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September 24, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-09-24

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 24, 1992 - Page 3

*plans for
next year
by Andrew Taylor
Dominick's was the "joint" last
night as the campus chapter of the
National Organization for the Re-
*form of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
held its first meeting of the semester.
NORML lobbies government of-
ficials throughout the country for the
legalization of marijuana.
"We're trying to bring forward
those who are interested in reform-
ing marijuana laws," said Adam
Brook, a NORML spokesperson.
NORML is one of the sponsors
"of Ann Arbor's annual Hash Bash -
an annual April pro-legalization
rally, which draws thousands of
"We're looking to do more this
year," Brook said.
In addition to sponsoring Hash
Bash, in the spring NORML mem-
bers plan to attend the Atlanta Pot
Festival, a part of the National
Freedom Fighter's Convention.
* Last April, the U-M denied
NORML permission to use the Diag
for Hash Bash and organized an in-
door forum on the legalization of
marijuana to take the place of the
Executive Director of University
Relations Walter Harrison said U-M
officials feel that NORML encour-
ages drug abuse among children and
'I expect just as much
trouble this year as
we've had every other
- Adam Brook
NORML spokesperson
therefore wanted to hold the rally
away from the general public.
NORML leaders found this alter-
native unacceptable and sued the U-
M for the right to assemble on the
Diag. The court upheld NORML's
claim and ordered U-M to allow the
"I expect just as much trouble
this year as we've had every other
* year. ... I certainly don't expect
things to go smoothly," Brook said.
"(The U-M has) been trying to stifle
a message that they may not agree
But university administrators ex-
pect to grant NORML's request to
use the Diag for the next Hash Bash.
"It seems we have little choice,"
Harrison said, referring to the court
* NORML would also like to hold
a U-M sponsored forum to debate
the issue of marijuana legalization
with people who disagree with the
While such an activity has not
been scheduled, Harrison said it is a

M-Flicks brings a piece of
Hollywood to U-M campus,
UAC offshoot presents previews, oldfavorites

by Jennifer Tianen
M-Flicks - a small offshoot of
the University Activities Center
(IUJAC) - provides both sneak pre-
views and old favorites to U-M stu-
dents interested in viewing movies
on campus.
"During sneak previews, we es-
sentially pack them because students
love free movies," said Ryan
Burkhardt, co-chair of M-Flicks.
Because the local theaters are
limited in what they can show, dif-
ferent distributors call UAC and
propose to put on these movies.
"It's just a matter of them
contacting us," Burkhardt said.
The last sneak preview shown,
"School Ties," was so popular that
"we were literally turning people
away at the door because we just
didn't have the seating," Burkhardt
The next sneak preview, "Hero,"

'We're just this movie
group, you know.'
- Scott Pletka
M-Flicks co-chair
a comedy with Dustin Hoffman and
Geena Davis, will be shown tonight
at 10 p.m. in Angell Hall,
Auditorium A.
More often, however, M-Flicks
shows favorite movies such as
Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho," which
ran last weekend.
"We had a great audience turnout
for Hitchcock weekend. It did very
well," Burkhardt said.
Although the sneak previews are
free, M-Flicks charges for regular
features. The fee is three dollars for
a single-run feature and five dollars
for double-run features. Movies are

shown "pretty much every weekend,
but we try not to overlap with other
UAC activities," Burkhardt said.
M-Flicks is still searching for
committee members to help pick,
present, announce and advertise
"We want to show films that are
fun, and we want a diverse commit-
tee so that we can reach out to every
aspect of the university," Burkhardt
Scott Pletka, co-chair of
M-Flicks, added, "I personally don't
want to be a dictator, and I'm always
open to suggestions. We're just this
movie group, you know."
Both Burkhardt and Pletka en-
courage students to call the M-Flicks
office at 747-4112 with suggestions,


comments or questions.
Burkhardt said, M-Flicks is all
about "students picking what they
want to see, essentially."

Detroit teachers outraged by court
decision to order them back to work


I have a dream...
LSA sophomore Felicia Tripp volunteers at the Baker Mandela Center.
Residence hail contest
rewards students for
recycling cardboard
during student move-in

DETROIT (AP) - Detroit
teachers stormed out of a union
meeting yesterday, vowing to defy a
back-to-work court order despite
unanimous recommendations from
the union's executive committee that
they return to classrooms.
Chanting "No contract, no work,"
teachers marched out of Cobo Hall
and reconvened in front of the
School Center Building near down-
town, where they vowed to picket
"until the snow flies."
But the Detroit Board of
Education said school doors were to
open today, and classes could begin
Monday for the district's 168,000
students - regardless of what
teachers do.
On Tuesday, Wayne County
Circuit Judge Robert Colombo Jr.
ordered the teachers to return to
work by today. The teachers have
been on strike since Aug. 31.
Educators, furious over the
judge's order, made it clear yester-

day they wouldn't be back in school
until their demands were met.
"The only strength we have is the
strength to withhold our services,"
said Tom John, a Cass Technical
High School teacher. "If we don't
have that, there's no pressure on the
board to bargain in good faith.
"If the court orders this, this
union is broke and we can't let them
do that."
Teachers have asked for an 8
percent pay raise. The school board
offered 3 percent, then withdrew it
Schools Superintendent Deborah
McGriff said she would know by
tomorrow at noon whether to tell
students to come to school on
"If there are not enough teachers
there to ensure the safety of the stu-
dents, we will have to reexamine the
situation and move on from there,"
said school board President Frank

