2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 6, 1994
Continued from page 1
the waitlist screwed over, but we have,
to change our procedures.... It incon-
veniences students, it inconveniences
staff, and it's a damn shame," he said.
A new waitlist was started soon
after the disappearance was realized,
but it was impossible to contact stu-
dents to sign up for a second time.
Brown said the teaching staff - con-
sisting of lecturer Mary Osgood and a
group of about 50 undergraduate teach-
ing assistants - cannot handle more
than 300 students at a time.
Osgood called the class a "self-
paced, self-motivated course" in which
students who previously took the class
act as instructors. Students may attend
an optional one hour of lecture each
week, but the majority of their time is
spent working at their own pace through
the text and workbook. Students can
then consult Osgood or the TAs about
any questions they may have.
Osgood said she does not foresee
the course being impeded in any way by
the waitlist confusion. "But then I'm
new," she said, noting she arrived on
campus only three days ago to begin
teaching the class.
Brown said the department plans to
randomize which students on the new
waitlist will be given a spot in the
course, giving special preference to
graduating seniors. Students will be
notified early next week if they will
receive an override.
LSA junior Jen DeGeus said she
feels frustrated with the entire situation,
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The Office of
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is now taking applications for
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for the King/ChAveu/Pzrks
College Day Spring Visitation Program
considering that she was fourteenth on
the original waitlist.
"I might have to change my summer
job plans and take it Spring Term,"
DeGeus said.
Raoul Schah, also an LSA junior,
was twenty-fourth on the waitlist be-
fore he found out what happened.
"I was planning on taking theMCAT
this summer," Schah said. He added, "I
couldn't believe they would just leave
(the waitlist) out in the open."
Lynn Adelman, an administrative
associate for CRISP, said the missing
waitlist cannot be replaced by them
because it was being held only by the
biology department. Any record of stu-
dents who still needed to register was
the handwritten copy located in the
biology offices.
"We have no way of tracing it (be-
cause) there's none in the database,"
Adelman said. "We did not keep the list
here so the numbers did not appear on
any of the students' printouts."
The waitist was reported missing
Dec. 4 by staffer Christine Psujek, who
said she could not identify the student
who may have taken it. The department
did not report the problem to police.
As one of class's creators, biology
Prof. Robert Beyer acted as lecturer for
Biology 311 up to his retirement this
semester. Beyer said he was not sur-
prised to hear the list was misplaced.
"It's incompetence, a lack of con-
cern for the students.... The course
exploded in terms of student enroll-
ment" and nothing was done to accom-
modate the overflow, Beyer said.
Brown defended his office's method
of waitlisting students. He has been
with the department for more than a
decade and said this is the first time
such a problem has occurred.
He said the department has been
forced to change its waitlist policy to
reflect the new need for security.
However, many students said they
feel this change still will not be enough
to satisfy their disappointment with the
department's methods.
"They still fail to acknowledge it's
a poor system," Grant said.
Eight-year-old Christina Moran falls while ice skating at an all-skate at Buhr Park Ice Rink on Packard yesterday.
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officials are reconsidering the Bush
administration ban on medical use of
marijuana and say action could come
soon. But they caution that review
doesn't necessarily signal reversal.
Confirmation that the Public
Health Service is studying the ban
struck cautious hope yesterday
among advocates of medicinal mari-
"Is it the same old bureaucratic
shuffle or is the government smart
enough to help people who are sick?"
asked Robert Randall, the first per-
son to receive marijuana by govern-
ment prescription in 1976.
The Public Health Service would
not say how the administration was
leaning. "It is something everyone is
anxious to get resolved," said spokes-
person Rayford Kytle. "It is likely
something will happen soon."
The review process was slowed
by the controversy over Surgeon
General Joycelyn Elders' recentcom-
ment that legalizing drugs deserves
study, Dr. Philip Lee, head of the
health service, told reporters in San
Francisco Tuesday.
Marijuana has been used medici-
nally since ancient Egypt. It was
commonly used to ease childbirth -
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promoting contractions while reliev-
ing pain - said Israeli archaeologists
who last year discovered marijuana
ash in a fourth century tomb.
Starting in 1976, the U.S. govern-
ment allowed people who were suf-
fering from certain diseases - and
who didn't find relief in traditional
medications - to apply to the Food
and Drug Administration for permis-
sion to use the illegal drug.
The FDA approved marijuana on
a case-by-case basis to ease nausea
and loss of appetite caused by cancer
and AIDS treatments, to ease muscle
spasms for people with spinal cord
injuries or multiple sclerosis and to
alleviate the eye pressure that blinds
glaucoma sufferers. Studies showed
the drug works in such cases.
But the Bush administration in
1992 banned the medical testing or
useof marijuana, saying itcould harm
patients with weakened immune sys-
The 15 people who were then re-
ceiving the drug were allowed to con-
tinue. Eight are still alive, including
Randall. He smokes 10 marijuana
cigarettes a day and contends that
Continued from page 1
dates to Duderstadt in early Spring.
The committeehas narrowed its choices
to 14 applicants, Sullenger said.
In appointing Kugler, Duderstadt
said, "Dr. Kugler has had a long and
distinguished career as aprofessor and
without them glaucoma would have
blinded him 14 years ago.. 0
Public Health Service officials
won't say why they're reviewing the
ban. But Kevin Zeese of the private
Drug Policy Foundation praised the
administration for reconsidering "a.
decision that was made politically
and in haste and ... not supported by
"Denying medicine to the seri-
ously ill is one of the great crimes of
the war on drugs," he said.
The ban merely drove patients to
the streets in search of marijuana,
Randall said.
Advocates want more than the ban
lifted. Zeese's foundation and
Randall's Alliance for Cannabis
Therapeutics are suing the Drug En-
forcement Administration, seekingto
force DEA to allow doctors to pre-
scribe marijuana under certain 6r-
cumstances, just as they prescribe
Lawyers told the U.S. Court of
Appeals in October that the DEA's
top judge in 1988 had ordered The
agency to do so, but it refused. A
decision by the court is pending.
administrator on the Flint campus. His
experience and leadership will be of*
great help to the campus during a criti-
cal period of transition."
Kugler said he is "honored toibe
entrusted with the stewardship of the
Chancellor's Office in this timeof tran-
sition. The University of Michigan-
Flint is an exciting, important institu-
tion with a superb faculty and staff.'
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $9O,
Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. On-campus subscrip-
tions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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