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March 03, 1994 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-03

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6 - The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - Thursday, March 3, 1994



Fai Chrnce 2elly Pance



Francisco, California


In 1987, Carolena Nericcio started Fat Chance Belly
Dance as a small dance class for interested artists .
The group began performing in the San Francisco
area, and over the past seven years their popularity
has grown tremendously. Fat Chance Belly Dance
gives four shows per week and has developed a
huge following of fans.
Top: Nericcio leads her weekly belly dancing class.
Middle left to right: Fat Chance Belly dancers
perform at the Cafe Istanbul.
Bottom right: Dancers Jill Parker, Rina Rail, Suzanne
Elliot and Carolena Nericcio rest between shows.

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