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October 22, 1993 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-22

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 22, 1993

Continued from page 1
Representatives from each Greek
house are divided into two teams and
sent out with baseball bats to smash a
car for 30 seconds each.
The teams are then evaluated by
judges, hockey coach Red Berenson,
swim coach Jon Urbanchek,former
band leader George Cavender, who
choose winners.
Tomorrow's highlights include the
60th annual Mudbowl, a football con-
test held between Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon (TAE) fraternity and Phi Delta
Theta fraternity. The game is a seven-
on-seven contest that will take place
behind LAE, 1408 Washtenaw Ave.
At halftime, Chi Omega sorority will
square up againstKappa Alpha Theta
sorority in a game described by ZAE
President Marc Schollett, an LSA se-
nior, as a form of speedball.
The Mudbowl game will begin at
11:30 am. and will be broadcast by
ABC-TV with sports correspondent
Brent Musberger reporting.

Continued from page 1
a solution.
"It's next to impossible to regu-
late this through doctrine or dogma,"
she said. "At the same time, it's para-
mount that we be able to have an
atmosphere where a student can grow
and sustain hurts if necessary, as long
as they don't destroy the student."
Past University speech codes have
been repealed after being ruled un-
constitutional or inappropriate.
Baker said censoring professors
could detract from educations.
"The level of teaching is the level
of transmitting the truth and would
transcend to the lowest possible value.
I think that's a great danger," he said.
The group agreed problems exist,
but solutions were harder to come by.
"How do we respond to a situation
where a professor needs to feel free to
teach and say what has to be said and,
at the same time, face the push of our
constituents who feel we need to em-
phasize a certain value?" asked Re-

gent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit).
Bollinger suggested the regents
issue reports on major political cor-
rectness cases at the University to
clarify their opinions.
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Ar-
bor) said a central statement from the
University would help clear up con-
fusion. "The time you get in trouble
from the media is when an episode is
blown up out of proportion and out of
context," he said.
Bollinger said, "There ought to be
a committee set up to articulate what
our values are."
Values may include absolute free
speech as advocated by Baker or di-
versity as articulated by Varner.
Baker said, "University values is a
real pit in which you can fall," and
said there is a diversity of values
among the regents.
Varner said the University should
strive to bring people with diverse
values into discussions.
"You do have a great interplay of
different values," she said.
The group did not form any policy
on political correctness.

Panel reveals pain of living with AIDS .

"I spent a lot of time being scared,
not about being sick, but about other
people's reactions.... Friends would
leave the house with their legs crossed

because they
were afraid to
use our bath-
room or
wouldn't drink
from our
glasses. It
wasn't until my
husband passed
away last year
that people ac-
tually faced up

w rr nr s

their experiences living with AIDS.
Patrick Welsh, a 34-year old
former physician, led the panel.
Welsh, who contracted HIV in 1982,
received two phone calls yesterday.
One, Welsh said, was from a good
friend's mother who called to tell
Welsh that her son was dying from
AIDS. Welsh talked through his tears,
saying that his friend had dementia
and would not recognize him - so
there was no point in going to be with
him during his last days.
The other phone call was from
Lisa, who said she was scared to par-
ticipate in the panel discussion be-
cause she was afraid she would lose
her job as a waitress if word got out
about her health.
The common bond between the
four panelists was their willingness to
overcome their initial fear to speak
out about HIV and AIDS, and their
decision to become vocal advocates
of education.
Dan, a 21-year old hemophiliac,

tested HIV-positive in 1986.
His family and friends were un-
derstanding when they found out about
his condition, he added.
Although Dan did not discuss his
disease until his senior year in high
school, he has told nearly everybody
he knows since then.
"It was really a relief (to get it out
in the open). In some ways I regret it
because my illness has become my
life. But it has also been a relief," he
Welsh himself went through a two-
year period of denial when he found
out he had HIV in 1986.
Welsh contracted the disease when
he had a one-night stand at age 23.
Derrick, who also had trouble ac-
cepting his condition when he was
diagnosedin 1988, says he now hopes
to write about "what it means to be
Black, gay and HIV-positive."
"It's a hopeless feeling. You have
no where to turn and no one to talk
to," he said.

