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March 23, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-23

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* One hundred three years of editorial freedom

S. Korea to
ask. China
4o intercede
in standoff
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -
Tensions on the world's most heavily
armed border escalated yesterday,
with North Korea accusing South
Korea of provoking war, and South
orea saying it needs better security
o ensure peace.
South Korean President Kim
Young-sam said he would ask China,
North Korea's only major ally, to help
ease the standoff on the peninsula.
North Korea's official news
agency called South Korea's plans to
deploy Patriot missiles and conduct
military exercises with the United
tates "provocative steps ... and a
eclaration of war."
North Korea, after refusing to al-
low full inspections of sites where it is
suspected of developing nuclear
weapons, threatened Monday to pull
out of an international nuclear con-
trols treaty. That could lead to a U.S.
push for international sanctions.
China has backed efforts to get
North Korea to permit the inspec-
*ons. But Chinese Premier Li Peng
suggested yesterday that China would
not support economic sanctions.
"If pressure is applied on this is-
sue, that can only complicate the situ-
ation on the Korean peninsula and it
will add to the tension there," Li said
in Beijing.
In Washington, State Department
spokesperson Michael McCurry said
inese officials have indicated their
'rillingness to work with the United
States on the Korean situation.
Tensions have risen sharply in the
past week because of the North
Korea's refusal to allow full nuclear
inspections or to exchange envoys
with South Korea. The envoys were
to have discussed ways to make the
peninsula nuclear-free.
On Monday, Pyongyang renewed
* year-old threat to withdraw from the
Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty,
which it joined in 1985.
The International Atomic Energy
Agency, based in Vienna, referred the
issue to the U.N. Security Council,
opening the way for sanctions.
No proposal for sanctions has been
made, but the five permanent mem-
bers of the Security Council were
eeting privately yesterday afternoon
discuss the North Korean situation.
McCurry said a resolution warn-
ing North Korea it risked sanctions
could be ready for U.N. Security
Council consideration later this

' '

seals all

code records

Records detailing cases brought
before the University's non-academic
code of conduct are no longer avail-
able for scrutiny by the University
Board of Regents, the public or the
The Office of Student Affairs and
the University's Freedom of Informa-
tion officer acknowledged in inter-
views with the Daily that no one can
examine expunged records pertaining
to cases brought up under the State-
ment of Student Rights and Responsi-
However, no formal announce-
ment has been made.
Under the code, expunged records
are supposed to be kept in a thick
white binder in the Office of Student
Affairs in the Fleming Building for
public inspection.
The change appears to violate Sec-
tion 8 of the code. Under "Records,"
the code reads: "Two sets of records
will be maintained, an expunged ver-
sion for public review and a confiden-
tial version for permanent records."
The University contends that re-
leasing information that could iden-
tify students is in violation of the Fam-
ily Education Rights and Privacy Act.
The Department of Education is
currently debating whether the law
should be clarified to include disci-
plinary records as part of a student's

Pres. search
papers will not
be released
The University yesterday de-
nied a Freedom of Information Act
(FOLA) request from The Michi-
gan Daily to release the records of
the ill-advised 1988 presidential
The records include a list of
candidates, minutes, notes and
records of the University Board of
Regents and are contained in four
heavy boxes in the Fleming Build-
ing. The records were handed over
Monday morning to The Ann Ar-
bor News and the Detroit Free Press
under a court order.
See SEARCH, Page 2
academic record, and, therefore pro-
The move came in response to a
series of Daily articles that linked the
names of students brought up under
the code to their criminal records.
In an interview last Wednesday,
Judicial Advisor Mary Lou Antieau
said some of the students named in
See CODE, Page 2

David Koch, an LSA sophomore, fills out his ballot for MSA yesterday afternoon.
With little notice, MSA
elections wrap up tonight

In University buildings all over campus, poll sites for
the Michigan Student Assembly winter elections are at-
tracting students who are eager to exercise their right to
Or at least to support their friends.
Poll workers reported mixed turnout for the election,
which ends today.
In the Fishbowl around noon yesterday, LSA senior
Matt Disch said around 100 students voted during a 11/2
hour time period.
"It seems a lot better than when I did it last semester,"
said Disch, who was a poll worker in the fall elections.
"People seem more excited about it this year."
Around 3:15 p.m. the poll site ran out of presidential
ballots. MSA Election Director Christine Young said the
poll site started with about 200 ballots when it opened at
8:35 a.m.
LSA sophomore Julie Kashen worked for two hours
yesterday morning in the Frieze Building, and during that
time period only four people voted. "And one was my-
self," she said.
Kashen said the low voting at the site may be partially
attributable to the location and early morning hour, but she
also said she thought many students did not have plans to
"A lot of people weren't voting because they don't
know enough about the candidates," Kashen asserted.
Later in the day Kashen went to work at the Michigan
Union poll site, where she said the turnout was high.
Young, an LSA sophomore, said she did not know the
number of people who voted yesterday, but expects a lot
of students to go to the polls.

