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February 08, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-02-08

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President Clinton is having his first of many town
meetings Wednesday in Southfield. In order to
have meaning, these meetings need to serve as
more than political publicity stunts.

While the University Dance Company's second
annual "Dance to the World Beat" started with a
spark, it had few other highlights. Jen Slajus's
looks at last Thursday's performance.

Jimmy King's hot shooting led the Michigan
basketball team to a 84-76 victory over Purdue
yesterday at Crisler Arena. King scored 24 points
on 1 0-of-li shooting.

High 32, Low 19
Still cloudy; High 30, Low 21


t Y NWt


One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol. CIII, No. 75 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, February 8, 1993 (D 1993 The Michigan Daily

'U'may close
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Family leave
policy at 1'U'p
surpassevvas law
by Andrew Taylor lowing birth or adoption, where,
Daily Government Reporter the legislation addresses situatioi

by Bryn Mickle;
Students planning to live in
Fletcher Hall next year may find
themselves searching for a new
home, pending a decision to trans-
fer the building to the Athletic
Many Fletcher residents are
concerned that they will be hard-
pressed to find living space if the
transfer takes place.+
Fletcher resident and Rackham ;
student John Zahurancik said,
"People had assumed their hous-
ing was taken care of for next
year. Now it's all up in the air."
The decision would come on
the heels of another incident in
which the University Housing
Division collaborated with the
Athletic Department.
In January, Housing announced
that the move-in date for residence
halls would be one week earlier in
order to allow students to attend a
football game scheduled on the
original date.
Director of Public Relations for
Housing Alan Levy confirmed that
increased costs - which include
six days extra rent and additional
orientation programs - will be

assessed to all students living in
residential housing next year.
The Athletic Department is
looking at plans to turn Fletcher
Hall into a central academic sup-
port center for the approximately
600 student-athletes on campus.
Housing is examining a pro-
posal that would convert offices in
Lloyd and Winchell Halls in West
Quad into dorm rooms, providing
a minimum of 150 additional beds
on central campus.
Associate Director for Resi-
dence Operations David Foulke
said turning Fletcher over to the
Athletic Department would free up
money to renovate the halls.
"Fletcher Hall operates at a
constant deficit and is facing a
$50,000 boiler replacement," he
If the Athletic Department ac-
quires Fletcher Hall, the dorm
could be closed down at the con-
clusion of this academic year, de-
spite the fact that the West Quad
renovations would not be com-
plete until at least -1995.
Some Fletcher residen-as said
they feel Housing was unfair in
the way it told them they may


Fletcher Hall is currently a site of controversy, as students plan to petition
the University from transferring this dormitory to the athletic department.

have to move.
LSA senior and Vice President
of Fletcher Hall Tina Sage said the
Residence Housing Association
was informed of the plan in
December, while Fletcher resi-
dents were not told until mid-

"Foulke told us that we would
be informed of a decision by Feb.
15 and that the decision would be
based on the Athletic Depart-
ment's findings," Sage said.
See FLETCHER, Page 2

Despite Congressional passage of
the Family Medical Leave Act last
week, University employees did not
need to wait for White House
approval to be covered by a leave
President Clinton signed the
federal bill into law Friday and the
program will go into effect in six
University policy provides a six-
month leave for childbirth or
adoption, twice the time period
mandated by lawmakers. However,
the current University policy does
not allow for time off for family
emergencies in general.
The University program allows
for personal leaves of absence for
family medical reasons, but while
the requests are generally permitted,
they are not automatic, said James
Thiry, assistant vice president of
Thiry said the University
frequently grants leaves of absence
- which can be extended- for one
year. These policies go beyond those
which have been mandated by the
The federal leave law requires
companies with more than 50
workers to offer up to 12 weeks of
unpaid leave for the care of a
newborn or a family medical
While passage of the bill will
affect the University, dramatic pol-
icy changes will not be needed to
accommodate the legislation, Thiry
"The proposals, so far as I un-
derstand them, would be for public
or private employers," Thiry said.
"So our expectation is that whatever
comes out will have an effect on
public employers, and higher educa-
tion in particular.
"We do have unpaid leave that
parallels what is being addressed in
the bills," he added. "But the pur-
pose is a little more restricted be-
cause it really deals with time fol-

