The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 9, 1993 -7
rst-year st
view many
cultures at
. celebration
Ingalls Mall bursted with music and
dance Tuesday afternoon as University
students joined together in a carnival of
multiculturalism--one of many events
welcoming students to Ann Arbor.
Student groups and local businesses
participated in the first annual "Our
World of Cultures Celebration," which
offered insight into various University
social groups. "It's really an introduc-
tion to students who make up the di-
verse culture of the University," said
Richard Carter, vice president for stu-
dent affairs.
Organizations ranging from Guild
House campus interfaith support group
to performing arts groups toethnic clubs
9 set up booths on Ingalls Mall and dis-
tributed pamphlets inviting people to
learn about the organizations and attend
their meetings.
At center stage, the Native Ameri-
can Student Association and a Middle
Eastern dance troupe presented tradi-
tional dances. Students from the Ann
Arbor U. S. Tae Kwon Do Center dem-
onstrated a series of kicks and punches.
Common Ground Theaterperformed
* snippets from its upcoming production,
'Working for a Living," and local ac-
tresses Susan Arnold and Anne Marie
Stoll entertained the crowd with com-
edy from their new show, "Kathy and
Mo," which will be presented by the
Performance Network and Enough
Rope Productions.
The Michigan Taiwanese Student
Association displayed several colorful
* pictures illustrating the diversity that is
inherent even in a country as small as
Engineering graduate student Ghong-
Sin Go said. "We can understand by
learning each others' point of views."
But diversity does not necessarily
University President James Duderstadt speaks to the class of 1997 during the New Student Convocation at Hill Auditorium Tuesday.
Uls greet new students
Approximately 200 first-year stu-
dents got their first glimpse of Univer-
sity life - and officials - Tuesday
night at the New Student Convocation.
President James Duderstadt joined
otherUniversity officers anddeans, clad
in graduation robes, on the stage of Hill
Auditorium to welcome students to the
University as part of the week-long
'Welcome to Michigan" program.
Vice President for Student Affairs
Maureen Hartford said the purpose of
the convocation was "to explain (to
students) what's expected of them aca-
But students who attended said they
came for other reasons.
"I attended the convocation to help
me become more oriented with school
and they said there was a party at the
Union afterwards," said first-year LSA
student Emileigh Rohn.
After the hour-long convocation, the
Michigan Marching Band led students
"They said there was a
party at the Union
-Emileigh Rohn
First-year LSA student
to an open house at the Michigan Union.
Organized by members of the Uni-
versity Activities Center and Michigan
Union Program Board, the party fea-
turedcomedians, acaricaturist, dancing
and free food.
The speakers emphasized leader-
ship and participation in the community
to avoid becoming classified as another
ten-digit number.
"The University of Michigan is not
a small liberal arts college, but the
world' sgreatestresearch university. The
goal is to expose you to the world's
leading scholars," Duderstadt said.
Michigan Student Assembly Presi-
dent Craig Greenberg advised students
to get involved in any of the 600 student
organizations on campus.
'You must make a name for your-
self. Make yourselfmore than anumber
at the University of Michigan," he said.
Students who attended the convoca-
tion said they enjoyed the speakers -
and the performances by the Men's
Glee Club and the marching band.
"It was like attending high school
graduation a second time. It was an
overwhelming feeling," Rohn said.
LSA junior Michelle Orge, an usher
at the Convocation, agreed.
"It was better than I thought. But
Duderstadt was saying cheesy things
about dorm food," she said.
Deb Moriarty, program coordinator
for "Welcome to Michigan" estimated
the cost of the open house and other
activities to be under $10,000.
Moriarty said she wishes more stu-
dents had taken advantage of the "Wel-
come to Michigan" programming.
'This is a very nice event. I wish
more students had taken part in it," she
Andrew Lopez deals ethnic music records at the mulitcultural festival on Ingalls Mall
Tuesday afternoon.
confine its definition to ethnicity, race,
religion, or sexual orientation, Student
Affairs staff member and event coordi-
nator Anjali Anturkar said.
"Multicultural means you'reage two
or 70, rich or poor, you come from a
small town or New York. We try to
include a lot more," he said.
Meanwhile, on another stage, stu-
dents displayed their musical talents
and then some with a Karaoke machine.
Other students stood anxiously in line
to have their caricatures made by a local
artistand examined treasures from other
countries being sold by local vendors.
Anturkar admitted that publicity was
focused primarily on students living in
residencehalls, however, theactual turn-
out was high. She said next year the
Multicultural Programs Council -
sponsor of the event - will advertise
earlier and target more students.
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