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September 15, 1993 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-09-15

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 15, 1993 - 3

lead race
for mayor
of Detroit
DETROIT (AP) - Dennis Archer
grabbed a strong lead in early mayoral
primary vote returns yesterday for the
office Coleman Young is leaving after
20 years. Sharon McPhail was leading
for the other spot on the November
Early returns showed Archer, a
former Michigan Supreme Court jus-
tice, with 66 percent of the vote, or
13,475 votes. The totals included 51
percent of the absentee ballots and one
precinct, or about 6.8 percent of the
total vote.
McPhail, a deputy assistant in the
Wayne Countyprosecutor's office, was
on track for the second spot on the
Nov. 2 general election ballot, with 13
percent, or 2,677 votes.
In third in early returns was Arthur
Blackwell II, Wayne County Com-
mission chair and chair of the Wayne
County Port Authority, who had 1,988
votes, or 9.7 percent. U.S. Rep. John
Conyers Jr., who placed third in the
1989 mayoral primary, was fourth with
726 votes or 3.6 percent.
Thirty-two percent of the city's
576,000 registered voters cast ballots,

Clinton endorses
trade agreement

Detroit mayoral candidate Dennis Archer, considered the frontrunner in the race, votes yesterday in the Detroit primary.

said deputy city clerk Jeff Blaine.
Young did not endorse anyone for
the primary. Archer served as Young's
campaign manager in 1977. McPhail
is a former Young appointee to the
Detroit Police Commission.
Young served an unprecedented
five terms before announcing on the
filing deadline June 22 that he didn't
have the energy to seek a sixth term.
News media exit polls showed
trends similar to the early returns, and
Archer, McPhail and Blackwell had
been running 1-2-3 in polls before the

WJBK-TV'sexitpollof600 voters
had Archer with 46 percent, McPhail
with 32 percent, and Blackwell with
15 percent. The poll's margin of error
of 4.5 percentage points, the station
TV, WXYZ-TV, WKBD-TV and the
Detroit Free Press had Archer with 51
percent, McPhail with 29 percent and
Blackwell with 13 percent. The mar-
gin of error was 2 percent.
There were 23 candidates on the
primary ballot.
Archer earned the endorsement of

the Detroit Free Press, while The De-
troit News endorsed both Archer and
McPhail for the primary. The city's
weekly Black newspaper, the Michi-
gan Chronicle, supported Archer.
He resigned from the bench in
December 1990 to begin campaign-
ing - two-and-one-half years before
Young announced he didn't have the
energy to serve as mayor for another
four-year term.
In announcing his decision this
summer, Young, 75, warned his po-
tential successor that the city faces
"enormous problems and challenges."

WASHINGTON (AP)-With three
ex-presidents standing behind him,
President Clinton signed supplemental
agreements yesterday that the White
House hopes will overcome formidable
opposition to establishing the world's
largest free trade zone.
During an elaborate East Room cer-
emony, Clinton and former presidents
George Bush, Jimmy Carter and Gerald
Ford attacked opponents of the North
American Free Trade Agreement who
they said are distorting the truth and
playing on Americans' worst fears.
Carter used the bluntest language,
zeroing in on Dallas billionaire Ross
Perot, the agreement's most vocal critic,
who has contended that the measure
will put 5.9 million American jobs in
jeopardy as U.S. companies seek
cheaper wages and lax enforcement of
environmental and labor standards in
"Unfortunately, in our country now,
we have a demagogue who has unlim-
ited financial resources and who is ex-
tremely careless with the truth who is
preying on the fears and the uncertain-
ties of the American public," Carter
said, drawing a standing ovation from
the crowd of NAFTA supporters.
Perot spokesperson Sharon Holman
said the former independent presiden-
tial candidate would not respond to
Carter's attack.
"We're going to stay focused on the
issues," she said.
The 2,000-page main trade agree-
ment was completed in August 1992 by
the Bush administration. It would re-
move virtually all barriers to trade and
investment among the United States,
Mexico and Canada over a 15-year pe-
Clinton demanded that he sign three
supplemental agreements on enforce-
ment of environmental laws, worker
standards and sudden import surges to
correct what he saw as flaws in the main
Those supplemental agreements
were signed yesterday in separate cer-

