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October 24, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-10-24

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.Man kidi
. Police say incident is r
related to Ann Arbor
serial rapist
Daily Staff Reporter
An 18-year-old female University st
as kidnapped at gunpoint and returne
armed yesterday morning, according to
The student was volunteering at Huror
Baptist Church, 3150 Glazier Way, fc
after 2-way
frat party
Daily Staff Reporters
An LSA sophomore was taken to
University Hospitals Friday night af-
ter falling unconscious while intoxi-
cated at a fraternity party.
The woman had recovered by Sat-
urday morning and was released. No
charges have been filed in connection
with the event.
The woman was a friend of a mem-
4er of Pi Beta Phi sorority, which was
participating in the two-way party at
the Beta Theta Pi fraternity house on
604 S. State St.
The fraternity's president, Jim
Oegema, said he might face charges for
violation of the recently adopted host
"We violated the host law,"
Oegema, an Education senior, said,
"anytime anyone is on our premises
tat was intoxicated."
The new host law prohibits an
owner or tenant from knowingly al-
lowing a minor to consume or possess
an alcoholic beverage at a social gath-
ering. It provides for a maximum
$1,000 fine and up to 30 days impris-
onment for the host.
Oegema, as the official representa-
live of the fraternity, would face the
*arge on behalf of his house if a case
is filed.
Oegema said the attendee was
checked for proof of age upon entry
and was not served alcohol, but she
came into the party intoxicated.
The woman confirmed that she was
not served alcohol at the fraternity. "I
did drink before I went to Betas," said
the student, who spoke on the condi-

on of anonyminity.
"We apparently didn't watch our
door well enough to keep out some-
body who's intoxicated," said Steve
Townsend, a Beta member and the
executive vice president of the Inter-
fraternity Council (IFC).
Beta's house policy on two-way
parties is to limit guests to Beta and
invited sorority members.
"We have our pledges working the
floors," Oegema said, adding that the
woman claimed she was a member of
Pi Phi, the invited sorority.
Although no members of either
U.S. Senate
candidates to
join debate
Daily Staff Reporter
A ruling by a circuit court judge has
thrown open the doors of this week's
Cnatorial debate to three smaller-party
The debate, to be taped this morn-
ing at Michigan State University's
WKAR-TV studios, was originally
open only to candidates Republican
Snence Abraham and U.S. Rep. Bob


ti 11

- e

One hundred four years of editorial freedom
1aps 'U' student, threatens with sexual assault


Interfaith Hospitality Network, a group that
aids homeless families. She was watching TV
and reading a book in the lower level when a
man carrying a weapon approached her. He
forced entry into the church through a door on
the north side of the building, police said.
"The man demanded the keys to her ve-
hicle, forced her to her car and drove her to the
Bird Hills Park," said AAPD Sgt. Khuman
Sheikh. "He made her walk around the park
for over an hour while he watched."
The assailant allegedly threatened to sexu-

ally assault the woman several times while at
the park.
According to AAPD reports, the victim
pleaded with the man and persuaded him not
to assault her. The kidnapper then put away
his weapon and allowed her to leave. She
drove to the first house with a light on and
called the police.
The alleged kidnapper is described as a
white male, 5' 8" tall, weighing between 160
and 170 pounds. He is between 30 and 40
years old, with gray eyes, a brown-and-gray

According to AAPD reports,
the victim pleaded with the
man and persuaded him not
to assault her.
beard and medium-length hair. He was wearing
a blue sweatshirt-type coat, a red-and-white
scarf and dark pants.
Sheikh said, "This is in no way related to
the serial rapist," who is believed to have as-

saulted 10 women and murdered one in the last
two years. Police have been gathering informa-
tion about the serial rapist for several months
but have not made any arrests.
"The description and the method of this
assault is completely different to all the infor-
mation we have about the serial rapist," Sheikh
According to AAPD reports, the kidnap-
per fled the area after the victim left the park.
No one has been arrested yet in connection
with the alleged kidnapping.

charge at 'U'
Flint campus

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Howard Wolpe shakes hands with students in the Michigan Union yesterday.
Wolpe speaksto College DemsN
In Union whl.O olw

Daily Staff Reporter
Democratic gubernatorial candi-
date Howard Wolpe introduced him-
self to students as he made an infor-
mal appearance in the Michigan Union
Not only were College Democrats
in attendance, but College Republicans
turned outas well. While Wolpe walked
from table to table, the College Repub-
licans passed out literature supporting
Republican Gov. John Engler.
Wolpe said that his goal was just to
introduce himself to students and to get
students more focused on the election.
"Students can have a major im-
pact on the outcome of these elec-
tions," Wolpe said. "It's time that we
had a governor who was more inter-
ested in the next generation than the
next election."
Although the conversations were
brief, Wolpe said that he felt positive
indications and support from students.
"Our main goal is to excite stu-
dents about the election," said Robin
Evans, College Democrats co-chair.

