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September 16, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-09-16

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* 1
@1. CIV, No. 125
Arbor, Michigan
* oator's
Ann Arbor tickets
almost 300,000 cars
per year
For the Daily
-Some University students feel that
truggling to find a spot in Ann Arbor
s often difficult and frustrating.
"Parking in Ann Arbor is ridicu-
ously inconvenient," said LSA sopho-
ore Kate DeMeester. "I would rather
alk than take my car."
Ignorance about potential parking
iolations contributes to an average
f 288,000 tickets to be issued in Ann
or each year. Parkers are ticketed
or a variety of reasons, the most
ommon being expired meter viola-
Three different groups can write
ckets for parking violations:
0 Police issue tickets, although this
s not their primary duty.
*The Department of Public Safety
ssues tickets on University property.
01 The chief ticket writer is the City
Ann Arbor Parking Enforcement
ivision. The division currently has a
aximum of 11 officers on duty at
ny time.
"The number of duty officers can
hange based on the number of viola-
rs," said Michael Scott of the Ann
or Parking System.
Some violators opt not to pay their
'ckets. Nonpayment of tickets causes
ost to increase as the tickets reach
ertain stages of delinquency.
Violators with four or more tick-
ts that have, reached final or default
tatus may have their vehicles im-
unded. The vehicles can remain so
ntil all outstanding fees are paid.
Many Ann Arbor parkers do man-
ge to get it right and feed the meters.
he 1993-94 meter revenue for the
of Ann Arbor totaled $2,185,633.
Some ticketed University students
ave noticed an increase in a viola-
on called "parked at post." The fee
r that ticket starts at $15.
Scott explained that most meters
See PARKING, Page 2

e pVn


One hundred three years of editorial freedom

Friday, September 16, 1994
01994 The Michigan Daily


Clinton to


'Your time is up'

Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - With military preparations point-
ing to an imminent U.S. invasion of Haiti, President Clinton
delivered a blunt message to the Caribbean nation's military
leaders last night: "Your time is up. Leave now or we will
force you from power.
"We have exhausted diplomacy," the president said.
"Now the United States must protect its interests: to stop the
brutal atrocities that threaten tens of thousands of Haitians,
to secure our borders and preserve stability in our hemi-
sphere and to promote democracy and uphold the reliability
of our commitment around the world."
Clinton insisted that he was moving toward the use of
military force only after exhausting all other avenues for
restoring Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the only freely elected
president in Haiti's history, to the office he lost in a Sept. 30,
1991 coup.
"I know that the United States cannot and should not be
the world's policeman," Clinton said. "But we have a
responsibility to respond when inhumanity offends our
values. And we have a particular interest in stopping brutal-
ity when it occurs so close to our shores."
Clinton's nationally-televised speech from the White
House marked his first full-scale effort to lay out the case for
U.S. intervention. He sought both to frighten Haiti's defiant
dictators into giving up without a fight and - failing that -
to persuade a skeptical American public that restoring
democracy to the impoverished island nation is worth its
cost in blood and treasure.
He faced an uphill task with both audiences.
In Port-au-Prince, Lt. Gen. Raul Cedras, interviewed by
CBC-TV immediately after Clinton's address, declared, "I
will fight with my people and I am prepared to die."
In an earlier interview with the network, he had said that
a U.S. invasion would lead to civil war and a "massacre." He
predicted "loss of life on both sides and also civilian casu-
In the United States, meanwhile, public opinion polls
and scattered anti-invasion demonstrations continued to
underline just how far Clinton has to go to make his case on
the home front. An ABC News poll released Monday found
that 73 percent of Americans oppose a U.S. invasion of Haiti
and 60 percent say that the country's vital interests are not
at stake. Other polls have produced similar results. And on
Capitol Hill, anti-invasion sentiment was growing in both
the Senate and House.
Shortly before Clinton's speech, Defense Secretary Wil-
liam Perry announced that about 1,600 military reservists
will be called up for possible service in Haiti, a step that is
almost unavoidable under the Pentagon's present system of
organizing its forces but one that surely will make the
operation even more controversial.
Reserve call-ups disrupt the lives of the individuals
involved and can affect their families, employers and com-
munities. Under the Pentagon's present manpower system,
See HAITI, Page 12


A man searches through garbage for cans in the shadow of the Law Library
yesterday afternoon.
ComputerS a must
in Calif. coleges?

President Clinton glances over his speech last night as
he addresses a skeptical American public to make the
case for U.S. intervention in Haiti.
Students nweigh
factors in Haiti
Daily Staff Reporter
University students were divided last night on possible
U.S. intervention in Haiti, following President Clinton's
televised address to the nation.
College Democrats Co-ChairMike Pokrywka applauded
the resolution. "I'm surprised it's taken so long for Clinton
to come to that decision," he said.
"Obviously he thought it through.... I hope the public
gets behind the president because we need to support the
However, College Republicans President Mark Fletcher
does not support Clinton's decision to intervene in the
Caribbean nation.
"A lot of people will probably say that Clinton made a
See STUDENTS, Page 12

Daily Staff Reporter
College may soon take a bigger
byte out of students' wallets, if a
California proposal passes.
Three of the state's universities
are considering requiring students to
purchase a computer for their classes.
Sonoma State, Humboldt State and
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo universities
have made such a proposal to Chancel-
lor Barry Munitz, who heads the Cali-
fornia State University (CSU) system
which includes nine other campuses.

