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April 20, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-20

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 20, 1992 - Page 3

Publishers, .
shops clash
over copy
by Sarah Fette
In a recent U.S. federal court
hearing, three member companies of
the Association of American
Publishers (AAP) made significant
progress in their suit against
Michigan Document Services, when
Judge Barbara Hackett issued a pre-
liminary injunction requiring
Michigan Document Services to stop
copying and distributing texts with-
out permission from publishers.
The AAP-coordinated lawsuit
was filed February 27 and noted six
specific instances of copyright viola-
* tions by Michigan Document
AAP representatives said the liti-
gation is part of a broad-based
ucopyright enforcement program
conducted by AAP on behalf of its
member publishing organizations.
Jim Smith, president and owner
of Michigan Document Services,
said he anticipated the suit, but that
his company has consistently sought
to keep the costs of materials down
for students.
"(The lawsuit) was not a surprise.
Publishers have made a systematic
attempt to exploit students by charg-
ing outrageous loyalties," Smith
said. "Michigan Document Services
is not willing to be a party to that. I
feel we have good grounds for de-
fending ourselves and a good chance
to win this case. We will pursue this
case to its end," he added.
AAP Chair Charles Ellis, presi-
dent and chief executive officer of
John Wiley and Sons, stated in a
press release AAP seeks to protect
the interests of both publishers and
copy stores nationwide that comply
with established copyright laws.
"AAP's member publishers are
* committed to making high quality
educational materials available at
reasonable cost. We continue to
press for copyright compliance not
only in the interest of authors and
publishers, but also in support of
those copy shops throughout the
country... "Ellis said in the press

Students forego
studying to enjoy
spring weather

Above: The Law Quad lights shine through the mist which covered the area late Saturday night.
Below: People enjoy yesterday's warm temperatures while playing catch in the LawQuad.

by Mona Qureshi
Daily Staff Reporter
Many students gave up trying to
study inside yesterday in favor of
enjoying the first ."real" day of
spring to hit.Ann Arbor this year.
Students celebrated spring at
popular spots such as the Law
Quad, the Diag, and the Central
Campus Recreation Building.
"I love the weather. It's just
weird - one minute it's cold and
then it's hot the next," LSA first-
year student Leela Kilaru said
while playing Frisbee in the Law
"I'm surprised how fast the
flowers come out and a day or two
later, it's 40 degrees outside," said
Sonja Worte, an LSA senior
exchange student from Germany
who sat on the steps of one of the
Lawyer's Club doors.
Yet the weather brought some
disadvantages to students who said
they should have been studying.
One of Kilaru's playing
partners, LSA first-year student
Raju Shah, said he had a lot of
work to do, but would rather spend
time outside while it was nice and
then study inside when the weather
"I'm taking it easy. This is
procrastinating at its best, one of
those top 10 Michigan stress
relievers," Shah said.
Some students said they felt no

regrets for spending time outside.."I
don't -feel guilty.-I -have to- do
everything, catch up with
everything.- I'm way behind
schedule. But I'd be wasting a day
just sitting inside. I'd go crazy,"
School of Natural Resources first-
year student Anne Yen said while
she sat in the Diag.
Students still visited the library
to prepare for exams. First-year
engineering student Eric Partington
said he had four finals in six days
and could not spend time outside.
"It makes me feel good, though,
because I have lots of exams. I'm
proud of myself," he said.
Some visiting the library
regretted not being able to spend
time outside. "It's lovely. I'm
pissed that it's warm so I can't
study for finals. Who the hell wants
to be inside?" engineering first-year
student Anne Bagchi said.
Kinesiology senior Jeff Brainard
brought his studies with him to the
Diag. "Well, the warm weather
makes studying outside a lot easier.
It makes my playtime and study
time go hand-in-hand," he said.
He admitted he would be more
efficient studying inside because
outside he likes to watch what is
happening around him. "But it
uplifts your spirits. It's hard to stare
out from a window and not be
tempted to be outside," Brainard




Officials say Chicago River tunnel leak may be fixed


CHICAGO (AP) - After six
days, engineers finally plugged the
tunnel leak under the Chicago River
that caused a devastating flood and
virtually shut down business in the
heart of the city, officials said yes-
They said business in the city's
Loop, the business district, could go
back to normal - or almost. The
flooding, which began Monday, in-
undated basements and caused
power outages in some of the na-
tion's largest buildings.

