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February 18, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-18

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Vo CVNo 8

unveils new
'policy on
WASHINGTON - The Clinton
administration yesterday announced
its long-awaited policy on the use of
4iinority scholarships, reversing the
1991 ruling by the Bush administra-
tion that said many of them were
The new policy encourages col-
leges, some of which had stopped
offering these scholarships, to use
them to promote diversity on campus
and correct historic discrimination.
Recognizing the legal minefield
ound these scholarships, which have
een challenged in court, the admin-
istration said the financial awards that
seek to achieve a diverse student body
must be "narrowly tailored." A school
may have to show, for instance, that it
explored other alternatives to achieve
diversity before awarding scholar-
ships on the basis of race.
The policy also states that college
aid awarded by race or national origin
s legal when authorized by a specific
federal statute, such as the Patricia
Roberts Harris Fellowship awards for
"We want the doors to post-sec-
ondary education to remain open for
minority students," said Education
Secretary Richard W. Riley. "This
policy achieves that goal in a manner
that is consistent with the law."
0 But opponents continue to argue
that these scholarships unfairly dis-
criminate against white students. They
insist that race-specific scholarships
violate the 1964 Civil Rights Act,
which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color or national origin
in federally funded programs.
"It's really not important what the
Department of Education says at all,
because the issue will ultimately be
Iecided by the courts," said Richard
A. Samp, chief counsel at the Wash-
ington Legal Foundaton. "My feeling
is the trend in the courts in recent
years is to strike down virtually all
race-based programs."
Last month, the General Account-
ing Office found minority scholar-
ships accounted for 4 percent of the
cholarship money colleges awarded.


MSA urges regents to
delay code a pproval

. After 13-months, 'U,
attempts to finalize
code of non-
academic conduct
Faced with strong objections from
members of the Michigan Student
Assembly, the University Board of
Regents yesterday appeared ready to
postpone a planned vote to make the
13-month-old interim Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities a
permanent policy.
President James Duderstadt, seek-
ing to head off criticism that the board
was set to move too quickly, said that
a move by the regents "doesn't set the
policy in stone."
Duderstadt predicted that further
amendments would be considered by
the regents.
"Whether the policy is an interim
or a permanent one, it will evolve,"
Duderstadt said.
MSA Vice President Brian Kight

spoke for nearly 10 minutes about
specific problems and criticized the
administration for not "getting a quo-
rum of the jurors to show up," to hear
proposed amendments to the code.
Kight also criticized the code pro-
cess. "There are a lot of due process
questions. Defendants are in a di-
lemma. They can either represent
themeselves or exercise their right to
remain silent. They cannot do both."
Regents asked MSA members a
series of questions but did not discuss
the merits of the motion to make the
code official.
None of the regents interviewed
yesterday said they were ready to
vote in favor of the policy as it stands.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor), said he would vote against
today's motion.
"From the very beginning, I have
been against the code," Baker said.
When asked why he thought the ad-
ministration was bringing up the
policy now, Baker said, "I have no
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Ar-

bor) said he is not ready to make a
decision and said he hoped to hear
more today.
"I'm sure there will be quite a bit
of discussion on this matter. It will be
our first real chance to talk about it."
Regent Paul Brown (D-Mackinac
Island) agreed with Power, saying he
"would consider putting it off."
Beyond the few minutes dedicated
in public comments to the issue, the
regents have been largely silent about
This month marks the third report
issued by the Office of Student Af-
Vice President for Student Affairs
Maureen A. Hartford included an ac-
tion item in the regents packet calling
for approval of the code "because (it)
is a new policy it is expected that
amendments will be proposed in the
future," in a written statement..
Since the code's inception, 207
complaints have been filed. The com-
plaints are broken down as follows:
® 48 percent were dropped with
See CODE, Page 2

Law student Chris Maeso prepares for his break at a local tanning salon.

