Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, January 19,1993
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420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Editor in Chief
Opinion Editors
Edited and Managed
by Students at the
University of Michigan
Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board.
All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.
JAM searches for common wound
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While tensions between Arabs and Israelis
persist in the Middle East, members of the
Jewish and Muslim communities here at the Uni-
versity are attempting to put their differences
behind them and promote greater understanding.
By cooperating to form Jews and Muslims for
Better Understanding (JAM), students are taking
an important step in bridging the perceived cul-
tural chasm between the two groups.
JAM was formed when the University's Is-
lamic Circle contacted Hillel, the University's
Jewish student organization, and expressed its
concern about the recent anti-Semitic vandalism
at the Hillel building. The two groups agreed to
meet afterward. JAM was an outgrowth of that
The group's primary goal is to promote under-
standing between Jews and Muslims by stressing
the several religious and cultural similarities be-
tween the two groups, and hopefully elliminate
many of the misunderstandings and stereotypes
that spring up between the two groups from time
to time. Additionally, the JAM members will
strive to improve their understanding of other
religious, ethnic and racial communities.
JAM's activities will include organizing dis-
cussions between Jews and Muslims. Members
Lo w income and
A progressive pro-tenants movement has
emerged within the City of Ann Arbor Hous-
ing Commission that challenges the standard con-
ventions of low-income, city-provided housing.
Last Wednesday night, at an open public hearing
on the future of city affordable housing, a group of
tenants organized as UNIT demanded the city
council allow for a democratically-elected hous-
ing board, equal power sharing with the commis-
sion, and full tenant management to further the'
empowerment of low-income tenants. Mayor Liz
Brater and her fellow Democratic councilmembers
should support this general shift of political power
to the tenants. Providing tenants with a greater
stake in the property they inhabit benefits both the
tenants and the city.
Low-income tenants that cannot afford to rent
an apartment or own a home in the high-priced
Ann Arbor market depend on the city and its
leadership to provide a decent and fair place of
residence. However, the tenants, angry and disap-
pointed over consistent housing board policies
that seem to show a paternalistic contempt for the
disadvantaged, have called for a revolutionary
change in city thinking: the eventual transforma-
tion of all day-to-day government involvement to
the tenants themselves, thereby avoiding the bu-
reaucratic red tape and internal political squabbles
that currently are debilitating the housing board.
The federally-funded HOPE housing program,
plan to publish a monthly newsletter called JAM
Session, and even and attend each other's religious
services. Various field trips, such as one to an Ann
Arbor mosque, have also been considered.
The Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East has
naturally been the central cause of continued ten-
sion between the Jewish and Muslim communities
(recognizing, of course, that not all Arabs are Mus-
lim, and not all Muslims are Arabs). The perpetual
struggle involves both a confusing history and
emotional ties, and it is good to see that those
organizing JAM have decided to agree to disagree
on this issue, while focusing on areas where the two
' cultures have common ground.
The immigrant experience inAmerica ofthe two
communities have striking similarities. Both Jews
and Arabs have faced oppression and discrimina-
tion in the United States. It is disappointing to see
the Arab-Israeli conflict -although, certainly a
serious issue - create enemies of potential allies.
The ideals enacted by those who formed JAM is
a model worthy of examination by other ethnic
groups. Divisions exist not only between Jews and
Muslims, but among other ethnic groups on cam-
pus. Only through communication and interaction
between ethnic groups can the community combat
racial ignorance and curb intolerance.
which operates through the Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) facilitates the pub-
lic transfer of ownership to the disaffected private
sector, while maintaining a good supply of afford-
able city housing.
The HOPE program will allow the low-income
tenants to become self-sufficient property owners
and integral members of the community through
the daily management of the converted units. Hope-
fully, as more and more tenants take control of their
apartments through the new program, HUD, as
well as the city council can construct new public
The long-term societal objective of a city-man-
aged housing project should be twofold: to provide
for adequate housing, and to support low-income
tenants. As of now, the city governmental apparatus
is only providing for the first, and not for the more
important second goal. Its housing programs, though
well-intentioned, are only a stopgap measure.
The city should take the requests of the UNITY
organization seriously. Following the Los Angeles
Riots, Secretary of HUD Jack Kemp commented
that if people are given a greater stake in their
homes, they are far more likely to maintain their
property, as well as respect the property of others.
