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October 07, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-07

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The University made a smart move when it
extended library hours until 5 a.m. and made an
even smarter move by adopting Ride Home, a
safe - and free - way to get back home.

Poet William Matthews talks to Arts writer
William Matthews. No, they aren't the same
person, and they're not related. They don't even
look alike.

Nobody who was at the last Michigan-Michigan
State game in Michigan Stadium will ever forget it,
including the Wolverines, who were beaten by the
officials - er, the Spartans, 28-27.

Partly cloudy;
High68, Low46
Few more clouds; High 66, Low 40

i . 1

4v 4v


One hundred two yea rs of editorial freedom


Vol.-ClllNo.7 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, October 7,1992 ©1992 The Michigan Daily


Jacobson's move sparks concern over city's future

by Abigail Schweitzer
Jacobson's Oct. 1 announcement
that it will be closing its doors and
moving to Briarwood Mall in
August has taken many people in
downtown Ann Arbor by surprise
and has sparked speculation regard-
ing the financial future of the down-
town area.
The loss of the largest remaining
department store in the downtown
area has raised questions about what
the city could have done to prevent
Jacobson's move and the possible
new code
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
The U-M Executive Officers met
yesterday morning to discuss the
newest draft of the Statement of
* Student Rights and Responsibilities
and, though there were a few ques-
tions, response to the policy was
"They had a few questions about
draft 12.2, about the limit and defini-
tion of on- and off-campus, but I
think all in all they were pretty
happy with it," said Maureen
Hartford, vice president for student
Hartford distributed copies of the
new policy draft to the executive of-
ficers Monday. Yesterday she ex-
plained the policy for the first 10
minutes of the hour-long meeting
before fielding questions.
"They didn't ask for any changes
to be made," Hartford said. "They
seemed pretty comfortable with
where it was and they felt good
about the student input."
Vice President for Research
William Kelly said, "I thought over-
all it was a very reasonable docu-
ment. As an interim policy I, for one,
think it's sound and responds to the
view of most of the men and women
on campus."
Walter Harrison, executive direc-
See CODE, Page 2

loss of other downtown stores.
Steve Bergman, president of the
State Street Area Association and
owner of Schoolkid's Records SKR
Classical, said, "We didn't want to
see them go. It made us one of the
most unique college towns. Most
college towns serve only college
students. Our downtown offers
something for other residents of the
Some store owners said they do
not think Jacobson's departure from
the downtown area will have a large

'My business doesn't depend on Jacobson's.
I've established my clientele.'
- Elizabeth Rice
owner of Elizabeth Ann's

Jacobson's. The other alternative
would be to fill the space with sev-
eral small stores.
One store owner, Augusta
Edwards, said she feels Jacobson's
move will severely affect the area.
"It's probably the beginning of the
Edwards, whose store Maison
Edwards has been in the Nickels
Arcade for 30 years, said she has al-
ways referred customers to
Jacobson's and the store would al-
ways send customers to her.

"I grew fond of the place. I sent
people there all the time. It was al-
ways like a family. It's sad because
it's a legend here," she said.
In a statement made last week,
Jacobson's representatives said the
store's leaving has nothing to do
with the city's actions regarding
parking and safety. However, many
store owners in the arcade blame the
city for allowing Jacobson's to
Many people have speculated
See JACOBSON'S, Page 2

"I think it is a very alive, fun
place to work and a fun place to be,"
said Dooly Holek, designer at
University Flower Shop.
Elizabeth Rice, owner of
Elizabeth Ann's, agreed with Holek.

"My business doesn't depend on
Jacobson's. I've established my
Mayor Liz Brater created a com-
mittee last month to find a store that
could fill the 100,000 square feet of
space currently occupied by

Tax bill stalls
Congress at
end of session

And the answer is...
Left to right: John Motherwell, LSA sophomore, Paul Applegate, LSA senior and Jon Borys, Engineering
sophomore take the hour-long seeding quiz for the College Bowl, a general knowledge team quiz game. The
campus wide tournament beings Oct. 17.
Assembly voices concern

102nd Congress stumbled toward
adjournment yesterday, the House
going home but the Senate staying
on to face a $27 billion tax bill and
stubborn stalling by dissenting
House members approved the
disputed tax bill on a 208-202 vote
and left shortly after noon, presum-
ably for the year - though they
could return to session, if necessary.
House Majority Leader Richard
Gephardt told President Bush in a
telephone call: "We have now sent
our members home. Our legislative
effort has been completed." He said
the House's adjournment would take
effect officially once the Senate
But no one was sure when that
would be. The Senate was recessing
for the Jewish Yom Kippur holy day
yesterday evening, but planned to
return tomorrow. Senate Majority
Leader George Mitchell said the
Senate may drag on until Saturday
or even into next week.
The uncertainty in the Senate
threw into doubt not just the tax bill
but a smattering of other bills passed
by the House but left in limbo by
Senate inaction. Among them was
an anti-carjacking bill, a housing bill
that would raise the limits on FHA

