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January 29, 1993 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-01-29

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 29, 1993 - Page 3

Local police: Few
.reports of stalking
under new law

'U, joins
group to
by Nate Hurley
Daily Administration Reporter

New state
legislation brings
tough penalties to
by Will McCahill
Daily Crime Reporter
If you have ever walked home
late at night and thought someone
might be following you, it was prob-
ably a pretty scary experience.
But imagine this scenario: a
stranger or ex-lover following you
around night after night, verbally ha-
rassing you or threatening violence.
And until this year, there wasn't
much the police could do.
But a new Michigan law now
makes such incidents - known as
stalking - criminal offenses.
Lt. James Smiley, of the
University Department of Public
Safety (DPS), said stalking incidents
are quite common on campus.
A typical incident might involve
a University student being followed
by a drunken vagrant or an former
boyfriend or girlfriend.
However, Smiley said DPS has
received no reports or made any ar-
rests for stalking since the new law
went into effect Jan. 1.
Smiley said he hopes the new law
will give University students greater
protection against stalking.
"This law has a lot more bite than
Othe old one," he said.
The majority of cases now classi-
fied as stalking are incidents in
which the victim knows the as-
sailant. Cases in which the victim
does not know the stalker are quite
rare, Smiley said.
These incidents used to be con-
sidered non-criminal harassment,
and victims had no legal recourse, he
Sgt. Mark Hoornstra of the Ann
Arbor Police Department (AAPD)
said the. department has received
about three reports of stalking a
week since the new law went into
effect. As of yesterday, no arrests
had been made on any stalking
"The law is so new that ... it
would be too early for arrests to be
made," Hoornstra said.

He cited lengthy processing pro-
cedures as a chief reason for the lack
of arrests.
However, Hoornstra said he
thinks the stalking reports have little
to do with the new law or heightened
public awareness of the stalking
"We've always received a lot of
complaints of this nature," Hoornstra
Previously, AAPD filed stalking
complaints as non-criminal offenses
because there was no law enabling
police to classify these reports in
any other way.
Hoornstra said AAPD kept the
reports, "in case something criminal
did come of them."
"Before, we couldn't follow up
on them, because they were classi-
fied differently," Hoornstra said.
The new law has created two cat-
egories for the crime: stalking and
aggravated stalking.
Stalking is a misdemeanor and
carries a sentence of one year in jail
and/or a $2,000 fine. Aggravated
stalking is a felony and is punishable
by five years in jail and/or a $10,000
The new law allows police to
make a stalking arrest after two or
more separate acts of "unconsented
contact between the stalker and the
The statute defines the act of
stalking as an act causing "a reason-
able person to suffer emotional dis-
tress and to feel terrorized, fright-
ened, intimidated, threatened, ha-
rassed or molested."
An aggravated stalking arrest can
be made for a second offense, viola-
tion of a restraining order or a stalk-
ing involving "a credible threat of
violence" against the victim or any
member of the victim's family or
Smiley stressed the importance of
reporting any incidents of stalking
"We have to have a first incident
to make an arrest after the second,"
he added.
He also said the law mandates
that the victim must describe to the
police exactly how he or she felt
threatened by the assailant.

The gift of art
Kaye Rowe, left, and daughter Laura perform atthe University Hospital yesterday as a part of the
"Gift of Art" program.
GMPO starts comiCng-out
..groups, plans spring activities

The University has joined the Al-
liance for Minority Participation
(AMP), a coalition of seven col-
leges, in an effort to increase the
number of minority students in the
School of Engineering.
"The principal goal of this pro-
gram is to increase the number of
under-represented minority Engi-
neering graduates with bachelor's
degrees," said Erdogan Gulari, se-
nior associate dean in the School of
"The National Science Founda-
tion's long-range goal is to increase
minority enrollment at least ten-
Gulari said one unique aspect of
the alliance is that each college cre=
ates its own programs to increase
minority enrollment in engineering,
and then is able to pass on advice to
the other member universities.
The lack of high school student
interest in engineering is one prob-
lem the University of Michigan is
trying to address.
For example, Gulari said that in
the inner city, high school students
need to understand the concept of
what an engineer does and see that it
is "do-able."
"You can't jump up in the 12th
grade and decide you're going to be
an engineer if you haven't had the
right math and science classes," said
John Matlock, director of the Office
of Minority Affairs.
Matlock said many schools
within the University have similar
programs to reach out to high school
Gulari said the School of Engi-
neering has been a member of the al-
liance since 1991, but the University
did not provide funding until this
Other universities in the group
are North Carolina A&T State Uni-
versity, Prairie View A&M Univer-
sity, Southern University, Stanford
University, the University of Texas-
Austin and the University of