emonies by Clinton and Mexican Presi-
dent Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
Canadian Prime Minister Kim
Campbell signed the agreements with-
out a public ceremony Monday night,
her office said.
The White House had most of the
Cabinet on hand along with 13 gover-
nors, four mayors, various business ex-
ecutives and Democratic and Republi-
can leaders from the House and Senate.
Clinton is counting on Republican
support to offset widespread defections
by liberals in his own party.
The president said that those who
opposed NAFTA were playing on the
"fears and insecurities that are 4legiti-
mately gripping the great American
middle class."
He said the agreement would ex-
pand American exports and create
200,000 jobs during its first two years
by lowering Mexican tariffs.
Clinton also claimed the agreement
would create 1 million jobs over five
years, a figure he later conceded was
"I inadvertently made a factual error
today, not a big one, but it was an error' ;
and we corrected it,"he said, rolling his
estimate back toward the 200,000 fig-
"NAFTA means jobs - American
jobs and good-paying Americanjobs. If
I didn't believe that I wouldn't support
this agreement," the president said.
The Sierra Club and the AFL-CIO
held a joint news conference with Rep.
David Bonior, the third-ranking Demo-
crat in the House. All three are fighting
the agreement.
Sierra Club Chair Michael
McCloskey and AFL-CIO Secretary-
Treasurer Thomas Donahue said in a
statement that NAFTA was "an inves-
tors' agreement that willhurt workers in
all three countries while causing severe
environmental damage."
The Clinton administration still
hopes Congress will approve the trade
agreement in time to go into effect as
scheduled Jan. 1.

Primary victors pledge to involve 'U

More than a year of campaigning is
drawing to a close tonight, and only
the top two candidates remain in the
running to head Michigan's largest
The primary's two victors -Den-
nis Archer and Sharon McPhail -
won the support of voters with their
plans to "revitalize" Detroit.
To many University students, De-
troit is only Greektown, Tiger games
and a way to get to Windsor. But both
candidates pledged to involve the Uni-
versity in more urban programs.
Throughout the long campaign sea-
son the candidates spoke of patching
shaky relations with Detroit'ssuburbs.
Archer, who has two children who
attend the University, traveled as far
away as Washington, D.C. and at-
tended the Clinton Inauguration to
drum up support from Michigan po-
liticos in attendance. Archer's cam-
paign did not suffer from the media
attention hereceived fromDetroitnews
stations who all sent their news an-
chors to cover the event.
In an interview, Archer joked that
he "knows what it's like to pay high
tuition," referring to his children at the

Archer says programs that bring
people from the suburbs into the city
can have a "positive influence," add-
ing that programs such as the
University's Project Outreach have
significant effects on children in pov-
erty and with other problems in De-
troit. Archer would urge increasing
support for these programs.
For the past eight months, the can-
didates have spoken at churches, street
corners, chicken dinners and Sunday
socials - hammering away at the
many different ways each plans to
"revitalize" Detroit.
But the primary focus for most of
the summer and the issue that was
highlighted in Sunday's speeches by
the top candidates was crime.
It is a natural issue for the primary
winners to emphasize. The two candi-
dates are both lawyers and have both
been involved in law enforcement.
Both have put forth plans to reduce
McPhail has said she would in-
crease funding to put 700 new police
officers on the streets and "not just
speeding by."
She brings a new perspective to the
field of candidates, as she vies to be the
first female mayor in Detroit's history.
McPhail urges closerrelations between

the suburbs and the city.
The relationship between the sub-
urbs and the city has been a constant
issue throughout the campaign. The
candidates have charged that both are
overly influenced by financial cam-
paign money donated by special inter-
ests in the wealthy suburbs.
During the announcement of the
fatal force case, stemming from the
death of Malice Green, the candidates
jumped at the opportunity to make a
political statement. Archer sat in the
courtroom. McPhail spoke at the street
corner where Green was killed.
At this and on numerous other oc-
casions - as is typical of political
campaigns - style and negative cam-
paigning took a front seat to a discus-
sion of the issues.
But the daunting issue the winner
will have to face is the massive eco-
nomic problems of the city, which is
$30 million in debt while jobs con-
tinue to leave the city.
The new mayor will have to articu-
late an economic vision for Detroit,
says U.S. Rep. Barbara Rose-Collins
Twenty-three candidates entered
the race to replace incumbent Mayor
Coleman Young, who will leave office
after serving an unprecedented five

