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March 26, 1992 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-26

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The Michigan Daily -Weekend etc. - March 26,1992-Page 5

Dave and Michael
have always paid
close attention to
flight attendants'
instructions - and
Keeping up with the
'jet'-set is tough,
but not when
looking like the
ultimate passenger.
These guys insist on
first class clothing
all the way.
"I was watching
90210 the other
night, Dave, and I
couldn't help but
think that we should
go west to California
after school lets out
and hang with the
gang at West
Beverly High."
"Frequent flyer
miles don't add up
fast enough for me;
I'd rather stay on
the Third Coast and
take the AATA to
Ypsi High for some
quality fun."
"Hey Dave, did you
ever take Alexis out
to the Ann Arbor
airstrip and watch
the planes land?..."
Both fashion plates
prepare for crash
landing as seen in
the airline mural
illustrated in this
East Liberty
alleyway's graffiti.

reAnn Arbor 4-8-1-0-9 crew hanging out in a colorful alley off East Liberty.


1 11

n arbor
. s='~vt

New Styles 6333
Ladies and Children
F he whole family g $30 cut eNail rg. $45
6Histylists- no waiting1Maiuerg.
Dascola's Stylists temporaryaoo
Liberty off of State 668-9329
5Oyearsof service I *Must present expires 6/15
Michigan's Oldest Dealer
322 E. Liberty * Ann Arbor * 662-9401
(Close to Campus * 3-1/2 blocks West of State)


Australian Outback Hat
Australian Outback Duster
Imprinted T-Shirts

SHE: Ray Ban Sunglasses
Discus Sweatshirt
Cargo Fatigue Shorts
Teva Sandals
HE: Ray Ban Sunglasses
Brooks Leather Jacket
H. H. Brown Boots

The staff at Harry's brings its own style of uniqueness to all of its customers.
We carry a full line of military surplus and clothing. We also offer a wide
range of merchandise from backpacking to camping to hunting or if you
like to look casual, we have it all. We carry Brooks leather, Eastpak,
Eureka, Camp Trails, Timberland, Merrill, Hi-Tec, Buck, Gerber, Wigwam,
Woolrich, Duofold, Columbia Sportswear, Ray Ban and much more. You'll
find vrvthina vou nnedt bn he fahinnable this snrinaof Harrv's Armv

-100% Cotton Poet's Blouse

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