Football is a microcosm of life. This fact will
never be more evident than tomorrow, when our
fine university establishes its supremacy over our
agricultural neighbors in East Lansing.
Schools have been teaching that "Columbus
discovered America" for hundreds of years, but
recently all that has changed.
See how the Wolverines match up with the
Spartans for tomorrow's clash of undefeated Big
Ten powers. The real question: Can the Blue cover
the spread?
Mostly cloudy;
High 59, Low 46
Sun and clouds; High 57, Low 40
441W 4411V
One hundred two years of editorial freedom
Vol. CIII, N
Michigan -- Fri
1992 The Mi
U-Mprofs adapt courses to changing societal views
by Will McCahill
U-M professors say they have
had to revise the manner in which
they teach and think about
Columbus Day due to changing
societal views.
"The concept of discovery has
been turned on its head," said
Assistant Anthropology Prof.
Crisca Bierwert, who teaches
courses in Native American
Although she said that she was
raised with the idea of Columbus
as a sort of "champion," she said
she has always taught that he was
more of a destroyer than a hero.
Bierwert said she is glad to see
others conforming to her view-
point, and thinks the American
Culture Theme Semester - which
encompasses critical thinking
courses aiming at reexamining
Columbus' voyage - is "a valu-
able forum for rethinking ideas.".
However, she also said that the
lack of a Native American Studies
program at the U-M is a "serious
omission," and has led to diffi-
culty in recruiting Native
Americans and experts in the field
of Native American Studies to
come to teach at the U-M.
Bierwert said she hopes the in-
terest aroused by the quincente-
nary will not fade after this year.
With this goal in mind,
Bierwert said, the United Nations
See COLUMBUS, Page 2
Theme semester provides alternat ive
inteipretaion to Columbus' voyage
by Marc Olender
The U-M had nothing grand planned for the Columbus quincentenary
until the birth of the theme semester.
The theme semester, titled "The Americas Then and Now: Beyond
1492," includes an interdisciplinary mini-course, guest lectures, and
other events. It focuses on the impact of the European encounter with the
peoples and cultures already present in 1492.
See SEMESTER, Page 2
MSA to
put code
on Nov.
b allot
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
While Michigan Student
Assembly representatives hope to
put the Student Rights and
Responsibilities Policy up for a stu-
dent vote in the upcoming assembly
election, some administrators and
regents do not think such a measure
is necessary.
"MSA will have a ballot question
on the code," said Brian Kight, vice
chair of MSA's Student Rights
Commission (SRC). "The question
is, will the administration respect the
results of that vote?"
"The question would be along the
lines of, 'Should the university enact
its proposed Statement of Student
Rights and Responsibilities?"' said
Rob Van Houweling, chair of the
SRC. "Not whether they want a code
but whether they approve of the spe-
cific draft."
Kight said students would vote
on the ballot question during the
November MSA elections.
"I want to make it clear that it's
obvious the (U-M Board of) Regents
have the final say and authority to do
what they want. We're not in any
way requiring that the regents be
bound by this," Kight said. "We
would just ask that students be al-
lowed to vote on a policy before it's
Regent Shirley McFee (R-Battle
Creek) said she did not think a stu-
dent vote would be productive.
"To put it to a student vote, I
don't know what would be accom-
plished by that in terms of giving
See VOTE, Page 2
Listed below are selected events related to the Columbus
Friday, October 9
Adam Fortunate Eagle, who led the 1969 reoccupation of
Alcatraz Island, will speak - also music and dancing featuring
the U-M Native American Dance Troupe, noon, Regents Plaza.
Petition drive for Central & South American indigenous
people, 9 a.m., Diag.
Sunday, October 11
"National Coming Out Day & Columbus Day: What's the
Connection?", 3 p.m., Common Language Bookstore.
Native American Students Assoc. Rally, 10 p.m., Diag.
Monday, October 12 - Columbus Day
Panel discussions on Native American issues, 9 a.m., Union.
"Columbus Didn't Discover Us" - video showing & BMC
Open House, 10 a.m., Baker Mandela Center.
"Completing the Circle- - Mending the Sacred'H-oop": a
cultural celebration, 7 p.m., Union.
Tuesday, October 13
Indigenous People's History and Current Organizing Efforts,
information & panel discussion highlighting 500 years of
resistance, 6 p.m., 429 Mason Hall.
