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December 04, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-12-04

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Friday, December 4, 1992

Continued from page 1
"I'm a lowly player in this but
many people have worked for him
since early spring," Clarkson said.
"You have to be an exceptional per-
son to have such a dedicated and
loyal following."
While at the university, Clarkson
was responsible for developing rela-
ti6nships between the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs and students, faculty
and staff in addition to building ex-
ternal funds through grants.
Hartford said her office is wait-
ing for Clarkson's return because
she is the chair of a group in charge
of sending U-M publications to in-
coming students. Clarkson's position
will remain vacant until she returns.

For now Clarkson said she is
looking ahead to the inauguration
and the inaugural ball, which she
said campaign workers are usually
invited to attend.
Clarkson said she hopes to return
to Ann Arbor Jan. 21 or 22, and al-
though she is anxious to return to the
university, she said she would not
trade her political vacation for the
"It's unique because people come
from all over the country, from all
walks of life and focus on this task,"
Clarkson said. "I haven't had a day
off but I'm really having fun."
"It's sort of like jumping through
a hole in the earth into another
world," Clarkson said. "It's been a
wonderful experience."

I ?-i1

'9 -
- 6 *

Continued from page 1
ing force in place since September.
The port and airport of
Mogadishu have been virtually shut
down by the threat of banditry.
Bush and his advisers discussed
the risks of the military operation,
said Fitzwater, "but the feeling was
that the need there is great ... and
that we can't allow the starvation to
"We don't see this as a big inva-
sion force," said Pentagon
spokesperson Pete Williams. "We
are not looking to go in with guns
blazing. I wouldn't expect a big
Fitzwater said, "Our purpose is to
first of all to ... get the aid through
and secondly to accomplish that as
rapidly as possible and to turn it over
to peacekeeping forces of the United
Nations as soon as possible."
He even suggested that the U.S.
forces could be out of Somalia by
the time President-elect Clinton
takes office Jan. 20. "If we could
have them out before then, that cer-
tainly would be preferable," he told
Williams said 1,800 Marines
aboard a three-ship amphibious
strike force were off the coast of
Somalia, awaiting further orders.
Those Marines would move in to
secure Mogadishu's port and
airstrips, allowing other forces to
flow in from the United States and
other nations, a senior Pentagon of-
ficial said.
The largest contingent would be
some 16,000 Marines from the 1st
Marine Expeditionary Force from
Camp Pendleton, Calif.
In a second wave, up to 10,000
soldiers from the Army's light in-
fantry 10th Mountain Division at
Fort Drum, N.Y., will be added, said
the official, who commented only on
condition of anonymity.
Williams confirmed that units
from Pendleton's 50,000 Marines
had been alerted to get ready to
move, as well as elements of the
10th Mountain Division, but he de-
clined to say exactly how many
might be sent to the East African

Continued from page 1
sistant to Hartford and run the Judi-
cial Affairs Office that will oversee
the code.
Hartford said she has several
goals in mind for training students
on the judiciary panel.
"(I would like) to get a group of
people to understand the nuances of
policy and to understand due pro-
cess," Hartford said, adding that stu-
dents will also learn to ask unbiased
Hartford emphasized the student
panel is not intended to be a passive
body like a jury in a court of law.
She said the panel will be present at
the hearing 'and will get involved
asking questions.
The university is also planning to
utilize the resources of University
Counseling Service and Elsa Cole
and Dan Sharphorn, from the office
of the General Counsel, to inform
the panel about due process.
"I'm here on call, basically,"
Cole said. She added that she has not
Students should
expect to receive a
copy of the statement
at their campus
addresses shortly after
second semester
classes resume.
made specific plans for training stu-
dents, but said she assumes that her
office will be involved.
The Student Relations Commit-
tee, which serves as an advisory
committee to Hartford, is responsi-
ble for selecting faculty chairs for
the hearing board.
LSA senior Rob Van Houweling
is a member of the Student Relations
Committee, which is composed of
students and faculty.
He said the committee has not
started the search yet, and probably
will not begin until after break.
"The funny thing about that
committee is that they were pretty
pissed off with (Hartford) to begin
with," Van Houweling said.
"It voted unanimously for a bind-
ing student vote through MSA and
we had a student vote through
MSA," he added.


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CRISP employee Reuben Peterson checks a student verification form

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outside Room 17 Angell Hall.
Continued from page 1
Amelia Peterson said. "I like that
it is very busy when we work
here during registration, and I
really enjoy working with
Co-workers said they like
working with the Petersons.
"They are a very nice couple
to work with, and they always
seem to be fair and work well
with people," said Lorraine
Medallis, a CRISP employee.