where family responsibilities arise at
any time."
The House approved the bill last
Wednesday and submitted it to the
Senate. After the Senate passed a
compromise proposal, the House
passed the final version of the bill
and sent it to Clinton for approval.
"Our vote tonight is just the first
of many initiatives this Congress and
the Clinton administration will take
to strengthen the American family,"
said Rep. William Ford (D-
Ypsilanti) after the vote Wednesday.
Clinton's signing of the bill puts
the United States on par with its
European counterparts, some of
'(The University policy)
really deals with time
following birth or
adoption, whereas the
legis lation addresses
situations where
family responsibilities
arise at any time.'
.- James Thiry
assistant vice
president of personnel
which have long required similar
In France women have been
granted eight weeks paid maternity
leave since 1909. Mothers in that
country now can receive up to 16
weeks of paid leave for childbirth.
Parents in Germany can take up
to three years leave of absence after
the birth of their child, with a
guarantee that a job will be waiting
when they return.
Some opponents of the United
States' Family Leave Bill fear the
measure is. just the first step toward
paid leave for this country, claiming
such an act would harm business.
- The Associated Press con-
tributed to this report.

AIDS care improving at 'U' Hospital

by Angela Dansby
In April 1991, the AIDS
Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-
UP) protested the manner in which
University Hospital was addressing
the AIDS issue.
Living with
First o our articles
The group was dissatisfied with
the hospital's lack of experimental
drug testing for AIDS treatment and
an AIDS coordinator. ACT-UP also
criticized the hospital because it did
not implement mandatory AIDS ed-
ucation programs for employees, or
'U' keeps
quiet on
by will McCahill
Daily Crime Reporter
University officials said last
week they are not planning to take
any disciplinary action against By-
ron Doneen, an associate biology
professor who was charged
0Wednesday with indecent exposure
and obscene conduct.
Doneen allegedly exposed him-
self to people looking for books at
the Graduate Library on Jan. 17 and
University News and Information
Services Director Joseph Owsley
said it is unlikely the University will
make an official statement on the
charges before Doneen's case is

provide extensive care, counseling
and support groups for all AIDS
Wellness Networks of Huron
Valley charged the hospitals in
October 1990 with conducting HIV
testing without patients' consent,
and without counseling. Breaching
of confidentiality, which goes
against medical ethics, has also been
reported as a problem.
But current patients and hospital
officials agree that the atmosphere
for AIDS patients has improved
through better services and
"Three to four years ago, there
was blatant discrimination against
HIV-positive patients at U-M
Hospital," Bryant Anderson, an
AIDS patient, said. "There was a big

blood alert sign on my door, my
room was never cleaned, the waste-
baskets were never emptied, the
floors were never swept or mopped.
It was a common belief that the sup-
port staff recognized the sign as a
warning to stay away."
But Anderson called the com-
plaints "old news."
"I've seen gross changes within
the last three years," he said.
"Three weeks ago I was in the
hospital, and everyday the wastebas-
ket was emptied, the maintenance
crew was very cordial to me, and
there was excellent cleaning service.
I feel I was treated very, very fairly."
Cynthia Wrentmore, communi-
cable disease coordinating nurse for
Washtenaw County Public Health
Division, said, "Presently, the Uni-

versity Hospital provides very sup-
portive, compassionate care. It took
them a while to get organized but
now they are doing a fine job."
The hospital informally desig-
nated Linda Knowles, head nurse of
the Infectious Disease Clinic, as the
AIDS coordinator for the department
last year to advocate the psycho-so-
cial and emotional needs of patients.
She recently initiated a support
group to encourage discussion.
"We have a lot of support
amongst ourselves - we know pa-
tients very intimately," she said,
adding that outside references are
also available.
But Knowles admitted, "In gen-
eral, they're getting good quality
care at this point, though there is al-
See AIDS, Page 2

.~. ~4t;7'dissect bodies
for learning
I by Peter Matthews
Daily Staff Reporter
Before an act in 1867 that authorized dissection of
s;~ corpses from state institutions for the advancement of
' . ~science, it was not uncommon for anatomy instructors
to request that students bring their own cadavers.
~ It was rumored that medical students roamed the
-~ ~-- ---~~countryside, preferably at a distance from the
-~ - &> ~University, scouring cemeteries for recent burials.
~ ~ .'-'.Dr. Joel Howell, an associate professor of internal
~. medicine and of history, said there were also rumors
that Moses Gunn, the first University professor of
.>~ anatomy, came to campus in the 1840s supplied with
4 -~ a cadaver.
4*\ \ ~ . .~. .. ~The rumors - possibly based in truth - led to the
r~ 1850s grave-robbing riots, which threatened both the
University Medical School and its students.
'.~ -In 1851 a mob of townsfolk stormed the campus
with the stated purpose to "burn that butchershop of
- human flesh and scatter the young crop of sawbones
NS that would not let the dead sleep in their graves," ac-

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