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January 06, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-01-06

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Men hoops may find
late frontline help
Women drop Big Ten opener

Oliver Stone falls
short in 'Heaven
and Earth'




One hundred three years of editorial freedom

Students dismayed
over missing waitlist
i More than 120 students lose spots in line for already onthelist. Only about 30peop
Biology 311, a requirement for biology majors will be allowed into the class from tb


It is a student's worst nightmare.
Imagine waking up at 8 a.m. to put
your name on a waitlist for a class you
desperately need to graduate. An hour
later, you are 12th on the list - almost
guaranteed to get that coveted space.
Then the waitlist is stolen.
This horrific situation is a reality for
ISA junior Jeremy Grant. He and an-
other 120 students who placed their
names on the waitlist for Biology 311
found out last night that their academic
lives were turned upside down.
Biology 311, also called Introduc-

tory Biochemistry, is a requirement for
students who are majoring in biology
and has seen an upsurge of enrollment
since it recently became a required
course for admission to most medical
"I've got bad news for all of you,"
was how Biology department chair
Wesley Brown announced the news
that shocked and angered students. A
gasp went through the audience as
Brown tried to explain how the situa-
tion occurred and would be dealt with.
Brown said he suspects the waitlist
was stolen by a student who felt dis-
gruntled with the large number of people

The waitlist system employed by
the department requires students to sign
their names on a sheet of paperplaced in
the biology offices. The list is not super-
vised by any member of the staff as to
who signs it.
"Since time immemorial we've had
the waitlist out. That's been a very
convenience thing for students and
staff," Brown said. "All we can do is
speculate at most. The most likely sce-
nario is the student was angry and took
off with it.
"Not only are the 120 students on
See WAITLIST, Page 2

Prof. Wesley Brown explains the new waitlist procedures for Biology 311 to 120 waitlisted students last night.

Two newcomers join University administration family

McClain to oversee human resources, affirmative action

Former Dean to head Flint campus

In an effort to streamline its person-
nel management departments, the Uni-
versity has implemented an innovative
networking system for three related
DuringWinter break,officialschose
the woman who will head the effort.
Provost Gilbert Whitaker and Farris
Womack, executive vice president and
Ohief financial officer, announced their
selection of Jackie McClain to serve as
executive director for human resources
and affirmative action.
Until she comes to the University
Feb,15, McClain will continue to serve
asdirector of human resources at the
University of Kansas.
Jn her new position, she will over-
see academic affairs-personnel, staff
.ersonnel and affirmative action.

Womack said, "Prior to her coming
there had been two separate organiza-
University officials said it will be
helpful to make both offices account-
able to one person since previously
there was not an exact position to moni-
tor the departments.
Womack added thatMcClain will
have the power to look at and imple-
ment changes recommended by a com-
mittee set up to analyze the depart-
ments more than a year ago.
"The committee recommended cer-
tain changes. Among those was to try
to consolidate the human resources
kinds of functions."
Womack also said McClain was
one of six candidates he and Whitaker
In a telephone interview, McClain
said she is looking forward to the chal-

lenges of the job.
"This is a tremendous time for
change at Michigan in (human re-
sources) and affirmative action," she
"It's a tremendous opportunity in
terms of the responsibility that there is
and the things that need to be done."
She also outlined her goals for the
departments she will oversee.
"My focus has always been on see-
ing to the community.
"My big long-term goal for the en-
tire operation is so that people in the
University community can go for as-
sistance and receive a prompt and effi-
cient response."
The recommendation will go to the
University Board of Regents at this
month's meeting, where McClain will
likely be approved.
She would oversee approximately.

Students returning from winter
break found a new face occupying the
top executive position at the
University's Flint campus.
Lawrence Kugler, former dean of
the College of Arts and Sciences at the
6,700-student Flint campus, began his
term as interim chancellor on New
Year's Day.
University President James Dud-
erstadt appointed Kugler last month
after Chancellor Clinton Jones de-
cided to step down and return to
teaching after almost a decade at the
helm of the satellite campus.
Joanne Sullenger, Flint's vice chan-
cellor for institutional advancement,
said, "We were very disappointed when
he announced his resignation. He has
made a number of outstanding contri-


33,000 employees on the University's
Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint cam-
puses. She is now responsible for 4,600
employees at the University of Kansas.
"There is so much to do it's almost
overwhelming," McClain said.

