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April 07, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-04-07

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STennis aces
St.ate, 6-1

Page 5

One hundred three years of editorial freedom


Michigan company manufactures caskets with school spirit

By MAGGIE WEYHING 'I don't know if I Would buy one, but I could see it for a die-
* Some people never leave college behind. hard fan - no pun intended.'
For the past few years, Oak Grove Interna- - Ann Liewellyn
tional, located in Manistee, Mich., has been
manufacturing caskets decorated in school LSA sophomore
"One of our distributors came up with the fiber glass of the exterior of the coffin, and the casket in maize and blue, they are currently
idea. A customer and strong university alum- outside color is then off-set with the velvet getting one ready to display at upcoming
nus had requested a red and white casket," inside."The most colorful and outrageous re- casket shows in Ohio and Indiana.
said manager Gary Graham. quest that we've had so far was bright orange "So far, red and white for Indiana Univer-
Graham compared the construction of such for some school in Tennessee," Graham said. sity is the most popular," Graham said.
caskets to a boat hull. The colors are in the Although Oak Grove has yet to make a Could there be a future demand for maize

and blue?
Jerry Sigler, associate director of the Uni-
versity Alumni Association, has mixed views.
"There are alumni out there that are fanati-
cal enough about the University to buy one.
Personally, I don't think that I would want to
go that way, but there are a lot of people who
do everything in maize and blue," Sigler said.
However, as far as marketing blue and
gold caskets along with its usual sweat-shirts,
tee-shirts and hats, Sigler says that the Alumni
Association would rather leave that business
to the funeral homes.

Because most students strive to depart the
University in four years, taking the colors to
the grave may not sound attractive.
"I think that it is totally stupid to be buried
in a maize and blue casket unless your name
is James Duderstadt. That is not how I'd like
to be remembered unless those colors put
mega-bucks in my pocket," said Teneka
Johnson, an LSA first-year student.
Others view the suggestion as a possibility."I
don't know if I would buy one, but I could see it
for a die-hard fan - no pun intended," said Ann
Llewellyn, an LSA senior.

--------------------- ---- ------------ -

aide to run
*for state
Senate seat
The University's first Black ten-
ured professor and Ann Arbor's first
Black mayor, Albert Wheeler, died
Monday. Despite this recent loss, his
* daughter, Alma Wheeler Smith, is
running for state Sen. Lana Pollack's
(D-Ann Arbor) seat - with Pollack's
Smith - whose son Conan ran for
vice president of the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly in March - an-
nounced her candidacy yesterday to a
group of about 60 people at Maude's
0 "Having worked with Lana for
eight years, I knew there were a lot of
issues we shared and wanted com-
pleted and I knew I was the one who
could do that," Smith said.
Smith has served as Pollack's leg-
islative coordinator for the past eight
years. She also served eight years on
the South Lyon School Board and is
now a Washtenaw County commis-
Pollack, who is leaving her seat to
run for the U.S. Senate, said she is
usually reluctant to become involved
in Democratic primaries, but said
Smith will deal with many of the
same issues she has worked on.
"I think she will be a very strong
person in a Republican state Senate
that wants to shut out the voices for
education, for job training, for the

In revenge for Hebron,
car bomb klills 8 Israelis

AFULA, Israel (AP) -- Yaacov
Rahamim gestured toward three chil-
dren wrapped from head to foot in
bandages, victims of a car bomb that
killed eight people and injured 45
yesterday in revenge for the Hebron
"My feeling is that there will never
be peace," Rahamim said as he vis-
ited his injured son Kadouri, 13, in the
hospital. Kadouri was burned on his
forehead, shoulders and hands in the
suicide attack.
"All they know is how to kill chil-
dren," Rahamim added.
"Maya! Maya! It's not true. It's
not true," said Jaffa Elharar, the
mother of one of the dead - Maya
Elharar, an 18-year old high school
The explosion occurred at about
12:30 p.m. in the northern town of
Afula near a city bus stop close to
three high schools.
As a bus pulled up to the stop and
some students crowded around, a blue

