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December 04, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-12-04

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 4, 1992 - Page 3

Oil tanker
. fishing area
t{ danger
LA CORUNA, Spain (AP) - A
tanker crashed onto rocks outside a
fog-shrouded harbor entrance yes-
terday, breaking apart in heavy seas
*a~d spilling millions of gallons of
crude oil that threatened the area's
riph fishing grounds.
Hundreds of people fled their
homes after an explosion tore the
stern loose and set off an inferno
only a few yards offshore five hours
after the ship ran aground. All 29
cr ew members were rescued from
tlte Greek ship, officials said.
Curiosity seekers gathered along
th'e rugged coastline of this city of
2.0,000 to watch huge orange
flames boiling from the stern sec-
tion. Fire licked from oil alongside
the tanker and thick, black smoke
billowed high over the city, which is
o4 Spain's northwestern corner
alout 280 miles from Madrid.
Authorities said an oil slick up to
a ;mile wide stretched 12 miles
northeastward up the coast of
Galicia, as the region is known.
Environmentalists expressed
fers for fishing grounds. Fishing is
Galicia's most important industry.
The tanker, the Aegean Sea, was
carrying an estimated 23 million gal-
Idns of crude from Britain's main
North Sea oil-loading terminal at
SpIlom Voe to a refinery in La
Coruna when it ran aground.
SAntonio Gomis, a spokesperson
f~r Spain's Repsol oil company,
,ihich chartered the tanker, said two
of three of the ship's nine tanks had
riptured. He said each tank held an
average of 2.7 million gallons of
crude oil.
Juan Lopez de Uralde, the
Spanish spokesperson for
Greenpeace, said the possibilities of
keeping the spill from fouling the
coast were "practically nil" because
it'was so close to shore.

State places temporary
stop on assIsted suicide

LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Legislation de-
signed to temporarily ban the controversial
practice of assisted suicide in Michigan cleared
the state Senate yesterday, going to Gov. John
Engler for his signature.
On a vote of 24-6, the Senate approved
House-passed legislation designed to block the
continued activities of Jack Kevorkian, who
has overseen the suicides of six women in
Michigan over the past two years.
"Jack Kevorkian has made Michigan the
suicide haven of the nation," said Sen. Jack
Welborn (R-Kalamazoo). "I think that's
"It's not the best bill in the world but it's a
whole lot better than what we have today that
lets Jack Kevorkian run around like Jack the
Under the bill, which will take effect about
next March 31, anyone who helped somebody

take their life in Michigan would be liable for
criminal penalties of up to four years in prison,
a $2,000 fine or both.
A study commission, composed of 22 citi-'
zens representing various health care
providers, the elderly and groups such as the
Hemlock Society, would have 15 months to
come up with a recommendation on the issue.
Kevorkian - a retired Royal Oak pathol-
ogist - was not cowed, however.
"The battle lines are drawn," he said.
"They've fired their last big gun. We have to
Kevorkian said the new law is unconstitu-
tional, but declined to say if he would chal-
lenge it in court or continue assisted suicides.
Engler is expected to sign the bill quickly,
perhaps next week.

Check it out
Aerospace seniors Galen Gornowicz (left) and Ed Piekos inspect a model of General
Electric's B-2 Turbo charger.

Insurance industry proposes plan for universal coverage
Clinton spokesperson calls plan a'brmkthrough'for insurance industry; plan would cut costs and provide beneftpackages

NEW YORK (AP) - The insur-
ance industry took a big step toward
shaping health-care reform yesterday
by proposing a sweeping plan for
universal coverage that would be fi-
nanced partly by taxing Americans
with generous benefits.
The Health Insurance Association
of America said the draft proposal
approved by its board will "jump-
start health-care reform."
A cornerstone of the plan is to cut
costs and provide a package of
"essential" benefits to all Americans.
Those are goals championed by
President-elect Clinton.
Clinton spokesperson George
Stephanopoulos said it was a break-
through for the insurance industry
trade group to "come around and say
that we need a national health-care
The association's proposal re-
flects insurance-industry thinking
long before Clinton's victory, as it
became clearer that the nation's
$800 billion health-care system was

out of control. The proposal should
give insurers a more influential
voice in the reform process.
Stephanopoulos said the group
has a right to try to influence future
legislation. "If there is strong sup-
port across the country for national
health insurance with real cost con-
tainment, and that is causing the in-
surance industry to cooperate with
us, we want to work with them."
Private insurers would agree to
provide coverage to every American.
People would be covered either
through their employers or "their
own means." The essential-benefits
package would pay for catastrophic
illness, as well as primary and
preventive care.
Showing they are willing to com-
promise, insurers would accept peo-
ple with pre-existing conditions.
Such people typically are rejected
for coverage because they are con-
sidered expensive risks.
The plan also includes cost con-

'If there is strong support across the country
for national health insurance with real cost
containment, and that is causing the
insurance industry to cooperate with us, we
want to work with them.'
-George Stephanopoulos
Clinton spokesperson

trols that would discourage exces-
sive doctor visits, as well as unnec-
essary testing and hospitalizations.

