Vol. CIV, No. 119
Ann Arbor, Michigan
One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Thursday, September 8, 1994
@ 1994 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor teachers'strike frustrates local union, parents
Daily Staff Reporter
Classes may start today for University
students, but for the 14,000 students in the
Ann Arbor Public Schools, an extended sum-
mer vacation stretches into its second week as
the district's 1,100 teachers remain on the
picket lines.
Striking for the first time in 11 years, Ann
rbor teachers voted to reject a settlement
agreed to by their union's negotiating team
Tuesday morning. ,
Now the teachers' union faces court ap-
pearances as both the Ann Arbor Board of
Education and a group of parents have filed
suits seeking an injunction against the strike
and an immediate back to work order.
Many University students, who will be
student teachers at Ann Arbor schools this
fall, are also on extended vacation until the
strike is resolved.
As employees of the state, it is technically
illegal for public school teachers to strike, but
this legislation rarely is enforced. The Board
of Education is hoping the courts will try to
enforce it this time.
Board spokesman Robert Moseley cited
pressure from the public to get the schools
open as the main reason the board chose to
pursue the matter in the courts. "But the board
is still staying in contact with the union's
negotiators," he added. "Legal action is just
one of the avenues being pursued."
Ann Arbor Education Association spokes-
man Dan Burroughs expressed the union's
disappointment with the board's action. "We
can understand a group of parents, who are
concerned about their children, seeking a court
injunction, but the board should be at the table
with the teachers getting this thing settled."
The union has offered to return to work
immediately if the board will except interest-
arbitration. In this process, an outside arbitra-
tor would choose one side's proposal or the
other's on each individual issue to end three
of negotiating between the two par-
The board, unwilling to give up what it
feels is part of its publicly charged responsi-
bility to an arbitrator, has countered with a
request to the Michigan Employment Rela-
tions Commission for a fact finding investiga-
The commission would have the power to
open both sides' books, but it would not have
the power to enforce its recommendations.
Last year the state enacted the most revo-
lutipnary education finance reform in its his-
tory. Starting next year, local school financ-
ing will be based primarily on a state-wide
sales tax, instead of local property taxes.
The.uncertainty surrounding this change
has been cited by the board as a reason why
they want to negotiate for this year only.
"This supposed uncertainty hasn't stopped
Livonia or Chelsea from settling for multi-
year contracts," Burroughs said of two dis-
tricts that went on strike but settled late last
month. "The money is pretty secure here
over the next three years.
Moselcy responded that the details of
those multi-%ear contracts are not known.
"Livonia has a three year contract but we
don't know the ins and outs of that contract."
See STRIu, Page 3
face Engler,
Abraham in
fall elections
Daily News Editor
* Democratic gubernatorial candi-
date Howard Wolpe faces an uphill
battle in his bid to unseat incumbent
Gov. John M. Engler.
Wolpe, the former U.S. represen-
tative won the right to face the first-
term Republican
by defeating a
host of largely
unknown Demo-
crats in the Aug.
2 primary.
Though the
rhetoric is flying
and the candi-
dates toss barbs
4 and push baby
carriages, stu-
dents are often
apathetic during
ections. The governor has an im-
pact on students at state colleges as he
proposes the state higher education
budget, which in turn affects tuition
Political observers say Wolpe must
overcome his own relative anonym-
ity to defeat Engler, who touts his
record of cutting taxes and reforming
public school funding.
0 Wolpe, who has spoken on nu-
merous occasions at the University, is
an adju kt faculty member at the
University's Institute for Social Re-
"John Engler has got to go. We're
going to pack him up and move him
out," Wolpe said after winning the
But Engler decried the "liberal"
olpe and said he would be re-elected
"I've got a liberal opponent who
opposes our effort to cut taxes, reduce
welfare and reduce the cost and size
of government," Engler said. "I think
they're out of touch with where Michi-
gan voters are."
Wolpe, who recently received the
endorsement of Helen Milliken, GOP
first lady of Michigan and wife of
*rmer Michigan Gov. William
Milliken, is currently weighing can-
didates to serve as his running mate.
Early last week, Martha Griffiths,
the grande dame of the state Demo-
cratic Party, endorsed Engler's re-
election bid, charging that the UAW
was exerting too much influence over
Wolpe. Griffiths served as lieutenant
during Democrat James Blanchard's
4stterm. Blanchard dropped Griffiths
m the ticket after pressure from the
Who will care for Maranda?
Man claims to
be seral rapist
in police call
Jennifer Ireland is appealing for custody of her daughter. The court awarded Steven Smith custody of Maranda.
T' student
father struggle
to get custody of
3-ye r-old child
Daily Staff Reporter
A University student and her
former boyfriend are both fighting
for custody of their three-year-old
daughter, Maranda.
Jennifer Ireland and the father,
Steven Smith have waged their cus-
tody battle as the nation watches to see
which parent will win the next round of
a case that has brought domestic vio-
lence, men's and women's rights, and
teenage parenthood all into the same
Circuit Judge Raymond Cashen
granted Smith custody of their daugh-
ter Maranda in June. Ireland has tem-
porary custody while the case is ap-
Ireland, who is an LSA sopho-
more, plans a career in international
law. Smith is a community college
student who is unsure of his course of
Meanwhile, the Court of Appeals
has granted an extension of Cashen's
original fifteen-day stay, so that
Maranda will stay with her mother
until the appeal is heard.
The court has not scheduled a date
yet for the case, but a decision is ex-
pected within the next few months.