terms in office.
Going into the primary, polls had
placed the former Michigan Supreme
Court Justice Archer as the front run-
ner. He was polling supportfrom about
50 percent of the electorate. The other
top candidates for the second position
were AssistantProsecutorMcPhail and
Wayne County Commission Chair
Arthur Blackwell.
Other notable candidates who were
defeated in yesterday's primary were:
U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit),
the House Government Operations
chair and a perennial mayoral candi-
date who placed third in the last may-
oral primary; and, Paul Hubbard,
former New Detroit president and a
former legislative intern to Young
when Young was a state senator in the
early 1960s.
Many long-time political observ-
ers have questioned why Young per-
sistently refused to endorse a candi-
date or disperse large chunks of his
multi-million dollar campaign war
chest to mayoral campaigns.
Little is certain except that for the
first time in 20 years Coleman Young
will not be the mayor of Detroit. And
that the new mayor - be it Archer or
McPhail - will have a host of daunt-
ing challenges to address.


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Altj~ .

Link Up system helps students buy, sell used textbooks

Are you tired of standing in line to
pay $40 for a tattered math text that is
only worth a fraction of the cost? Are
you sick of standing in line to sell a
tattered math text that will net you only
$10? Are you sick and tired of feeling
ripped off by campus bookstores that
profit from a used book market that
leaves the buyer and seller two options
- their way or the street?
Dwayne Combs may have the solu-
Combs, a 22-year-old student at
Washtenaw Community College,
started a program called Link Up to
help fellow students avoid the high
prices and hassles students encounter
during book rush.
"I was sick of the whole process of
getting ripped off buying and selling

back used books," he said.
Currently, the Student Book Ex-
change (SBE) is the only organized
alternative for students who want to buy
and sell books without a go-between.
The SBE is non-profit, but only offers a
mass book buy back and sale during the
first two weeks of school.
LinkUpisa for-profitphone service
that allows students to buy and sell used
books without dealing with traditional
campus bookstores or strange-looking
fellows hawking texts out of the back of
a Chevy Impala.
Students who are looking to sell
their used textbooks, may call Link Up
and have their book advertised on the
service. Combs charges sellers $3 per-
book to list their name, phone number
and the title and edition of the book. The
service also uses course numbers to
avoid any confusion.

"We check course guides at each
school to make sure the texts being sold
are the same required for the class," he
Students in search of cheap books
can call - free of charge - and ask if
the text in question is being offered. If
the answer is yes, the prospective buyer
is then given the phone number of the
seller and the two parties may arrange
the transaction.
Combs attempts to connect buyers
and sellers on the same campus so stu-
dents will not have to travel far to meet
their connection.
This new altemative to campus book-
stores has only been in existence for six
months. As a result, many students had
not yet heard of the program.
"It sounds pretty chancey," said sec-
ond- year graduate student Thersa
Sweet. "It depends on what the odds are

you will sell it."
The service, which Combs said is
similar to a classified advertisement,
serves universities, community colleges
and technological centers throughout
the southeastern Michigan area.
"Our service enables sellers to get
more for their used textbooks than has
been true with conventional outlets,"
Combs said. "At the same time, buyers
can expect to save money on the texts
they need."
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Paul Rosser is Ulrich's Bookstore manager. David Richard is Michigan Book and Supply manager. This was incorrectly
reported in yesterday's Daily.

Student groups
o Rosh Hashanah Services, con-
servative services at the Power

mass meeting, Michigan Union, Center for Russian and East Eu-
Wolverine Room, 7 p.m. ropean Studies, lunch and lecture
Q U of M Actuarial Club, mass series, Lane Hall Commons

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