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January 19, 1993 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-01-19

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 19, 1993 - Page 3

Student house wrecked
by fire; bus blocks aid

Stars salute Clinton at
inauguration festivities
by David Shepardson port for the new president. speeches by President JOhi
"(Clinton) won fair and square Kennedv and Dr Martin L

by Will McCahill
Daily Crime Reporter
A blaze raced through a
Willard Street apartment - just
east of East Quadrangle Residence
Hall - Sunday morning, causing
an estimated $30,000 to $40,000
in damages, but no injuries.
The fire was started by flames
from a furnace and gutted the
third-floor apartment - inhabited
by two University students at -
1208 Willard St., according to the
Ann Arbor Fire Department
AAFD responded to calls for

assistance from residents and had
the fire under control in less than
45 minutes.
AAFD Captain James
Breslin- calling the damage
"severe"- said that one-half to
three-quarters of the apartment
was destroyed.
When officers from the Ann
Arbor Police Department (AAPD)
arrived on the scene about 10 min-
utes after the report, they found a
University bus parked on Willard
Street, which impeded the fire de-
partment's efforts to reach the

hn F.

This Willard Street house was the
site of a furnace fire on Sunday.

flood of emotional imagery over-
whelmed the crowd that converged
on the Lincoln Memorial Sunday for
the opening of the "People's
Presidential Inauguration."
At times it was slickly packaged
- replete with made-for-TV mo-
ments and "town hall" signs on tents
permeating the mall.
According to officials at the mall,
the approximately 300,000 people
who attended began lining up at 6
a.m. to hear the program, "Make
Way for Tomorrow" - a star-stud-
ded production that included dozens
of Tony award winners and bands.
Lauren Bacall's rendition of "I
Believe in You," sung to a giant por-
trait of President-elect Clinton, gar-
nered a standing ovation from the
Larry Gatlin, who is slated to ap-
pear in the "Will Rogers Follies" this
spring, and is a 30-year friend of
President Bush, came to show sup-

and now we've all got to get behind
him," Gatlin said. "I pray for him
every night."
Among the highlights was Tyne
Daly and Linda Lavin's emotional
rendition of "Everything's Coming
up Roses" and a George Cohan med-
ley sung by Joel Grey.
An additional 200,000 people ar-
rived yesterday for the second day of
the festivities. Chelsea and Hillary
Clinton visited the celebration and
Mrs. Clinton touched base with the
crowd at the message board, a giant
repository for messages for the new
first family.
Sunday's activities culminated
with the Lincoln Memorial celebra-
tion. Clinton arrived via bus from
Monticello after stopping to shake
hands and wade into crowds along
the way.
Beginning with a tribute to
Abraham Lincoln, the three-hour
program wove together songs and
speeches, including a replaying of

King, Jr.
Throughout much of the perfor-
mance, Clinton gushed at the re-
peated tributes, the inspired speeches
and the best wishes from star
After speeches by Vice
President-elect Al Gore and Clinton;
the entertainers gathered to sing the
Quincy Jones-produced "We Are the
Michael Jackson's one-gloved
appearance caused thunderous ap-
plause and shrieks from the crowd.-
After Clinton sang a few notes of
"We Are the World" into Diana
Ross' microphone, he headed across
the memorial bridge to ring the
"Bells of Hope" on a mock Liberty
The fireworks show that followed
included the long-awaited silhouet-
ted portrait of Clinton playing a sax-
ophone. Clinton wandered into the
crowd and shook hands again, fi-
nally leaving at about 6:30 p.m.

health care
a priority
by Kerry Colligan
and Johnny Su
Daily Staff Reporters
It was difficult for Sonya to un-
derstand what it meant when the
doctors told her she was HIV-pos-
itive. It was even harder for her to
explain to her eight-year-old son
that he had also contracted the
Sonya was one of many
speakers who addressed health is-
sues facing children today at the
Medstart conference, "Building
Coalitions for Children: Turning
Words into Action," Saturday at
Towsley Center.
Surgeon General-designate Dr.
M. Jocelyn Elders and Alan Keith
Chambers, executive director of
City Cares of America - the
keynote speakers for the confer-
ence - discussed health problems
such as AIDS, teenage pregnancy,
drugs and alcohol, and homicide.
The conference was divided
into three sessions of workshops,
where experts including Valeria
Lovelace, "Sesame Street" re-
search director and Clyde Owings,
University associate professor of
pediatrics and communicable dis-