"We have many students who
don't have access to computers," said
Steve MacCarthy, CSU director of
public relations.
If approved, the proposal would
be the most extensive computer re-
quirement at any public university in
the country, supporters say.
Students would be expected to
purchase a computer of their choice,
largely for papers and electronic mail.
"It would be like textbooks," said
Lisa Rupert, a Sonoma State sopho-

ormer '
Daily Staff Reporter
Hazing in the state of Michigan may
cone a criminal offense, if one Uni-
ersity student's proposal becomes law.
Because an estimated 38 states al-
ady have anti-hazing laws, LSA se-
ior Dave Garcia and the University
ded it was time to catch up.
e anti-hazing proposal is the re-
lt of months of hard work last sum-
erby Garcia, who is also the chairman
f the Michigan Union Board of Repre-
ntatives and president of Pi Kappa
hi fraternity.
Garcia said he sympathizes with the
light of the first-year student who sub-

U' IFC vice president drafts anti-hazing legislation

mits to hazing to belong. "I just don't
think anyone has the right to treat any-
one that way."
The proposal currently sits on the
desk of Maureen Hartford, vice presi-
dent for student affairs. From there,
Garcia hopes to gain the support of the
community, the University and other
major universities.
After the November elections,
Garcia hopes he and others can then
engage in a unified effort to lobby the
state legislature to ensure that Michigan
criminalizes hazing.'
LSA senior Julie Stacey, the
Panehellenic Association president,
supports the idea. If there is a threat of

a fine, jail term or criminal record,
"There's a good chance that it may
have" a deterrent effect on those not
discouraged by current measures, she
Garcia's work was part of Leader-
ship 2017, a program Hartford estab-
lished this summerto give student lead-
ers a chance to learn and work on major
projects for the University and the com-
munity. Garcia worked closely with
Mary Lou Antieau, the judicial adviser
for the Statement of Student Rights and
Responsibilities, the University's code
of non-academic conduct. Antieau also
holds a law degree, so she was able to
advise Garcia in legal research as he

extensively reviewed several legal pe-
riodicals and state laws regarding haz-
ing rituals.
Antieau said she believes such a law
is important because "I'm very con-
cerned generally about the attitudes
about hazing. ... There have been sev-
eral collegiate incidents already this
Antieau referred to one incident in
particular -the hazing ritual at Sigma
Phi Epsilon fraternity Sept.4 that landed
a pledge in the hospital after heavy
alcohol consumption.
Although the University's code has
provisions for punishment of individu-
als who engage in hazing, it does not

allow entire organizations, like frater-
nities or sororities, to be charged.
The anti-hazing proposal has gained
widespread support among student lead-
ers. Garcia said his proposal is backed
by MSA President Julie Neenan, Inter-
fraternity Council President Kirk Wolfe
and Panhellenic's Stacey.
"I think Dave Garcia is a true cham-
pion of people on this campus and
Greeks all over the country," Stacey
said. "I believe hazing to be a really
poor way to try to bring people closer
Garcia based the proposal on an
essay by University of Nebraska pro-
fessor Daryll M. Halcomb Lewis, as

well as the Massachusetts state anti-
hazing statute.
Garcia's proposal describes four de-
grees of hazing and their consequences.
The offenses range from failing to report a
known hazing incident -punishable by
a maximum $1,000 fine-to engaging in
hazing conduct that causes serious physi-
cal injury or death - punishable by a
maximum of life imprisonment.
Wolfe said he is definitely supportive
of such measures. "Dave's put a lot of
work into this policy and Ithink it's some-
thing that the Interfraternity Council will
stand behind," he said. "'This is a policy
that will allow us to have better control
over hazing incidents in the future."

oday's Festifali brings
roups to students
Event to take place provide step shows. The Wolverettes,
the cheerleading group, and the Soci-
on Diag from ety for Creative Anachronism will
.11 a.m.-4 p.m. also be part of the show.
Shorin-Ryu Karate-do will per-
By ANDREW TAYLOR form a Dragon Dance.
Daily Staff Reporter If it rains, Festifall will take place
Couch potatoes beware! next Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Nearly 250 student groups need The weather forecast for today
embers and today they are locking calls for party sunny skies and a
r you. high in the mid-80s. However, there


To be considered or not considered as an in-
state resident for tuition? Students are taking
the University's residency policy to court in a
challenge sure to provoke thought on campus,
around the country and in our pocketbooks. By
Frank C. Lee.
The Stratford Festival in Ontario begins a new

Investigators find new clues about
Monday's White House plane crash

WASHINGTON-Federal investigators have
discovered that the pilot who crashed a small plane
on the White House grounds turned on a radar
beacon designed to pinpoint his location for air-
traffic controllers as he approached northwestWash-
ington in the final minutes of his fatal flight.
But Frank Corder, the Cessna pilot who died in
the crash, did not use the proper location code for
the transponder, as the device is known, and didn't
attempt to contact controllers as required, a source
close to the investigation said yesterday.
A skeleton crew works at National Airport in the

makes it unclear what he was trying to do,
investigators said.
Corder was able to steal the plane because it
had been rented earlier in the evening, and the
renter returned the plane with the keys on the
pilot's seat because the office was closed, in-
vestigators said.
Contrary to earlier reports that Corder ap-
proached the White House with the plane's
engine turned off, officials have determined
that the engine was running at the time of the
No suicide note has been found.

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