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October 30, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-30

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.3 1T TIT's M-1

Back in a small club where they belong, The
Jesus and Mary Chain play the State Theater in
Detroit tonight.

The middle four pages of this issue pull out to
give you everything you need to know before
heading to the polls Tuesday.

Michigan hits the road this weekend to visit that
thriving metropolis West Lafayette, Ind., to take
on the Purdue Boilermakers on another stop on
the Road to Pasadena.

Mixed clouds and sun;
High 45, Low 32
Chilly and sunny; High 45, Low 30


t t


One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol Cil, o.24An Abo, icig. F idaOcoe 3,92. 9 h ichigan*' * ,.

focuses on
'youth of
by Shelley Morrison
Daily Higher Education Reporter
Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, in
a rush to target the "youth of
America," has visited more than
50 college campuses since the
Democratic National Convention,
while President George Bush has
only made eight stops to universi-
ties since August.
Darcey Campbell, assistant
press secretary for Bush/Quayle
'92, said Bush has visited fewer
college campuses because of his
presidential duties.
"Bush is still the president of
the United States and still has re-
sponsibilities as president. This
allows him less tine to campaign
than Clinton, and people forget
that," Campbell said.
"Bush is stillvery concerned
about speaking to the youth of
America," she added.
Ross Perot representatives did
not return calls regarding inquiries
about college campus visits.
Political science Prof. Donald
Kinder said Clinton is targeting
college campuses to sustain sup-
port from the younger generation.
"The analysis I've seen sug-
gests that young people dispropor-
tionately support Clinton," Kinder
said. "And candidates tend to go.
where their support is greatest."
Ethan Zindler, assistant press
secretary for Clinton's headquar-
ters, said Clinton accepts all invi-
tations to speak at universities that
are logistically possible for him to
fit into his schedule.
"We've had an overwhelming
See VISITS, Page 2

Bush stumps to
Reagan Dems. in
Macomb County

President George Bush addresses a crowd of students and community members at Macomb
Community College yesterday.
Students shelve social
ives or campaignin

by Megan Lardner
Daily Staff Reporter
While Democratic presidential candidate
Bill Clinton continued to push his "time for
a change" message in Detroit yesterday,
President George Bush poked fun at his op-
ponent in Warren.
"Change, change, change - that's all
you'll have left in your pocket if Governor
Clinton becomes president," Bush told an
amused audience in a speech at Macomb
Community College.
At a noon rally at Detroit's Cobo Arena,
Clinton told about 15,000 supporters that 1.4
million manufacturing jobs and 250,000 au-
toworker jobs have been lost during Bush's
term in office.
"I want to be the job creator, not the job
terminator," he said.
Dozens of union jackets were visible in
the largely blue-collar crowd, which persis-
tently chanted, "Four more days." Clinton
catered to the autoworker contingent, deny-
ing charges that his support for higher gas
mileage standards would eliminate auto jobs.
"I. have never said, not one single time,
that I will write into law a standard we can-
not meet," he said.
Bush also addressed employment issues.
He said he hopes to bolster the economy
with more small businesses offering jobs.
The president also proposed less business
regulation, lower taxes and control of federal
Bush attacked Clinton's record as
Arkansas governor, citing the state's low na-
tional ranking for education, criminal jus-
tice, public protection and the environment.
"We cannot let him do that to the United
States of America," Bush told the crowd.
The president criticized Clinton for
"waffling" around the campaign issues and
failing to be decisive.

"You cannot be president if you try to be
all things to all people," Bush said.
But autoworker Roger Koromos, who at-
tended the Cobo Arena rally, said he didn't
agree with this characterization of Clinton.
"I didn't hear any of that waffle-iron
stuff the Republicans are talking about," he
said, referring to Bush's charge that Clinton
has flip-flopped on some issues.
Bush repeatedly referred to vice presiden-
tial candidate Al Gore as the "Ozone Man,"
because of his environmental policies. With
Gore in office, the president said, Americans
will be out of work and "up to our ears in
Steve Evans, a Macomb Community
College second-year student, said Bush's
chances are "very good right now." Bush
will benefit from Perot's return to the race
See CAMPAIGN, Page 2
Polls: Pres. race t
still tightening
Democrat Bill Clinton led George Bush by
11.2 percentage points when the week
started, but a volatile electorate might have
shifted since then, Michigan State University
pollsters said yesterday.
The statewide poll found 42 percent of
registered voters favoring Clinton, 30.8 per-
cent backing the president and 19.1 percent
listing independent Ross Perot as their
choice. That left 8.1 percent undecided.
The Institute for Public Policy and Social
Research surveyed 732 voters by telephone
Oct. 20-26. The poll had a margin of error of
3.62 percentage points either way.
"I think it's tightened up even since
See POLLS, Page 2

