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April 03, 1992 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-03

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The Michigan Daily- Friday, April 3, 1992 -Page 3

Students head to
D.C. for Sunday's
pro-choice march

off to the
Final Four

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by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Staff Reporter
It is hard to imagine that any
University student would want to
leave Ann Arbor this weekend and
miss Hash Bash and the Final Four
basketball game.
However, an estimated 500
University students are roadtripping
to Washington, D.C., for a pro-
choice march on the Capitol Sunday.
Pro-Choice Action member Mimi
Arnstein said the threat to Roe vs.
Wade - the 1972 landmark case le-
galizing abortion - and the upcom-
ing presidential election are the main
reasons so many students will attend
the march.
"A lot of women feel it is impor-
tant because of the current political
climate," Arnstein said. "People see

this as possibly their last chance to
say how they feel."
Several University organizations,
including Pro-Choice Action and the
Intercooperative Council, are spon-
soring buses or vans. In addition,
buses will transport students from
Eastern Michigan University and the
University of Michigan's Flint cam-
puses, along with members of the
National Organization for Women.
Students who have attended other
rallies on the Capitol said partici-
pants will march with others from
their state. Students who want to
meet up with other University stu-
dents and Ann Arbor residents can
look for a NOW banner with purple
and gold stripes, NOW members

Suiting up
A woman looks att-shirts for the NCAA Basketball Tournament outside of a store yesterday
afternoon. Retailers said they expect a huge demand if the Wolverines win this weekend.

Local stores prepare for Final Four souvenir rush

by Joshua Meckler
Daily Staff Reporter
Students who tried to find Final Four
hockey and basketball souvenirs may
have found them as difficult to obtain as
tickets to the events.
But if either or both teams emerge
victorious from their upcoming national
championship battles, fans can be assured
there will be plenty of commemorative
items available.
In anticipation of possible Michigan
victories, area book and souvenir shops
are preparing orders for thousands of
shirts and other items.
"Basically, I have to stop everything
I'm doing for about a week and prepare
for if we win," said Ken Czasak, supply
department manager at Ulrich's

Czasak said stores must send their or-
ders out early, even before knowing if
Michigan's teams will make it to the fi-
"You have to prepare as if you're go-
ing to win. You have to make contacts
with vendors and approve artwork, colors
and styles. You have to do it because the
demand will be very strong.
"If we didn't have national champi-
onship stuff the day after the game, peo-
ple would be outraged - literally," he
Czasak said he ordered only 144 bas-
ketball Final Four shirts because the
shirts are only in demand for a short time
frame. Still, he said the shirts sold
quickly. "(The shirts) came in on
Monday afternoon. I think we've got a
couple left now."

If the hockey team wins the champi-
onship Saturday night, Czasak said he
would expect items to be available by
Sunday. If the basketball team wins
Monday night, he said, "I'm sure we'll
have some stuff the day after, but it
won't be the same selection as by
Wednesday or Thursday."
Debra Bishop, general manager and
buyer for Moe Sports Shops, said she
purchased shirts with seven different de-
signs for the basketball Final Four and
has orders for "thousands and thousands"
of national championship shirts.
"We'll have them Wednesday when
we win," she said.
Bishop added that she did not know
of anyone who had items made up before
knowing the results of a game.
Fred Ullrich, the buyer and manager

of the soft goods department at Michigan
Book & Supply, said he did not order any
shirts for the hockey Final Four. "I wish I,
would have because people have asked
about it." However, he did purchase 150
basketball Final Four shirts.
For the championships, Ullrich said
he has placed orders for T-shirts, sweat-
shirts, hats, shorts and glassware. Items
will be available the day following each
game, he said.
Music school junior Jacob Yarrow
said he was slightly upset he couldn't
find any shirts right after the basketball
team beat Ohio State last Sunday. "I
thought one of the companies might have
gambled and printed up a few shirts, but I
guess nobody did."
Yarrow added, "I'm going to buy a
hockey hat the second they win."