Private and public
cate that 25 percent to
all medical procedures
formed are unneeded,
Young, director of the
New York office.

studies indi-
33 percent of
and tests per-
said Stephen

continue to receive generous bene-
fits, anything beyond the value of
the essential benefits package would
be taxed as income.
"If people want the Cadillac,"
Young said, "then they have to pay*
Those tax revenues would help
the government foot the bill to cover
the poor. Private insurers and health
providers would give people below
the poverty line primary and
preventive care.
"We're trying to provide a fair
financing system which would have
subsidies for those in the lower in-
come brackets," Young said.

The insurance industry said the
plan also is designed to end an irra-
tional system where privately in-
sured people are paying for the care
of low-income Americans on
Medicare and Medicaid.
Young said the government pays
about $1,000 less than the average
hospital bill for a Medicaid patient.
The gap is wider for Medicare.
"What has been happening de
facto is that those with private health
insurance have been subjected to
bills made higher to subsidize those
who are not paying their fair share,"
he said.
The association is circulating the
draft proposal for comment and
more details must be worked out.
Young said the final proposal would7
be presented to the government,
health-care organizations and
"anyone else who's interested."
In the past; insurers have spoken
out against proposals, fearing a
government-run program of national
health insurance would minimize
their role.

Some experts contend the United
States is a leader in medical technol-
ogy partly because of the tendency
for insurance companies to pay for
any treatment without regard to cost.
For employed Americans who

U-M grad opens wilderness store


Q AIDS Benefit, candlelight
march, Harlan Hatcher Gradu-
ateLibrary, main entrance steps,
7:15 p.m.
Q Center for Russian and East
European Studies, holiday
party, Lane Hall, Commons
Room, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Q Creative Arts Orchestra, per-
formance, Rackham Building,
Auditorium, 8 p.m.
Q Drum Circle, Guild House Cam-
pus Ministry, 802 Monroe St.,
8-10 p.m.
Q Galens Medical Society, Galens
Tag Days to benefit C.S. Mott
Children's Hospital, collecting
through Dec. 5.
Q Highly IMPROVable, improvi-
sational comedy show, North
Campus Commons, Leonardo's
8-10 p.m.
Hillel, Feminist Shabbat Service,
4:50 p.m.; Discussions, follow-
ing dinner, beginning 7-7:30
p.m., Hillel, 1429 Hill St.
Q Korean Campus Crusade for
Christ, Christmas Banquet,
Christian Fellowship, Mosher
Jordan Residence Hall, Multi-
purpose Room, 7:30 p.m.
E "Main Trends in the History of
' Croatia," lecture, Michigan
Union, Art Lounge, 12 p.m.
Q "My Beautiful Laundrette,"
movie, Martin Luther King Film
Series, Chrysler Center, Audi-
torium, 5 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student As-
sociation, rosary, Saint Mary
Student Chapel, 331 Thompson
St., 7:30 p.m.
j Northwalk Nighttime Safety
Walking Service, Bursley Hall,
lobby, 763-WALK, 8-11:30
:i Open House, Angell Hall tele-
scopes, Astronomy Department,
weatherpermitting, Angell Hall,
5th floor, 6-9 p.m.
Q Pre-Kwanzaa, principle: NIA/
Purpose, Mary Markley Resi-
dence Hall, Angela Davis
Lounge, 7 p.m.

Psychology, West Quad, Room
K210, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Q RC Players, performance, "The
American Dream," and
"Grandma Duck is Dead," East
Quad, RC Auditorium, 8 p.m.,
showing through Dec. 6.
Q Safewalk Nighttime Safety
Walking Service, UGLi,lobby,
936-1000, 8-11:30 p.m.
Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
CCRB, Martial Arts Room, 6-7
Q TaeKwonDo Club, regular
workout, CCRB, Room 1200,
7-8:30 p.m.
Q Teaching Assistants' Union,
rally for a fair contract, Diag,12
Q UAC Starbound Auditions,
Michigan Union, Room 2105,
UAC office, Dec. 4: 7-9 p.m.;
Dec. 5: 12-6 p.m.; Dec. 6: 12-
6 p.m.
Q U-M Bridge Club, duplicate
bridge game, Michigan Union,
Tap Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q U-M Ninjitsu Club, practice,
I.M. Building, Wrestling Room
G21, 6:30-8 p.m.
Q Blue Sun Quintet and
SAFMOD, performance,
Michigan Union, University
Club, 8p.m.
Q "Creativity Painting," Pre-
Kwanzaa, Baits, Therme
Lounge, 6 p.m.
Q Fundraiser/Sale, U-M Ski
Team,SportsColiseum,9a.m. -
9 p.m.
Q Kids Shopping Extravaganza,
U-M Museum, Gift Shop, call
747-0521 for more information.
Q Newman Catholic Student As-
sociation, Christmas Choir Re-
hearsal, 10 a.m.; Into Light
Advent Group, 8 a.m.; Mass,
7:30 a.m.; Saint Mary Student
Chapel, 331 Thompson St.
Q Northwalk Nighttime Safety
Walking Service, Bursley Hall,
lobby, 763-WALK, 8-11:30
rl tc.uiv. Wltftm af"

