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October 14, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-14

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Just when you thought it was safe to go to a
football game, Big Brother (read: the Department
of Public Safety) is watching you. Throw
marshmellows at your own risk.

Jack Lemmon, Al Pacino, Alan Arkin, Ed Harris
and more! From director James Foley,
"Glengarry Glen Ross" is a startlingly effective
screen adaptation of David Mamet's play.

The Michigan men's water polo got off to a fast
start this weekend with a victory over Ohio State,
before dropping three straight. However, this team
will not allow its spirit to go in the tank.

Clouds, showers possible;
High 62, Low 45
Partly cloudy; High 62, Low 43


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One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol GIN.1AnAroMc ian, -WdedaO tber14,992OG192 Te Mchianai,

Perot may
alter vote
election year filled with surprises,
Ross Perot's strong showing in the
first debate could alter electoral dy-
namics once again, analysts and
strategists of both parties suggested
No one expects the Texas busi-
nessman to win. His homily-filled
straight talk could translate into a
spurt of support that makes a differ-
ence to President Bush and Bill
Clinton in individual states.
Last night's vice presidential
debate gave Americans another
chance to take a look at the Perot-
Stockdale ticket.
And since expectations were low
for retired Adm. James Stockdale, a
credible performance by the
Vietnam prisoner of war-turned-
scholar could further pique interest
in Perot.
The Dallas billionaire could be-
come a "resting place for disen-
chanted Republicans" who would
Sotherwise vote for Bush but see the
president's chances as hopeless, said
Democratic pollster Geoff Garin.
Third-party candidates usually
fare worse in elections than they do
in polls because voters don't want to
throw away their votes.
If Clinton retains a double-digit
lead in the polls over Bush, many
voters who don't like either Bush or
Clinton may feel they have nothing
to lose by casting a protest vote for
"The minute it looks like Bush
See PEROT, Page 2

VP candidates
clash on state
of the nation

Vice President Dan Quayle, Adm. James Stockwell and Sen. Al Gore exchange pleasantries following last n
debate at Georgia Tech in Atlanta.
Regents to debate dral
of U-M code oron~osal

from staff and wire reports
ATLANTA (AP) - With point-
ing fingers and insistent interrup-
tions, Al Gore and Dan Quayle
clashed over leadership, abortion
and the economy last night in a vice
presidential debate denounced by
James Stockdale as "why this nation
is in gridlock."
"I feel like an observer at a ping
pong game," Ross Perot's running
mate said after listening to perhaps
the 10th or 20th time that Gore and
AP PHOTO Quayle interrupted one another.
It was a messy affair that ended
night's on a sharp, negative note, with
Republican Quayle looking into the
prime-time camera and referring
darkly to the Democratic front-
"The American people should
demand that their president tell the
truth. Do you really believe Bill
Clinton will tell the truth, and do you
trust Bill Clinton to be your
The lines were drawn from the
liar with outset on the main issue of the
s have a campaign.
President Bush and Quayle were
(R-Ann like "deer caught in the headlights"
me con- when the recession struck, Gore
ve been charged - "Blinded to the suffering
and due and pain of bankruptcies and people
me." who are unemployed." He pledged
on of an that he and Democratic presidential
ie nature candidate Clinton "stand for
s it will "Trickle down economics simply
, Page 2 does not work," Gore said of the

In last night's debate, all three
vice presidential candidates
launched repeated attacks on
their opponents. These are
Quayle: "You need to have
a president you can trust. Can
you really trust Bill Clinton?"
Clinton and Gore would,
"make matters much worse."
Gore: "Trickle-down
economics simply does not
work." Bush and Quayle were
like,"deer caught in the
Stockdale: "I think America
is seeing right now the
reason this nation is in
Republican platform.
Quayle quickly retorted that
Clinton and Gore would "make mat-
ters much worse.
"Jobs will be lost," he said,
adding that the Democrats would
raise taxes and spending, as well.
LSA first-year student Adam
Carter said Quayle's concerns were
overshadowed by Gore.
"The small issues that Quayle
raised about Clinton's integrity were
shot down by Gore's questioning of
Bush's 'No new taxes' statement,"
Carter said.
See DEBATE, Page 2

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
The U-M Board of Regents will
discuss - and possibly implement
- the proposed Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities
at its meeting tomorrow in Flint, and
may abolish a similar policy adopted
nearly 20 years ago.
The Statement of Student Rights
and Responsibilities would allow the
U-M to discipline students for be-
havior on- and off-campus.

