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April 15, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-04-15

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Hitters fall
to EMU 5-4


f anh

ti 'gglilk

t One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Kight, Hartford debate the release of code records

Two campus leaders came head to
ead yesterday on the issue of the pub-
lic release of records regarding cases
heard under the Statement of Student
Rights and Responsibilities.
Former MSA Vice President Brian
Kight and Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen A. Hartford, both of
whom influenced the shape of the code
of non-academic conduct, defended
their long-held beliefs at the public
abound in
*U' Comm.
Assistant Communication Prof.
Jimmie Reeves wears a button on his
shirt that says, "Ungovernable," and
*aid he feels proud of it.
This is just one indication that the
Communication department is in a state
of governmental flux.
The current problems with the de-
partment began when then Prof. Neil
Malamuth resigned as chair in January,
embroiling the department in a debate
over its focus and future.
On Jan. 14, Goldenberg met with
#e department's faculty and notified
them of the decision to suspend their
bylaws and self-governance, effec-
tive July 1.
In a letter to the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) earlier this week, seven com-
munications professors - including
Reeves-requested an inquiry into the
procedures followed by LSA Dean Edie
,Poldenberg to suspend the
epartment's self-governance.
According to the letter, Goldenberg
"has not conveyed any formal docu-
ments to the department defining the
process by which she reached her deci-
sion nor the operating procedures the
College is following."
Many Communication faculty
members said they were confused
about when the suspension of the by-
*ws and executive committee would
take effect.
Assistant Prof. Richard Campbell,
a member of the department's execu-
tive committee, was one person who
signed the letter.
Yesterday, he asked the University
Board of Regents to investigate
Goldenberg's actions in regard to the
department during the public com-
ents section of its monthly meeting.
Campbell said he thought the by-
laws and executive committee were
disbanded in January. "There has been
no attempt to call an executive com-
mittee meeting, and I thought that
was because there was no executive
committee," he said.
Goldenberg did not send written
notification to the department of her
decisions. The dean said she addressed
Se department at a faculty meeting
because of the sensitive nature of the
issue, instead.

"She did it all verbally, and did not
send us a letter afterwards," said Prof.
Marion Marzolf, who signed the letter
Without bvlaws or written dire-

comments portion of the meeting of the
University Board of Regents.
Kight said the new format of the
release of records is "unacceptable," in
an address to the regents.
These new records are distilled ver-
sions of those released previously,
which related to the code of non-aca-
demic conduct. The current format lists
a case number, the accused code viola-
tion, the method for resolution and the
sanction, if applicable. The original
format also included a narrative ac-

count of an alleged violation.
Hartford defended the move by her
office to modify the policy regarding
the release of code records.
"Under FERPA (the Family Edu-
cation Rights and Privacy Act), we are
not allowed to release information that
could identify the person," Hartford
Hartford added she is waiting for a
decision by the Department of Educa-
tion to determine whether the Univer-
sity is in compliance with FERPA.

Kight strongly disagreed with
Hartford's analysis.
"Even if FERPA applies to disci-
plinary records, which is a matter of
contention, using FERPA as an excuse
to restrict the records when the names
are being obtained through public po-
lice records is a great stretch of the
law," he said.
"The actions have harmed not only
The (Michigan) Daily but also other
See RECORDS, Page 2

Housing search team meets Monday

Members of the Housing Director
Search Advisory Committee are hop-
ing students will attend a public com-
ments session Monday evening to pro-
vide their ideas as to the qualities de-
sired of a new director.
Still in its nascent stage, the 12-
member advisory committee charged
with compiling a small list of candi-

dates for the top spot, are soliciting
suggestions for the attributes they
should look for in their candidate selec-
Assistant to the Vice President for
Student Affairs Rodger Wolf, who will
be provided staff support for the com-
mittee, said, "We want people who
have concerns to come to public com-
See SEARCH, Page 2