Serbs begin moving
arms from Sarajevoj

Local man arraigned
for Fletcher St. rape

After intercession by a Russian en-
voy, Bosnian Serbs who have be-
sieged Sarajevo for the last 22 months
began moving their heavy weapons
off the snow-blanketed mountains
around the Bosnian capital yesterday
in compliance with a NATO ultima-
U.N. officials said they saw trucks
pulling 155mm howitzers and tanks
and carrying heavy machine guns
along a 75-mile-long road that skirts
northern Sarajevo. British army Lt.
Gen. Michael Rose, commander of
U.N. forces in Bosnia, released a state-
ment quoting Radovan Karadzic,
leader of the Bosnian Serbs, in which
he pledged to move the bulk of his
force's heavy weaponry outside the

12-mile exclusion zone by early Sat-
The troop movements came as
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister
Vitaly Churkin, President Boris
Yeltsin's special envoy to the Balkans,
announced that Russia, a traditional
ally of the Serbs, is ready to send 400
troops to Sarajevo to bolster the U.N.
operation there and a week-old U.N.
cease-fire, the most successful since
the war began.
The Russian announcement, which
caught U.N. officials in Bosnia and
the Clinton administration in Wash-
ington by surprise, was made in ex-
change'for a Bosnian Serb pledge to
fulfill the terms of the NATO ultima-
tum to the Serbs to withdraw their
heavy guns 12 miles from the center
of Sarajevo, put them under U.N. con-

A 17-year-old man was arraigned
Monday for the rape of a woman in
the Fletcher Street parking structure.
Maxim G. Khazamov of Ann Ar-
bor is being held on $75,000 bond at
the Washtenaw County Jail.
Khazamov has been arraigned as an
adult with two counts of first-degree
criminal sexual conduct for assault-
ing a 16-year-old woman.
The Ann Arbor Police Department
(AAPD) is still investigating two other*
alleged rapes that occurred Sunday
morning -one at a fraternity and one
in a local apartment structure.
In each of these cases, a 20-year-
old woman allegedly was raped by an
acquaintance after a party.
AAPD Staff Sgt. Phillip Scheel
said investigators are working on the


trol or face attack by NATO jets by
Feb. 21.
"We can say that any airstrikes on
Bosnian Serb positions are ruled out
for the simple reasons that there will
be no targets for their strikes to hit,"
Churkin said.

Regents' Preview
Board to approve '94 -'95
increase in 'U' housing costs


cases, but he doesn't expect arrests to
be made this week.
"You have to be more careful in
this type of an investigation. ... I
don't say that to minimize that it is a
crime," Scheel said.
He explained that occasionally the
survivor of sexual assault may retract
the original report or define the situa-
tion differently than when making the
original report.
Scheel said AAPD investigates
each charge fully. "If (the survivor is)
willing to follow through on them,
then we'll pursue it aggressively.
"We do our best to prosecute it all,
but the final decision rests with the
victim and the prosecutor," he said.
Investigations are continuing in
the reported rape outside South Quad
last semester.
Students to
enjoy Purim
holiday this
ear at home
LSA sophomore Stacy Weinberg's
fondest memories of the Purim - the
Jewish holiday that starts Thursday at
sundown -include parading around
as Queen Esther and eating
hamentashen, the traditional three-
cornered Purim pastries.
Although Weinberg, like many
University students, will not be in
Ann Arbor next week, she said she
will still be partaking in various ac-
tivities to celebrate the holiday.
Purim commemorates the survival
of the Jews in Persia in the fifth cen-
tnry RCI.E when Haman. an anti-

The University Board of Regents
is scheduled to approve a recommen-
dation by the Housing Division for a
rate increase of 3.95 percent for dorms
and 3.3 Percent for family housing
apartments at today's meeting.
The cost for a single room in a
traditional residence hall will cost
Opproximately $200 more; the price
of a double will increase $177.
"The student-staff rate committee
met last Fall to review relevant finan-
cial and operational data of the Hous-
ing Division, discuss anticipated fi-
nancial trends for the next academic
vear. and finally to develon a rate

95 school year."
The rate committee will also in-
crease the number of days food is
served in the dorms from 222 to 224.
This will amount to a 0.9 percent
increase in expenditure for food and
salaries for food-service employees.
No new major programs or facil-
ity initiatives are expected for the
next year.
The University Board of Regents
has not yet come to a decision whether
to release documents relating to the
1988 presidential search.
Despite nearly two hours behind
close doors debating the case with
Universitv counsel the regents have

of Marijuana Laws (NORML) will
soon renew efforts to form a student
chapter on campus.
This would enable the group to
petition the University for a permit to
rally on the Diag..
The University has been in court
for nearly three years attempting to
prevent NORML from holding the
annual Hash Bash rally on the Diag.
The University has filed a motion to
determine the legality of its Outdoor
Common Areas Policy. The Univer-
sity implemented the policy to con-
trol "inappropriate activities at the
The policy is subject of an ongo-
ing legal debate to the constitutional-

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