He pointed to such programs as a way to prevent
urban unrest in the future.
Hopefully, Ann Arbor's city housing board will
heed his message.
I'm blind, I'm deaf,
I wantto be aref
To the Daily:
After attending our first
women's home basketball game,
we understand why Michigan has
such a poor home record.
While the officiating was sub-
par for most of the game, the last
31.6 seconds were unbelievable.
Ahead by one point, Michigan
State had 27 seconds on the shot
clock and was inbounding the
ball. To our dismay, the score-
keeper mistakenly turned off the
shot clock, forcing Michigan to
foul. This removed Michigan's
opportunity to play good defense,
as State no longer had to shoot
before time expired.
After the foul, State sunk two
free throws and won by three.
While the scorekeeper blatantly
mishandled the situation, the two
referees failed to handle the
situation with the competence
expected of NCAA officials.
Although this would be a shame
on the road, it is inexcusable in a
Crisler Arena home game.
We hope that in the future
Michigan will exercise greater
care in hiring competent officiat-
ing personnel.
Brian Blanchette
Engineering first-year
Brett Cooper
LSA first-year student
David Scott
LSA first-year student
Deportations violate
international law
To the Daily:
Thanks to the Daily for the
editorial ("Deportations endanger
peace," 1/13/93) about Israel's
deportation of 415 Palestinians.
These expulsions are a flagrant
violation of international law and
the Fourth Geneva Conventions,
to which Israel is a signer.
The Geneva Conventions
were drawn up in the aftermath of
the death and destruction of
human lives in World War II. The
illegality of deportations was
included because of the ease with
which Hitler deported Jews and
others from their Nazi-occupied
countries to the death camps.
The United States supported
the U.N. Security Council
resolution condemning the
deportations and calling for the
repatriation of the Palestinians.
At the same time, however, our
government sends $4 billion
dollars a year to Israel in military
and economic aid. Under Article
501 of the Foreign Assistance
Act, the United States is required
to suspend all aid to Israel
because of these and other Israeli
human rights abuses.
As long as our financial
pipeline to Israel flows uninter-
rupted, the United States gives
Israel the green light to continue
its abuse of the Palestinians. The
United States should suspend
economic assistance to Israel, as
dictated by U.S. law, until it
complies with the U.N. resolu-
tions. It is a shame that in a
conflict where the U.S. can do so
much, we have chosen to do so
Rochelle Davis
Rskham stdnt
Diversity at 'U' Library
To the Daily: It should not be surprising that the
Given recent questions raised University Library would, along
in The Michigan Review, as with its other specialties, also
Dean of the University Library, I employ staff who are particularly
want to reaffirm to the campus, able to assist students of color
and especially to our students of with their educational require-
color, the Library's commitment ments and researchers with their
to diversity sfocus on multicultural areas. The
We are extremely proud of Peer Information Counseling
our strong tradition of diversity at Program and the Diversity
the University Library. Walk in Librarian are two examples of this
our doors and you will see a staff commitment to service.
that reflects society. With more I hope for a future in which our
than 20 percent people of color entire environment is multicultural
on our staff, we are well poised to and responsive to all faculty, staff
serve our campus community. and students, no matter what their
We are also proud of our fine background. This campus has
collections and services. Even committed itself to increasing
with ever-increasing costs to representation of faculty, staff and
purchase materials for the students from a wide range of
collection, we have maintained a cultures. The resources and
world-class collection which services of the University need to
reflects the diverse research and reflect this broad commitment.
study interests of our faculty and The University Library has taken
students. This means that steps to ensure that its resources
sometimes we allocate special and services will reflect the
funds to fill gaps in resources increasingly multicultural nature
relating to particular cultures and of our campus.
areas. As curriculum and research We have received campus and
needs shift, our collection needs national recognition for our
will change over time. accomplishments, but we know
In serving users, libraries there is more to do. Our strategic
must make special efforts to plan for the next three years
respond to those whose culture is reflects our continuing commit-
not the "traditional" one in our ment to these goals.
society. The publication, distribu- Donald Riggs
tion and organization of informa- Dean, University Library
tion has been very monocultural.
Is Daily showing bias?
