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April 03, 1992 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-03

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Page 4-The Michigan Daily-- Friday, April 3, 1992
GttbElcto igntCheI
Editor in Chief





420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Opinion Editors

Edited and Managed
by Students at the
University of Michigan

Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board.
All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.
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Ann Arbor city e
Students will go to the polls Monday for the third
time in a month. We feel it is imperative that
students vote to do their part to affect Ann Arbor
city government. The City Council has been cal-
lous toward students during the past year, treating
then\ only as a transient portion of Ann Arbor's
population. The city has stiffened noise violations,
twice used chemical weapons on student crowds,
and restricted Greek houses from obtaining per-
mits to purchase or build additions to their houses,
resulting in three lawsuits. To deny your vote is to
rescind your voice in city politics.
These are our endorsements:
1st Ward
KIn the 1st Ward, we endorse Democrat Larry
Hunter. Although we disagree with many of the
decisions the Democratic 8-3 supermajority has
made during its one-year reign of council, Hunter
provides many invaluable skills both on a personal
and professional level. He maintains a keen eye
over the city budget, and consistently works with
other council members and the city administrator
to devise creative solutions. For instance, he spon-
sored a resolution last year asking the pension
board to consider tapping into its large fund to
invest in affordable housing.
Additionally, Hunter has proven his commit-
ment to minority concerns that are largely.
underrepresented in City Hall. Last spring, after
Ann Arbor police maced Black students at a South
Quad party, Hunter publicly lobbied for them in a
rally on the Diag.
2nd Ward
KIn the 2nd Ward, Republican Peter Fink will
best serve his constituents. Fink's opponents leave
2nd Ward residents with little choice. High school
senior and Libertarian Tim Schroedel has not even
made an effort to learn about Ann Arbor politics
and economics. Not only is he completely unin-
formed about city issues, he cannot even do justice
to the libertarian party line. We suggest he try
running again afterprom. Democrat RalphMichner
appears condescending and has little interest in
protecting student residents from suburbanite tyr-
any. In the debates, Fink displayed regret that
student-city relations have deteriorated and seems
sympathetic to the treatment the Greek system has
received with regard to special-exception permits.
Fink deserves a chance.
3rd Ward
In the 3rd Ward, Republican Joe O'Neal will

provide the best choice for voters. O'Neal has
displayed no prejudices or preferences in the ten-
sions between students and suburban residents. As
a newcomer, he may do more than the incumbant
to diffuse hostilities. His opponent, incumbent
Democrat Bob Grady should be credited for his
willingness to take input from members of the
Greek system, but we suspect his allegiance lies
truly with the anti-Greek residents in the Burns
Park area.
4th Ward
EThe 4th Ward brings perhaps one of the best
candidates and hence our strongest endorsement.
All students in the 4th Ward - regardless of their
party preference - should elect Peter Nicolas,
who is running on the Democratic ballot. Nicolas,
who will graduate from the University this spring
with a master's degree in public policy, can bring
to the .council a open-minded approach to city
5th Ward
While student representation is vital to the
council, Republican Jeff Muir should not be elected
to the 5th Ward seat. Instead, Thais Peterson will
best serve 5th Ward residents. Peterson's greatest
strength is that she is not Jeff Muir and she is not
Libertarian David Raaflaub.
Muir, an LSA senior, is heavily campaigning in
a ward with relatively few student residents. Al-
though we disagree with many decisions made by
the Democratic majority, 5th Ward representatives
are usually highly involved with providing con-
stituent services, and in that sense Peterson has
done well. Last year, for instance, she initiated
changes to a pesticide policy after the city used
severe chemicals to drive pests out of senior citizen
housing units in the 5th Ward.
Muir's repeated derogatory attacks on his po-
litical opponents are childish and unprofessional.
Throughout his campaign, Muir has built himself
up by criticizing Peterson rather than propounding
his own strengths. In his tenure on the Michigan
Student Assembly - which was recently termi-
nated for an excessive number of absences - he
frequently sparred with members of the Progres-
sive Party.
This was often understandable. But, Muir would
only perpetuate the acrimonious partisanship on
the council, and would further widen the gap
between the Democratic and Republican caucuses.
As for Raaflaub, at Wednesday night's debate,
he suggested putting the homeless in tents and
flophouses. Enough said.