by Jen DiMascio
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
Although Billie Edwards com-
pletes her work as co-coordinator of
the Lesbian Gay Male Programs
Office (LGMPO) today, the office
will continue counseling for women.
The administration has not found
a replacement to fill Edwards' place.
Deloreis Sloan, associate dean
for student affairs, said the adminis-
tration will begin to search for Ed-
wards' successor after she leaves the
"We want to let her leave peace-
fully before trying to add a replace-
ment," Sloan said.
Although office representatives
are expected to serve on the search
committee, Sloan said the LGMPO
sent no representative to the last
"Given the current climate, I

would not assume (LGMPO) will
have anything to do with the hiring
of my position," Edwards said.
Jim Toy, LGMPO co-coordina-
tor, added, "My feeling is they will
let us at least suggest the composi-
tion of the other position."
LGMPO, frequently criticized for
its lack of programming, is sponsor-
ing coming-out groups and events
for the homosexual and bisexual
communities this semester.
Three to four coming-out groups
for men and for women met last
week. Each group is conducted by a
trained facilitator and consists of
eight to ten members. The groups
meet once a week for 10 sessions.
"The group provides women with
a safe place and the opportunity to
sort out questions concerning their
sexuality," Edwards said.
Toy said, "The importance of the

group lies in coming out to oneself,
to the gay male community, and to
significant - straight - others."
The office also plans to hold a
dance and a speaker series. Office
representatives are working with a
group of staff and students on the
dance, which should occur shortly
after spring break.
Speakers are expected to discuss
anti-gay legislation in Colorado,
Oregon and Michigan.
Toy said that he is also meeting
with students to plan a community
center on campus for gay men, les-
bians and bisexuals. Although he
could not elaborate on a time table
for the center, he said questions of
funding and management are cur-
rently the biggest impediments to fi-
nalizing plans.

White-collar workforce expands

L Adolescent Reproductive Tran-
sitions: Psychological and Bio-
logical Mechanisms in Health
Outcomes, Science Seminar
Series, School ofNursing, Room
1230, 12-1:30 p.m.
U Arab Culture Night, sponsored
by the Arab-American Students
'. Association, Oxford Hall,
French Hall, 8 p.m.
U Chinese Christian Fellowship,
large group meeting, Mosher-
Jordan, Muppie Lounge, 7:30
U Christ Arbor '93, Desicion Mak-
ing, sponsored by the Christian
Living Conference, Korean
Bible Church of Ann Arbor,
1717 Broadway St., 7-10:30
' p.m.
Z Drum Circle, Guild House Cam-
pus Ministry, 802 Monroe St.,
8-10 p.m.
Q Hillel, orthodox services, 7:30
a.m.; reform, conservative &
orthodox Shabbat services, 5:35
p.m.; Hillel.
Q The Killing Floor, labor film se-
. ries, U-M Professor of History
Robin Kelley, discussion,
Angell Hall, Auditorium A, 7:30
Q Korean Campus Crusade for
Christ, Christian Fellowship,
Campus Chapel, 8 p.m.
U Leonardo's Friday Night Mu-
sic, North Campus Commons, 8
U Materials Brown Bag Lunch,
Chemistry Building, Room
1706, 12 p.m.
Q National Movements as Festi-
vals in the Former Soviet
Union: An Anthropological
Perspective, Anthropology
Colloquium, Literature, Science
& Arts Building, Room 4560,4
U NCC Atrium, final day of ex-
hibit of photos and ceramics by
Laurie Hiler, North Campus