Students who met Reuben
Peterson during their trip through
the CRISP line described him as
"le was very helpful to
freshmen in announcing what to
do and how the CRISP procedure
works," said LSA first-year
student Amy Brun.
"If someone has a problem
they are referred to (Peterson) for
help with the CRISP procedure,"
said LSA sophomore Chris

The University of Michigan
School of Music
Sun. Dec. 6 Mozart Birthday Celebration
Piano Competition
School of Music Recital Hall, 1 p.m.


Tue. Dec. 8

Theatre and Drama
Trelawny of the Wells
by A. W. Pinero
Tickets: $14, $10, $6 (students)
Power Center for the Performing Arts, 2 p.m.
Contemporary Directions
H. Robert Reynolds, Gary Lewis, conductors
Messiaen: "Colors of the Celestial City"
Bassett: Trio for Violin, Clarinet and Piano
Lutoslawski: String Quartet
Rackham Auditorium, 4 p.m.
Jazz Combos
Ed Sarath, director
Michigan League Buffet, 6-8 p.m.
Guest Recital: The Solar Winds
University of Texas
Woodwind Ensemble
Music of Mozart, Vivaldi, Berger, Piston,
Franaix and Saint-Sans
School of Music Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
University Symphony Orchestra,
University Philharmonia and
Chamber Choir
Theodore Morrison, Donald Schleicher,
Haydn: "Mass in Time of War"
Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Haydn
Brahms: Hungarian Dance No. 5
Hill Auditorium, 8 p.m.
University Choir
Jerry Blackstone, conductor
Mendelssohn: Psalm 42: Wie der Hirsch
schreit nach frischem Wasser
Scarlatti: Te Deum Laudamus
Hill Auditorium, 8 p.m.
Northcoast and Creative Arts
Tribute to Thelonius Monk
Ed Sarath, director
Rackham Auditorium, 8 p.m.

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(Christian Reformed campus ministry)
1236 Washtenaw Ct. 668-7421/662-2402
(one block south of CCRBI
10 a.m.-Morning Worship
6 p.m.-Evening Prayers
9-10 p.m.-RO.C.K. Student Gathering.
Join us for fun, food, provocative discussion.
Rev. Don Postema, pastor
Episcopal Student Foundation
(The Episcopal Church at U of M)
518 E. Washington Street
SUNDAY: 5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist ,
6:00 p.m. Dinner
The Rev'd virginia Peacock, Chaplain
Telephone: 665-0606
2455 Washtenaw (at Stadium)
van rides from campus, info: 769-4157
Huron Street (between State & Division)
Worship- 9:55 a.m.
Adult Church School-11:20 a.m.
Student Fellowship Supper
and Discussion-5:30 p.m.
For information, call 663-9376
George B. Lambrides & Ann Smiley-Oyen
Corner of State and William
.SUNDAY: Communion-Douglas Chapel,
10 a.m.
Worship Service-Sanctuary, 10:30 a.m.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
(Between Hill & South University)
Worship-9:30 & 11 a.m.
Campus Faith Exploration Discussion
Bagels & Coffee Served-9:30 a.m.
Undergraduate Supper-5:30 p.m.
Campus Worship & Dinner-5:30 p.m.
For information, call 662.4466
Amy Morrison, Campus Pastor
801 South Forest (at Hill Street), 668-7622
SUNDAY: Worship--0 a.m.
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study-6 p.m.
Evening Prayer-7 p.m.

Continued from page 1
lyst with Dean Witter Reynolds Inc.
in San Francisco. "Obviously, that is
a plus not only to the consumer but
to the investor."
The United Auto Workers union,
which represents 270,000 GM
hourly workers, blamed GM for its
own problems.
"Let no one misunderstand, GM
did not get in this predicament by
putting workers and customers first,"
the UAW said in a statement.
"Rather, they put quick profits
and Wall Street demands ahead of
all else. It is clear that only different
principles and new priorities will
guide this corporation back to
GM, which for decades used its
size as a shield against marketplace
realities, is finally dealing with dev-
astating financial and market share
losses. As the hemmorhaging con-
tinued to mount early this year, out-
side directors installed new man-
agement to speed up the cost-cutting.
The 50 weeks it took to identify
the final seven plants to be closed
put thousands of workers on edge
waiting to hear their fate.