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Problematic parking
To the Daily:
If you read the article in the
Daily (3/18/92), you may have
noticed two points which Parking
Operations is trying to emphasize.
One is "substantially more
spaces," the other is "lower
But look a little more closely.
On North Campus, NC-46 and
NC-49 both happen to be lots that
are currently free commuter lots.
Are we really gaining any spaces
on North Campus, or are they
merely shuffling them and
displacing commuters in the
process? We appreciate the lower
price, however, we can imagine a
great number of students, cur-
rently using NC-46 and NC-49,
who will not rejoice. In addition,
NC-46 and 49 are not paved. Will
we be paying $123 to park in
mud? What will be provided for
the people currently called
"commuters?" Will there continue
to be free parking? If not, is the
student body really gaining any
spaces? Let's see if Parking
Operations can provide an
explanation for this new turn of
Tricia Jones
Matthew Jones
Rackham graduate students
Don't be so critical
To the Daily:
In response to Christi Foster
(3/19/92): let's calm down. I can
agree with the fact that people do
say strange things, even I have, on
occasion, repeated a phrase. But
to generalize and say all men use
these phrases, and all women use
other phrases, is ludicrous. You
could have written, "The men of
Mary's court can usually be
overheard saying such phrases as
"what's going down" or using the
word "dude." Christi, you're just
not critical enough of society.
Also, I noticed a distinct phrase in
your letter. You asked, "...What's
the deal with..." Boy, I've never
heard of that saying before.
Darrin Posta
LSA junior

Daily belittles. Jewish concerns

To the Daily:
We recognize that the editorial
staff has the discretion to choose
how to run a paper. This does not
immunize it from criticism. The
front page of the Daily (3/30/92),
is one such example of editorial
irresponsibility. The lead story
was not Clinton's admission of
drug use, or the Michigan Student
Assembly elections of the day, or
even the University's basketball
victory which excited tens of
thousands of students. The largest
article on the page was coverage
of an anti-Israel gathering
attended by 30 local residents.
In the least it is irresponsible.
In the featured picture the Daily
juxtaposed a small child next to a
sign bearing the words "Zionism
is racism, down with Zionism."
When the picture was blown up,
these letters represented the .
largest headline on the page. It.
was irresponsible to present this
virulent bias as if it were an
impartial headline.
As the Rev. Martin Luther
King, Jr. said, "When you say
anti-Zionism you're talking about
Animals don't
To the Daily:
The reaction of Bennett
Seacrist's article (1/28/92) have
been so disturbing to me, I feel I
must respond. True, Mr. Seacrist
was incorrect in stating that man
is the only species in which
homosexual relations occur. The
point is that such sexually deviate
behavior within the animal
kingdom does not justify its
existence among humans. Have
we not been called to a higher
plateau of moral conduct relative
to animals which act solely on
Ms. Hauck made a mistake
incorporating scripture into her
argument. The Bible unequivo-
cally condones same sex physical
relationships as immoral and
shameful (Romans 1:25-32). Her
implication that Ruth and Naomi
were lesbian lovers is not only
sacrilegious but belies her

Jews. It is anti-Semitism." The
United States fought for 16 years
to repeal the U.N. resolution
equating Zionism with racism,
despite the continued intransi-
gence of North Korea, Cuba,
Libya, Iraq and several other
Arab dictatorships. Now we can
add the Daily to that list.
But perhaps there is some-
thing more sinister at work: a
distinct pattern of callous
disregard for Jewish concerns,
sensitivities and opinions. The
Daily has perpetuated a pattern of
lies, intolerancetand insults that
started with the Holocaust
revisionist ad and continued with
the baseless editorial on Jews.
The message is clear: the
Daily considers Jews a subservi-
ent minority who will tolerate any
insult or offense.
Jews won't accept this
treatment and neither should any
other minority group.
Bradley Cohn, Richard
Fontana, Joseph Paykel,
Larry R. Seegull, Benson
K. Friedman
First-year law students



justify gays
inability to comprehend a deep
friendship and self-sacrificing
love based on a common faith,
not on a sexual relationship.
Homosexuality is a sexual
preference possessed by some in
our society. This does not
condone its practice, however.
Just as alcoholics or compulsive
gamblers are expected to resist
their respective weaknesses, so
homosexuality must be resisted.
I do not feel frightened by
homosexuality. I simply feel it is
wrong and is contributing factor
to the decay of our countries'
moral structure. Wouldn't the
world be a better place if instead
of appealing to whiptail lizards
and monkeys for direction on
acceptable behavior, we looked to
the revealed word of our Creator?
Daniel Styles
Rackham graduate student

