the fight to
impose sanctions on apartheid-ridden South Af-
rica, assaults on affirmative action, hate groups on
campus, Black men killing each other and the
See HOOKS, Page 2

Former NAACP director Benjamin Hooks addresses a
crowd of more than 400 at Hill Auditorium yesterday.

See inside for the Daily's
complete coverage of mLK
Day events:
Former U.S. Rep. Shirley
Chisholm told a crowd yesterday
that activism is dead. Page 3
Panelists discuss the placement of
landfills and air pollution in
predominantly minority areas.
Page 3
Social researchers debate the lasting
effects of the civil rights
movement. Page 3
The celebration by King's family is
marred by a feud between the
family and the federal government'
over his shrine. Page 7
Former Detroit mayoral candidate
Sharon Mc~hail criticizes media
portrayals of Black men._Page 7

Browns recall court
battle over right to
attend public schools

For the Daily
You may have seen her in your
history textbook. In the photo, a young
African American girl walks a dirt
road, crossing the railroad tracks on
her way to the Black school.
Linda Brown found herself at the
center of a battle over civil rights,
children's education and the dubious
doctrine of "separate but equal."
Yesterday, she spoke at the Mod-
ern Languages Building on the ef-
fects of the Brown vs. Board of Edu-
cation court decision, as part of the
University's MLK Day Symposium.
Forty years later, Linda Brown

within public schools nationwide.
The case began after the Black
citizens of Topeka decided to take a
stand, Thompson said. These citizens
worked with the NAACP to try to
gain equal access to public schools.
Thirteen Black families attempted
to enroll their children in a white
school, and then reported the district's
response. By February 1951, the case
was on its way to federal court.
"Throughout the next three years,
we lived in the calm of the hurricane's
eye, facing out at the storm,"she said.
The case was appealed to the Su-
preme Court in 1953. Marshall argued
that a segregated education leads to

Daniel Holliman, a member of the University's Center for Afro-American and African Studies, speaks at "The Legacy
*f Student Activism at the University" panel discussion yesterday afternoon.
Panel calls for revival of activism


Black' Action Movements and the

ber of BAM III "The administration


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