Commonwealth Edison said yes-
terday that electricity was restored to
all but 11 Loop buildings that still
must have their basements drained
and other problems repaired before
it's safe to turn power back on.
Marshall Field's flagship State
Street department store said it
planned to reopen today after work-
ers spent a week pumping water
from a basement.
It was late Saturday that the last
bit of concrete was poured in three
spots needed to plug leaks in the

century-old system of tunnels below
the Loop. Yesterday workers further
sealed the concrete plug with grout.
A tunnel wall was breached
through the bed of the river Monday,
and more than 250 millions gallons
of dirty river water poured into the
50-mile underground network and
into basements. Once used to deliver
coal, mail and freight, the system
now contains a modern equivalent:
electric cables.
"In short terms, the leak is
plugged," said Billy Davis, an aide

to Mayor Richard Daley. And that
means a return to some kind of nor-
malcy today in the central business
district, he said.
"Most Loop businesses will be
able to reopen," he said.
However, the financial loss that
drained from the city and its busi-
nesses remains untold.
Fleeing the deluge and the threat
of electrical fires, 200,000 people
evacuated scores of buildings, in-
cluding the Chicago Board of Trade,
which closed in an unprecedented

two-day shutdown and limited trad-
ing the rest of the week.
The concrete may take up to two
days to harden before engineers start
their next big task - removing the
millions of gallons of river water
from the tunnels.
The wait will allow engineers to
determine whether the concrete seals
are strong enough to be permanent
or need reinforcement.
Davis said the Army Corps of
Engineers would help decide the
best way to drain the tunnel.

* UAW workers go back
after five month strike

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played in Peoria for Caterpillar, and
now it's being played out again in
Congress: an election-year struggle
over the right of businesses to hire
0 permanent replacements for striking
"The threat of strike replace-
ments was a major factor in causing
the union to throw in the towel" in
the recent five-month United Auto

Workers (UAW) strike at Caterpillar
plants in Peoria and elsewhere in
Illinois, argues Sen. Howard
Metzenbaum (D-Ohio), a leader in
the Senate effort to ban permanent
There seems little doubt. Within
days after the company advertised
for replacements, 12,600 UAW
workers went back to their jobs.

Save the L



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What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Undergraduate Philosophy Club,
Angell Hall 2220 7-8 p.m.
American Advertising Federation,
3040 Frieze 6:00 p.m.
Environmental Action (ENACT),t
weekly mtg, 1040 School of Natural
Resources, 7 p.m.
Public Relations Student Society of
America (PASSA), mandatory mtg,
2050 Frieze Building, 5:00.
Society for the Advancementof
Environmental Education, 1046
School of Natural Resources, 7:30 p.m.
Undergraduate Psych Society, 2235
Angell Hall, 7:30 p.m.
U of M Sorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
weekly meeting, CCRB Martial Arts
rm, 8:30-9:30 p.m.
"The Ethical and Legal
Ramifications of New Reprodutive
Technologies," Ford Auditoriym in
the U Hosipital, 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
The Fulbright Scholar *Program,
Research -and lecturing awards in
Eastern Europe and Territories of the
former USSR for faculty and
professionals, for applications call 202-.

Stress and Time Management,
Consultationswith peer counselors
available, 3100 Michigan Union, 2-4
Undergraduate Psychology
Department, Undergraduate'
psychology advising, walk-in or
appointment, K-108 West Quad, 9
a.m.-4 p.m.
Guild House Campus Ministry,
discussion group, Women's Book
Group, open group to women who wish
to discuss women's religious, social, and
political issues, 802 Monroe St., noon.
Sun-Thurs 1:30-3 a.m. Stop by Angell
Hall Computing Center or call.763-
4246. Last Day of Service, Wednesday,.
April 22'
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
team walking service. Sun-Thur 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m. Stop by 233j3 Bursl'ey or
call 763-WALK. Last- Day of Service,
April 22
"Teach English is Japanor Korea,"
International Center, Rm 9, 7:00 p.m.-
8:00 p.m.
Guild House Campus Ministry,
writers reading from their own poetry
.works, 8:30-10 p.m. Discussion Group,
12:00 noon
U-M Taekwondo. Club,' Monday
workout. CCRB Martial Arts Rm.
2275, 6:30-8:30(p.m.
U of M Ninjitsu Club, practice, I-M

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Atention Subscribers!
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