2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 23, 1994
Continued from page 1
articles in the Daily had threatened to
sue both the University and the Daily.
One such article detailed the theft
of a tree.
In November, University Depart-
ment of Public Safety officers appre-
hended seven students stealing a tree
near the Coliseum. The students were
charged with theft by University police.
The students were also separately
charged under the code for theft. While
the University wanted to keep the
names of the accused confidential, the
names had already been released by
the police.
To further avoid such disclosures,
the University has decided to keep the
details of code cases locked away. _
This latest move has been met with
criticism from both members of the
Board of Regents and students.
Regent Rebecca McGowan (D-
Ann Arbor) said she was surprised by
the decision and that she expected to
be informed officially soon.
"I was under the impression that if
I wanted to, I could walk into the
Office of Student Services (sic) and
say 'I want to read about the code,'
and now I can't."
McGowan was hesitant to say that
the University was in violation of the
code until she "had heard the
University's side."
But Brian Kight, MSA vice presi-
dent, said he believes the University is
in blatant violation of the code."
"The Office of Student Affairs has
unilaterally decided to keep private
these records. It is the public's loss,
not just the Daily's."
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Ar-
bor) said this development was "un-
"It is clear that the University will
have to look at some kind of disclo-
sure which will protect privacy,"
Power said. But he added that he has
not "formed a view on the issue" be-
cause he had not learned of the change
until yesterday.
University officials claim that
former editors of the Daily entered
into an agreement not to publish names.
Lew Morrissey, the University's
Freedom of Information officer, said
he was under the impression that the
editors of the Daily had entered into
an agreement not to print the names of
students brought up under the code.
Former Daily Editor in Chief Josh
Dubow, said the then-editors had
"never made any such agreement."
Continued from page I.
The Feb. II ruling by Washtenaw
County Circuit Court Judge Patrick
Conlin stemmed from a Sept. 29
Michigan Supreme Court ruling that
declared the presidential search "ille-
In denying the request for the docu-
ments, the University's FOIA officer,
Lew Morrissey, cited reasons of pri-
vacy and that Conlin's order prohib-
ited disclosure of the documents to
the Daily, or any other media outlets.
Morrissey and other University
officials have read Conlin's order as a
"penalty" to be "paid" to the News
and the Free Press.
He said no other media organiza-
tion requested the documents during
the lawsuit.
Morrissey said University attor-
neys made the decision two weeks
ago not to appeal the order.
"The University attorneys decided
not to appeal the decision; they could
Under an agreement reached with
the University, neither the News nor
the Free Press will publish any of the
records until Saturday.
Continued from page 1
Brown said he voted for candi-
dates from the Michigan Party and
the Students' Party, based on cam-
paign literature.
Tomica Williams, an LSA senior
who has voted in most MSA elec-
tions, said she voted for the DO Party
because of its views. "It's going for
no racism and equality through cam-
pus," Williams said.
Business junior Mike Beaton said
he voted for candidates from the Stu-
dents' Party."I voted specifically be-
cause I know some representatives
running," Beaton said.
LS A sophomore Lindse
Winegarden voted for the first time in
this election.
"A bunch of my friends are run-
ning," Winegarder said."Ireally don't
know much about (MSA) at all."
Winegarden said she voted for can-
didates from the Outsider Party.
Poll workers include members of
student organizations and MSA repre-
sentatives not running in this electiog
Many student organizations stat
the poll sites to raise money for their
n ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur.
OneonlysmeSt with one's heart.
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Continued from page 1
Craig Greenberg said the 30 minutes of
constituents' time expired.
Rackham Rep. Janelle White then
made a motion to extend constitu-
ents' time, but Greenberg failed to
recognize her.
Following this, the meeting split
in half, with AATU supporters on one
side of the room and the rest of the
assembly on the other.
LSA Rep. Brian Clune made a
motion to suspend the rules, which
takes a two-thirds vote, to consider
recalling MSA's appointees to the
AATU board. Clune's motion failed
in a 13-7 vote.
RC junior Donna Bryan, a mem-
ber of Queer Action, said she is con-
cerned about the issue.
"If these members continue to be
on the AATU board, you're going to
find a lot of resistance among your
constituents," she said.
Public Health Rep. Meg Whittaker
said AATU needs to accept the
mediator's report. She said the lef
wing representatives on MSA need
work to have more liberals appointed
to AATU's board.
"They beat us to the punch and
we're going to have to learn to live
with it," she said.
AATU supporters continued gath-
ering, and Greenberg attempted to
continue with the meeting. But in the
beginning of the agenda, House mad
a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Greenberg said since no one ob-
jected, the meeting was adjourned.
"The meeting would not have been
adjourned if people were paying at-
tention," Greenberg said. "It's a shame
that people don't respect the order of
the meeting."
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Continued from page 1
grees of experience and interaction
with so-called "gangsta rap" music.
The term "gangsta rap" is often
used to refer to rap music with violent
or sexist lyrics and has spurred na-
tionwide debate and media attention.
Panelist David Bomar, a graduate
of Eastern Michigan University and
active volunteer in Detroit's inner city,
commented that the definition of this
term has been blurred.
"'Gangsta rap' is a title that has
been put on every type of rap," he
said. "All rap is not 'gangsta rap."'
The discussion began with each
panelist answering one or two prear-
ranged questions concerning issues such
as media attention, violent lyrics and
community response to rap music.