to AIDS and.
treated me nor-
Lisa, who lik her late husband is
a hemophiliac, contracted HIV
through blood transfusions.
She was one of four panelists who
spoke at Rackham last night about



Continued from page l
In a society obsessed with facts
and figures concerning AIDS, the quilt
has become the human face of the
epidemic. Each panel tells a different
story, giving life and distinction to
the person whom it commemorates.
The panels are at once unique vi-
sions of personality, loss and celebra-
tions of life - no matter how short.
These memorials are cathartic in their
display of love, tragedy and joy.
The range of materials that com-
prise each panel from black leather



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Evening Service-6 p.m.
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a campus ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
1236 Washtenaw C.
[just south of Geddes & Washtenaw
Pastor: Rev. Don Postema
10 a.m.-Morning Worship
6p.m No Service
9-10 p.m.-Student R.O.C.K. Group-join us
Join us for a Study of Jesus' Parables
Episcopal Church at U of M
5 p.m. Holy Eucharist
6 p.m. Supper
518 E. Washington St.
(Behind "Laura Ashley")
Rev'd Virginia Peacock, Chaplain
a Chi Alpha Campus Fellowship
FRIDAY: TGIF-Oct. 22, 7 p.m.
Angell Hall, rm. 25
SUNDAYS: Bible Doctrines Class-S p.m.
MLB Rm 8122
For more info call:
769-9560,6654740, 764-2135
Schorling Auditorium
School of Education
SUNDAY: Service 11 a.m.
2145 Independence Blvd. (E. of Packard)
An interracial / multicultural, warm
& lively, eco-justice, eco-peace church.
All sexual orientations are welcome.
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Rev. Michael Dowd Pastor 971-6133
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Where students from many
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SUNDAY: Free van rides from campus
Bursley and Baits bus stops 9:20 a.m.
Hill Dorms (front doors) 9:25 a.m.
Quads (front) 9:30 a.m., 9:35 a.m.
7694157 or 761-1009 for more info.
801 S. Forest (at Hill St.), 668-7622
SUNDAY: Worship -10 a.m.
WEDNESDAY: Study/Discussion 6 p.m.
"Jesus Through the Centuries"
Evening Prayer - 7 p.m.
John Rollefson and Joyce Miller
Campus Ministers
929 Barton Drive 662-6351
near Plymouth Rd.-S min from N Campus
SUNA-9:45 a.m.-Sun School for all ages

and flowers to a terry cloth Mickey
Mouse towel - are as varied as the
people they represent.
LSA senior Andrea Sirna com-
mented on the exhibition as she
watched one of the educational vid-
eos that accompany the display. "I did
a paper on the quilt as a public art
form for an art history class, and I
have afamily friend thatdiedof AIDS.
It's really sad to see them all because
it shows the personality of each indi-
vidual person. It's very emotional."
Rebecca Gastma, an LSA senior
and quilt monitor, added her thoughts.
"Just seeing each individual panel
is very touching and it's depressing to
see," she said. "But the fact that it can
have an emotional impact on the ob-
server might have a potential influ-
ence on someone's life decisions con-
cerning their sexual behavior and at-
titudes towards AIDS/HIV."
Four 12-by-12 foot sections of the
quilt, each containing eight 3-by-6
foot panels, are being displayed at the
Michigan League through Oct. 24.
Continued from page 1
The killing, claimed by a previ-
ously unknown radical splinter group,
cast a pall over the negotiations be-
tween the PLO and Israel at the Egyp-
tian Red Sea resort of Taba on imple-
menting the self-rule plan for Pales-
"It is amajorcrime. Assad Saftawi
was a fighter for peace, and if we do
not move the peace process, things
like this will continue," said Nabil
Shaath, a senior PLO official who
heads the Palestinian delegation at
Continued from page 1
Assault Awareness Day to protest
remarks made by an administrator1
concerning sexual assault. The next
year the event grew to several days,
and finally to a week. Several events
are planned throughout the week.
"One highlight is that Suzanne
Pharr is coming in on Sunday, to kick
off the week," said Cain. "She is an
exceptional speaker and a very in-
sightful person in her political analy-