by Christine Young
Daily Staff Reporter
:Some U-M students have adjusted their
social lives this semester, cutting out fra-
ternity parties and bar-hopping, in favor of
licking and stamping envelopes.
"Campaigns are my social life," said Patti
Lieberman, a U-M graduate student volun-
teering for Rep. William Ford (D-13th
"At 11:30 p.m., after the Clinton rally
following the presidential debate, some of us
went back to the office to do a mailing. That
just shows how much we actually enjoy
what we do," she said.
For the past two months, LSA senior
Adam Sank has devoted between 20 and 50
hours per week campaigning for Ford as
well as taking nine credits at the U-M.

"Trust me when I say that my job is chal-
lenging," Sank said. "Sometimes it's physi-
cally impossible for me to attend all my
classes because I am constantly on the road.
"Just the other day, I walked into my
Spanish class and realized that there was a
mid-term. I had no idea and didn't study for
it but believe it or not, I did O.K.," Sank
Sankbegan volunteering at the
Democratic Headquarters in September and
became -so involved that Ford's campaign
team hired him.
"I must say that I do get paid more than I
would if I had a job (as a waiter) on campus,
but the long hours and commitment to the
campaign in a way make my job much
harder," Sank said.
See STUDENTS, Page 6

MSA parties lack
students to fill slates

by Robin Litwin
Daily MSA Reporter
With the deadline for candidate
registration having passed, members
of the Michigan Student Assembly
are questioning the low numbers of
students running as party-affiliated
candidates in the upcoming
November election.
While the Conservative Coalition
filled its eight-member LSA slate,
the party has not found candidates
for some of the smaller schools and
The Progressive Party has re-
cruited 10 candidates - five for
LSA seats, one candidate to repre-
sent the Medical School, and four
candidates to fill Rackham graduate
seats. Seats from other schools and
colleges remain unfilled.
LSA Rep. Nancy Eisenstein, a
member of Conservative Coalition,
said the problem stems from poor
publicity on the part of both the
0 "I don't think either one of the
parties did a good job in letting peo-
ple know that elections are coming
up and that students could run on

one of those two tickets," Eisenstein
However, Election Director Alli-
son Insley said that getting
candidates for MSA seats does not
seem to be a problem.
"The numbers look excellent to
me," Insley said. "We have far more
people than we need running for
each spot."
She added there are a large num-
ber of independents running in this
Engineering Rep. Brian Kight, an
independent member of the assem-
bly, said that he sees the large num-
ber of independents running as a
sign that the parties have been
poorly organized and managed.
"If the parties were run better and
were better organized then they
would be recruiting better," Kight
said. "When we've had more organi-
zation, parties have had larger slates.
But, in this election, there's been no
organization - things have been
done sort of last minute."
Student Rights Commission
Chair Rob Van Houweling, also an
See MSA, Page 2

Police say
no vandals
just ghosts
by Erin Einhorn
Daily Crime Reporter
Ghouls and goblins may be
spooking the streets tonight and
tommorrow, but Ann Arbor police
and fire officials said they don't ex-
pect many tricks or treats from
vandals Halloween or devils' night.
"There - is nothing right now to
indicate that trouble is brewing,"
said Capt. Dan Branson of the Ann
Arbor Police Department (AAPD).
"Halloween is always a busy time
- the kids are always out, people
have their parties, and there might be
a little activity, but I don't see it
being extraordinarily up."
Branson said AAPD has assigned
several extra officers to cruise
neighborhood streets early in the
evening andcampus streets later.
"I expect the officers will be
busy," he said. "This is a town
where a lot of things are going on. A

Bargain hunters
A group of students sifts through the clothing that was on sale in the Michigan Union Ballroom yesterday. The
sale benefited the synchronized swimming team.

Late start, Thanksgiving lead to shorter term, stress for students

by Saloni Janveja
The good news is a late
Thanksgiving is working with the

always an endless amount of work to
be done, and it's not getting any

Kamdar said he thinks professors
should have redesigned their course
teachings to reflect the shorter term.

he said. "But I deleted a lecture and
a film out of my lesson plans."
Peterson said he thinks the re-

week would not have made . a
difference in their workload.
Marcie Mantela, an LSA first-

"I can notice it a little bit in my
Italian class. It doesn't really seem
like we have that much time to cover

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