Most agreed that while negative
images of African Americans in gen-
eral - specifically African American
women - do exist in rap, the words
merely signify larger societal problems.
"Music for African Americans has
been a way to express their hopes and
beliefs since being brought to th'
country," said panel member an
School of Nursing Prof. Elizabeth
Allen. "Right now African American
youths are in extreme crisis."
Another panelist, LSA senior Ain
Boone, agreed. "You can'tjustchange
the music and expect to change the
people," she said.
In the second hour of the program,
audience members commented an
asked questions. Most speakers v
calized views similar to those of the
"Rap is being scape-goated," one
man said.
"We're talking about the symptom
and not the problem," added another.
One woman complained that no
rap music was played during the dis-,
The only comment that receiv*
resounding applause, however, was
made by a woman expressing her
personal decision to use the word
"bitch" regardless of gender or race.
"A bitch is a bitch," she said.
Continued from page 1
extra patrols this weekend, at least for
Friday. But if Michigan wins Friday,
we may have to put out some extra
patrols Saturday."
Police also are prepared to deal
with larger outbreaks of violence.
Under a county-wide mutual aid pact,
officers from other departments would
assist in quelling serious disruptions.
But tear gas and batons aren't the
only weapons against post-game vio-
lence. MSA and University officials
are cooperating on events beginning
Friday to provide alternatives to
drunken post-game revelry.
"We want to provide a support
mechanism for the team that people
want to do instead of going out and
getting blitzed," said Vice President
for University Relations Walter
Harrison. "We did a similar thing last
year, but we didn't sit down and plan
it until about four days before (th
MSA, city, University and police
representatives first met last Tues-
day. They will hold another meeting
Monday morning.
In a speech to the Ann Arbor City
Council early yesterday, MSA city
liaison Andrew L. Wright advertised
the assembly's slate of "Michigan
Madness" events. The events begin
with food specials at the MUG and t
Club on Friday and Sunday.
During the Final Four tournament,
"Michigan Madness" organizers plan
to sponsorprize drawings, a rock band,
free transportation, performances by
the Michigan Marching Band and
cheerleaders, and T-shirt giveaways.
A behind-
look at work,
! Ine m £I vOgnay lly( I vNu-:: 59 7is puuisieu viunuay irougn rinay during tne fali ano winter terms oy
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Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. On-campus subscrip-
tions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
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NEWS David Shepardson, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nate Hurley, Mona Qureshi, Karen Sabgir, Karen Talaski.
STAFF: Robin Barry, Hope Calati, James R. Cho, Lashawnda Crowe, Rebecca Detken, Lisa Dines, Sam T. Dudek, Ronnie Gassberg,
Michele Hatty, Katie Hutchins. Judith Kafka. Andrea MacAdam, James M. Nash, Zachary M. Raimi. Rachel Scharfman, Megan Schimpf,
Shari Sitron, Mpatanishi Tayari, Lara Taylor, Michelle Lee Thompson, Maggie Weyhing, April Wood, Scot Woods.
GRAPHICS: Jonathan Berndt (Editor), Kimberly Albert, Jennifer Angeles, Andrew Taylor.
EDITORIAL Sam Goodstein, Flint Wainess, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Julie Becker, Jason Lichtstein.
STAFF Cathy Bogusiaski, Eugene Bowen, Jed Friedman, April Groff. Patrick Javid, Jeff Keating, Jim Lasser, Mo Park, Elisa Smith, Allison
Stevens. Beth Wierzbinski.
SPORTS Chad A. Safran, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Rachel Bachman, Brett Forrest. Tim Rardin, Michael Rosenberg, Jaeson Rosenfeld.
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Paul Barger. Tom Sausano, Charlie Breitrose, Aaron Burns, Scott Burton, Ryan Cuskaden, Marc Diller, Darren
Everson, Ravi Gopal, Ryan Herrington. Brett Johnson, Josh Kaplan, Josh Karp, Will McCahill, Brent McIntosh, Dan McKenzie, Antoine
Pitts, Melinda Roc, J.L. Rostam-Abadi. Melanie Schuman. Dave Schwartz, Tom Seeley. Tim Smith, Elisa Sneed, Barry Sollenberger,
Doug Stevens, Jeremy Strachan, Ken Sugiura, Ryan White.
ARTS Melissa Rose Bernardo, Nima Hodael, Editors
EDITORS: Jason Carroll (Theater). Tom Erlewine (Music). Rona Kobel (Books), Darcy Lbckman (Weekend etc.), John R. Rybock
(Weekend etc.), Michael Thompson (Film).
STAFF: Jordan Atlas, Nicole Baker, Matt Carlson, Jin Ho Chung, Thomas Crowley, Andy Dolan, Ben Ewy, Johanna Flies, Josh Herrington,
Kristen Knudsen. Karen Lee, Gianluca Montalti, Heather Phares, Scott Plagenhoef, Marni Raitt, Austin Ratner, Dirk Schulze, Liz Shaw,
Sarah Stewart, Alexandra Twin. Ted Watts.
PHOTO Michelle Guy, Evan Petrie, Editors
STAFF: Anastasia Banicki, Mark Friedman, Mary Koukhab, Elizabeth Lippman, Jonathan Lurie, Rebecca Margolis, Judith Perkins, Joe
Westrate, Sarah Whiting. Chris Wolf.
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