The sections were brought to campus
through The NAMES Project Detroit
Metro Chapter as one of the many
AIDS Awareness Week events.
Monica Pardy is aNAMES Project
volunteer who has been involved with
the quilt since 1991. She lost her
brother to the disease in November of
that year, and her participation in the
project began when she made a panel
for him.
"After going to the whole display
of the quilt in Washington last Octo- 0
ber and seeing the need to get educa-
tion out there -and the need to allow
people that have lost loved ones to
AIDS to express their emotions and
their loss- Ijust couldn't walk away
from the quilt anymore."
Rackham student Christopher
Koelsch also commentedon the drama
of the quilt. "I've seen a pretty com-
plete version of it in Washington, and
it never gets any easier. It just brings
the issues of AIDS and HIV out of the
abstract and makes them more per-
sonal and real."
"We are all sorry about the murder
of Saftawi because we all saw in
Saftawi one of the Palestinian fight-
ers for peace," said Maj. Gen. Amnon *
Shahak, Israel's deputy chief of staff
and head of Israel's delegation.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin, who visited Gaza shortly after
the slaying, said "we are really wor-
ried" about the impact of Saftawi's
slaying on the peace process.
He said the two earlier assassina-
tions appeared to be the result of feud-
ing within Arafat's Fatah organiza-
tion, but there was "no certainty" in-
fighting was behind Saftawi's kill-
Pharr is a human rights activist
and author of the book "Homophobia:
A Weapon Against Sexism." She will
speak about the connection between
homophobia and violence against
Thursday marks the Seventh An-
nual Speakout: "an exceptional op-
portunity for survivors to speak on
their sexual assault experience, and
others can hear and learn from those
who have experienced it," said Cain.
Annette Shaff, SAPAC volunteer,
agreed. "It really empowers them to
say that they are survivors."

Tne Micnigan Daiy (ISN U4 O 5 ) is puiishned Mondayt hrougn Fnay dungt me fal and winter terms by
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Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. Oncampus subscrip-
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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NEWS Melass Peerless, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Hope Calati, Lauren Dormer, Karen Sabgir Purvi Shah
STAFF Adam Aner, Jonathan Bemdt, James Cho, Jon Dr ascio, Erin Enom, Mikhelle Rickk, Ronnie Glassberg, Soma Gupta, Mkhie
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EDITORIAL PAGE Andrew Levy, Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sam Goodstein, Fint Wainess
STAFF: Julie Beckr, CathyBogslai, ugene Bowen, Jesse Broqhard, Patrik (avid, Judh Kalka, Jin Lasr, Ian Lester, Jason
LUchtstim, Arnitava Manandar, Mo Park
SPORTS Ryan Huhington, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Brett Forest Adam Miller, Chad A. Safran, Ken Sugiura
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Rachel Bachman, Paul Barger, Tom Bausano, ChailBroltrose, SootBrton, Andy D Kre. Brett Johnson y
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EDITORS: Jon Atohul (Rlim), Melissa Rose Bernardo (Weekend etc.), Tom Erlewine (Muisk), Oliver Gancosl (Books) Darr Lockman
(Weekend etc.), Ehzaeth Shaw (Theater), Kik Wetters (Fire Arts).
STAFF: Jordan Atlas, Michael Barnes, Jason Carroll, Andy Dolan, Geoff Earle, Jody rank, Kim Gaines, "riten Knudsen, Chris Leploy,
Will MaW ev, Brian Meeks, Heather Phars, Austin Ratner, John R. Rybodk, Andrew Schafer, Dik S e, Koen Sdirwezer, MIvul
Thompson, Ted Watts.
PHOTOMiehele Guy, Editor


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