6- The Michgan Daily - Thursday, September 9, 1993
'U' budget hits students' wallets, increases faculty salaries
- Students may be holding on to their
.wallets while faculty members let out a
'sigh of relief as they feel the effects of
the 1993-94 University budget.
An in-state first-year student will
pay between $2,175 and $2,257 in tu-
ition and fees this semester.
pay between $7,027 and $7,095.
This is the ninth consecutive tuition
increase. It will generate an additional
$26 million for the University.
Alarge portion of the increased fund-
ing will be directed toward merit salary
increases for faculty members.
Faculty members will be rewarded
for their participation in the "shared
sacrifice" budget of last year that froze
faculty salaries.
Y JEach department will receive a 2.5-
percent increase in its budget for merit
In-state undergraduates are paying
9.5 percent more than last year and out-
of-state undergraduates are paying 6.5
percent more.
In-state Law students will feel the
biggest bite with a 17.3 percent tuition
increase to $5,269. Out-of-state Law
students pay $9,256.
Public institutions are bringing their
out-of-state tuition rates up to the levels
ofprivate schools whileremaining com-
petitive, said University President
James Duderstadt when the University
Board of Regents set the tuition levels
at its July meeting.
The $330 million generated by tu-
ition and fees - along with revenues
generated by state appropriations, fed-
eral government payments for indirect
research costs and other places --fund
the $671 million University budget.
This money funds increases in fi-
nancialaid,merit salary increases, fixed
cost increase, and academic expendi-
tures - such as more labs for under-
graduates and smaller "gateway"
classes for first-year students and fund-
ing of the minority faculty hiring pro-
Although more money is budgeted
for financial aid, students will be feel-
ing the squeeze.
'We want to increase the propor-
tion of gift aid," said University Pro-
vost and Vice President for Academic
Affairs Gilbert Whitaker.
"At least we'll keep the increase of
gift aid relatively the same."
The Office of Financial Aid has
estimated that an in-state student will
have to budget $11,200 to pay for all
expenses inthe 1993-94 academic year.
Michigan Student Assembly Presi-
dent Craig Greenberg told the regents
during the public comments session,
"I am afraid that if tuition continues to
rise at the rate it has been, Michigan
will cease to be one of the best deals in
higher education."
The Committee on the Economic
Status of the Faculty recommended
thatthe regents make salary increases
a high priority.
Committee Chair Prof. John
Tropman said, "We're certainly
pleased that there is a salary program
this year, and we're sorry that it al-
ways gets linked with tuition."
He noted that both tuition and sala-
ries are set at the beginning of the
fiscal year.
Tropman said, although faculty
members were willing to sacrifice for
one year, problems may have arisen
had there been no increase this year.
"Michigan has a number of things
that are attractive ... not just salary,"
Tropman said.
"The problem, of course, is that
the people with the most talent go
All students pay $150 per semes-
ter - included in tuition costs -
which funds the infrastructure main-
tenance fee that was instituted in 1991
to pay for building damage resulting
from natural use.
Studentsalsopay $6.62to fund the
Michigan Student Assembly and Stu-
dent Legal Services and a $92 health fee
for use of the University Health Ser-
The University Board of Regents
passed the budget, 7-1. Regent Deane
Baker (R-Ann Arbor), the sole dissent-
ing vote, said, "I'm not going to support
this because I really think we have to
find some way to stop it.... The only
way to stop tuition rises is to stop tuition
Baker criticized the budget archi-
tects for not including the infrastructure
fee in the tuition increase.
"I'd rather we say we're raising the
cost of the institution 12 percent instead
of breaking them apart," Baker said.
RegentJames Waters (D-Muskegon)
said, "I wish we could have the same
quality without the increase, but it's
impossible to do that."
University Hospitals' $589 million
operating expense budget, calling for
no increase, was passed by the regents
earlier this summer.
John Forsythe, executive director of
University Hospitals, said the health
center's budget was a "transitional"
budget. He said hehopes it will success-
fully bridge the current system of fund-
ing medical costs and Hillary Rodham
Clinton's yet-to-be-announced health
care plan.
