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October 16, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-16

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Since the regents couldn't pass the code
proposal over the summer when they do
everything else controversial, they tried to have
their discussion of the issue in faraway Flint.

Hail! Hail to Michigan... but only if you live in the
state. The U-M's residency requirements make
life difficult for out-of-state applicants.

Michigan hits the road for the first time since the
Notre Dame game. The Wolverines are heading to
Bloominton, Ind., to take on the Hoosiers on the
latest stop on the orad to Pasadena.

Clouds, occasional rain;
High 59, Low 31.
Mostly cloudy; High 40, Low 28




One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol. CII, No.14 Ann Arbor, Michiga - Friday, October 16,1992 @1992 The Michigan Daily
Regents delay action on code implementation

by Karen Sabgir
* Daily Administration Reporter
FLINT - University President
James Duderstadt decided against
implementing the Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities
after a heated discussion at the U-M
Board of Regents October meeting
in Flint yesterday.
The policy was brought up only
as a point of information to the re-
gents - not a voting item. However,
under Regental Bylaw 2.01, which
gives the U-M President the power
to unilaterally enact policy,
Duderstadt could have enacted the
* search for
by Melissa Peerless
Daily News Editor
FLINT - The U-M Board of
Regents met with an attorney yes-
terday morning to devise a way to
select a new chancellor for the uni-
versity's Dearborn campus without
violating the Michigan Open
Meetings Act.
At the regents' meeting yesterday
afternoon, Regent Paul Brown (D-
Petoskey) said, "We asked our coun-
sel to advise us what procedure
should be followed in appointing a
The Ann Arbor News and The
Detroit Free Press sued the regents
for violating the act when conduct-
ing their search for U-M President
James Duderstadt in 1988.
In January, the Michigan Court
of Appeals ruled in favor of the two
newspapers saying that the right of
the public to be informed about the
search outweighed the candidates'

A caucus among the eight-mem-
ber board regarding the proposal's
acceptability was split along party
lines, with the four republicans re-
questing to wait to put the code into
effect until everyone has more time
to review the policy.
Rob Van Houweling, Michigan
Student Assembly's Student Rights
Commission chair, addressed the
board during the public comment
session with concern that the ac-
cused have the right to legal counsel.
"The code gives you the right to
remain silent, but without legal
counsel, that does you no good," he

Van Houweling also said that if a
person who is accused of a violent
crime has to cross-examine the ac-
cuser, the jury could be biased if the
defendant asks rough questions.
He said the issue of fairness is
called to question when an accuser
has a third party make the complaint
for them if the defendant is not al-
lowed the same privilege.
Regent Neal Nielsen (R-
Brighton) spoke in favor of repre-
sentation. "I don't think we have an
obligation to provide counsel ... but
they should. not be prohibited from
having it," Nielsen said in express-
ing concern that the regents have not

had a more active role in the policy's code except one that's mandated by
drafting. federal law," said Regent Deane
"I strongly oppose any kind of Baker (R-Ann Arbor).

Nielsen questioned U-M's juris-
diction outside of university prop-
See CODE, Page 7

Board approves state budget request

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
FLINT - The Board of Regents unanimously ap-
proved the U-M's proposed State Budget Request, a
$25.3 million increase in state budget appropriations, to
fund salary and financial aid increases, at yesterday's
However administrators and regents are skeptical this
request will be granted.
"I think we recognize quite clearly the serious finan-

cial pressures on Michigan," said U-M President James
Duderstadt. "State support has deteriorated markedly
over the past five years and the year ahead may not be a
very good year."
This year's request asks for a total increase of $25,3
million more than the $293 million appropriated last year
and includes: a $7.9 million inflation component, $8.2
million for critical needs for salary and academic pro-
gram improvement and $9.2 million for facilities related
See BUDGET, Page 7

