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October 22, 1993 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-22

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I One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Wolverines seek continueddoiminance of Illinois

Memories..Nostalgia. Cream puff
While most people equate these
images with homecoming football
games, tomorrow's contest between
No. 13 Michigan and Illinois might
be long on the memories and short on
the puff.
As the Illini face the Wolverines
(2-1 Big Ten, 4-2 overall) on the road
GAZA CITY, Occupied Gaza
Strip (AP) - Assad Saftawi's 12-
year-old son ran out of the schoolyard
and up to his father's car, when he
noticed three masked gunmen on the
other side. One fired a 9mm pistol and
the bullet hit Saftawi just below the
e ye.
0 "He turned to talk to them, but
they shot again," said Ali Saftawi.
The murder yesterday of Saftawi,
a close associate of PLO leader Yasser
Arafat, was the third assassination of
a moderate Palestinian since the Is-
rael-PLO accord was signed in Wash-
ington on Sept. 13.
It threatened to ignite a vicious
cycle of killings and reprisals among
'alestinians and posed a challenge to
the PLO leader, who must exert con-
trol over Gaza before Israel's army
starts withdrawing on Dec. 13.
Armed members of the under-
ground Fatah Hawks appeared at
Saftawi's three-story house after the
slaying and fired several shots in the
air as a salute to the fallen Palestinian
"I will revenge my father's death,
*will kill the assassins of my father,"
said another son, Ziad, 27, a bearded
activist with the militant group Is-
lamic Jihad.
"We are on the brink of a serious
degeneration of the situation," Hanan
Ashrawi, spokesperson for the Pales-
tinian peace talks delegation, told The
Associated Press. Others, like Gaza
PLO official Zakariya al-Agha, pre-
*icted "civil war."
See ISRAEL, Page 2

for the second straight year, they ap-
pear to be the type of team that has
been Michigan's nemesis thus far this
season. True, Illinois has won only
two of their six games this season, but
both have been against Big Ten oppo-
nents, leaving them with the same 2-
1 conference record as the Wolver-
In addition, Illinois is surging,
coming off a 49-3 thumping of Iowa
in the Hawkeyes' homecoming game

last weekend. Illini coach Lou Tepper
said he knows that another strong
performance could do wonders for
his team.
"A victory over Michigan would
immediately get us back into the Big
Ten conference race," Tepper said.
Of course, the same refrain has
been coming from the Wolverine
coaching staff during the past week.
After an emotional victory over Penn
State, Michigan coach Gary Moeller

sees his team as being at a pivotal
crossroad of its own.
"If we want to go to the Rose
Bowl, in my opinion, we can't afford
to lose another ball game," Moeller
said. "We're halfway through the sea-
son and the key now is to maintain our
character and spirit. We made a big
step in the right direction against Penn
State. The question is can we main-
tain it?"
If the Wolverines need any addi-

tional motivation from this game, they
need look no further than last season's
battle. Just in case Michigan fans have
forgotten this little bit of nostalgia, it
was the 28-point underdog Illini who
shocked the Wolverines with a 22-22
tie, upsetting their bid for a second
straight unblemished Big Ten season.
Moeller, however, needs no reminder
of this unpleasant memory.
"Last year against Illinois, it
See GRIDIRON, Page 10

3:30 p. ,




Homecoming '93
e- -
waifetu ewet
traitina evnt

Sumo wrestlers, human bowling,
a velcro wall-jump and a moonwalk
crowded the Diag yesterday as a fes-
tive carnival kicked off Homecoming
1993. And that was just the beginning
of the fun.
This year's Homecoming celebra-
tion will feature a variety of events
encompassing both tradition and new
The University Activities Center
(UAC), the Alumni Association, and
several other campus groups have
planned and organized events for stu-
dents and alums of all ages and inter-
The celebration began with a
Girbaud fashion show on the Diag
Wednesday, yesterday's carnival and
a performance last night by nation-
ally recognized comedian Dennis
Miller. Tonight, Rackham auditorium
will reverberate with the melodies of
the Vocal Jam-- a concert by several
University vocal performance groups.
Homecoming activities will con-