Universities across the nation raise
tuition to counter dwindling funds
Michigan's state universities are
not the only ones feeling the pinch of
increasing tuition rates. Public univer-
sities around the nation are faced with
similar constraints on education bud-
The Ohio state legislature estab-
lished a 5-percent cap on tuition in-
creases last year, but The Ohio State
University (OSU) pushed its tuition to
the state'smaximum this year, with in-
state students paying $2,940.
Students at OSU complain that
classes close as a result of Ohio's
dwindling dollars and sometimes force
them to attend OSU for a fifth year.
Steve Sterret, director of news ser-
vices at OSU agreed that the restraint
on tuition increases has caused prob-
lems for the university in recent years.
He said the rise in tuition will not open
as many classes as he had hoped, but
faculty and staff will receive a salary
increase for the first time in two years.
In addition to limited state fund-
ing, some universities face the burden
of reviving buildings and facilities
that have been long deferred.
Here at the University of Michi-
gan, $50 was added to each student's
infrastructure maintenance fee-for-
merly $100. The fee will cover the
cost of repairing items such as water
fountains, fume hoods, pipes and el-
Officials at both Michigan State
University and the University of Cali-
fornia at Berkeley said their tuition
increases this year were partially used
to fund repair of campus facilities.
But California's deficit problems
also added to the 22.2 percent in-
crease this year.
Bob Sanders, Berkeley's public
information spokesperson said con-
straints on state funding have made it
difficult to improve curriculum. He
added that most of the money will fill
in gaps left from years of cutbacks.
He lamented the fact that an af-
fordable education escapes the reach
of more students each year.
'We've tried to offset some of the
increase in financial aid but some
students always fall in between," Sand-
ers said.
Students, community clash over the Rock
The historical boulder that rests at the cor-
ner of Hill Street qnd Washtenaw Avenue al-
most became ancient history.
In June, the Oxbridge Neighborhood Asso-
ciation petitioned the Ann Arbor City Council
toremove the Rock and clean up the surround-
ing area. Oxbridge members argued that van-
dalism to the area is out of control and people
who paint the Rock create a disturbance late at
night. They also complained that toxic sub-
stances from the paints contaminate the sur-
rounding water and ground.
It is a long-standing tradition in Ann Arbor
to'paint the Rock with everything from politi-
cal slogans to eternal declarations of undying
Many Oxbridge members would be elated
to see that tradition come to an end.
'That area is attracting a lot of vandalism,"
said Oxbridge President Peter Pleitner.
The only solution, he said, was to move the
Rock out of the neighborhood.
Many Ann Arbor residents and students
disagreed with the Oxbridge proposal and said
a compromise could be reached.
Michigan Student Assembly Vice Presi-
dent Brian Kight criticized Oxbridge and the
city for trying to remove the Rock while Uni-
versity students were on vacation.
"A lot of people think the decision should
not involve students," he said. "As if students
are separate from the community."
To decide the argument, the Ann Arbor
Parks Advisory Commission - the group re-
sponsible for maintaining the park in which the
Rock is located - held a public forum in July
to obtain community input on the matter.
One week later, the Parks Commission
presented a compromise. In a resolution, the
Commission promised to:
clean up the site by mid-August;
place a trash can at the site, as well as
signs prohibiting painting park objects other
than the Rock;
convene a committee to investigate
moving the Rock to allow for a complete
environmental clean-up;
accept further public input on the is-
sue; and,
develop a patrol system around the
The Commission promised to submit a
final recommendation based on the success
of the proposed guidelines by December.
Kight cautioned students to respect the
Rock and its neighbors.
"If wedon'tpitch in, there'seven more of
arisk the city will do something we don'tlike
with the Rock," he said.
University President James Duderstadt
said the Rock is a special part of Ann Arbor.
The famous Rock rests at the corner of Hill St. and Washtenaw Ave. SUSAN ISAAK/OaIly
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