Economy focus
of pres. dbt

from staff and wire reports
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - President
Bush, Gov. Bill Clinton and Ross Perot
fielded questions from uncommitted voters
yesterday in a civilized, issue-rich debate
that ranged from taxes to crime and
Clinton said he wanted the wealthy to
pay their "fair share" in higher taxes, while
the president said he was opposed to any tax
After a brief clash in which Bush re-
newed his attack ui Clinton's anti-war activ-
ities in the Vietnam era, the three men were
brought up short by a questioner's demand
that they "focus on the issues and the
They swiftly took his advice, and pro-
ceeded to dissect their disagreements over
education, health care, the deficit; trade pol-
icy and urban woes.
There were few surprises and surely no
knockout punches, and little to suggest that
the session would boost Bush in his effort to
overtake Clinton by Nov. 3.
The 90-minute debate at the University

of Richmond was held under unprecedented
ground rules in which independent voters
asked questions from the audience.
Bush used his closing statement to make
See DEBATE, Page 2

Clintons to visit
campus Monday
by Hope Calati
Daily Government Reporter

Presidential candidate Gov. Bill Clinton
and lawyer Hillary Clinton are coming to the
U-M campus Monday night, according to
sources in the national campaign.
The Clinton campaign has tentatively
planned a rally on the Rackham Auditorium
steps at 10 p.m. The Clintons will be arriving
after the final presidential debate held earlier'
that evening at Michigan State University.
This will be the Arkansas governor's first
visit to Ann Arbor during this campaign. Mrs.
Clinton addressed U-M students before the
primary election.

Presidential candidates Bill Clinton and Ross Perot react to President George Bush during
last night's debate at the University of Richmond.

AIDS symposium
to discuss trends,
* promote awareness

by Purvi Shah
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA first-year student Ode
"Flores grew up in Elsa, Texas
small town where nice people did
talk about sex.
So when an AIDS educator v
scheduled to visit her high scho
many community members raise
"You just didn't talk about thi
like this. It was really controver
... because we had someone w
AIDS in our school. It was patheti
she said. "The parents complain
The school board had a fit.... T
students were all for it. It was j
the administration."
At the U-M, some students are
tempting to raise AIDS awaren
-today and tomorrow for hi
sciboolers and university students.
a two-day AIDS awareness sym
sium - the first day open to
through 12th graders and the sec
day for all U-M community me
bers - the Network for Eq
Economic Development SERVI
and the Inter-Cooperative Coun
hope to promote comprehension
prevention of this lethal disease.

sporadically.... It took a lot of inci-
dents to open their eyes," she ex-
ssa plains. "It's made some progress in
a the last few years. Maybe not all for
[n't the good, but at least we're talking
about it."
was AIDS - now the sixth leading
)ol, cause of death among 15 to 24 year
d a olds - has killed more than 5,000
children and young adults since its
ngs discovery. And the aggregate num-
sial ber of 13 to 24 year olds diagnosed
iith with AIDS has increased 77 percent
c," during the last three years.
ed. College students are not immune
[he to the HIV virus, either. According
ust to a 1990 study of blood samples
drawn from students on 19 college
at- campuses, 1 in 500 tested HIV
ess positive.
igh Matt Holladay, a first-year
In Engineering student, argues that
po- people are becoming more careful,
6th thinking before acting in an unsafe
and manner. "We're no longer part of
m- the 'feel good' generation," he
ual comments, postulating that this at-
CE mosphere will not change until a
acil cure is found.
and But School of Pharmacy senior
Cathy Yeung, who works with peo-

to vote on
stalking bills
by Michelle VanOoteghem
The state Legislature will soon
vote on a package that would make
stalking a crime in Michigan.
The four proposed bills are cur-
rently in limbo because the Legisla-
ture is adjourned until after the
November elections.
Twenty-eight states have enacted
anti-stalking legislation. Michigan's
proposed law is one of the most
comprehensive packages in the na-
tion, said state Rep. Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor).
"I think we've got a very strong
package," said Bullard, chair of the
House Judiciary Committee. "We
have a carefully drafted definition of
stalking that is more likely to be
found constitutional than other
state's laws."
It will create two different defini-
tions of stalking, one a misdemeanor
and the other a felony for aggravated
Stalking will be defined as ha-
rassment that causes significant
mental suffering or distress to the
victim, such as repeatedly harassing
somebody over the telephone or
repeatedly following somebody.

Art beat
Community High School sophomore Ingrid Peterson examines a photo at the "Capturing the Spirit- Portraits of
Contemporary Mexican Artists" exhibit in the basement of the Ann Arbor Public Library. The exhibit honors
National Hispanic Month.
Voters to determine auto insurance
coverage rates in November election

by Lauren Dermer

Michigan Catastrophic Claims

lengthy legal battle over its

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