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March 26, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-26

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The University has made a concerted effort to try
to increase the amount of business it does with
minority- and women-owned companies.

"The Panama Deception" is a documentary of the
U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989. Michelle Weger
looks at the film which opens at the Michigan
Theater tonight.

The Michigan hockey team will sit and watch
tonight as it waits to find out who its opponent
will be in tomorrow's NCAA quarterfinal. The
Wolverines will play either Miami or Wisconsin.

Sunny and warm;
Hih 6a L w44
Sunny and warmer; High 62, Low 46




One hundred two years of editorial freedom

'M' cagers
face upstart
by Ken Davidoff
Daily Basketball Writer
SEA'TLE - The Kingdome crowd of around
1,500, decked out in Michigan paraphernalia, waited
anxiously for the Michigan men's basketball team
(28-4) to exit the tunnel for its hour long practice. Rob
Pelinka came out first, then Chris Webber, then the rest
of their teammates. "And now," the Kingdome an-
nouncer crooned, "from Ann Arbor, Mich., the Michi-
ganWolverines!"The applause was not deafening, yet
it dwarfed the mere smatter the George Washington
Colonials (21-8 overall) had received two hours ear-
The Wolverines insist they'll be more respectful of
George Washington than the Kingdome crowd when
they take on the Colonials tonight.
"George Washington is a good team," forward
Chris Webber said. "You don't get this far by being
lucky. You don't get this far purely on talent. You get
this far by a lot of hard work. They're not Cinderella
at all, so don't believe that."
"I think that we are totally committed to George
Washington, and the tournament, we've got going out
here," Michigan coach Steve Fisher said.
Of course, the fact remains that George Washing-
ton is the lowest remaining seed alive in this year's
tournament, while Michigan, coming off an 86-84
nailbiter overUCLA last Sunday, ranks as the favorite
to serve as the West region's representative in next
week's Final Four.
Colonial coach Mike Jarvis, while obviously plan-
ning for a victory, said he views anything that occurs
from this point on as a plus for his blossoming pro-

'U '

suspends man

under statement

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
A male University graduate student,
accused of sexual harassment, was sus-
pended Monday for seven days under
the Statement of Student Rights and
Responsibilities' emergency suspension
Two female students filed separate
charges against the accused. The ha-
rassment allegedly consisted of com-
ments suggesting violative behavior of
asexual nature during independent study
groups and in social situations. Other
students verified that the behavior took
Mary Lou Antieau, judicial advisor
of the policy, said she suspended the
accused because the complainants felt
they were in imminent danger.
In addition, the accused's academic
unit requested Antieau suspend the stu-
dent under the policy because it does
not have the power to suspend students
for non-academic behavior, Antieau
"At the point the initial information
was presented to me (on Monday) and
after I had interviewed the accused on
Tuesday, I believed that suspension was
the most appropriate action to take be-
cause he had admitted to doing the
things he was accused of,"Antieau said.
"I believed there was-imminent danger
to the persons involved."
Antieau said she acted in accordance
with the policy which states: "If a

student's actions indicate that his or her
continued presence on campus or par-
ticipation in University activities poses
an imminent danger to persons or prop-
erty, the vice president for student af-
fairsmay take emergency action through
an immediate suspension."
But David Schwartz, president of
the campus chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union, said he believes
the suspension indicted the accused
before he was able to have a hearing.
"A claim of sexual harassment be-
tween students is the kind of thing the
code is supposed to deal with, but there
is a problem when the University vio-
lates its own rules by treating the ac-
cused as guilty before the hearing,"
Schwartz said.
But Antieau said putting the suspen-
sion into effect before meeting with the
accused does not mean he was
immediatly branded guilty.
"That's how suspension works.
When we believe there's a basis for it,
that's what I do and I don't believe that
taints the process," Antieau said.
Schwartz also questioned why the
suspension went into effect because he
said Antieau told him yesterday she
does not believe the accused would
physically harm the women.
"(Antieau) said she didn't believe
the person who was-accused was actu-,
ally going to harm the person in ques-
tion," Schwartz said. "She believed he
was going to do nothing physically to

hurt her."
But Antieau said Schwartz misin-
terpreted her comments.
"I have to believe there's imminent
danger to the persons who brought the
complaints foreward. I did believe it
and I do believe it," Antieau said. "I
never changed my feeling that immi-
nent danger to them existed. But I
don't feel (the accused) ever threat-
ened me."
Schwartz said because Antieau told
him she does not believe the accused
will harm the women, she should re-
voke the suspension.
But Antieau said it is impossible to
revoke the sanction.
"Within 24 hours the accused gets
the opportunity to present evidence
and information," Antieau said. "If at
that point I decide the suspension
should continue, it's in place until the
But Schwartz disagreed. "The
policy doesn't speak to that but it
seems that under the policy there's no
reason why a suspension couldn't be
lifted and then the regular procedure
would be allowed to occur."
In addition, Antieau said the com-
plainants and the accused's academic
unit maintain the belief that the ac-
cused should not be admitted to the
"They felt very strongly that hav-
ing his continuing presence in theroom,

Michigan foreward Chris Webber celebrates a Wolverine
victory over the UCLA Bruins last Sunday. The win
propelled the Wolverinesinto the Sweet Sixteen of the
NCAA tournament. The Wolverines face the George
Washington Colonials in the Seattle Kingdome tonight.
Despite a minor hamstring injury earlier this week,
Webber will play tonight.