"The College Democrats know how
they feel, but we wanted to reach
students who haven't made their de-
cision yet."
Evans asserted that many students
apathetic." but
hopes that by
giving them a
chance to speak
in person with
c did ate s,
they will be-
come more in-
"I find it
quite amusing
that the College
followed Wolpe around," said Evans,
noting that Engler has yet to visit the
"The College Republicans want
to tell the other side of the story," said
Mark Fletcher, College Republicans
chair. Fletcher said he was impressed
by the fact that the Republicans were
able to bring out as many people as

'Students can have a
major impact on the
outcome of these
- Howard Wolpe
candidate for governor
the Democrats did.
He mentioned the possibility of
Engler appearing on campus during
the Wisconsin game Saturday. While
these plans are tentative, they would
probably include talking to students
before and during the game.
LSA senior Stephanie Silberman
gave Wolpe her support and engaged
him on the issue of migrant workers.
"I think it's great that he came out; it
makes the election much more per-
sonal," she said.
LSA senior Betty Babion, how-
ever, remained unimpressed by
Wolpe's appearance. "I wasn't plan-
ning on voting for him, and he didn't
say anything that changed my mind."

Daily Staff Reporter
FLINT - During his inauguration
Friday as chancellor of the University's
Flint campus, Charlie Nelms promised
to transform Flint into the model urban
"The urban university of which I
speak acts as a partner with the commu-
nity, celebrating its successes and seek-
ing solutions to its challenges," he said.
"I believe the University of Michi-
gan-Flint can and should become the
urban university."
A national search committee chose
N elms to serve as the fourth chancellor
of the Flint campus - founded in
1956. He left the position of chancellor
at the University of Indiana-East to
accept his post at the Flint campus.
Regent RebeccaMcGowan (D-Ann
Arbor) formally conferred the post onto
Nelms by garnishing him with a satin
ribbon and metal.
"With the selection of Nelms, we
got a very smart man with enormous
warmth to lead this campus into the
20th century," she said.
Nelms said the inauguration marks
a new beginning.
"As I assume the mantle of leader-
ship, as the fourth chancellor of the
University of Michigan-Flint, I do so
with the full recognition that I stand on
the shoulders of those who have laid a
foundation for the institution that I am
privileged to serve," he said.
Nelms said the city and the Univer-
sity must work together to fulfill Flint's
special urban mandate. He called for
partnerships with the city's K-12 edu-
cational system and other area univer-
"We must see ourselves as a seam-
less web of education rather than as
separate and apart from other educa-
tional institutions."
Nelms urged the University to con-
centrate on becoming more "learner
See NELMS, Page 2


Daily Staff Reporter
FLINT - He scored a four on the
ACT and less than 700 on the GRE -
unacceptable scores for most under-
graduate and graduate schools.
But Charlie Nelms overcame these
traditional measures of success to be-
come the fourth chancellor at the Uni-
versity of Michigan-Flint.
Nelms, who has been in office since
Aug. 1, was inaugurated by the Univer-
sity Board of Regents Friday morning.
"All of higher education, not just
the University of Michigan-Flint, must
do a better job of screening people in,
rather than screening them out. Not
only must we screen more people into

Clinton to push for Syrian peace

From Daily wire Services
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton hopes to gain a commitment
to peace from Syria when he visits the
Middle Eastern country this week,
the U.S. ambassador to the United
Nations said yesterday.
"Sometimes you've got to make a
breakthrough like this to push on the
peace process," Ambassador
Madeleine K. Albright told NBC's
"Meet the Press" in explaining
Clinton's decision to meet with Syr-
ian President Hafez Assad when he
travels to the Middle East for
Wednesday's signing of the peace

President will
meet with Assad
in Middle East
accord between Jordan and Israel.
Albright said she was sure Clinton
will take up with Assad the "gamut of
issues" regarding Syria, including its
support for international terrorist
groups and its occupation of Leba-
non. "But he is going to focus himself
on the peace aspect," she said.
Albright also defended the U.S.-

North Korean nuclear accord signed
Friday in Geneva. "We have stopped
the nuclear bomb program in its tracks.
That is an incredible victory," she said.
The agreement has drawn criti-
cism for pledging $4 billion in inter-
national funding to help North Korea
re-direct its nuclear energy program
while giving the North Koreans years
to prove they don't have nuclear
Syria is one of the last holdouts in
the drive toward comprehensive peace
in the Middle East. While Israel has
achieved major agreements in the past
See SYRIA, Page 7

SAPAC begins week devoted
to seXUal assault awareness

Daily Staff Reporter

events, which includes speeches,
panel discussions, a movie and - the



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