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January 29, 1993 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-01-29

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Page 10-The Michigan Daily- Friday, January 29, 1993

'U' compiles statistics of
minority communities

by. Nate Hurley
Daily Administration Reporter
If knowing is half the battle,
the offices of affirmative action
and minority affairs have taken a
ep toward educating the Univer-
.s,ty community about minority
The two offices jointly pre-
pared a statistical profile of fac-
u*ty, staff and students at the Uni-
versity from 1981-82 to 1991-92.
y "I would say that the purpose
of this report is to make the infor-
mation more readily available so
that students could look at it," said
Patricia Tomlin, a research asso-
ciate in the Office of Affirmative
John Matlock, director of mi-
nority affairs, said the report was

needed to insure accurate informa-
tion was available to anyone who
was interested.
"One of the things we wanted
to do is document every table.
People can be looking at two sets
of data and it depends on when
they were produced," he said.
The report does not include any
commentary, and instead prints
raw numbers and a few charts
"One of the purposes of the re-
port is for people to be able to
look at the numbers themselves
and draw their own conclusions,"
she said.
Matlock said the report took
seven to eight months to compile,
but that the process should be
shorter for the next edition. The
offices plan to print a report on a

! Y tudn
Enrollment of minority
years. The number of
enrolled students, by
ethnicity, during fall term
African Americans 2,510
Asian Americans 2,697
Hispanic/Latinos 1,240
Native Americans 189
Whites 25,585
Source: Joint study by the Offices of Minority
Affairs and Affirmative Action
yearly basis.
He said the report clears up
common misconceptions about the
people who are included in the
"A lot of people feel that inter-
national students are counted as
students of color. That's not true."
However, international faculty
members are considered faculty of
color, he said.

upturn is
too late
for Bush
of holiday spending propelled the
nation's economy to its fastest
growth in four years, the govern-
ment said yesterday. But analysts
warned the revival will sag without
more jobs.
The economy during October-
December grew at a healthy 3.8 per-
cent annual rate, exceeding the 3
percent rate most economists had
However, the best performance
of George Bush's presidency came
too late to convince voters he should
be returned to office.
"For ex-president Bush, it's too
bad the election wasn't held today,"
said economist Allen Sinai of the
Boston Co. "It's just ironic the
economy looks so good in the third
and fourth quarters."
During the fourth quarter, a 4.3
percent advance in consumer spend-
ing accounted for about two-thirds
of the growth. Other bright spots
included a 9.7 percent increase in
spending by businesses for new
equipment and buildings and a 29.1
percent leap in housing construction,
the best since the end of the last re-
cession nine years ago.


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Upward bound
Books in hand, a student trudges his way to the second floor of the
graduate library yesterday.

i .

School of Public Health students
protest elimination of program



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Daily Administration Reporter ,.

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Students in the School of Public
Health have been busy ever since
they were informed in early January
of the School's Executive Commit-
tee's decision to phase out the De-
partment of Population Planning and
International Health (PPIH) by the
year 1995.
In the past week, PPIH students
solicited School of Public
Health students' signatures for a pe-
tition. As of yesterday, they gathered
420 signatures;
sent PPIH students Paula
Tavrow and Anne Young to address
the Michigan Student Assembly
during its Tuesday meeting; and,
began to contact lawmakers
because the proposed closing of the
department is likely to cause two
government-funded programs to
withdraw from the University - the
International Population Fellows
Program and the Population Envi-
ronment Dynamics Project.
PPIH faculty members met ear-
lier in the week with School of Pub-
lic Health Dean June Osborn,
Provost and Vice President for Stu-

nce you nave a
moratorium and you
can't admit students,
you lose your clientele
and the program is
already dead.'
-- Ruth Simmons
Associate professor
dent Affairs Gilbert Whitaker and
School of Public Health Associate
Dean for Academic Affairs Marshal
Becker to discuss both the decision
to phase out the department and the
moratorium placed on all new appli-
cations to the department.
"We felt as a faculty that we
wanted to make our case to the
provost because this decision had
been made with his consent," said
Associate Prof. Ruth Simmons.
"Once you have a moratorium
and you can't admit students, you
lose your clientele and the program
is already dead," she said.
According to Simmons, Whitaker
told the department members he
would reconsider the moratorium,

but he noted there was another side
to the decision to stop admitting new
Neither Osborn nor Whitaker
would comment on the issue.
The University's School of Pub-
lic Health Students' Association
(PHSA) passed a resolution Monday
denouncing the moratorium and de-
manding an explanation for the deci-
sion from Osborn.
"(PHSA) uniformly and unani-
mously condemns the decision to
place a moratorium on the Popula-
tion Planning and International
Health Department. We question the
process by which this decision was
made. Therefore, we call for Dean
June Osborn to make a public ex-
planation for this decision and to fur-
ther articulate the procedures used in
considering and enacting this and
similar decisions," the members
stated in Resolution 93-1, signed by
PHSA Chair Douglas Rammel.
PPIH students arranged a discus-
sion of the decision with Osborn, but
Osborn canceled the meeting, telling
the students it was not the proper
time in the procedures to meet, said
PPIH graduate student Sarah


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