Ireland supporters have called it
"day care on trial." Ireland put her
daughter in home day care with a
See MARANDA, Page 9
Daily Staff Reporter
The ongoing manhunt for a serial
rapist in Ann Arbor took a strange twist
late last month when a man, claiming to
be the rapist, called local police and
said his next target would be a 14- or
15-year-old girl.
"I've had a fantasy about young
women this time, I would like to get a
hold of a 14- or 15-year-old if I can and
I will, OK," the man told police in an
Aug. 23 phone call.
The police are taking the call seri-
ously. After consulting with experts,
investigators said they are giving some
credence to the man's claim that he is
the rapist.
"It could be a prank. We have tried
to authenticate it as best we can." said
Det. Lt. John Atkinson of the Ann
Arbor Police Department.
Police played the tape at a news
conference Sept. I and have set up a
telephone line for callers to listen to the
tape. Investigators are hoping callers
can recognize the mm by his unique
Since the phone call, police have
received about 80 tips, Atkinson said.
DNA testing has shown the same
man is responsible for the May 7 rape
and murder of University employee
Christine Gailbreath and three other
sexual assaults that have occurred
within the past two years.
"All of the assaults have occurred
in wooded, secluded areas with the
female by themselves," Atkinson said.
None have occurred on campus.
During the one-minute conversa-
tion, the man repeatedly said he is not
African American, as identified in a
See RAPIST, Page 2
The following isa transcriptof
the minute-long phone conversa-
tion between Ann Arbor police
and a man claiming to be the se-
rial rapistAug. 23.
Police: Ann Arbor Police.
Caller: Hello.
Police: Ann Arbor Police.
Caller: How ya doing?
Police: Good.
Caller: Well, whatdo you think?
Police: About what?
Caller: How am I doing?
Police: I don't know.
Caller: Well, I don't like the idea
of the Ann Arbor Police saying I'm
Police: Who said that?
Caller: OK, (pause) you know
the rapes I've been doing in Ann
Arbor, OK? I'm not Black. I'm a
dark-complected Puerto Rican and
Mexican, and I'm sick andtired of
reading aboutthat. And I'm going
to strike again. OK?
Police: Well.
Caller: Getthis straight, I'm not
Black. I hate that.
Police: OK.
Caller: I'm very dark-
complected. I might appear Black,
but I'm not.
Police: Um, um.
Caller: And I will strike again.
Police: Well, I hope you don't.
Caller: I've had a fantasy about
young women this time. I'd like to
get a hold of a 14-year-old or a 15-
year-old if I can. And I will, OK?
Thank you. (hangs up)
Police: Sir?
Welcome to the Daily. This
overly large edition contains
articles pertaining to all facets
of campus life. Hope to see you
at our mass meeting on Sept.
21 at 7:30 p.m.
Maranda remains with her mother,
Jennifer, while the case is in court.
New Diag policy to remove 7-day waiting period
Daily Staff Reporter
The University has relaxed several parts of its
Common Areas Policy, making it easier for stu-
dents to speak their minds on the Diag this year.
The new policy removes the ban on chalking in
the Diag. It also allows students to protest with
little or no warning to the University by removing
the seven-day waiting period for events. The policy
still requires a waiting period for money solicita-
tion and events that use sound amplification.
"We addressed all the issues that had been
raised by students from the last revision. We made
those changes to accommodate that," said Frank
Cianciola, associate dean of students.
Overall, Michigan Student Assembly Vice
President Jacob Stern said the assembly was pleased
with the changes but he still opposes the policy. "I1
see a trend of restrictions on student rights and that
is what philosophically bothers me," he said.
The policy applies only to "planned, scheduled
activities in these designated areas," he said.
Student groups, faculty and staff, and various
other University-recognized organizations may
schedule use of the Diag in advance. Non-Univer-
sity parties may still use the Diag, but scheduled
users have priority.
The new policy also includes the idea of "shared
responsibility" for events.
"What we've tried to introduce is that it really
takes a joint ownership in terms of success of an
event," Cianciola said.
Stern attended the policy formulation meetings
this summer. He said he was pleased with the
movement away from student organizations shoul-
dering sole responsibility for attendees, but the
improvements do not go far enough.
"It is a public area and that is the responsibility
of the University," Stern said. "Unlike a ballroom
where there is a door ... in a public area you can not
stop who comes in."
The revision also addressed student complaints
that the old policy was confusing and vague.
"They definitely made this policy a lot clearer.".
Stern said. "They've made it easier to read and to
The new policy also specifies the number of
three-dimensional structures - such as shanties -
allowed in one commons area and outlines safety
guidelines. In particular, no openings may be large
enough to shelter hidden individuals.
The liberal climate on camp
fosters an environment op
to student activism.
You've gotten the University's
perspective on itself, now let
us tell you our side of the story.
- Section C
Debate on abortion
stalls discussion on
population control
From Staff and Wire Reports
CAIRO, Egypt - Amid accusations that the Vatican
has hijacked the conference on global population, U.N.
A, :-1t tn c -.-atrr :.n fr~crnr%..: t" r-s t l
50-foot smoke-free zone
cut from smoking policy
Welcome to the cultural mecca
of the Midwest repletewith rock
groups and museums.
For the Daily
Campus smokers taking their first
puffs of a cigarette this fall should be
forewarned - the University has a
new policy targeting them.
dent for student affairs, said that a few
buildings on campus will follow the
50-feet rule, including the Michigan
Union and University Hospitals.
Hartford also is a member of the
University's Initiative Policy Coun-
A small town with a big school,
A2 combines a pleasant
I ~ 4