home loans, and a major energy bill.
Republicans said that even if
Democrats manage to dislodge the
tax bill, Bush might veto it.
Lawmakers in both parties were
in a rush to return home to campaign
for re-election.
But adjournment, already put off
by one day, became elusive when
Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, a New York
Republican battling for re-election,
snarled the Senate in a 15-hour fili-
buster over the tax bill after it
cleared the House early yesterday
D'Amato's filibuster was an un-
conventional one; he wasn't so
much seeking to obstruct the bill as
to demand that a deleted provision
be restored - one designed to pro-
vide relief for New York state type-
writer-factory workers facing loss of
their jobs.
Aided by a pair of sympathetic
senators, D'Amato gamely held the
floor through the night and beyond
noon. His talk turned to song a few
times. He sang "Deep in the Heart of
Texas," a pointed reference to the
tax-writing Finance Committee
Chairman Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas)
and "South of the Border," a refer-
ence to where he said New York
state jobs were headed.

over code draft

by Robin Litwin
Daily MSA Reporter
Michigan Student Assembly
representatives acknowledged the
improvements in the latest copy of
the Statement of Student Rights and
Responsibilities but voiced concern
over changes involving the docu-
ment's jurisdiction at last night's
Many members viewed modifica-
tions, including a change in the stan-

dard of proof from a "more
than not" to "clear and con
evidence," as positive.
Additionally, they said tI
vored the narrowing of the sta
of scope which now omits is
academic integrity and non-
civil disobedience.
However, many assembly
bers called these changes i
Student Rights Committe

likely Rob Van Houweling said he sees the
vincing lack of a student's right to a coun-
selor present at the hearing as at
hey fa- least one issue that will cause prob-
atement lems in the future.
sues of "It may lead to problems when
violent people accused of violent crimes are
cross-examined by the person the
mem- crime was against," Van Houweling
nsuffi- said.
Van Houweling added that he
e Chair See DRAFT, Page 2

U-M pres.:
Tale of two
houses has
lon g history
by MichelleVanooteghem

Bush asks court to discontinue
hearing abortion clinic cases
WASH INGTON (AP) - The they should be held accountable in authority to issue injunctions at


It's like "Charley and the
Chocolate Factory" - no one is
ever seen going in, and no one ever
seems to come out.
But Walter Harrison, executive
director of U-M relations, says
President James Duderstadt and his
wife Anne really do live in the
large white house on South
University Ave. that so often mysti-
fies students.
"The president lives (in the
President's House) 365 days a year.
It is his full-time residence,"
Harrison said.
Duderstadt's family has lived in
the house since 1988, when he as-
sumed the duties of university
president. The couple's two daugh-
ters, both in graduate school, visit
the -rILM -nnv .:-in

Harrison acknowledged that
Duderstadt owned an off-campus
home, but said he did not think it
was anything unusual.
"There is a strong tradition that
a U-M president live in the
President's House. President
Duderstadt felt that he should con-
tinue that long tradition," Harrison
However, some U-M students
said they can't believe that
Duderstadt lives in the house.
"I've seen cars (at the
President's House),but I don't
think that he really lives there. I've
never seen anyone come in or out
of that house," said Engineering ju-
nior Ken Davis.
Senior LSA student Aimee
Marquis agreed with Davis, adding
"vP, hePn here fnr f r never-nda

Bush administration urged the
Supreme Court yesterday to keep
federal judges fi-om stopping ahor-
tion clinic blockades, but a lawyer
for clinic owners said that would
cripple abortion rights.
Justice Department lawyer John
Roberts Jr. said the administration
does not defend the tactics of
Operation Rescue members and
other anti-abortion protesters who
block access to clinics, but he argued

state courts.
Those who engage in unllawf'ul
acts at clinics lack the necessary
motive - ill will toward women -
to bring their conduct under federal
scrutiny, Roberts said. "'they are
targeting (women) not because of
who they are but because of what
they are doing," he said.
Deborah Ellis, a lawyer repre-
senting Virginia abortion clinic op-
erators, said removing federal court

blockades would leave women with-
out adequate protection.
But .Jay Sekulow, Operation
Rescue's lawyer, said his clients op-
pose abortion, not women.
The right of women to have an
abortion is not directly at issue in the
case, but rather a federal law which
bans conspiracies aimed at violating
someone's constitutional rights.

MSU student charged with

assault of
by James Cho
and Shannon Unger
Four members of the Delta
Upsilon (DU) fraternity at Michigan
State University have brought
chnrcorP nainst a former memhr for

Second- and fourth-degree
charges of sexual contact involve
physical contact between the as-
sailant and victim. Third-degree
charges involve penetration of
any kind by the assailant.

of any DU scheduled events.
The charges were handled inter-
nally until two members contacted
the police in August with their alle-
gations. After those members spoke
to the Dolice. other victims made

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