Quest to move Entree Plus to
off-campus stores continues

butions to the Flint campus.
"The campus has grown and ex-
panded under his tenure as chancel-
lor," he added.
Flint Provost Victor Wong added,
"Jones was readily accessible to stu-
dents. His door was always open to
students and they did come to see him."
Jones is currently on a one-year
sabbatical and will teach political sci-
ence in the fall.
While the search continues for a
permanent successor to Jones, Kugler
will head the Flint campus.
"We are pleased to have Kugler and
we are looking forward to working
with him," Sullenger said.
The Chancellor Search Committee
- headed by Harriet Wall, a psychol-
ogy professor at Flint - hopes to
present a short list of possible candi-
See FLINT, Page 2
'Tip' O'Neill,
former House
speaker, dies
BOSTON (AP) - Thomas P.
"Tip" O'Neill Jr., the former House
speaker whose public career brought
him from an Irish immigrant neigh-
borhood to the pinnacle of national
power, died last night. He was 81.
O'Neill, who had undergone can-
cer surgery in 1987 and again in 1990,
died at Boston's Brigham and
Women's Hospital, said a woman at
the house of O'Neill's son, Thomas
P. O'Neill III. The woman identified
herself as the senior O'Neill's daugh-
ter-in-law but did not give her name.
Tip O'Neill lived Democratic poli-
tics from the day he was elected to his
ward committee in 1936, just before
graduating from Boston College, un-
til 1987 when he retired at the end of
his 17th term in Congress.
In his years as speaker, O'Neill
transformed the office from a politi-
cal and parliamentary post to a bully
pulpit that he used in his many battles
against President Reagan.
"He has become one of the most
recognizable figures in America,"
longtime friend and colleague Ed-
ward Boland said on O'Neill's last

Off-campus merchants are taking a
carrot-and-stick approach in pressur-
ing the University to let them accept
the Entree Plus card: luring the Univer-
sity with promises of higher profits and
hinting at legal action.
Still, the University isn't nibbling.
"At this time, there are no plans to
tend it off campus," Public Affairs
irector Lisa Baker said of the
University's debit-card system. "Right
now we're not making any moves in
that direction."
Students or their parents deposit
money into Entree Plus accounts to pay
for items using a student I.D. card
instead of cash.
Off-campus merchants say the En-
e Plus system creates an unfair ad-
tage for their on-campus competi-
tion. It also robs students of choice and
leads to artificially high prices on cam-
pus, the merchants claim.
"Allwe're asking for is a level play-
ing field," said Dave Richard, manager
of Michigan Book and Supply.
T niv mrcity nffit-nl oh bin. po r Co.T

(Entree Plus)? Could Meijer take our
debit card there?" Durst asked rhetori-
"We can't be a bank. We don't
want to be a bank. We don't have bank
processes," he continued.
While University officials are balk-
ing at broadening the Entree Plus pro-
gram, off-campus merchants are step-
ping up their campaign to make the
system available to them. A petition to
University President James Duderstadt
has collected more than 3,700 student
signatures, Richard and Ulrich's Man-
ager Paul Rosser said.
And Ulrich's is seeking legal ad-
vice on issues related to Entree Plus,
Rosser confirmed, although he declined
to speculate publicly whether the book-
store would take the University to court
on possible violations of federal fair
credit and banking laws.
While the bookstore managers say
it's up to University administrators to
determine whether to extend Entree
Plus, one city business leader says they
may be powerless to decide.
"It may already be decided for them
bht'.trfi . anVfl, az.r.+n+,. n c a n i,.varcit+. ?

said. "It almost seems like some kind of
elaborate scheme to delay any kind of
Under a lease agreement with the
Barnes & Noble-owned bookstore in
the Michigan Union, the University
grants the retailer "the exclusive right
to the University's debit card program
for sale of bookstore product lines" at
least until June 30, 1994.
"I love that - my tax dollars going
to help the competition," Richard said
Neither Richard nor Rosser could
say how much business they lose to the
Barnes & Noble outlet because of En-
tree Plus. Both pledged not to raise
prices if the card were made available
to them.
Michigan Book and Supply and
Ulrich's are owned by the same Ne-
braska-based bookstore chain.
Several off-campus restaurants and
bars have joined the petition drive.
Gene Porubsky, manager of Pizza
Bob's, said he noticed a "good-sized
drop" in business when Entree Plus
was introduced two years ago.

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