by Sarah McCarthy
Daily Staff Reporter
Ann Arbor may look like a ghost town tomorrow
night as many University students gather around their :
television sets or make the road trip to Minneapolis to
watch the Wolverines face Cincinnati in the semi-finalp
round of the NCAA Basketball Tournament.
While most students will remain on campus and
support the Wolverines in spirit, some enthusiastic fans
will make the 12-hour drive to the twin cities to lend
their support in person.
"This is one of the biggest events of the century,"
said LSA first-year student David Deyoung. "If you
have tickets, you have to go. This may never happen to
Michigan again and if it does it probably won't be as
close as Minneapolis."
Four hundred tickets were made available to
University students through a lottery system.
"I went to Lexington and the team seems like such a
force. I've been to away games and the Rose Bowl be-
fore, but this is more intense," LSA junior Barry
Waldman said.
Some students said the game will be their last chance..
to show support for Michigan athletics.
"I'm a graduating senior, I couldn't go my freshman;,
year, and I'm going to enjoy the hell out of this week-
end," LSA senior Brett Shankman said. "Yeah, it's a lit-
tle fanatical, but I have to get a job and move into the-
real world, and this is the last chance I have to do some-
thing like this."
Throughout the tournament, the Michigan team has
lived up to its reputation as the most talented recruiting
class ever. Students said they think the long drive is a
small price to pay for the opportunity to see the "Fab
Five" play.
"It's a once in a lifetime situation for five freshmen
to make it to the Final Four," said LSA first-year stu-
dent Jeff Eckhout. "I know I'm missing Hash Bash, but
I've got three more of those and Michigan won't neces-
sarily make it to the Final Four again."
Although many students said they were outraged by
the way the University handled the ticket lottery, some
students who were unable to get tickets decided to make
the trip anyway.
"It's bullshit that seniors couldn't get the chance to
see their last Michigan tournament and freshmen got
tickets," said Business School senior Jeff Penn. "But the
second we beat Ohio State we started talking about
Minneapolis. It was a fact - we were going."
"The odds were 3 to 1 of getting tickets and we lost.
I'm willing to pay up around $100, but if we can't get
them, we'll just watch from a bar across the street or
something," said LSA first-year Tyler Rheem.
About 3,100 U of Cincinnati fans will be rooting for
their team in Minneapolis. Of the 3,000 Cincinnati
tickets - that went on sale and sold out Monday -
only 500 were reserved for-students on a "first come,
first serve" basis, said John Wise, spdrts editor for the y
University of Cincinnati News Record.
- Daily Staff Reporter Chastity Wilson contributed
to this report

Astronaut says that despite the cost, space exploration is vital

by Joshua Meckler
Daily Staff Reporter

Former Astronaut John Young, a vet-
eran of two missions to the moon and a
pilot of the first space shuttle mission,
said last night that the United States
needs to vigorously pursue space explo-
ration now so that future generations of
huanis ill cable t stive.
"New scientific knowledge is likely to
be our only hope. When the five billion
or so people here now double and triple,
they're going to need what we find for a

better chance in a future world," Young
told about 200 people in the Michigan
Young spoke at the initiation banquet
of Sigma Gamma Tau, an aerospace
honor society.
As he displayed slides of his own and
other space missions, Young delivered
anecdotes and discourse on the value of"
space exploration.
Missions to the moon provided scien-
tists with important information, Young
said. Examining the minerals of the lunar

surface expanded knowledge about the
same process of exploration on Earth.
In addition, on shuttle missions, as-
tronauts have grown protein crystals
1,000 times larger than possible on Earth.
Young said those proteins could be used
in medicine for fighting cancer and
Young said that although space mis-
sions entail enormous costs, the returns
in knowledge and scientific off-shoots
are well worth the initial investment. For
example, Young said, one of his missions

to the moon - which cost $130 million
- returned 10 to 20 times its price to the
"Because of Apollo, scientists and
engineers made monumental advances,"
Young said.
LSA junior Jim Elek said he was im-
pressed with Young's presentation. "He
believes it's possible to manufacture
material on the space station and to live
on the moon," he said. "Coming from
someone who's been up there, that's im-
portant to me."

