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April 07, 1994 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-04-07

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 7, 1994

A'Hearn. Thomas
Antony, Paul
Cook, Kimberly
Crosby, Cornell
Devireddy, Chandan
Gray, Jeff
Henderson, Rashaunda
Holmes, Raquelle
Kober, Karrin
Landers, Megan
Leuthner, Denise
Lim. Indra
Shah, Purvi
Spearmon, Kelli
Dunlap. Jeffery
Francis, Anna
Levinson, Andrew
Loewenthal, Barbara.
Mack, Newton Eliot
McComb, Mary C.
Parikh, Viraj
Ramirez, Ben III
Rard, Trevin
Rogers, William T.
Akins, J. B. Loewenthal. Barbara
Antony, Paul Logue, Brett
Aragones. Joseph Magante. Tricia
Asselin, Monica Mahabir, Celeste
Baldwin. Grant Makarewict Carrie
Beattie, Lisa Maniar, Hersh
Becker. Tamara J. Margulus. Lisa
Bedi, Ajay Marquardt, Michelle S.
Bedi. Sundeep Matteson. Amy
Berk, Peter McComb. Dave
Berlin. Joanna McDougal. Dyanthe
Birnbaum, Jill Meghani, Mihir
Bisard, Mark Meister. Bob
Brinks, Maria Miodovnik, Ayal
Brooker. Corey Moe. Tom
Bullard. Eric Mondro, Erica
Burry. Laurie Morreak, Stephanie
Campbell. Douglas Mucha. Terrace
Carlson, Brad Muir. Eric
Carodine. Cristin Mull. Robert Jr.

Continued from page 1
Several female judges considered
early in Clinton's initial search also
are on the White House list of pros-
pects. And one administration offi-
cial floated a fresh name as a long shot
candidate: U.S. District Judge Ann
Claire Williams of Illinois, a45-year-
old woman named to the bench by
Ronald Reagan in 1985.
Solicitor General Drew Days also
was mentioned as a prospect, and
some in the administration and Con-
gress suggested Clinton might tap
Ne w sletters,
Big savings on newsletters for
all clubs, businesses, and

Attorney General Janet Reno.
After 24 years on the high court,
highlighted by his writing of the land-
mark abortion-rights decision,
Blackmun said it was time to move
on and give someone else a chance to
enjoy the "fantastic, intimateexperi-
"My goodness, 85 is old,"
Blackmun said.
The search is being led by new
White House Counsel Lloyd Cutler,
who is reviewing the process used to
build the prospects file and could
make fresh recommendations of his
own, a senior administration official
Cutler said both Mitchell and
Babbitt were prospects but also said
Clinton's working list would "prob-
ably reach double digits. ... I think it
really has to be a true search."
From his comments, it was clear
the White House had done research
on any possible roadblocks to nam-
ing a sitting senator to the court.
Cutler left open the possibility that
Mitchell could remain a member of
Congress after being confirmed by
the Senate. He added, "How politi-
cally possible it is, I wouldn't know."
"My guess is you're not going to
hear anything in the next week or
two," said Clinton adviser Bruce

Abortion Supporters,.
oponents divided on
Blackmun 's service

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LANSING (AP) - As long as
people disagree about abortion, they
will disagree about the legacy of retir-
ing U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry
That much was apparent yester-
day from reactions by activists on
both sides of the abortion issue to
Blackmun's announcement that he
will leave the court at the end of the
current term.
"To feminists and to pro-choice
activists, his memory will be revered.
He is truly a hero," said Carol King,
executive director of the Michigan
Abortion Rights Action League.
"He is a giant and he is one of the
few men of his generation who 'got
it.'... His courage and his understand-
ing, his compassion, his humanity
just emanated from all of his opin-
ions," King added.
Lynn Mills of Livonia, spokes-
person for the anti-abortion Opera-
tion Rescue, said Blackmun should
Continued from page 1
it to meet the needs of every child."
State Rep. Mary Schroer (D-Ann
Arbor) said she has worked with Smith
in the legislature.
"Alma is someone who doesn't let
go of an issue and I think we need
more people like that," Schroer said.
Schroer, who has been in the state
legislature for almost two years, said
she did not run for the position herself
because she wants to continue work-
ing in the legislature.
Jeff Gourdji, president of the Col-
Continued from page 1
turnout was disappointing despite
widespread media coverage, but he's
more optimistic this year. "We were
still able ticket over 3,000 cars in Ann
Arbor last year," he said.
Some of the worst fuel efficient
cars for their class include the Probe,
Eclipse, Saub 900, Dodge Viper and
the Ford Ranger. Some of the best
Continued from page 1
newed calls for a delay yesterday,
saying there should be more negotia-
tions on their demands for a separate
state for whites.
"Let me tell you, there will be no
postponement of the election, either
in the province of Natal or in any
section of the territory of Natal,"
Mandela declared to boisterous cheers
from the audience of about 800 youths
and chants of "ANC, ANC, ANC!"
"We will not postpone our free-
dom, because to postpone the elec-
tion means that we should postpone
our freedom."
The ANC leader said he is "full of
hope" going into the summit with
Buthelezi and Zwelithini. De Klerk is
also to attend.
Mandela said he would hold a
separate two-hour meeting with the
king tomorrow to reassure him his