1640, 4 p.m.
Q Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433, 7 p.m.-
8 a.m.
Q Research and Scholarship in
Ukraine Today, informal semi-
nar, Lane Hall, CREES Read-
ing Room, 11 a.m.
Q Safewalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, UGLi, 936-1000, 8-11:30
Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
CCRB, Martial Arts Room, 6-7
U From Papyri to King James:
The Christmas Story Seen
Through the Evolution of the
English Bible, final day, Gradu-
ate Library, Special Collections
Library, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.; 1-5
Q TaeKwonDo Club, regular work-
out, CCRB, Room 2275,7-8:30
Q U-M Bridge Club, duplicate
bridge game, Michigan Union,
Tap Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q U-M Ninjitsu Club, practice, I.M.
Building, Wrestling Room G21,
6:30-8 p.m.
Q Christ Arbor '93, Decision Mak-
ing, sponsored by the Christian
Living Conference, Korean
Bible Church of Ann Arbor,
1717BroadwaySt., 12:30-10:30
Q Educator Workshop on the
Combined Topics of Anthro-
pology and Astronomy,
Ruthven Museums Building,
Room 4506, Exhibit Museum,
1109 Geddes Ave., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Q The Films of Yvonne Rainer,
Women in Film Series, Angell
Hall, Auditorium A, 7:30 p.m.
Q Hillel, orthodox services, 9:30
a.m.; Reform Havurah Havdalah
service, 7 p.m.; The Cat from
Outer Space, movie, 7:30 and
9:45 p.m., Hillel.

I t - " k ~
11:30 p.m.
Q U-M Shotokan Karate, practice,
CCRB, small gym, 10 a.m.-12
Q Alpha Phi Omega Service Fra-
ternity, chaptermeeting, Michi-
gan Union, Kuenzel Room, 3
Q Ballroom Dance Club, CCRB,
Dance Room, 7-9 p.m.
Q Field Research on Lake Victoria
in Africa, Dr. John Lehman,
speaker, for Biological Society
meeting, Natural Science Build-
ing, 4thFloor Confernece Room,
8 p.m.
Q Hillel, The Eighth Israel Confer-
ence Day, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.;
opening of conference & Key-
note Address, 10 a.m.; Keynote
Address & Closing, 4:15 p.m.,
Rackham Auditorium; Israeli
Dancing, Hillel, 8-10 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student As-
sociation, Peer Ministry meet-
ing, 3 p.m., Saint Mary Student
Parish, 331 Thompson
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255,8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
U Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433
Q Picasso and Gris, Sunday tour,
ArtMuseum, Information Desk,
2 p.m.
Q Safewalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, UGLi, lobby, 936-1000, 8
p.m.-11:30 a.m.
U Safewalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice - Angell Hall, Angell Hall
Computing Center, 763-4246,
1:30-3 a.m.
Q The Student Co-Op's Mass
Meeting, sponsored by the In-
ter-Cooperative Council, Michi-
gan Union, Pendelton Room, 2-
4 p.m.
Q U-M Chess Club, meeting,
Michigan League, check room
at front desk, 1 p.m.

ica entered the 1990s with more than
three times as many lawyers as fire-
fighters, the government said yester-
The 1990 census found the white-
collar workforce expanded by more
than a third from 10 years earlier,
while blue-collar jobs actually de-
clined, the Census Bureau reported.
And overall there were more
people performing executive, profes-
sional or technical than those making
or transporting goods.
That's a mirror image of America
10 years earlier, when skilled blue-
collar workers were the larger group.
Nearly one worker in three was
an executive, technician or profes-
sional, in 1990, compared to one in

four in 1980.
That broad category included
such jobs as financial managers, ac-
countants, lawyers, architects, engi-
neers, computer programmers,
scientists, teachers, doctors and
dental hygienists.
About one worker in five earned
a living making or transporting
goods, compared to more than one in
four a decade earlier.
The jobs in that category in-
cluded auto mechanics, washing-
machine repairers, carpet installers,
plumbers, factory workers and truck
The number of executive, pro-
fessional and technical workers grew
by 38 percent in the decade, to 35.7
million. The number of skilled blue-

collar workers declined by more
than 2 percent, to 27.8 million.
Economists say the effects of the
recession that began in mid-1990G
may have slowed the growth ii
white-collar jobs since then. F
The recession placed large num
bers of workers at risk of losing their
jobs or having their pay cut without
the protection of a union contract,y
said Malcolm Cohen, director of the
Institute for Labor and Industrial-
Relations at the University of
Since the last recession strucl,
"people who have never been laid
off before are experiencing layoffs
for the first time," Cohen said.

. }7



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