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April 09, 1993 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-04-09

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily --Friday, April 9, 1993

Continued from page 1
variables that produce the apparent
conelation between minority status and
SAT scores. Some students literally
interpreted this backwards."'
A student in the class who was not
involved with the letter and did not
wish to be named said he did not be-
lieve Goldberg was a racist, but thought
he had "a personality problem."
He said group of women and stu-
dents of color in the class may have
interpreted his attitude as being racist
toward them, but he didn't think
Goldberg's manner toward them was

different from any other students
He said the situation still presents "a
real problem," but not only for the stu-
dents who wrote the letter.
The student who co-wrote the letter
said, "Grievances have been filed against
(Goldberg in the past) and nothing has
happened. Taking that route was going
to be ridiculous, we would get bogged
down in bureaucracy.",
She also said and wrote in the letter
that students tried to talk to Goldberg
during class.
The students are still discussing the
issue with Jimmy Myers, director of the
Office of Affirmative Action. He was
not in the office yesterday to comment.

Continued from page 1
Republicans charge that they are
fighting to protect the country's eco-
nomic future.
'They want more taxes and more
spending and we want to take the coun-
try in a different direction," Gingrich
"Let's be honest, this stimulus pack-
age is going to create a handful of
summer jobs and add billions to the
federal deficit," former Independent
Presidential Candidate Ross Perot said
in testimony before the Joint Congres-
sional Committee on Congressional
Republicans have been courting
Perot supporters since the election. GOP
analysts call Clinton, who only won 43
percent of the vote, vulnerable. If Re-
publicans can woo a majority of Perot

'They want more taxes Nu le"I~a explosion
and more spending and
we want to take the tte
country in a different lew t o iatri

- Newt Gingrich
House minority whip

secret Russian city

voters, they can give Clinton "a run
for the money," he said.
Perot has tentatively endorsed the
Republican approach, as have Perot
supporters who have flooded Sen.
Dole's office with messages of en-
Clinton's fiscal 1994 budget does
not include the $16.3 billion pacage,
as the stimulus would be "off-bud-
get," and the expense would be di-
rectly added to the deficit.


Good Friday Services
Mid-day 1:30 p.m.
"Tenebrae" 7 p.m.
"Easter Vigil" Saturday 11 p.m.
Easter "Festival" Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Ldniversit ' Lutheran Cha~e1
Pastor Ed Kraus, 663-5560
Li1511 Washtenaw, Near Hill St.


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{The Episcopal Church at U of M)
518 E. Washington Street
5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist
6:00 p.m. Dinner
The Rev'd Virginia Peacock, Chaplain
Telephone. 665-0606
Non-Denominational Christianity
530 W. Stadium Blvd.
SUJNDAY: Bible Study-9:30 a.m.
Worship-10:30 a.m.
Worship-6 p.m.
WEDNESUlA: Bible.Study7 p.m.
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801 South Forest (at Hilt Street), 668.7622
SUNDAY- Worship-10 a.m.
W~EDNJESDAY: Bible Study-6 p.m.
Evening Prayer-7 p.m.
(A Roman Catholic Community at U-M)
Corner William and Thompson St.
Across from Cottage Inn
Weekend Liturgies- SATURDAY: 5 p.m.
SUNDAY: &30 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 noon
5 p.m., and 7 p.m.
EBfl2AY: Confessions 4-5 p.m
Good Friday:. Mid-day 1:30p.m.,
"Tenebrae" 7p.m.
SATUR2AY- Easter "Vigil" 11 p.m.
SUN~DAY:~ Easter "Festival" 10:30 a.m.
WEDNESD2AY: Devotions-7 p.m.
1511 Washtenaw, near Hill Street
Pastor Ed Krauss, 663-5560

MOSCOW (AP) - Hundreds of
disaster workers cleared snow and built
dams in the Siberian wilderness yes-
terday in an effort to clean up the
radiation from Russia's worst nuclear
accident since Chernobyl.
Commonwealth Television
showed heavy damage at the nuclear
weapons complex in the secret city of
Tomsk-7, where an underground tank
containing a poisonous mix of liquid
nuclearwaste exploded and burned on
The roof and several walls of the
complex's plutonium processing fa-
cility weredestroyedin theblast, which
spewed a radioactive cloud into the
The Russian Air Defense Com-
mand said the wind was blowing the
radioactive cloud northeast from
Tomsk-7 at a height of 1.2 miles and a
speed of 22 mph, according to the
television. There were conflicting re-
ports about the extent of the contami-
nation and the cloud.
A shift supervisor at the Tomsk-7
plutonium processing plant blamed
the accident on poor work discipline,
a report said.
Although no evacuations were or-
dered and officials said the contami-
nated areas were unpopulated, the
Russian government called it the worst
nuclear accident since the April 1986
Continued from page 1
has been done, and what needs to be
done on multicultural and environ-
mental frontiers," he said.
Although the campus and commu-
nity Earth Week will only last until the
18, National Earth Day is observed
April 22, and local events will con-
tinue through April 30.