Union President John Elliott's
voice cracked as he urged the crowd
of about 7,000 teachers to go back to
"I did what the judge ordered me
to do. What the membership will do
still has to be decided," he said later.
"But I can say that you can't teach if
you're incarcerated."
Most teachers were furious with
the court order.
"They are raping our people.
They are stealing their dignity. Do
not sit here and watch them get
trapped," Phil Micheal, a kinder-
garten teacher at Nichols Elementary
yelled as he urged other teachers out
of the auditorium.
"I feel really good that everybody
walked out of the meeting," said
Sandra Morrison, a teacher at Mark
Twain Elementary. "This is setting
precedent for us and every union and
bargaining team around the country.
We will not go back. We want a
third party to decide this."


by Beth Echlin
Daily Staff Reporter __
Residence hall students may have
unwittingly saved 238 trees from
destruction during student move-in.
The Department of Plant
Grounds and Waste Management
sponsored a contest asking students
to estimate the amount of cardboard
the U-M's Waste Management crew
would recycle during student
move-in Sept. 4-10.
Special Projects Coordinator
Erika Spiegel, who has been with the
program for three months, said she
arranged this year's contest to raise
student awareness about recycling.
"Every year we try to get the stu-
dents to think about recycling early
on," she said.
Spiegel said although only 300
people entered the contest, judges
selected 17 winners overall from
each of the 15 residence halls and
awarded prizes including gift certifi-
cates and tickets to a k.d. lang
First-year student Wilson Lee,
who won tickets to the jazz orches-
tra, said he took a scientific

"I just estimated about three
pounds per person then multiplied
that times the number of people in
the residence halls," Lee said. His
estimate was only 138 pounds off
the actual amount of 28,188 pounds.
According to waste management
officials, this amount is equal to
145,614 kilowatt hours of energy
'We recycled 14 tons
of paper in a week.
Imagine how much we
could do in a year!'
- Erika Spiegel,
Special Projects
and 375 cubic yards of landfill
Although Spiegel called the con-
test turnout low, she said she is ex-
cited about the future of campus
"We recycled 14 tons of paper in
a week. Imagine how much we
could do in a year!" she said.


Whoopi Goldberg


leti Khumalo
She was their teacher.
They were her hope.

."34 . 4 0'".


w- x

Student groups
Q American Movement for Israel,
meeting, Hillel, 7 p.m.
Q Institute of Electrical and Elec-
tronics Engineers, luncheon,
EECS, Room 1311, 12:30-1:30
Q Liturgical Musicians' Training,
St. Mary Student Parish, 331 Th-
ompson St., 7 p.m.
Q Orthodox Christian Fellowship,
meeting, Michigan Union, Room
2209, 7 p.m.
Q ProChoice Action, meeting,
MLB, Room B 137, 7:30 p.m.
Q U-M Ballroom Dance Club,
CCRB, beginning lessons, 7 p.m.;
general dancing, 8 p.m.
U U-M Sailing Club, weekly meet-
ing,WestEngineering,Room 311,
Q U-M Shotokan Karate, practice,
CCRB, small gym, 8:30-10 p.m.
U Asian American Association,
mass meeting, Michigan Union
Ballroom, 7 p.m.
U Bike Repair IIclinic,North Cam-
pus Recreation Building, 7-8:30
p.m. Cost: $6; call 764-3967 to

Oren Hasson of the Hebrew Uni-
versity department of biology,
Rackham Building, East Lecture
Room, 4 p.m.
U "Cultural Consequences of Ger-
man Unification," lecture by Prof.
Ina Merkel of Humboldt Univer-
sity in Berlin, Lane Hall Com-
mons Room, 4-5 p.m.
U "The Dynamics of Electrons at
Interfaces," seminar by Prof.
Charles Harris of the University of
California-Berkeley, Chemistry
Building, Room 1640,4 p.m.
Q "Environmental Effects on Pol-
len Vigor and Evolutionary Con-
sequences," ecology lunch semi-
nar by Lynda Delph of Indiana
University's department of biol-
ogy, Natural Science Building,
fourth floor conference room,
U "Harvesting Lake Texcoco: New
Insights into the Precolumbian
Use of Lacustrine Insects in the
Valley of Mexico," brown bag
lecture, anthropology Prof. Jeffrey
Parsons, Natural Science Museum,
Room 2009,12-1 p.m.
U Hindu Students Council, mass
meeting, Mosher Jordan Hall,
Nikki G. Lounge, 8 p.m.

tion defense by Jeff Boore,
Rackham, East Conference Room,
Q Opportunities in U.S. Govern-
ment Foreign Affairs, Angell
Hall, Auditorium B, 7-8:30 p.m.
Q "Postwar Histories of Women
(1945-1960s)," Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Q "Salt of the Earth," Labor Film
Series, MLB, Lecture Room 2,
7:30 p.m.
Q Senior Portraits, Michiganensian
yearbook, UGLi, basement study
rooms, 8:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
Q Synchronized Swimming, mass
meeting, Canham Natatorium
pool, 8:30 p.m.
Q University Activities Center/
Viewpoint Lectures, mass meet-
ing, MichiganUnion,Room 2105,
9 p.m.
Q U-M Amnesty International,
mass meeting, Michigan Union,
Pendleton Room, 7 p.m.
Q Volunteer Opportunities Fair,
Project SERVE, Diag, 11 a.m.-3
Q WCBN-FM and WJJX-AM, stu-
dent radio stations, mass meeting,
Michigan Union Pond Room, 7

The Sound of Freedom

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