Dr. M. Joycelyn Elders speaks at a press conference following her speech
during the Medstart program atTowsley Medical Center.

eases, assessed children's welfare.
Criticizing the current poorly-
constructed system, Elders
stressed the necessity of universal
health care. "We have to make
sure that access to health care is a
right for every American. Just be-
cause we have a way to pay for it
doesn't mean we have accessible
health care."
Stressing the need for preventa-
tive-education, Elders expressed
concern regarding the groups who
receive federal aid. Approximately
$368 billion in federal spending is
spent on health programs for peo-
ple older than 65, while only $68
billion is geared toward those
under the age of 18.
However, the focus of Elders'
attention was children world-wide.
Elders said too many children in
the United States are members of

the "five-H club" - hungry, help-
less, homeless, hugless, and hope-
less - in what she called, "the
death of a generation of our young
"The reason why the U.S. has
the highest teen pregnancy rate,
and the highest abortion rate in all
industrialized countries is because
... we've allowed our TVs, and
our streets to teach our children,"
Elders said.
Elders said one reason for teen
pregnancy and abortion rates is
lack of responsibility on the part
of some men. "We've allowed
(young men) to walk around and
donate sperm and feel that is
equivalent to being a father."
Elders said the best way to
combat teen pregnancy and drug
use problems is age-specific,
safer-sex education.

Continued from page 1
caused by his knowledge of
University billing procedures.
"Nobody but me had the history
to rebuild what occurred and could
reconstruct what had happened with
rate charging at the University," he
The University announced Friday
that it will pay the U.S. Departments
of Justice and Health and Human
Services a $3.1 million settlement
over the next six years.
Harrison said the University has
already paid the federal government
$2.8 million - taking the money
from an emergency fund. He added
that ITD will be reimbursing the
University for the money over the
next several years. The other
$300,000 will be covered in free
computer service for federal users.
For serving as a whistleblower,
the federal government will pay
Moore $570,000.
Moore said he filed suit against
the University in January 1991 be-

cause he recognized improper billing
"At the point I filed suit, it was
apparent to me that the University
was not planning to pay back the
government for money it owed," he
Moore said the University acted

dishonestly when
rates to coincide
changes that made
In a memo -
Daily - directed
ITD Director

it did not adjust
with technology
usage less costly.
obtained by the
to all ITD staff,
Douglas Van

Houweling detailed the causes and
effects of the University's payment.
"In the view of federal auditors,
ITD didn't adapt rapidly enough to
changes in information technology
and federal government regulations,"
Van Houweling wrote.
Moore's suit - which the federal
agencies joined last year - alleges
that the University overcharged the
government by $15 million between
1986 and 1992.
While Moore said he does not
believe the University purposely
overcharged the government, he said

ITD officials were slow to respond
when he pointed out a potential
problem years ago.
"Senior people in ITD were
aware of millions of dollars of over-
charge," he said. "In November of
1989 there was an extensive report
which pointed out millions of dollars
of overcharge. Later, I found out that
the managers who received the re-
port were ordered to destroy it."
However, in his memo, Van
Houweling said ITD officials were
unaware of the problems.
Friday's decision represents the
second time the University has been
ordered to compensate the federal
government in 13 months. Harrison
stressed that this investigation is
different from the last.
"They were different kinds of
charges and they were handled dif-
ferently," he said.
"Compliance with federal regula-
tions is very important. We need to
spend as much time and effort as is
necessary to make sure that we are
following government standards," he

Continued from page 1
of the regulations were previously
aestablished but not collectively
"We're trying to clean up a set of
guidelines," said Frank Cianciola,
associate dean of students, who will
oversee the policy.
Virginia Nordby, associate vice
president for student affairs, said the
policy's guidelines do not violate the
First Amendment.
"They are what's called time,
'place and manner regulations, and
many courts routinely uphold them,"
she said.