tinue tomorrow morning while Maize
and Blue faithful prepare for the big
game against the Fighting Illini.
The Alumni Association will spon-
sor the Go Blue Brunch. And alumni
from all University schools and col-
leges will have the opportunity to
hobnob with their former classmates
at individual reunions. Alumni Asso-
ciation Reunion Coordinator Kay
VandenBosch said the association will
also host reunions for Black gradu-
ates, swimmers, and alumni band and
cheerleading groups.
The Alumni Association collabo-
rated with UAC in early planning
meetings and the two organizations
cooperated to send out announcements
for upcoming events and take confir-
mations for the Go Blue Brunch.
This afternoon, the Evans Schol-
ars Fraternity will host the 17th an-
nual charity Car Bash on the Diag
from 2-4. Members of campus frater-
nities and sororities raised money for
the event, which will benefit the C. S.
Mott Children's Hospital.
See EVENTS, Page 2

Regents discuss political correctness, free speech issues

The idea of political correctness
humbly began as an inside joke among
liberals. Now it is a dumping ground
for issues as widespread as free speech
and multiculturalism, hate speech and
conduct codes.
These issues come to a head every
day in classes across campus, con-

cluded the University Board of Re-
gents at a discussion yesterday.
Law Dean Lee Bollinger, one of
five panelists at the discussion, illus-
trated how issues of political correct-
ness affect him in his job.
If a law professor asked students
what they would do in a case in which
a woman was raped, said she enjoyed
it but later decided to prosecute, many

students in the class may be offended
and come to Bollinger for help.
He asked the regents and panelists
how he should handle the situation.
Bollinger sought to direct the con-
versation into a discussion about spe-
cific issues. "Political correctness is a
capture word for three quite distinct
problems - speech codes, curricu-
lum and campus climate."

The two-hour meeting evolved
into a broad-based look at political
correctness at the University.
Philosophy Prof. Elizabeth Ander-
son said some students' exercise of
free speech could inhibit others' con-
tributions to a discussion.
"If you just let anything be said,
there are going to be some people's
speech that will be chilled," she

She suggested professors can help
by playing "devil's advocate" to bring
unpopular ideas to the discussion.
Regents Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor) and Shirley McFee (R-Battle
Creek) spoke against speech codes to
direct the terms of classroom debate.
McFee said a conduct code is not
See REGENTS, Page 2

SAPAC week to
foster awareness
*of sexual assault
Do you have three friends? If three of your friends are
female, chances are you know someone who has been or
will be raped. The FBI estimates that 1 in 3 women will be
raped in her lifetime.
What about five friends? One
out of five women will be sexually
SAPAC'S assaulted before she finishes col-
SEXUAL lege.
SSALIT Even men aren't left out of the
4WARENESS picture.One of every 10 men will be
WEEK Z993 sexually assaulted in his lifetime.
Sexual assault affects everyone.

Sunday - "Democracy
Under Siege: The4
Dismantling of Civil Rights"
Suzanne Pharr, the author of
'Homophobia: A Weapon of
discrimination against women,
gay men, bisexuals, lesbians
and people of color in a speech
Oct. 24 from 5-6:30 p.m. at a
location to be announced and
from 7-9 p.m. in the Rackham
Thursday - SAFEHouse Ground Breaking
SAFEHouse, Ann Arbor's domestic violence
project, will hold ground breaking for its new
site on Clark Road Oct. 28 from 4-6 p.m.
Thursday - 7th Annual Speakout on Sexual

Quilt serves
as touching
memorial to
AIDS victims
I will take a piece of cloth with
flowers softly kissed
And with my needle and my heart
a memorial create
I'll sew the letters piece by piece
and slowly it will grow
A monument 3 feet by 6 - the
exact size of a grave.
These are the words of one of the

thousands of
people from

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