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September 15, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-09-15

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Cable television subscribers thought the Cable
Reform Act of 1992 would decrease their cable
bills. Instead, it has increased their hassles.

The new movie "Kalifornia" explores the
interesting topic of serial killing, but trivial banter
ruins this film. Read Alison Levy's review.

Although defending Big Ten champion Michigan fell
to Notre Dame Saturday, the conference saved
face with impressive nonconference wins by
Michigan State and Ohio State.

Cooler, morning drizzle;
High 66, Low 48 : ;
Partly sunny; High 71, Low 54


Y t


One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol. Cltl, No. 122 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 1S. 1993 ©1993 The Michigan Daily

voice mail
"Hi, you have reached Tom and
Jerry's room. If you would like to leave
* a message for Tom press 1; for Jerry
press 2."
Thanks to a new voice mail system
installed in Mosher-Jordan Residence
Hall (Mo-Jo), students may hear ames-
sage like this when they call their friends
to chat.
University officials selected Mo-Jo
as the test site for a one-year voice mail
program for students.
"A number of years ago (the
University's Network Systems Depart-
ment) installed voice mail services on
all administrative lines, and this fall is
initiating a one-year pilot version of
offering voicemail to aresident popula-
tion," said Alan Levy, director of public
affairs and information for the Univer-
sity Housing Division.
The University's Telecommunica-
tions Department initiated the program
* to provide students with voice mail.
"They know how popular voicemail
is with University staff who have it.
They operate on an assumption that a
substantial numberof our residents bring
answering machines with them," Levy
"Voice mail is an answering ma-
chine service without an answering
machine," he added.
Although the voice mail messaging
system allows users to send and receive
messages using a telephone, other fea-
tures are also available. These include
See Mo-Jo, Page 2

Israel begis
peace talks
with Jordan

Making peace with the PLO has
brought the promise of new relations
for Israel in the Arab world and be-
yond, a dividend that Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin's government needs in
order to sell its peace plan at home.
. Israeli and Jordanian officials signed
a framework for a peace treaty at a
formal ceremony in Washington yes-
terday, a day after Israel and the PLO
affirmed an agreement to establish au-
tonomy in the occupied lands within
five years..
AmbassadorFayez Tarawneh, who
signed for Jordan, said he hoped it
would establish an agenda for discus-
sions and lead to "a comprehensive.
peace that will transform the lives of all

our peoples."
After his historic handshake with
Arafat, Rabin flew to Morocco for
meetings with King Hassan II, hop-
ing to parlay his peacemaking with
the PLO into diplomatic ties with
Morocco and perhaps even Tunisia.
"I think it is very important do-
mestically as further evidence that
the Arab world is not homogeneously
hostile," said Nimrod Novick, an Is-
raeli special ambassador. "Any evi-
dence to the contrary helps mobilize
public support for painful conces-
sions not only with Palestinians but
with Syrians."
Israel radio speculated that rela-
tions with Arab Gulf states and non-
Arab Muslim countries likeMalaysia
See PEACE, Page 2

A Palestinian flag is waved from the top of a building yesterday, which until the day before was an Israeli Army observation point
in Nablus, Occupied West Bank. The roof top, which has a commanding view over the city, had been used by the Israeli Army for
years to keep watch over Palestinians in Nablus city center. The soldiers withdrew from the observation post following the signing
of the Israeli-PLO peace accord leaving the roof top to celebrating Palestinians.

Arafat woos U.S. legislators, press corps

WASHINGTON (AP) - Yasser Arafat set
out yesterday to charm America. In Congress, a
bastion of anti-PLO sentiment for 20 years, he
was given a gift and told he was "very welcome."
And at the National Press Club he wooed the
press with humor and pathos.
His message was clear: "Let us speak for the
future, not for the past."
Arafat's past seemed drowned in an outpour-
ing of goodwill.
From the senators with whom he had break-
fast, Arafat said he won promises that they would

"do their best" to drum up financial aid for the
Palestinian self-government about to be estab-
lished in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and
Gaza Strip.
The lawmakers also told Arafat they not only
would have to find the money but would have to
repeal laws that ban U.S. aid to the Palestine
Liberation Organization.
Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-
Maine) said he had ordered "a complete review
and identification" of anti-PLO laws. He then
sent Arafat on his way with a small gift: a deco-

rative pewter box;
Senate Republican leader Bob Dole of Kan-
sas said his appeal for help "was well received by
, And House Speaker Thomas Foley declared
Arafat had "a very engaging personality and was
very well informed on all the issues involved."
He said the Palestinian was "very welcome here."
It was music to the ears of the man who had for
19 years been denied entry into the United States
and was planning a return later in the day to the
United Nations.

