Field hockey
shuts out
CMU, 6.0
Cox's kids learn
about love and
c -b
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One hundred and three years of editorial freedom
GOP's Pursell tosses
'hat into Senate race
LANSING (AP) - Carl Pursell,
a 16-year U.S. House veteran, put his
cards on the political table Tuesday as
he announced his bid for the Republi-
can U.S. Senate nomination.
"I have the record. Nobody else
*as the credentials I have. I think
that's what the citizens of Michigan
have to think about," said Pursell,
who also served six years in the state
The Plymouth Republican didn't
run for his U.S. House seat last year
after it was chopped up in redistrict-
He pointed out that during his 24
ears as a lawmaker he represented
all or part of eight counties - Oak-
land, Washtenaw, Wayne, Monroe,
Lenawee, Jackson, Hillsdale, and
Branch - and roughly a million of
the state's 9.3 million people.
"No challenger can match that
statement in either party today," he
In playing up his experience,
ursell hopes to stake out a strong
'osition in a Senate race still shook up
by U.S. Sen. Donald Riegle's sur-
prise Sept. 28 decision to retire.
Pursell didn't mention the current
GOP front-runner, Spence Abraham,
by name in his announcement speech.
But he said in surveying the current
and potential field, other candidates
might be able to win next year's Aug.
2 primary, but he didn't believe they
could win the general election.
Abraham; former chairman of the
Michigan Republican Party and a
former top aide to Dan Quayle, en-
tered the race earlier this year.
Pursell said while Abraham had
broad early support in the GOP,
Riegle's retirement reshaped the
whole race and he expected Republi-
cans to give the race a fresh look.
"He has a head start. He was the
only game in town at the time," he
said, referring to Abraham's string of
Pursell said he'd be traveling to all
83 Michigan counties over the next
few months to talk to people about
issues and find out what they wanted
their next senator to do.
And he said he'd be hammering
away at his longtime theme that fed-
eral spending and the deficit must be
brought under control.
The federal government spends
about $200 billion a year on interest
on the national debt, yet Congress and
President Clinton show no signs of
really cutting spending, Pursell said.
"It's always fun to spend some-
body else's money," he said. "You
can't keep continually spending more
than you're taking in."
Pursell said he planned to let his
record speak for itself and let the
voters decide if they liked it.
U.S. Rep. Dave Camp, of Mid-
land, and Detroit radio talk show host
Ronna Romney also are looking at
entering the race, as is state Sen. Gil-
bert DiNello, of Mount Clemens.
Two political unknowns, Sterling
Heights businessman Gary
Maccagnone and Birmingham attor-
ney Jim Elsman, also have announced
that they're running for the GOPnomi-
On the Democratic side, state Sen.
Lana Pollack, of Ann Arbor, and
Macomb County Prosecutor Carl
Marlinga have entered the race.
Pollack, who represents the Uni-
versity, has opened a campaign head-
quarters in Ann Arbor.
Former U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell announces his bid for U.S. Senate in Lansing.
Th' lawyers in
case attempt-
to extend fight
The University is taing the
Carolyn Phinney
to the wire.
Monday, attorneys for both Rich-
ard Adelman and Marion Permutter
filed several motions in Washtenaw
County Circuit Court to extend the
five-year-old court battle with
Phinney - the former University re-
searcher turned whistleblower.
The University also announced its
decision to indemnify Perlmutter.
Through the agreement, the Univer-
sity agreed to pay Perlmutter's por-
tion of the damages as well as her
attorney's fees.
"We decided she did act in good
faith as an employee of the Univer-
sity," said Vice President for Univer-
sity Relations Walter Harrison.
Adelman - due to his tenured
status - is already covered by the
In September, a jury found
Adelman and Perlmutter guilty of vio-
lating the state of Michigan
Whistleblower Protection Act. The
court ruled the pair made a deliberate
effort to punish Phinney after she
accused Perlmutter of scientific mis-
conduct. As a result, Phinney was
awarded an estimated $130,000 in
The seperate motions, filed by at-
torneys for Adelman and Perlmutter,
asked Judge Patrick Conlin:
to set the judgement asideand
nullify the jury verdict;
C to grant a new trial, based on
errors of law the University believes
occured in the trial;
® or to reduce the size of the
jury's monetary award, if the previ-
ous motions are dismissed.
Phinney said the filings are an
attempt to extend an already lengthy
legal process.
"The goal is to drag whistleblowers
through the legal process as long as
possible and send a clear message to
other victims: they better not stand up
for their rights," Phinney said.
Conlin has an indefinite time pe-
riod in which to respond and grant a
hearing on the motions. In the event
that Conlin denies the motions, the
University will still have an addi-
tional 21 days to file an appeal.
"I have no idea on a time frame
(for completion of the case)," Harrison
The University still awaits a rul-
ing from Conlin on Phinney's sepa-
rate charge that the University, as an
institution, failed to shield her under
the Whistleblower Act.