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

U of M Chess Club, weekly mtg,
Michigan League, 1 p.m.
AIESEC Dominick's 8:00 p.m.
Alpha Phi Omega, Chapter Meeting,
Michigan Union Kunzel Room, 7:00
"Hydrogen Bonding and
Constitutional Isomerism of
Polyamides Containing Imidazoles,"
1706 Dow Lab, 12:00p.m.
"Economic Crisis in Russia: tge Role
Of U.S. Business and Government,"
Lane Hall Commons, 12:00 p.m.
"Position and Authority, the ethics
of representation," Lib Conf RAm,
CAAS, 4 p.m.
"Forum: Students with
Disabilities," W Conf Rm, Rack, 4
"Interfaclal Science of Structural
Composities: Highlights of the ONR
Research program," 1504 Dow Lab,
3:30 p.m.
"Cultural Studies and Cultural
Values," 414 Mason Hall, 4 p.m.
"The Seljuk context for Poetic
Production," 2553 LSA, 9:30 a.m.
"Varieties of Poetic Inspiration and
Expression from the Past to the
Present," 2553 LSA, 2 p.m.
Ann Arbor Film-Co-op, "Beyond the
Valley of the Dolls, Aud a4, MLB, 9:20
"Do the Right Thing, and She's
gotta Have it," Aud 3, MLB, 8 & 10
«F...... p.nn..he ...n" Ttrpnti-r...

Safewalk, night-time safety walking
service. Sun-Thurs 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.,
Fri-Sat, 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 102
UGLi or call 936-1000. Also, extended
hours: Sun-Thurs 1-3 a.m. Stop by An-
gell Hall Computing Center or call
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
team walking service. Sun-Thur 8
p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 2333 Bursley
or call 763-WALK.
Free Video: International Center, 8
ECB Peer Writing Tutors, An-
gell/Mason Hall Computing Center, 7-
11 p.m.
U of M Bridge Club, weekly duplicate
bridge game, Michigan Union, Tap
Rm, 7:15 p.m.
U of M Ninjitsu Club, practice, I-M
Bldg, wrestling rm, 6:30-8 p.m.
Michigan Ultima Team, practice,
9:30 p.m.
U-M Taekwondo Club. workout.
1200 CCRB, 6-8 p.m. Beginners wel-
U-M Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
practice. CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 6-7
Undergraduate Psychology Depart-
ment, Undergraduate psychology ad-
vising, walk-in or appointment, K-108
West Quad, 9 a.m-4 p.m.
Yost Ice Arena, public skating, 12:00
p.m.-12:50 p.m.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors. 219 UGLi,
1-5 p.m.
Public Ice Skating, 1-2:50 p.m. Yost
Ice Arena
Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Aud 4 MLB,
10 p.m.
Guild House Campus Ministry,
playing percussion and learning
rhythms. 8-10 p.m.
U of M Ballroom Dance Club, CCRB
main dance room, 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
University Lutheran Chapel. Bible

TheMichigan Daiiy
(The Chaplaincy of the Episcopal Church
of the u-M Community)
218 N. Division St. " 665-0606
Eucharist-5 p.m. at St. Andrew's Church
(across the street)
Supper-6 p.m. at Canterbury House
WEEKDAYS (except Thursday):
Evening Prayer-5:30 p.m.
hE.: Eucharist-4:10 p.m. at Campus Chapel
The Rev. Dr. Virginia Peacock, Chaplain
2455 Washtenaw (at Stadium)
SUNDAY: Worship-10 a.m.
Van Rides Available From Campus.
Call 769-4157 for route info.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
(Between Hill & South University)
Worship-9:30 & 11 a.m.
Campus Faith Exploration Discussion
Bagels & coffee served-9:30 am.
Campus Worship & Dinner-5:30 p.m.
For information, call 6624466
Amy Morrison, Campus Pastor
801 South Forest (at Hill Street), 668-7622
SUNDAY: Worship-10 a.m.
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study-6 p.m.
Evening Prayer-7 p.m.
(A Roman Catholic Parish at u-M)
331 Thompson Street
SAT.: Weekend Liturgies-5 p.m., and
S1.I:-8:30 a.m.,10 am., 12 noon,
5 p.m., and 7 p.m.
FR:Cfsins-4-5,n_ m

Sororit F all(ForMal (Psh wil( be ark ths yean
September 7th - 23rd, 1992
3o register early oCv

Tvesdaq . ri( 7th arndI Wednresdayf, 4pri( 8th
10 a e5 p-5 PyCondrooM, Michigan (ion
For more inforMation call The Ofice of Greek Life at 663-4505
Let the Rush Begin!


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