The policy does not restrict activ-
ities based on content, but it bars
events on certain days, such as exam
days, and only allows the use of
megaphones from noon to 1 p.m.
Prohibited activities include
chalking, illegal use of drugs or al-
cohol, and taping fliers to the
Policy restrictions could affect
the annual Hash Bash, in which
thousands of marijuana legalization
advocates toke up on the Diag.
Walter Harrison, executive direc-
tor of University relations, could not
comment on how the University will
handle the situation since a permit
has not been filed yet.

"We have certain ordinances we
have to obey by state law," he said.
"We would take the appropriate
steps to try to discourage illegal ac-
tions, but that's no different than any
other year."
Nordby said students were con-
sulted during the policy's drafting
process, but Brian Kight, a Michigan
Student Assembly representative,
criticized the University for not for-
mally contacting the assembly.
"For something with as major
impact as this, they should have had
the courtesy to at least inform the
student government on campus that
they were even contemplating this,"
he said.


Student groups
Q Alpha Kappa Psi, Professional
Business Fraternity, informa-
tioialmeeting,Business School,
Room K1320, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Q The Christian Science Organi-
zation, weekly meeting, Michi-
gan League, check front desk
for room, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
U College Republicans, meeting,
MLB, Basement, 6:30 p.m.
Q In Focus, meeting, Frieze Build-
ing, Room 2420,6 p.m.
Q Michigan Student Assembly,
meeting, Michigan Union,
Room 3909,7:30 p.m.
U Newman Catholic Student Fel-
lowship, Saint Mary Student
Parish, 331 Thompson St.,
RCIA,7p.m.; Bible Study, 7:30
U Shulchan Ivrit, MichiganUnion,
Tap Room, 12 p.m.
Q Social Group for Bisexual
Women, call for location and
information, 763-4186, 8 p.m.
Q TaeKwonDo Club, regular
workout, CCRB, Room 2275,
7:45-9:15 p.m.
Q U-M Asian American Student
Coalition, meeting, East Quad,
check room at front desk, 7p.m.
rl 1V 1- 1" C 1 .... v....n W..an

Marc Ross, Lane Hall, Com-
mons Room, 12 p.m.
Q The Consequences, Content
and Claims of American Busi-
ness Expertise in Poland,
Michael Kenndey and Pauline
Gianoplus, seminar, Paton Ac-
counting Center, Room 1004,
12-1 p.m.
U Foreign-born Population in
Estonia, Kalev Katus, lecture,
Lane Hall, Commons Room, 4
Q Hill Street Cinema Mass Meet-
ing, Hillel, 7:30 p.m.
Q Job Searching in a Diverse
Work Force, sponsored by the
Career Planning & Placement
Office, 3200 Student Activities
Building, Career Planning' &
Placement Program Room,
4:10-5:30 p.m.
Q Jeffrey Funderburk, recital,
School of Music, Recital Hall, 8
U Malcom X, sponsored by Spark:
Revolutionary Discussion Se-
ries, Micigan Union, Crofoot
Room, 7-8 p.m.
Q Minority Career Conference
Pre-Conference Workshop,
sponsored by the Career Plan-
ninork 2 Pljmant()Wf r.i An o

sored by the Biopsychology
Colloquium, 1057 Mental
Health Research Institute,
Waggoner Conference Room,
12 p.m.
Q Scientific Integrity and the
University, Pres. James J.
Duderstadt, annual presidential
lecture, Rackham Auditorium,
7:30 p.m.
Q Searching for a Summer Job or
Internship, sponsored by the
Career Planning & Placement
Office, Angell Hall, Aud. D, 5-
6 p.m.
Q Special Analytical Seminar, Dr.
Christine Evans, Chemistry
Building, Room 1650,4 p.m.
Q United Jewish Appeal Solicita-
tion Training Meeting, Hillel,
7 p.m.
Q Welcome to Career Planning
&Placement, sponsored by the
Career Planning & Placement
Office, 3200 Student Activities
Buidling, Career Planning &
Placement Library, 9:10 a.m.
Student Services
Q Kaffeestunde, Department of
Germanic Language and Litera-
ture, MLB, 3rd floor Confer-
encc: Rrm A*':O- n m


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