2U.S. corpeter shot by
friendly fire over Iraq,

WASHINGTON (AP) - American fighter jets mis-
takenly shot down two U.S. Army helicopters over northern
Iraq yesterday, killing all 26 people aboard. "Something
went wrong," said the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and
President Clinton promised to find out what.
Fifteen American military officers and six officers from
Turkey, France and Britain were killed on a mission support-
ing the U.N. humanitarian relief operation for the Kurdish
minority in northern Iraq. Five Kurds also were killed.
The group planned to meet Kurdish leaders in Salahaddin,
the central region of the Kurdish zone.
The helicopters were shot down by two F-15C fighters
enforcing the "no-fly zone" over the area. Clinton expressed
"terrible sorrow" and pledged a thorough investigation.
At the Pentagon, Defense Secretary William Perry said'
the fighter pilots mistook the UH-60 Blackhawk choppers
for Iraqi "Hind" helicopters.
Both jets apparently had the helicopters in sight during
the daylight mission and both fired missiles, Perry said. An
AWACs reconnaissance plane was overseeing the helicop-
ters' flight.
"The pilots of the F-15s feel they had positively identi-
fied the Hinds," said Lt. Gen. Richard Keller, chief of staff
of the U.S. European Command in Stuttgart, Germany.
Audio and camera tapes from the aircraft will be studied in
the investigation, he said.
Asked what threat the helicopters might have posed that
justified shooting them down. Keller replied, "I honestly
don't know."
One F-15 fired a radar-seeking AMRAAM missile, the
other a heat-seeking Sidewinder, the general said in a
telephone briefing with reporters at the Pentagon.
Gen. John Shalikashvili, the Joint Chiefs chair, said the
order to shoot normally is given "on the scene" and not from
military commanders at the jets' base in Incirlik, Turkey.
"Clearly, something went wrong, and an investigation
will have to determine exactly what did go wrong," said the

Two American F-15 fight
jets shot down two
U.S. Army helicopters over
northern Iraq yesterday,
killing 26 people with missile fire.
The jet pilots, enforcing a "no-fly zone,".mistook the
Black Hawk helicopters for Iraqi Hind choppers.
How the two helicopters are the same:
Both the Hind and the Black Hawk are about 13 feet
9 Both reach maximum speeds of 208 mph.
8 Both have twin engines.
8 Both have tails that angle upward.
How the two helicopters are different:
N The Hind's nose is longer and slimmer
and may be up to 4 feet higher.
S The Black Hawk is about 8 feet longer.
The Black Hawk's tail also extends straight back.
four-star Army general, who spearheaded the relief effort
for the Kurds in 1991.
U.S. warplanes and helicopters normally use electronic
identification systems designed to tell friend from foe.
If proper procedures were followed, the helicopters'
identification beacons should have been operating rou-
tinely, Shalikashvili said. He did not say whether the Penta-
gon knew if the beacons were on or if they emitted the proper
coded messages.
Clinton said those who died were a part of a "mission of
mercy. They served with courage and professionalism, and
they lost their lives while trying to save the lives of others.
The important work they were doing must and will con-
tinue," he said.
The incident occurred at 3:30 a.m. EDT (9:30 a.m. local
time in Iraq) about 35 miles north of Irbil and not far from
the border with Turkey.

Two young women cut hair in the office of a local parking lot last night.

Cosby 's act to aid
scholarship fund
An evening of comedy with Bill Cosby will help raise
money for a newly created Law school scholarship.
The "Give Something Back Leadership Program" scholar-
ship carries the intentions that the recipient will go back to their
community to talk about the benefits of higher education.
Catherine Cureton of the Law school's Office of Media
Relations said she thought the incentive for the scholarship
came from Cosby himself.
"I belive Cosby approached the Law school to propose
doing a benefit," she said. "The word is that someone Cosby
worked with in the past expressed interest in law school, but
was daunted by the cost. (Cosby) wanted to do something to
make law school more achievable for people," she added.
Cureton said Cosby is an advocate of higher education. He
graduated from Temple University in Philidelphia and holds
a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts.
"I think a large part of the mentoring programwas Cosby's
idea," she said.

'U' releases
e-mail to
The University released electronic
documents under the state's Freedom
of Information Act for the first time
A computer conference printout of
REGCOMP, a conference used by
members of the University Board of
Regents, was given to The Ann Arbor
News, The Detroit Free Press and
Chetly Zarko, a University alum who
also requested a copy of the confer-
The conference was set up in 1986
to allow regents to become acquainted
with computing on campus and used as
a forum for discussion.
The newspapers also requested and

Business graduate student Liz Greer consults with Business senior Darren Berk, chair fo the
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program in Rm. 3909 of the Union. VITA will be open
to aid students with tax preparation until 6 p.m. today.

More than 20,000 die as fighting continues in Rwanda

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