"The intent is to pu
interim code and I thin]
close to being ready,'
Shirley McFee (R-Batt
But some regents e
cerns about the curren
they plan to address att
"I think generally
code is good. The mai
been and will be whatd
allowed. Some rege
persnickety about mak
process is allowed,"

K- 1
t this in as an "Those that are really famil
k we're pretty the legal aspects sometime:
said Regent better sensitivity to it."
le Creek). Regent Deane Baker
xpressed con- Arbor) said he shares the sa
t policy draft cern. "Some deficiencies ha
the meeting. corrected but the vagueness
speaking the process procedures concern
n concern has Baker said implementati
due process is interim policy depends on th
nts are very of the meeting's discussion.
king sure due "If there are objections
McFee said. See REGENTS


Grad. school admissions test
to be offered on computers

by Christine Young
Daily Staff Reporter
Students nationwide will now be
able to take the Graduate Record
Examinations (GRE) admissions test
on a computer, resulting in immedi-
ate test scores and more testing
However, the computerized test
costs $90, twice as much as the $45
cost of the written version.
The Educational Testing Service
introduced the computerized version
of the GREs to students Monday at
more than 100 testing centers na-
tionwide, including five in
"There are many advantages and
drawbacks to the computerized ver-
sion of the GRE," said Andrew
Marr, center manager for Ann
Arbor's Stanley Kaplan Educational
Center Ltd.
"The test taking conditions and

the convenience of the availability of
testing dates will benefit students.
The only drawback is the increased
cost for registration."
The test will be offered by six
universities nationwide, including
Michigan State University in East
The U-M currently is not a test-
ing sight for the computerized GRE
test, but is considering offering the
option in the future, said Walter
Harrison, executive director of
university relations.
The computerized and written
versions of the three and one-half
hour test both have the same format.
The difference is that the com-
puterized version enables students to
find out their scores immediately fol-
lowing their test instead of waiting
five to six weeks.
The computerized test also en-
ables students to register for the

exam via telephone.
"It is the wave of the future," said
Kevin Gonzalez, a spokesperson for
the Educational Testing Service.
While there are only five poten-
tial testing dates per year to take the
written GRE, the Educational
Testing Service and the Sylvan
Learning Center will offer the com-
puterized version 150 days
throughout the year.
The Educational Testing Service
is in the process of computerizing
many standardized tests including
the Scholastic Aptitude Test, which
it expects to offer within eight years.
Within the next two years, the
Professional Assessments for
Beginning Teachers will also be
The computerized version of the
GRE has caused debate on whether
it would favor students familiar with
See GRE, Page 2

Memories of JFK
President John F. Kennedy announced his plans for the Peace Corps 22 years ago today during the 1960
presidential race. This plaque in front of the Michigan Union commemorates the announcement.

Voters to decide fate of property
tax proposals on Nov. 3 ballot
by Hope Calati per year. points.
Daily Government Reporter This proposal was placed on the "You can't help but b

ProoslsA ad*


Voters will be asked in
November to decide the fate of two
property tax ballot questions, which
could affect the amount of state
appropriations the U-M receives.
Proposal A would limit
increases in home property tax
accPCeman nt t 5narrnt n vmar nr

ballot by a petition signed by more
than 400,000 people.
This proposal guarantees that
public schools will be reimbursed
dollar per dollar for money lost
through reduction of property taxes.
Proposal C could affect the state
general fund. which feeds the U-M

concerned about it because it has
the spectre of being troublesome for
higher education," Kennedy said.
"Over the long term, even if rev-
enue growth was enough to cover
expenditures, it still limits the
amount of funds eligible for higher
education and state services." he

There are four state ballot
proposals on the Nov. 3
ballot. Two of the proposals,
A and C, concern property
tax relief. Here is how the
proposals would affect
Michigan taxpayers.
Proposal A would limit
assessment increases on
homes to 5 percent a year or
the rate of inflation,
whichever is less. Only after
a home is sold would the
assessment and tax bill be
adjusted to reflect current

by Ken Davidoff
Daily Basketball Writer
Two years after snaring Jimmy
King and Ray Jackson, Michigan
coach Steve Fisher and his assistants
reached back into their Texas stable
to capture another prestigious re-
cruit. Six-foot-3 point guard Bobby
Crawford of Houston Eisenhower
High School informed Fisher

Miller spoke highly of his star
"He's a real team ballplayer,"
Miller said. "He's a good passer -
not a fancy passer - but he hits the
pass at the right time to the right
man. His ego doesn't keep him from
being successful. When we don't
need his points, he just passes it and
doesn't look to shoot."

Fisher lassoes Texas
basketball recruit




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