explosion andfire atthe Chernobyl atomic
power plant in Ukraine.
That accident rated a 7 on the Itifern-
tional Atomic Energy Association's
seven-point scale, while the Tomsk-7
accident rated a 3.
Workers in masks measured radiation
in the area, while more than 500
firefighters and civil defense troops
cleared away contaminated snow and
dirt. They also built dams to prevent
melting snow from spreading the con-
A military Mi-8 helicopter flew over
the largely uninhabited area of dense
forest, taking measurements as part of a
continuous radiation monitoring progra m.
He said nuclear industry workers take
little responsibility for their actions be-
cause the pay is low and the government
pays little attention to poor conditions in
the workplace.
Marina Ryklina, a spokesperson for
the government's State Emergency Com-
mittee, said the radiation level in
Georgiyevka, avillage of 20pe ople about
14 miles from Tomsk-7, was 0.035 roent-
gens an hour, and did not warrant evacu-*
The initial radiation from Chernobyl
was about 200 roentgens an hour.
Aroentgen is a measure of the human
body's exposure to radiation. The radia-
tion dose considered acceptable for
nuclear workers is 2 roentgens per year.
Other events to promote awareness
include a panel discussion with Univer-
sity professors, an Information Fair on
the Diag with a band, and tree planting.
Falan said this is the first time the
University will hold an entire week of
events. "We have such a broad coalition
of groups that it makes more sense to
focus on more than one issue. It gives
everyone an opportunity to do some-@
thing," he said.


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Takesa course in
performance and value,.

Continued from page 1
group, one course will be offered this
summer for students interning in Wash-
ington. Smith said he believes the
success of this class may lead to the
implementation of a residential cen-
"Our main goal now is making the
class this summer work," Smith said.
"We must start with stepping stones to
reach our higher goal."
.Smith said he believes the project
should be implemented if the
University's political science program
wants to stay in competition with other
schools. Stanford University, Cornell
University and the University of Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles already have
similar programs in Washington.
Smith began circulating petitions
that students and faculty members can
sign in support of the proposal, which
he plans to present to the political
science department.

'We must start with
stepping stones to
reach our higher goal.'
- Sean Smith
LSA Senior

S tudents who have interned in Wash-
ington without being paid or receiving
University credit indicated the benefits a
residential center could provide.
'"Many internships in D.C. are unpaid
yet require a lot of work," said LSA
senior Irene Hom. "A D.C. center would
enable students to earn credit for their0
work and at the same time gain some
valuable experience:"
Because Smith isgraduating this tenn,
the future of the center depends on find-
ing another student committed to head-
ing the campaign.
"It's a worthy effort, and I hope there's
somebody who will take up the cause,"
Smith said.


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stuntcs at the Uhiverzity of Michigan. akecrlpticns forwimr~ team, starting in, amy, viaUV.s. rail are $220.
wnter~ tem (3wamry through ft il) is $90. Ccigipm mkcrptins for writer t cmare $35. atucziptians
mst be preaid.
'Ls Middgm Dally is a matter of the Associatedi Press and the Associated Cllegate avail.
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)lxes Hoye c.mlaiimamzuDnKau e~igr, Puvi 2-
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Qva. )Gdla Hty. y. G loe, es 9-188, Srah Kflw, Megan Lmdhrar. 3VL~oitd acerP )thm, U . K iNIX,
3mdsiJu~fw Timm. Soo %-Oriutim Yamg.
GRKRUCS TKF t avid Acts n, Jmeatkjm Drzdt
OPINION Euin Einhon,,Editor
8WF2 ." WO, oivrdznooa, moakxi. iWadd WithfotQu daini*LPeaot, JLid~mln (ttziu
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SPORTS RYAN Heningto^n, anaging Editor
0Wt Hob : b33sarh.hductl Hdini. EPWAa1rger. ltu a mo. Charlie Breitz ee. lbia 8064. Jam* . kt*.rd. Swtt 3atai
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Roefl. Ch meSfzwnin I- Sa& L Tin ol. r 3w Sradmi
ART[S Josuis H.UVd&Y, Am=u Hamnburg, WEdtm,
Dmy~d s e~h). ems&Srug ink. Md-m m Ovismkts).
amps L-ImuxAlmtun, JiA takwl. AnWcn Jmj (bronlRihroi. h4' lmi.. Osof C Feri-. 'Sm Fm, m. ilo
Faterllla, Jeca'Fxk, idm .inm. rotx.0.uY, Kri*.mRnzsub azux tin~, A isa, . brcO m dm1okn. %podzC,1Fen
Schoe. k iza eU th Biw,. i~dmi opl'S Ja 3m m MuuidmallwmSshkdm, KU*W~attoerJokirt, Fim
PHOTO Kristnffw trGIlltte, Michell0 Guy, Eitorm
Stif tIn k msi-r, a3a Dwdd , os Deh.9m Imk n lmater, Elizabeth L'pe6Feb 19 m
atmosawslis, 1r)~ktt m, ascaaiser, Tu airl-, b> -

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