posium, U-M Law School,
Honnigman Hall, 10 a.m. - 5:30
Q AIESE , meeting, Business
Administration Building, Room
1276,6 p.m.
Q Blind Pig Blues Jam and Open
Mic Night, Blind Pig, 208 S.
First St., 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m.
Q Chamber Music Concert, East
Quad, RC Auditorium, 4 p.m.
Q Contemporary Directions En-
semble, performance, Rackham
Building, Auditorium, 4 p.m.
Q Hillel, Grads and Young Profes-
sionals Veggie Potluck, Law
Quad, Lawyers' Club, 5:30 p.m.
Q League Jazz Night, perfor-
mance, Michigan League, check
room at front desk, 6 p.m.
Q "Legacies of the Encounter,"
lecture, Rackham Building, Am-
phitheater, 1-5 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student
Association, Bible Study, 6:15
p.m.; Peer Ministry, 3p.m.; Rite
of Acceptance, 12 p.m.; Saint
Mary Student Chapel, 331
Thompson St.
Q Northwalk Nighttime Safety
Walking Service, Bursley Hall,
lobby,763-WALK,8p.m. -1:30
i Phi Sigma Pi, meeting, East
Quad, Room 126,6-7 p.m.
Q Piano Competition, U-M School
of Music, Recital Hall, 1 p.m.
Q Safewalk Nighttime Safety
Walking Service, UGLi, lobby,
936-1000, 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Q Safewalk Nighttime Safety
Walking Service - Angell Hall,
Angell Hall, Computing Cen-
ter, 763-4246, 1:30-3 a.m.
Q "The Feast," Pre-Kwanzaa,
Mosher Jordan Residence Hall,
Jordan Lounge, 5:30 p.m.
Q U-M Chess Club, meeting,
Michigan League, check room
at front desk, 1 p.m.
Q U-M Jazz Combos, perfor-
mance, North Campus Com-
mn n,. Tannarrin ARn nm

by Megan Lardner
Daily Staff Reporter
Many U-M students may wish to
follow in the footsteps of two recent
college graduates who are playing
the game of "Life" - and say they
are winning.
Robert Wolfe, a 1992 U-M grad-
uate, and his partner David Jaffe, a
1992 University of Wisconsin grad-
uate, opened the Moosejaw Moun-
taineering and Backcountry Travel
store Oct. 31 in Keego Harbor - a
suburb of Detroit.
Neither graduate, one a political
science major and the other a history
major, said he had ever dreamed of
operating his own business just six
months after graduation. In fact, they
said they both planned to go to law
school - but realized their interests
lay elsewhere.
"We tried to think of a million
other things to do instead," Wolfe
said. The partners said they decided
to build on their interest in camping,
and opened the store.
Just more than one month later,
the 22-year-old business partners said
they are still optimistic and pleased
with the praise heaped on the store.

"No one believed we would ever
do it," Wolfe said, recalling his
friends from the university who
laughed at the idea of opening a
Wolfe and Jaffe specialize in sell-
ing camping equipment, snow gear
and winter clothes. They also orga-
nize camping trips to areas such as
the Georgian Bay in Canada and the
Jordan River Valley.
"We really don't want to be just
another store," Wolfe stated, adding
that he and his partner hope to in-
corporate more trips and expand the
Wolfe said local residents have
been supportive.
"People are into the idea of two
young guys going into business to-
gether," he said. "Even our competi-
tion is psyched."
Wolfe and Jaffe said they want to
avoid undercutting their competition.
They spent a lot of time researching
other stores and establishing solid re-
lations with other camping
But not everything is perfect in
the business world, as the store's
owners are the first to admit. Deal-

ing with insurance companies and.
landlords was a new experience, they
"I had never signed a lease in my-
life," Wolfe added.
Other companies did not appear:
to show much respect for the gradub
ates and they found it difficult to
work witli credit companies without
previous credit.
But some of the difficulties have
been invigorating, Wolfe said. The
two are constantly challenged by the
events that occur in a private
"I love all the controversy,,
Wolfe stated enthusiastically2
"Something goes wrong almost ev-
ery day."
Even with the strong success oh
the Moosejaw Mountaineering- and
Backcountry Travel, the owners are'
remaining firmly planted on the,
ground, Wolfe said.
"It is going great, but I don't
want to be overly optimistic," he
added. "Retail is really weird. Every-
one tells us there will be a day when
not one person will come in, but it
hasn't happened yet."


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