Wednesday, October 14
"Genocide Then and Now" - panel discussion, 4 p.m.,
Center for Afro-American & African Studies Lounge, 111 West
Groups organize counter-
Columbus Day activities
by Adam Anger
and Pete Matthews
Not everyone will be reveling
come Monday, the 500th anniver-
sary of the arrival of Christopher
Columbus' flotilla to the "New
Many descendents of the peo-
ples "discovered" by Columbps
wish he had sailed off the end of
the earth - and left their ancient
civilizations to develop at their
own pace without European inter-
The consensus and sensitivity
on the U-M campus regarding this
issue has resulted in the absence of
any events which unabashedly
celebrate the quincentenary. There
has been and will be, however,
many activities this month which
both question and condemn
Columbus and his endeavor.
Among the organizations most
active in questioning the
"Columbus myth" are the Native
American Students Association
(NASA) and the Baker-Mandela
Center (BMC). NASA represents
the 189 "self-identified" Native
Americans attending the U-M.
The BMC is an organization and
resource center which promotes
issues concerning social justice -
as they relate to people of color,
women, gays and lesbians.
Both NASA and the BMC be-
gan organizing counter-Columbus
Day celebrations in November
1991. Michael Dashner, a student
services representative and NASA
member, said, "There was a lot of
sentiment and people wondering
what we Native Americans were
going to be doing come October
BMC and NASA efforts have
resulted in a resolution passed by
the Michigan Student Assembly
declaring Oct. 12 "Indigenous
Peoples' Day" and the Ann Arbor
City Council's decision to desig-
nate it as the day to commemorate
. Accused
to plead
by Erin Einhorn
Daily Crime Reporter
Chester Posby - the 68-year-old
Clinton Twp. resident accused of
shooting a doctor at the U-M
Medical Center June 26 - plans to
plead not guilty by reason of insanity
when his case comes to trial Nov. 2,
his attorney said yesterday.
Posby's attorney, Jeffrey Strouss,
said the claim acknowledges that the
crime was committed, but the prose-
cutor still must "prove beyond a rea-
sonable doubt that (the defendant)
was sane."
The psychological condition of
the defendant has already been eval-
uated by the Forensic Department,
which determined he is mentally ill,
but competent, meaning the defen-
* dant is aware of the charges against
him and able to assist his defense.
"The forensic department still has
to determine if he is insane,"
Assistant Prosecutor Bob Cooper
He said he plans to wait for the
forensic department report, which
must be released within 30 days of
the filed insanity claim, before pro-
ceeding with his case.
The insanity claim was submitted
to the Forensic Department last
Students stress over GRE, GMAT
by Nate Hurley
The pressure is on upperclass
students this month, as a bevy of
standardized tests face those who are
applying to graduate school
The Law School Admissions
Test (LSAT), and the Medical
College Acceptance Test (MCAT)
were administered last weekend, the
Graduate Record Examination
(GRE) will be held this weekend,
and the Graduate Management
Admission Test (GMAT) will be
held Oct. 17.
"I really haven't been too con-
cerned with my classes. I've been
letting them slide," said LSA senior
Calvin Chin, who will be taking the
GRE this weekend.
Wendy Wolf, an LSA senior, said
her problems will be escalating until
the weekend. When asked about how
GRE studying has affected her
classwork, Wolf said, "Ask me to-
morrow. I have a big bio test
"I had a test last week but it was
far enough away, so it wasn't a
Toledo resident Jack Hait practices for Saturday's GRE exam.
problem," Wolf said.
While many students study on
their own, using old tests and refer-
ence books as their study materials,
others prefer to take test preparation
classes, such as those offered by
Princeton Review and Stanley
Mark McWeeny, assistant direc-
tor at the Princeton Review on South
University Avenue, said, "(Test
preparation classes) offer up-to-date
knowledge of changes on current
trends in the LSAT."
Darrell Wilson, assistant manager
Sec TESTS, Page 2
Football state rivalry
puts bragging rights,
revenge on the line
The oad o*Psadena*
L'N/]1-0 Big Ten, 1st place
3-0-1 Overall
by Josh Dubow
Daily Football Writer
On the surface, the Michigan-
Michigan State rivalry is losing
unranked Spartan team came to
Ann Arbor to upset a No. 1
Wolverine squad. Because of this
and the rivalry, the Michigan
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