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January 29, 1993 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-01-29

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 29, 1993 - Page 9

'Simple' pleasures

by Alison Levy and Michael
"Simple Men" is Hal Hartley's fas-
cinating story about a broken-hearted
robber, Bill (Robert Burke) and his
college-dropout brother, Dennis (Will-
iam Sage) who are searching Long Is-
land for their missing father, an anar-
chist on the lam and former star short-
stop. Along the way, they become
stranded in a small town populated by
eccentric individuals including a Ro-
manian epileptic, a tree-saving divor-
cee, a French speaking gas attendant
and a disgruntled fish-gutter.
imple Men
ritten and directed by Hal Hartley; with
obert Burke, William Sage, Karen
ilias, and Martin Donovan.
Michael: Well, Alison, I must say
that the Freudian ramifications of this
film are tremendous! Weren't you just
amazed at all the brilliant ways Hartley
was able to inject the themes of Mother
andMotherhood into thisbrooding film?
Think aboutall the Oedipal angst in this
film! Think of the Primary Scene!
Alison: The what? I don't know.
This film definitely didn't suck. It was
hilarious. Especially the part where the
one guy was hitting on that chick that
was his Dad's girlfriend and all that shit
about his taste in womenandhim fucking
Detroit Symphony
Neeme Jirvi, cond.
Still: Symphony No. 1
Ellington: Suite from "The
Neeme Jarvi carries the excitement
and freshness of his concerts onto CD
with volume three of his American Se-
ries with the DSO. With this disc of
works by African-American compos-
ers, as well as on his previous recording
of the Amy Beach symphony, Jarvi has

his Mom. I thought I was gonna bust a
gut I was laughing so hard.
Michael: Exactly. Hartley has to be
the second coming of Godard and
Truffaut. Wouldn't you agree? I mean
look at all the dysfunction going on in
the familiesinall of Hartley's films.The
man obviously is at one with the pain he
is trying to convey.
Alison: I don't know who you're
talking about. IsGodard thatItalian guy
whodirected "My Own Private Idaho"?
Anyway I think Hartley's a good direc-
tor. I mean, really good. I don't know
about the dysfunction though. When
you think about it, aren't all families
dysfunctional? I really didn't think they
were thatbad, compared to some people
I know. But Mr. Hartley is just great.
He's just so, so, so really, really good.
Michael: How brilliantly put. Ithink
you are just on the verge of understand-
ing what I'm trying to say. You see
Hartley is well aware of the differences
between movies and reality. His films
reflect only part of what we really see
out in the real world. I mean look at the
scene between the nun and the cop. Law
versus religion personified in a humor-
ous battle scene. This is brilliance!
Alison: Thanks for the compliment.
My Premiere subscription has been re-
ally paying off. Sometimes though, I
don't really see any difference between
movies and reality. It's kinda like filmis

"Simple Men" is filled with Oedipal angst and Freudian references.

reality. Especially with Hartley's films.
I really didn't get all that junk that you
were saying about religion vs. law. It
was just hilarious and I don't think that
scene had any underlying meaning ex-
cept just to be funny you know. But
otherwise, I agree completely with ev-
erything else you just said.
Michael: Well, good. I also feel that
this film rivals "Reservoir Dogs" in its
Madonna Speech and in the dancing
scene. The look on Martin Donovan's
face was far more convincing than
Michael Madsen's.
Alison: I didn't like this Madonna
speech half as much as Quentin
Tarantino's, but I agree about the danc-
ing. However, in his defense, Michael
Madsen had other things on his mind.
God, I thought this was going well, until
you just started to spew all this film
theory bullshit in your last comments.

What's next, a fulldiscourse on semiotics
and suture? Jesus, you're turning into
such a fucking prima donna.
Michael: Obviously the thoughts of
aprepubescent filmcritic. "Simple Men"
was twice the film "Reservoir Dogs"
wanted to be. If you dream "Reservoir
Dogs" is better you better wake up and
Alison: Little doggie, you are a
goddamned pig. "Reservoir Dogs" is
the quintessential women's film of the
nineties. Besides, this review is about
"Simple Men." So, about your Mom, be
good to her and she'll be good to you.
Michael: Just what are you getting
at there? Mom carries a lot of different
Alison: Well, thenmaybe you should
see "Simple Men" again.
SIMPLE MEN is playing at the -
Michigan Theater.