Peace without appeasement
Y esterday, for the second time in five days, the
United States launched a military strike
againstIraq, stilllead by adefiantSaddam Hussein.
At issue once again is Saddam's stubborn disre-
gard for U.N. resolutions. Viewed on its own, the
missile attack - like last week's air-strike - is
justified; Saddam cannot be allowed to shun inter-
national law at his own discretion.
At the same time, such air strike diplomacy
shows little promise
of forging a solution
tthe Iraq problem, M .
and Americans and
Iraqis can only hope
incoming President
Bill Clinton will be
able to salvage a dip-
lomatic solution from
the rubble in
Baghdad. Saddam
can save himself and
the Iraqi people fur-
ther airstrikes and a
crippled economy by
abiding by the U.N. BBC reporter Michael M
resolutions. Brper M rom
In a New York shra pnel, allegedly from
Times interview last which the Iraqis claim was
week, Clintonsaidhe Rashid Hotel in Baghdad.
would continue to
nal and unpredictable men in power today, has
demonstrated that he is also calculating and resil-
ient. Air strikes are causing an increase in sympathy
toward Iraq among the Arab world. Clinton should
look for other methods to punish Iraqi violations.
As impossible as it may seem, the only effective
solution will be diplomatic one, involving commu-
nication between Saddam and the United States.
That will pose considerable problems for U.S.
policy-makers. The
economic embargo,
while severely hurting
Iraqandits people,has
not kept Iraq from de-
fying U.N. resolu-
tions. Saddam contin-
ues to overtly violate
U.N. resolutions man-
dating routine weap-
ons inspections and
the two "no-fly"
>zones, which were
} designed to keep
th a Saddam from bomb-
ing Shi'ites in the
Millan holds a piece of South and Kurds inthe
omahawk cruise missile, North.
uhd inthe rubble atthe al- With President
Letters unwarrented,
Daily consistent ...
To the Daily:
In response to Ali Bydon's
letter ("Daily pro-Zionist," 1/12/
93) to the Daily, accusing the
paper of being pro-Zionist (which
should not have a negative
connotation), among other
blatantly ridiculous accusations,
the Daily frequently circulates
columnists (in the case of
Katherine Metres), regardless of
their political viewpoints.
I'll be the first to admit that
Israel's recent actions on the
deportation of Palestinians was
illegal according to international
law, though your attack on Israel
as a "fascist, Nazi-like state" is
insulting to all victims of Hitler's
regime. Israel is the only demo-
cratic, not fascist, state in the
As far as what would be
allowed in an Israeli University,
freedom of speech cannot be
compared - let alone allow a
Jew into an Arabic University.
Palestinians gain more of an
education and enjoy far more
rights in Israel than any other
surrounding state. Victory to the
Never will the world see
terrorism effectively sabatoge
attempts to promote peace in the
region; your arrogance and anti-
semetic attitude benefit no one.
Victory to Peace in the Middle
Jason Meister
LSA first-year student
*** Daily should
reverse decision*...
To the Daily:
stimulating our minds and for
getting a much larger part of the
University community involved.
One of the reasons I chose the
University in the first place was to
expand my mind beyond text-
books, and Metres has given me
and countless others that opportu-
nity. Please reconsider and keep
the Daily strong.
Michael Abdou
Engineering senior
... decision proves
political motivation
To the Daily:
I was thoroughly disappointed
whenI heard that you would no
longer be running Katherine
Metres' column "Shades of Red."
This column was the one piece of
excellent writing and insightful
analysis that I looked forward to
in the Daily. Metres gave us a
poignant yet humorous look at
sexual harassment and its results.
I was also particularly impressed
by her analysis of the role of
women in the Catholic Church
and the reasoning behind the
requisite title of "virgin" attached
to Mary's name.
However, it was Metres' one
article criticizing Bill Clinton and
his views on Israel which,
although fair and moderate,
caused so much controversy and,
I believe, eventually led to the
demise of her column.
To myself and many of the
students I have spoken to, Metres'
writing was lucid and effective.
Her analysis was intelligent and
the issues she raised were relevant
and of interest to the student
body. One is forced to conclude,
then, that the cancellation of her
column was due to bias and
hernim-- of the ,;irtni wnrcin
a T
s fol
Bush's departure from
the White House, per-