be remembered "as a murderer of 3
million-plus babies. I'd hate to hav
that as my legacy to the world, that he
is the one who created law where
there is none."
Blackmun authored the high
court's 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision
declaring women have a constitutional
right to end their pregnancies.
His departure gives President
Clinton a second appointee on the
high court, but both sides agreed he i
likely to name anotherpro-choicejus-
tice. That's what he promised in his
1992 campaign.
"It may not be much of a change
on the court at all," said Barbara List-
ing, president of Right to Life of
Michigan, the state's largest anti-abor-
tion group."I wouldn't anticipate any-
one appointed, at least in their creden-
tials or philosophy, to be much of
change from Blackmun, but once they
get on the court you often have sur-
lege Democrats, is serving as Smith's
campaign manager.
"I support Elma because I've been
very impressed by the issues that she's
committed to," Gourdji said.
College Republicans PresidenO
John Damoose said he expects strong
Republican candidates for the seat.
"If this woman has the same poli-
tics as Lana Pollack, then I don't
think she's going to fair too well. The
state is much better without Lana
Pollack around," Damoose said.
The only other candidate to an-
nounce is Deputy County Treasurer
Ken Schwartz, also a Democrat.
include the Geo Metro, Chevy Cava-
lier and the Jeep Comanche.
Anyone wishing to participate is
invited to meet on the steps of the
Union at 11 a.m., noon or 3 p.m. and
give as much time as they can.
"I think it's a great idea because it
makes people (who are ticketed) aware
of the problem and makes them think
about air pollution and their part in
it," Walther said.
monarchy would not be imperiled by
the ANC-led coalition government
likely to emerge from the elections.
A de Klerk adviser, Chris Fismer,
told the Durban Daily News that de
Klerk also will oppose postponing
the ballot in Natal, believing it would
only add to instability in theregion by
encouraging those fomenting the vio-
A committee representing the
South African government, Zulu na-
tionalists and the Independent Elec-
toral Commission, which is organiz-
ing national elections April 26-28,
concluded Tuesday it was not pos-
sible at present to hold fair elections
in Natal.
The report cited the high level of
political intolerance and fear; large-
scale intimidation; the failure of
KwaZulu authorities to assist in free
and fair elections; and the inability of
South African police to protect the
entire region during elections.

Chambers-Price, Christa
Chen. Conrad
Chenet, Kyle
Cherng. Chi-Pei
Chu. Roland
Cieslikowski. Robert
Clune. Julie
Combs. Allison
Corral, Jill
Cowles. Jennifer
Disch, Matt
Dunlap. Jeffery
Ferris, Holly
Field. Timothy
Ford. Charles
Fox. Lori B.
Friedman, Robert
Gallagher. Amelia
Gallagher, Amy
Galland. Jannifer
Geist, Christopher C.
Golan. Howard
Gould, Emily
Gowie. Kim
Greenburg. Tony
Greenlee. Geoff
Grosberg, Michael
Guerrero. Julie
Guidinger. Mary
Gutierrez, Jeremy
Haddrill, Kathy
Haddrill, Steve
Haft, Greg
Hair. Jacki
Hannewald, Marcia L.
Henderson. Rashaunda
Hilgert, Jeannette
Holmes, Raguelle
Howard, Lisa
Huang. Jackson
Ingels, Michelle
Jaffe. David M.
Jaffy, Lynn
Jensen, Arjay
Joosten, Tim
Kates, Lisa
Katz, Jeremy
Kim, John D.