"They're bleeding to death and'
now we're going to take it on the
chin for their inability to run the
business," said Tom Martin, shop
chair for United Auto Workers Local
854 in Syracuse, N.Y., whose Inland
Fisher Guide plant was among the
seven named for closing yesterday.
"The corporation has really lost
touch with what's going on out
there," Martin said.
GM's problems in the market-
place have worsened this year, even
as the domestic auto industry is be
ginning to emerge from a two-year
recession and once-tenacious Japan-
ese automakers are backing off be-
cause of financial woes at home.
The downsizing, announced Dec.
18, 1991, is one of several steps GM
has taken to stem the flow of red ink
in North American automotive oper-
ations. Merit pay increases have
been haulted for salaried workers,
and they now are required to pay
part of their health insurance costs.
Analysts expect GM to lose about
$1 billion this year overall but closer
to $3 billion in North America,
where losses in 1990-91 approached
$12 billion. GM told Wall Street an-
alysts last month that it would break
even before taxes and interest in
North America next year.


Thu. Dec. 10

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for the balance of falVwinter terms, starting in September
via U.S. mail are $120. The balance of fall term only is $40. Winter term (January through April) Is $90. On-
campus subscriptions for falVwinter are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
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* *ORALT h . I D. enie Eito iaCie
NEWS Henry Goldblatt, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Andrew Levy, Melissa Peerless, David Rheingold, Betharny Robertson
STAFF Adam Anger, Jonathan Bemdt, Hope Clal, Kerry Colligan. Ken Dancyger, Lauren Dermer, Jan DiMascio, Erin Einhom, Tim
Greimel. Nate Hurley, Megan Lardner, Robin Utwin, Will McCahlI, Shelley Morrison, Marc Olender, David Powers, Mona Qureshi,
Karen Sabgir, Abby Schweitzer, Gwen Shaffer, Purvi Shah, Jennifer Silverberg, Johnny Su, Karen Talaski, Andrew Taylor, Jennifer
Tianen, Michelle VanOoteghem, Chastity Wilson. Christine Youg.
GRAPHICS STAFF: David Acton, Jonathan Bendt, Johnny Su
OPINION Yael Citro, Geoffrey Earle, Amitava Mazumdar, Editors
STAFF: Jonathan Chait (Associate Editor), Mike Chau, Rich cho, Sam Goldstein, Judith Kaka, David Leitner. Jason Uchatein,
Katherine Metres, Dave Rowe, David Shepardson (Editorial Assistant),.LUndsay Sobel, Jordan Stanch, Brian Vikstrom, Flint Wetness.
SPORTS JohnNiyo, Managing:Editor
EDITORS: Josh Dubow, Joni Durst, Ovan Herrington, Albert Lin
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Rachel Bachman, Paul Barger, Tom Bausano, Jesse Brouhard, Ken Davidoff, Andy DeKorte, Brett Forrest,
Jim Foss, Mike Hill, Eri Himstedt, Thomn Holden, Brett Johnson, Seth King. Adam Miter. Rich Mvitvalsky. Antoine Ptts, Mike Rano,
Tim Rardin, Michael Rosenberg, Jaeson Rosenfeld, Chad Safran, Tim Spolar, Andy Stabile, Ken Sugiura.
ARTS Alan J. Hogg, Jr., Michael John Wilson, Editors
EDITORS: Carina A. Bacon (Theater), Jessie Halladay (Weekend etc.), Aaron Hamburger (fun), Nima Hodasi (Music), Roger hisa
(Fine Arts), Christna Slovey (Books).
STAFF: Megan Abbott, Laura Alantas, Jon Altshul. Greg Baise. Jill Banks, Melissa Rose Bernardo. Mark Binei, Jason Carro, Camilo
Fontecilla, Patrick Kim, Kristen Knudsen, Alison Levy, Darcy Lockman, John R. Rybock, Dave Skelly, Scott Sterling, Michael
Thompson, Jayne Wawryzniak, Michelle Weger, Sarah Weidman. Kirk Wetters. Josh Worth, Kim Yaged.
PHOTO Kristoffer Gillette, Editor
STAFF: Erik Angermeier, Michele Guy, Douglas Kanter, John Kavalauskas, Heather Lowman, Sharon Musher, Evan Peti*, Molly



- Sun.
10 - 13


Fri. Dec. 11

Dance and Related Arts Project
Tickets: $5 (763-5460)
Dance Building, Studio A, 8 p.m.
Symphony and Concert
H. Robert Reynolds, Gary Lewis, Dennis
Glocke, Gustav Meier, conductors
Music of Verdi, Wagner, Copland,
Iannacone. Berlioz. Grainger and Hindemith

DISPLAY SALES Amy Fant, Manage





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