State mediator unable to find compromise in TA contract

by Kenneth Dancyger
Daily Faculty Reporter
Desperate times call for desperate
measures - at least as far as teaching
assistant (TA) contracts are concerned.
After five months of sluggish nego-
tiations, members of the Graduate Em-
ployees Organization (GEO) and Uni-
versity officials have resorted to call
upon a third party to help solve their
communication problems.
The bargaining committees metyes-
ouster vote
MOSCOW (AP) -On the eve of a
Congress session that could end his
presidency, Boris Yeltsin's chances of
keeping his job rose sharply when his
main rival backed off a demand for the
president's ouster.
The call for compromise by parlia-
mentspeakerRuslanKhasbulatov eased
tensions. In a nationally televised ad-
dress lastnight, Yeltsin renewed his call
for a popular vote of confidence to
resolve the struggle.
Russia's Christian Orthodox patri-
arch warned that the political fight threat-
ened to grow into a full-scale civil war.
The flurry of speeches came on the
eve of a special session of the Commu-
nist-dominated Congress of People's
Secretary of State Warren Christo-
Snher ead vetrdav that a U aid nack-

terday with a contract mediator ap-
pointed by the state to hammer out their
differences and sign a new agreement.
. In March 1991 - the last time a
mediator was summoned to the bar-
gaining table - a contract was signed
after six sessions, GEO Bargaining
Committee Chair Jon Curtiss said.
However, negotiators returned from
the stressful talks in Detroit tired and
without a contract, after a session that
lasted more than six hours.

"We were unable to come to an
agreement on a contract," Curtiss said.
"The administration has gone back on
its willingness to move."
University representatives could not
be reached for comment.
After the University removed its
plan for the GradCare health plan,
Curtiss said many TAs - himself in-
cluded - thought the union was very
close to signing a contract.
However, "nowpeopleneedtoknow

we are farther apart than we have been
in a while," Curtiss said.
"We thought we were close, but the
administration took a step backward,"
he added.
Next week at a membership meet-
ing, the bargaining team will consult
TAs on what actions the union should
"The Steering Committee still has
the option to strike and we might want
to talk about that," Curtiss said.

He added that GEO and the Univer-
sity could not agree on the length of the
TA contract, a salary increase, or a
controversial $40 capon theUniversity's
registration fee.
GEO is hesitant to sign aUniversity-
proposed three-year pact because a
lengthier contract would endanger the
union'sturnovermn membership, Curtiss
"The longer the contract, the less
continuity (in membership) we have,"

he added.
GEO and the University have been
bargaining since Nov. 20. All non-
economic issues have been agreed
upon, but financial differences have
forced the teams to continue negotia-
tions beyond the contract's original
Feb. 1 deadline.
After four extensions, the TA con-
tract is scheduled to expire April 1. A
second mediation session is sched-
uled for the same day.


Michigan tankers fight
for second in NCAAs

by Antoine Pitts
Daily Sports Writer
blowing away the competition, and leav-
ing afew others to fight it out for second
Going into this weekend's NCAA
men's swimming and diving champi-
onship at Indiana University-Purdue
University Indianapolis Natatorium, it
was expected that Stanford, the defend-
ing national champion, would sweep
away the competition. Texas and Michi-
gan were expected to be involved in a
close battle for second.
After one day of events in India-
napolis, the championship has lived up
toits advance billing with Stanfordhold-

ing a 164 -110 lead over second-place
Michigan. Texas is third with 107
points withUCLArightbehindat 104.
"I think we did as good as pos-
sible," Michigan coach Jon Urbanchek
said. "Stanford is definitely out to the
point where nobody can catch them.
It's going to be an exciting race be-
tween Texas and us for second place."
The swim of the night for the Wol-
verines came from sophomore Marcel
Wouda in the 500-yard freestyle. His
NCAA championship time of4:15.55
bested Texas' Matt Hooper by .20
"I never expected to be a national
champion this early," Wouda said. "I
See SWIMMING, Page 12

University alum Susan Cane holds Queer Action's Diag banner.
Banner day for new homosexual group

Highlights of East Quad's
upcoming Women's Weekend
Friday, March 26
0 Women's Coffeehouse,
Halfway Inn, 8 p.m.
Saturday, March 27
Interactive art project, 126

Weekend to
social action
by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter

by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter

one is Straight-Not!" and "Lesbians,
gays and bisexuals are everywhere," in

Hoc Task Force on the Lesbian Gay
Male Programs Office. The task force

, i


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