Statistics show only part of sexual assault picture
In September, four incidents of
sexual assault were reported to the
Sexual Assault Prevention andAware-
ness Center (SAPAC).
This is only a shadow of the prob-
lem of sexual
assault on cam-
pus and in
Washten aw
County. Depart-
Went of Public
Safety received
24 reports of
sexual assault in
1992. SAPAC
provided coun-
seling for 141
survivors last
WEEK 1993
tics, but as the director of a sexual
assault center, everywhere I go there
are constant reminders that these are
real women. I will go to get my hair
cut or be on an airplane, and when
people hear what I do they will tell
me, 'I was raped four years ago.'
"People say that they don't be-
lieve the statistics because they don't
know anyone who was raped, but
many people are extremely selective
about who they tell and don't tell. Just
because they don't tell us doesn't
mean it didn't happen," Cain said.
Many students have their own sto-
ries of sexual assault. Often if a women
is not a survivor herself, she has a
friend who has been assaulted.
Mona Shah, a first-year LSA stu-
dent, recalled the time a friend of hers
from high school was assaulted at a
beach party.
"When she found out her friends
had left, she knew she needed to find
a way home. Luckily a really friendly
guy offered her a ride home, except he
had conveniently left his keys on the
beach. He persuaded" my friend to
help him look for his keys, but when
they got to the beach, he raped her and
left. That happened about four years
ago, and she still hasn't fully recov-
ered from the experience. The only
thing I think she should have done
was tell someone when it happened.
"The guy that did it to her is still
out there. I think it's really sad that
there are twisted people out there that
are so pathetic they have to do shit
like that," Shah said.
This story is typical. While the
stereotypical rape is a stranger jump-
ing out of the bushes and attacking a
woman, in approximately 80 percent
of all sexual assault cases the survivor
knows the assailant.
When it is college women who are
raped, this figure jumps to 90 percent.
Cain feels that the most important
way of preventing rapes, especially
on college campuses, is education
and doing away with such miscon-
"With each succeeding generation,
there is more awareness," she ob-
served. "Awareness is the key to pre-
vention and, for the survivors, accep-
tance of what has happened. We have
come a long way. One indication of
this that I'm really happy to see is the
number of young men who are will-
ing to work to change the rape envi-
In addition to the men who work
against rape, there are those who have
also suffered assaults and have rea-
son to argue that rape is not simply a
women's issue.
"Approximately 10 percent of our
clients are male rape victims," Khrys
said. "There is certainly an additional
layer of shame for male rape survi-
vors. We see a small but growing
number each year."
Cain noted that the vast majority
of the 1 in 10 males that are sexually
assaulted experienced the assault as
"There are young men and women
who were abused as children and are
still dealing with the effects of it to-
day. Sexual assault happens in stag-
gering numbers to both male and fe-
male children," she said.
Washtenaw County statistics sug-
gest no one of any age is safe from
sexual assault. The youngest reported
rape survivor was three months old,
and the oldest was 98 years old.
"One thing about sexual assault is
that is crosses a lot of groupings,"
Cain said. "Personal politics, ethnic
groupings, religious beliefs don't
matter. Rape is still rape."
SAPAC, the largest campus rape
crisis center in the country, has over
300 volunteers working toward the
goals of education and support for all
victims of sexual assault.
In addition to providing year-
round educational programs and le-
gal and psychological counseling, the
center is sponsoring Sexual Assault
Awareness Week next week.
"We need to constantly bring about
education and awareness of sexual
assault," Cain said. "What happens
with sexual assault has happened for
so long because of ignorance, but
changes have to be made on an indi-
vidual as well as societal level. Indi-
viduals must change their knowledge
and attitudes and only then will soci-
ety begin to change."
'We see approximately 250 survivors a year, but
there are still many more who don't tell anyone.'
-Gloria Khrys
Assault Crisis Center
"We see approximately 250 survi-
*ors a year, but there are probably
still many more who don't tell anyone
or go to the police," said Gloria Khrys
of the Assault Crisis Center to explain
this difference in numbers. The cen-
ter Khrys works at provides support
services for all of Washtenaw County.
Debra Cain, SAPAC director, sup-
ports this view.
"People get so hung up on statis-
*U.S. orders Rangers
in Somalia to return
In retreat, Clinton withdraws elite corps
Workshop games
teach serious side
of safer sex, STDs
Last night students competed to see who could put a
condom on an artificial penis quickly and effectively.
While fun, this game served as one of the various activities
used to educate students about a serious subject: sexually
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a fur-
*her step back from armed confronta-
tion with Mohamed Farrah Aidid,
President Clinton ordered a pullout
yesterday of Army Ranger forces he
had sent to Somalia to capture the
clan leader.
The move reflected the
provide a full breakdown.
Sixteen of the 18 Americans who
died in the Oct. 3 raid were members
of the Ranger task force.
DeLaski said about 6,300 U.S.
troops now remain in Somalia.
Clinton said the time was right to
pull out the Rangers because two
transmitted diseases, including the
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