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March 03, 1994 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-03

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8- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 3, 1994

Men's gymnastics faces
tough competition at
weekend meets in Ohio

Baseball owners prepare.
for additional expansion

Michigan men's gymnastics coach
Bob Darden must be a huge fan of
Chicago Cub Hall-of-Fame shortstop
Ernie Banks.
When he planned his squad's
schedule for this weekend, he prob-
ably said to himself, "Let's play two."
The No. 5 Wolverines travel to
Kent, Ohio, on Friday to participate
in a meet with No. 19 Kent State and
No.18 Army. Both Michigan and
Army head to Columbus on Saturday
to take on No. I Ohio State.
"We're looking at the Kent meet
as just being a real good competition
to start to focus on our last third of the
season toward Big Tens," Darden said.
"We're gonna try to work on the real
fine points of our routines. The main
focus will be sticking all our dis-
mounts without any deduction.
"(Kent) is a consistent team,"
Darden added. "They're a high 260
(team score) team and will give us
competition through the top two or
three performers on every event.
Where we win the meet is in the
strength in our (last three) positions."
Realizing the difficulty of facing
Ohio State a day later, Darden may
fiddle with the lineup and give some
of his top performers a rest at Kent.
Darden admits that beating the Buck-
eyes will be tough.
"Ohio State is the absolute best
team through the top four positions,"
Darden said. "They are weighted very
heavily at the top several positions
with very good performers."
These performers include Blaine
Wilson and Drew Durbin. Wilson is
the No. 1 all-arounder in the nation,
sporting a 57.20 average. Luckily for
Michigan, Durbin - ranked No. 2
with a 56.975 - will not be compet-
ing. He will be in Florida battling top
gymnasts from around the world in
the American Cup.
The Buckeyes also have Kip

'Ohio State will be a
well-contested meet. It
will come down to the
final event,'
- Bob Darden
Men's Gymnastics Coach
Simon, ranked No. 12 in the all-around
with a 56.25.
Michigan is counting on sopho-
more Bob Young to come up with big
results. Young, the No. 14 all-arounder
at 56.125, said it will take more than
his skills to prevail in Columbus.
"Brian Winkler, Rich Dopp and
Raul Molina will have to come up
with some big sets to keep the pace
going," Young said. "(Ohio State) is
an amazing team. If they don't have
the greatest meet of the year, and we
have a great meet, then I think we can
surprise them."
Although Michigan is rated No. 3
in the nation on floor exercise, Ohio
State stands at No. 2. Darden feels for
his team to succeed, sophomore Kris
Klinger must get the team off to a
strong start in the event.
"We've got to have a full effort
out of our floor squad," Darden said.
"The first position is very critical.
We'll try to put a person in that posi-
tion that we have absolute confidence
in. (Kris) is a real strong performer
and he'll be up first to set the frame of
mind for the event."
The Wolverines have been wait-
ing to face Ohio State all season long.
Now that it's here, how does every-
one feel?
"It's gonna be a lot of fun," senior
Ben Verrall said. "Everyone on our
team is psyched up. We're gonna hit
our sets."
"Ohio State will be a well-con-
tested meet," Darden said. "It will
come down to the final event. We will
make it very competitive for them."

Baseball owners took a first step to-
ward additional expansion yesterday
by establishing a committee but made
it clear that adding teams probably
was years away.
John Harrington of the Boston Red
Sox was picked to head the panel.
Most owners say they won't consider
expansion until a new labor agree-
ment is reached with the players,
making it unlikely new teams would
start play until 1998 at the earliest.
"Their charge is to report back to
us, hopefully by the June meeting,"
executive council chairman Bud Selig
said. "But that's not cast in stone. It
depends on the task and how complex
Continued from page 5
"It was our defense, and really the
defensive rebounding that was key
for us," said Kilbride, who 11 points,
including nine from behind the arc.
"We eliminated their second shots."
Indeed, the Badgers out-rebounded
Michigan, 18-13, in the second half,
and held the Wolverines to just four
offensive boards.
That was something Wisconsin
could not do in the first half. Michigan
totaled 10 offensive rebounds in the
first to help overiome a dismal 31.4
percent shooting effort.
The Badgers came out on fire. After
Juwan Howard gave Michigan its only
lead, 2-0, with a short jumper to open
the game, Wisconsin began an 18-6
spurt over the next six minutes of play
to push its lead to 10.
Continued from page 5
2. Reduce the number of bath-
There's nothing like good old-fash-
ioned deprivation to foster bonding,
and besides, fewer bathrooms means
that many fewer distractions from the
And for those of you who just have
to go (wimps), just think of all the
people you'll meet in line. It'll be just
like going to the bathroom at a frat
party, but with toilet paper.
3. Add a goofy spectacle.
This doesn't necessarily have to be
a mascot. Any wacky diversion like
say, Ricky Birdsong, will do.
Crisler has become entirely too
serious and uptight. Why, just last
week, a woman told me she couldn't

it gets."
Phoenix and St. Petersburg, Fla.,
are considered the leading candidates.
St. Petersburg has the empty Florida
Suncoast Dome, and Phoenix Suns
president Jerry Colangelo has as-
sembled an ownership group and ob-
tained financing to build a convert-
ible stadium with a roof.
Expansion by one team in each
league would create 15-team leagues
and force interleague play. Harrington
said an option is to have one league
expand by two teams and have the
other remain at 14. The leagues had
differentsizes from 1977 until lastyear,
when the National League added Colo-
rado and Florida.
'It was our defense,
and really the
defensive rebounding
that was key for us.'
- Andy Kilbride
Wisconsin guard
Badger swing man Michael Finley
scored seven ofhis game-high 20 points
during that span, and his free throw at
the 9:45 mark gave his team a comfort-
able 19-10 lead.
But thanks in large part to its effort
on the offensive glass, Michigan closed
the gap, en route to a 31-26 halftime
"As miserably as we shot, I felt OK
at halftime," Fisher said. "We did some
things tonight that are uncharacteristic
for us. But in the second half, we just
didn't get it done."
get into cheering for the team be-
cause, "Who do they think they're
fooling? Those guys don't look a
thing like the Wolverines I see at the
4. Jazz the cheerleaders.
No offense intended to our men
and women in polyester, but they're
paid about as much attention as
Tonya Harding at a beauty contest.
To make matters worse, the cheers
lack a certain flavor, and are grossly
Why not dress up rappers Cypress
Hill in Maize and Blue? It would be a
'90s change of pace, and besides, they
have always been able to get a crowd to
clap in unison.
With the implementation of these
suggestions, Crisler is bound to be-
come the booming box of bedlam it is
capable of being.

Sophomore Kris Klinger, shown here on the high bar, wi lead off the floor
exercise for the Wolverines this weekend against No. 1 Ohio State.


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