Bolcom concert is
just out to have fun
by Keren Schweitzer
"This is not an absolutely serious concert, we're out to have fun," Professor
Stephen Shipps said of his upcoming duo recital with Professor William
Bolcom. The repertoire of this concert may not be serious, but that does not
mean that the music is not difficult or exciting.
This duo recital, whose program contains the works of four 20th century
composers, one of whom is the University's own Bolcom, has been greatly
anticipated. Bolcom, a Pulitzer Prize winning composer, and Shipps, a success-
ful chamber musician and famed violin instructor, have collaborated to form a
concert of some of their favorite pieces. In addition, it is a rare treat to actually
hear the music performed by the composer himself. "This is Bolcom's music
and his specialty," Shipps said. "... It is wonderful to learn from him, his owhi
music, from the master himself."
The Sonata No. 2 for violin and piano by Darius Milhaud is the opening
piece on the program. Written in 1917, Bolcom said of the piece, "It was an
homage to Debussy's death ... Milhaud loved his music ... the music has a
Debussy feel." Bolcom is considered quite an expert on Milhaud since he was
Bolcom's private teacher for many years.
The "Porgy and Bess Variations," arrangedbyJascha Heifetz and originally
written by George Gershwin, is second on the program. These variations are
"classic bestsellers, and they have been recorded numerous times," Shipps said.
Bolcom's own Sonata No. 2 for violin and piano is also on the program. In
1978, Bolcom was asked by Sergiu Luca to write a jazzy violin sonata, and
when the famousjazz violinistJoe Venuti died, the sonata was dedicated to him.
"The sonata is in four movements, the last one the most jazzy although there
are jazzy licks throughout," Bolcom said. Shipps is no newcomer to the style
and sounds of Venuti: "I grew up with the records of Joe Venuti, and I met him
in 1977 with my teacher, Josef Gingold."
"Country Fiddle Pieces" by Paul Schoenfield is "absolutely raucous, there'
is nothing subtle about it," Shipps said. Schoenfield, a colleague of Bolcom's,
wrote these pieces in 1987. This playful work will be assisted by guest
percussionist Allison Shaw, a Michigan doctoral student. To end the recital,
Bolcom will return to perform his own "Graceful Ghost Rag," written in 1971.
When asked about the new trends in composition, and where the music
world was headed, Bolcom laughed and said, "Who knows? Today many
resources have opened up, there are now additions to the tonal system-more
language, but this should not be important, only what it (the music) conveys.
He expressed his dismay and worry that the 20th century is almost over, and that
most music listeners can't name a contemporary composer. Those who attend
this recital will have the rare opportunity to hear a famous composer perform
his own works, the way they were meant to be played.
WILLIAM BOLCOM and STEPHEN SCHIPPS will perform Sunday at 8 t
p.nL in the School of Music Recital Hall. Admission is free.
WitFo e for Arts
Fr informaution, CAll763-0379

proven dedicated to bringing attention
to little-known works.
Composed in 1931, William Grant
Still's Symphony No. 1 ("Afro-Ameri-
can") is the first symphony by an Afri-
can-American composer to be pre-
miered by a major orchestra Like the
symphonies of DvorAk, Still's idiom is
influenced by spirituals and folksongs,
while not directly quoting them. The
result is a sort of blues symphony with
irresistible, wonderfully swaying
themes. It's anearly forgotten rarity that
one might not have heard were it not for

Jarvi. Even rarer is the coupling, Duke
Ellington's delightful 1971 suite from
"The River." Composed in late in his
career, "The River" is a sort of jazz
"Moldau," as Ellington takes through
"Giggling Rapids" and the "Vortex."
The revitalized DSO plays with total
commitment throughout, and is helped
by the typically vivid and clear Chandos
- Michael John Wilson
The Pharcyde
Bizarre Ride IL...
Delicious Vinyl
Who woulda thunk it? A tribe of
rappers from the West coast (the land of
old skool hardcore like Too Short and
Above The Law) kickin' some dread-
shaking, jazzy aqua-boogie hip hop
grooves with more than a touch of East
coast Native ongue flava. In short, this
shit is dope.
Thick with fat tracks, "Bizarre Ride
II The Pharcyde" is a freestyle feast that
couples the b-boy bravado (and irrever-

ence) of Black Sheep with a smokin'
live rhythm section. The cuts range
from ill street corner dozens ("Ya
Mama," "Oh Shit") to hysterical be-
tween song skits ("It's Jigaboo Time,"
the classic "Quinton's On His Way")
They even bust some deep science,
most notably on "4 Better or 4 Worse."
This floaty organ-powered bop comes
off as a homeboy love song to his bride-
to-be. Suddenly, the whole mood
changes when an obscene phone call
takes ya inside the head of the protago-
nist, an obsessed pyscopath terrorizing
the unfortunate object of his "affec-
There's also a rare display of wistful
unrequited desire for the honeys they
can't pull on the melocholy "Passin'
Me By."
But for the most part, this disc is all
about get zooted and kicking mad
rhymes ("Officer," "Pack The Pipe").
This joint is way fat, and will keep
your jeep jumping for a long time to
-Scott Sterling

Neeme Jarvi conducts the Detroit Symphony Orchestra with passion.

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