Peter Nicolas best choice for 4th

W n students evaluate each of the candidates
for City Council, they probably see a group
of Ann Arbor's elite debating issues that often
seem irrelevant: landfills, garbage collection and
redistricting, to name a few. It is not that these
issues are not important, but that they are not
important to a typical student living in a dormitory
o an off-campus apartment.
Most students only live in the city for four or
five years, and most are more concerned with city-
University relations, group-student housing, and
city law enforcement. Unfortunately, since the late
1970s students have not had a representative of
their own on the council. For this reason alone,
Peter Nicholas should be elected in the 4th ward.
Nicholas is currently a graduate student in pub-
lie policy at the University. He was an undergradu-
ate here as well. More importantly, he has ex-
pssed a commitment to healing student-city rela-
tions - a problem few councilmembers are will-
ing to acknowledge. He sees his role as a council
noember as a liaison between the University and
the city.
- Nicholas plans to hold some type of a forum to
educate new students about city issues when they
first arrive in Ann Arbor. He claims he would favor
self-regulation to problems such as noise viola-
tions to the laws the council passed to crack down
on student partying. He recognizes the inherent
conflict between the city and University police
forces, and seems committed to decreasing that

While Nicholas carries with him all the benefits
of being a student, he carries none of the baggage
that sometimes accompanies youth. He is qualified
and he is experienced. Nicholas has been attending
council meetings for the past several months, and
has a working knowledge of council politics.
He has well-defined policies concerning such
issues as parking and low-income housing. In the
areaoflow-incomehousing, Nicholas' background
is especially strong. He volunteered extensively
for the Ann Arbor shelter as a student, raising some
$5,000 for the homeless.
Moreover, as a councilmemeber, he plans to
develop a program whereby local tenants could
donate the interest accumulated on their security
deposits to help the homeless.
Hopefully his commitment to this group would
extend to city funding as well. Regardless, this
type of inventive and non-partisan thinking will be
invaluable to a council so entrenched in partisan
But more significant than any particular plank
of Nicholas' platform is his status: he's a student.
By putting Nicholas on the council, students will
be giving themselves an ally - one who won't sit
idly by when students are maced on city streets;
one who won't condone the police department's
actions after the fact; and hopefully, one who will
address city-student relations so that it won't hap-
pen in the first place.

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'Quick fix'no solution to U

by Austin Ratner
On March 21, an editorial by
Adlai Stevenson titled "Wrong
War, Wrong Weapons, Wrong
Thinking," appeared in the New
York Times. Stevenson remarked
on President Bush's and Con-
gress' war on the recession.
"Though the recession may be
receding," said Stevenson, "the
real weaknesses in the economy
are structural and not amenable to
quick fixes. The real war is over
economic competitiveness; the
trouble with fighting this real war
is that it has been a loser politi-
cally. Competitiveness is not a
tidy subject that readily captures
the public's imagination."
Stevenson's notion of the
"quick fix" focuses on a crucial
problem in American politics: a
mass demand for the quick fix-
for the appearance of imminent
national coalescence, progress
and satisfaction which often
renders political campaigning and
government initiatives hollow
pandering. As a result -of appeal-

cooperation and planning
between government bureaucra-
cies and private businesses.
However, the American elector-
ate does not generally demand
planning, saving and cultivation
of technological potential. What
the American people clamor for
is a promise that money is
accessible immediately, a

S .problems
different. After 12 years of quick
fixing ourselves into economic
impotence, more policy of the
same caliber is unacceptable. We
should expect more than that from
our leaders, and we require it.
But after the inevitable
extreme prostration to public
opinion and its superficial
demands, who can reach office but


After 12 years of quick fixing ourselves into
economic impotence, more policy of the same
calibur is unacceptable. We should expect
more than that from our leaders, and we
require it.

Nuts and Bolts


LAThON Yar? .

by Judd W1nick

yearning for instant gratification
which reached its peak perhaps
under the Reagan administration.
So what does government.
prioritize? Low taxes and low
interestrates. If you're a Demo-
crat you prioritize spreading the
wealth - whatever promises to
satisfy your supporters in the near
future. While vigilance in and
attention to the immediate state of

those most proficient in and most
dedicated to this superficial level
of political strategy? The incum-
bents are those who prioritize
reaching office before what
Bush's ilk contemptuously call
"the vision thing."
It's a vicious circle: the
popular appreciation for the quick
fix ramifies into political agendas
and pts a eau aishort-tern



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