Murphy. Braden
Nagaprakash. Kavitha
Nair, Phil
Neuwirth. Jill
Nieto, Hilda
Novak, Mary Ann
O'Shaughnessy, Shawn P.
Oberg. Ted
Olson. Amy
Parikh. Viraj
Patel, Malini
Pinchem. Cherie
Puthran, Roopa J.
Regester. Kristen
Riley. Jason
Rogers. William T.
Rolka, Jeff
Rose, John
Rubenstein, Joel Howard
Sanhueza. Teresa
Scholten, Kim
Schultz. Marty
Schwartz, Susanne
Segal. Heidi Ann
Shah, Darshana
Sieber. Elizabeth
Silverstein, Julie
Smith, Gary P.
Speakes, Robin
Stashko, Joe
Stern, Rebecca
Stevens, Wendy P
Stewart, Alicia
Stone, Jon
Stopnik, Matthew
Sundue, R. Paul
Sussman, Lee
Taneja, Vikash, K.
Taylor, Andrea
Thompson. Chris
Thompson, Kristi
Tolvay, Kinga
Tomlinson, Michael
VanDerWege. Brad
Wen, Maria
White, Jeff
Whitmer, Karissa
Wotta. Marcie
m _ .

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students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $90.
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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NEWS David Shepardson, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nate Hurley, Mona Qureshi, Karen Sabgir, Karen Talaski.
STAFF: Robin Barry, Hope Calati, James R. Cho. Lashawnda Crowe, Rebecca Detken, Lisa Dines, Sam T. Dudek, Ronnie Glassberg,
Michele Hatty, Katie Hutchins. Judith Kafka, Maria Kovac, Andrea MacAdam, Patricia Montgomery, James M. Nash. Zachary M. Raimi,
Rachel Sctrartman, Megan Schimpf. Shari Sitron, Mpatanislhi Tayari, Lara Taylor, Michelle Lee Thompson, Maggie Weyhing, April Wood.
Scot Woods.
GRAPHICS: Jonathan Bemdt (Editor), Jennifer Angeles. Andrew Taylor.
EDITORIAL Sam Goodstein, Flint Wainess, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Julie Becker, Jason Lichtstein.
STAFF: Cathy Boguslaski, Eugene Bowen, Jed Friedman, April Groff, Patrick Javid, Jeff Keating, Jim Lasser, Mo Park, Elisa Smith, Allison
Stevens, Beth Wierzbinski.
SPORTS Chad A. Safran, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Rachel Bachman, Brett Forrest. Tim Rardin. Michael Rosenberg. Jaeson Rosenfeld.
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Paul Barger, Tom Bausano. Charlie Breitrose, Aaron Burns. Scott Burton, Ryan Cuskaden, Marc Diller, Darren
Everson, Ravi Gopal, Ryan Herrington,. Brett Johnson. Josh Kaplan, Josh Karp, Will McCahill, Brent McIntosh, Dan McKenzie, Antoine
Pis. Melinda Roco, J.L Rostam-Abadi, Melanie Schuman, Dave Schwartz. Tom Seeley,nBrian Sklar, Tim Smith, Elisa Sneed, Barry
Solienberger, Doug Stevens, Jeremy Strachan. Ken Sugiura. Ryan White, Heather Windt.
ARTS Melissa Rose Bernardo, Nima fodaei, Editors
EDITORS: Jason Carroll (Theater), Tom Erlewine (Music), Rona Kobell (Books), Darcy Lockman (Weekend etc.), John R. Rybock
(Weekend etc.), Michael Thompson (Film).
STAFF: Jordan Atlas, Nicole Baker, Matt Carison, Jin Ho Chung, Thomas Crowley, Andy Dolan. Ben Ewy, Johanna Flies, Josh Herrington,
Kristen Knudsen, Karen Lee, Gianluca Montatti, Heather Phares, Scott Plagenhoef. Marni Raitt. Austin Ratner, Dirk Schulze, Liz Shaw,
Sarah Stewart, Alexandra Twin. Ted Watts.
PHOTO Michelle Guy, Evan Petrie, Editors
STAFF: Anastasia Banicki, Mark Friedman, Mary Koukhab, Elizabeth Lippman, Jonathan Lurie, Rebecca Margolis, Judith Perkins, Joe







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