Opel parked 10 feet in front of the bus
erupted in a fire cloud. Some students
had finished school for the day.
"Two boys were burning like
torches. They came running toward
me, and I took one and doused the
flames with a rag and then I ripped off
his clothes," said Albert Amos, a driv-
ing teacher. "He was burned all over.
When I touched him pieces of his skin
came off in my hand."
Afula, a factory and agriculture
town in the northern Galilee region, is
surrounded by Arab villages and is
six miles from the occupied West
Bank town of Jenin. At least one of
the dead was an Arab woman.
The Islamic militant group Hamas
claimed responsibility for the attack,
saying it was in revenge for the Feb.
25 massacre in a Hebron mosque.
The car used in the attack was a
heap of charred and twisted metal
next to the bus stop. The body of the
suicide driver lay next to it.
Like the killings in Hebron, which

took place inside a mosque on a day of
prayer during the holy month of
Ramadan, the Afula attack was felt
intensely because of the teen-age ca-
sualties and because it came on the
eve of Holocaust Day, when Israel
mourns the slaughter of six million
Jews by the Nazis.
"Today, the eve of Holocaust Re-
membrance Day, we paid a terrible
price for being Jews, for wanting to
live peacefully and independently in
the Land of Israel," President Ezer
Weizman said in a nationally broad-
cast ceremony.
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres
conceded that "it is clear that when an
incident like this happens support for
the peace process dwindles." He and
other officials indicated they would
proceed with the peace talks.
Opponents of the peace talks or-
ganized demonstrations in numerous
cities. In Afula, students chanted
"Death to Arabs" and "Baruch
Goldstein, We Love You."

Alma Wheeler Smith announces her candidacy for the state Senate seat
held by Lana Pollack (D-Ann Arbor). Pollack endorsed Smith yesterday.

environment," Pollack said. "She
knows how to work through a prob-
lem; she knows how to negotiate."
When Smith's father ran for mayor
in 1974, Pollack became friends with
him through her work in local poli-
"Al Wheeler told me that when he
came to the University of Michigan,
there was no place for Black students
to get housing, no place for Jewish
students to get housing," Pollack said.

"I have enormous respect for Alma as
a person and I know her strengths
come from her parents."
Smith said some of her main con-
cerns include children, families, edu-
cation, the environment and the
"We need to be very forceful about
how we support education in this
state," Smith said. "Education in this
state has to have the resources behind
See SMITH, Page 2

Clinton to name
2d justice to court


dent Clinton promised yesterday to
choose a nominee "of genuine stat-
ure" to fill his second vacancy on a
Supreme Court delicately split on
major issues. He saluted retiring Jus-
tice Harry A. Blackmun as a relent-
less defender of the rights of every-
day Americans.
"The shoes are large," Clinton said
as he wished Blackmun well in retire-
ment and intensified his search for a
replacement. "The role that he filled
on this court is terribly important."
Blackmun informed Clinton in
January that this would be his last
year on the court, so the president had
a head start in his search for a succes-
sor. "Yes, I've been thinking about
it," Clinton said.
Clinton said he would fill the va-
cancy in "an appropriate and timely
fashion," but aides said it probably
would be several weeks before an

There was a flurry of speculation,
and administration officials did not
dispute that Senate Majority Leader
George Mitchell was high on the
president's list. Interior Secretary
Bruce Babbitt also was mentioned.
Mitchell said he had not received
an offer but would certainly consider
one. Babbitt said he was not inter-
ested and had relayed that to the presi-
dent. "I very much want to stay put,"
he said.
A handful of federal judges also
were said to be on Clinton's list of
prospective nominees, including Ap-
peals Judge Stephen G. Breyer of
Boston, a runner up to Ruth Bader
Ginsburg in Clinton's first search.
Others were U.S. District Judge Jose
A. Cabranes of Connecticut and Ap-
peals Judge Richard Arnold of Little
Rock, Ark.
See BLACKMUN, Page 2

* In 1973, authored the Roe vs. Wade
decision that legalized abortion
0 In a 1977 decision, Blackmun wrote
that a blanket ban on lawyer
advertisements violated free-speech
Wrote 1985 opinion that Congress
has almost unlimited power to force
state and local governments to comply
with federal laws.
w Wrote 1991 decision that said
employers may not bar women from
certain hazardous jobs just to protect
fetuses. A 1984 opinion he wrote
required states to, offer "clear and
convincing" evidence of parental
unfitness before severing all
parent-child ties.

Mandela rejects delay in elections
as 700 soliders deployed in Natal

Despite being several weeks into spring, cold weather brought snow and turned water on this car to ice yesterday.

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DURBAN, South Africa (AP) -
Nelson Mandela rejected any delay in

new troops gathered at Ladysmith in
northern Natal: most were to be sent

end the political violence. Blood
shed has increased in the weeks lead-

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