Today's places and times to p
vote in MSA elections. Bring a
student ID to vote.
FXB 8:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
Fishbowl 8:35 a.m.-3 p.m.
Union 8:50 a.m.-9:15 p.m.
EECS 8:50 am.-2:30 p.m.
MLB 9:20 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
North Campus Commons 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Art and Architecture 11 a.m.-1:15 p.m.
Business Lounge 11:05 a.m.-2:20 p.m.
West Quad 11:20 a.m.-1:15 p.m.
East Quad 11:35 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
CC Little 11:35 a.m.-2 p.m.
UGUL 1:50 p.m.-9 p.m.
Rackham 2:20 p.m.-6 p.m.
South Quad 4:30 pm.-6:30 p.m.
Bursley 4:35 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
CCRQ 5 p.m.-9:4 p.m.
Dow Building 6:35 p.m.-9:15 p.m.
Graduate Library 6:50 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
"I think it's going to be a pretty high turnout because
there are so many different people running," Young said.
LSA first-year student Andrew Brown said he voted to
prevent unqualified candidates from being elected.
"I read of literature that made me feel strongly that
there were very unqualified people running," Brown said.

AATU dispute closes
MSA meeting early

The continuing saga of the stormy
relationship between the Michigan
Student Assembly and the Ann Arbor
Tenants' Union took a gray turn at
last night's MSA meeting.
The meeting ended in adjourn-
ment, with the assembly only accom-
plishing one item of business.
At the MSA meeting, about a
dozen AATU supporters, AATU Ex-
ecutive Director Pattrice Maurer and
Lesbian Gay Male Programs Office
Co-coordinator Jim Toy gathered to
protest three of the assembly's ap-
pointments to AATU's governing
Maurer, who is a lesbian, has ac-

cused Engineering Rep. Brent House
of being anti-gay. House serves as
one of four MSA appointees to the
AATU board. "You all know the is-
sue is Brent," Maurer said.
Maurer said she may file a suit
against the assembly for discrimina-
tion because she said House is creat-
ing a hostile environment for her as a
When the tenants' union refused
to seat MSA's appointees, AATU and
MSA entered into mediation. House
then agreed to meet with Maurer only
with LSA Rep. Jacob Stern.
Not all the students who wanted to
speak to the assembly had the opportu-
nity to do so by the time MSAPresident
See MSA, Page 2

Police, 'U' work to avoid Final Four riots

Cheap food and rock 'n' roll will
thwart Final Four violence in down-
town Ann Arbor if members of the
Michigan Student Assembly and other
officials have their way.
The city, the University and MSA
are joining forces for "Michigan Mad-
ness," a series of events planned to
imize violence during the Final
'our NCAA basketball tournament.
They hope to contain the "madness"
within the U-Club, Crisler Arena and
North Campus Commons, where
large-screen TVs will show the games.

Past basketball playoffs have been
marred by violence, climaxing in 1989
with a near-riot that caused massive
property damage and prompted po-
lice to use tear gas.
Efforts to end the cycle of tourna-
ment violence brought about the first
"Michigan Madness" activities last
year. The events, an alternative to
celebrating in bars, drew more than
10,000 people.
Meanwhile, police are poised to
clamp down on post-game violence.
They plan to concentrate patrols near
Crisler Arena and the Diag after bas-
ketball games.

Officers from the Ann Arbor Po-
lice Department (AAPD) and the
University's Department of Public
Safety (DPS) plan to repeat last year's
largely successful patrol effort. But
the AAPD will have to do without an
extra $35,000 like the city set aside
last year for police overtime.
Still, the question remains whether
Michigan will even make it to the
Final Four.
"We'll have to play it by ear," said
Ann Arbor Deputy Police Chief Craig
Roderick. "We're not planning any
See RIOTS, Page 2

Effect of rap
on women
contested at
SAPAC talk
Usually a controversial topic,
"gangsta rap" did not stimulate much
disagreement in a panel discussion last
night, although it did set the stage for
debate on a variety of related issues.
More than 80 members of the Ann
Arbor community attended the discus-
sion sponsored by the Sexual Assault

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