Yesterday, he set aside a prepared text and
entertained questions at a National Press Club
"We are looking to strengthen more and
more the relationship with the American
people," he said, "and we are counting on
you" to help.
He appealed to the emotions of his audience
of journalists saying: "Maybe some of you don't
know what it means to be a refugee ... as myself,
still faraway of my country," and others, "home-
less, stateless, even without an identity card."

Assembly kicks off school year
with heated budget discussion


There may not have been mud wrestling at
lastnight'sMichigan StudentAssemblymeet-
ing, but dirt was slung both for and against the
The assembly's main focus was the first
reading of its proposed 1994 budget, which
MSA leaders say provides an increase in
funding to student organizations. The
University's student government collected
$200,000 in student fees for distribution
throughout its organization.
Although the main debate over the budget
will be held at next week's meeting, voices
and emotions still ran high due to a proposed
cut of funding to the Ann Arbor Tenants'
Union (AATU).
The AATU - a pro-tenant organization
that helps student resolve landlord disputes
free of charge -received more than $28,000
from MSA last year.
If the proposed budget passes, MSA will
cease funding the student organization en-

MSA President Craig Greenberg said the
tenants' union is unnecessary because its
services are duplicated by the Student Legal
Service and the University's Office of Off
Campus Housing.
More than two dozen supporters of the
25-year-old union attended the meeting to
tell the assembly why the AATU should
continue to be funded.
Rachel Robbins, an Education fifth-year
senior, said she uses AATU's services for
many reasons - the most important being
the safety of her daughter.
"I need a roof over her head. The AATU
makes me feel secure as a renter," Robbins
said. "I'm definitely willing to pay 38 cents
(for the AATU's funding)."
Engineering sophomore Suzanne Sarafa
said she utilized the University's Housing
Division - instead of the AATU - for
information when she had questions about
moving off campus.
She said she was happy with the service
she received.
"I would definitely go back to them be-

cause they were a great resource for me,"
Sarafa said.
Ann Wilson, incoming president of
AATU's board of directors, said she felt
angry and frustrated with the way the assem-
bly treated AATU speakers.
"The process was anything but profes-
sional," Wilson said, adding that AATU rep-
resentatives will be returning next week.
Assembly members also questioned the
proposed budget because members of the
assembly's Budget Priorities Committee
(BPC)were not appointed before its creation.
BPC's chair, as well as MSA's executive
officers, are responsible for finalizing the
new budget.
MSA Vice President Brian Kight said the
budget was proposed in the same manner that
it has been in years past.
"If this budget isn't valid, then all of the
other budgets aren't valid," Kight added.
In other business, the assembly passed a
motion to set its fall election dates on Nov.16
and 17 as not to coincide with the date of
regent elections.

Laura Hansen (left), an assistant buyer for Famous-Barr of the MAY department stores company, recruits
School of Business student Stephanie Miller. The annual recruiting event takes place in the Business

* Relax.
You didn't sleep through Festifall.
Due to yesterday's threatening weather,
Festifall was postponed.
Be sure to come out to the Diag and see.


'U' researchers take step toward using gene
therapy to cure rheumatoid arthritis patients

Researchers at the University Medi-
cal Center have taken the first step on a
path that may lead to gene therapy for

One to 5 percent of the U.S. population suffers from
rheumatoid arthritis.

If animal work continues to be suc-
cessful, Roessler said, human trials may
begin within the next two to five years.
Although the viruses would notcure the
disease, they could greatly enhance the

demonstrated for the first time the abil-


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