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March 26, 1992 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-26

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Page 4-The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - March 26, 1992

Dave, dressed in a
striped shirt, black pants
and Stussy baseball cap
from Urban Outfitters
gets geometric and
waxes philosophic on
East Liberty with Alexis,
who is wearing pants,
white shirt and sweater,
also from Urban
"Do you believe in love at
first sight? What do you
think of air travel?"
"I mean, in the abstract,
love, you know,
"Yeah, I guess, I think
so. Actually, I kind of do
believe in love at first
sight. When we were at
the bar last night -"
"Yeah? Yeah??"
"I kind of thought that
Mike was looking at me.
He looked so cool in
those new spring
fashions. Do you think
he's cute? I kind of do."
"Why did you ask?"
"Nothing. Never mind."

Oh my God, it's the cast of Beverly Hills 9-0-2-1-0! Look again. They're ,our
tV s
too :sexy

Top: Chuck and Alexis contemplate ... everything but each other ... in the park by Community Newscenter. Chuck
is dressed in pants and a Polo shirt from Jacobson's.
Bottom: Kevin and Christine strike a similar pose. Kevin is wearing a black denim jacket, white oxford shirt,
gray T-shirt and Stussy baseball cap from Urban Outfitters. Christine is wearing a pink striped shirt and white
pants from Jacobson's and a Stussy baseball cap from Urban Outfitters.

Deb is not quoting Madonna lyrics, but questioning Christine's and
Alexis' fascination with energetic graffiti on East Liberty. "Don't be
afraid, Deb, just let the colors take you away," the two art fiends
explain, fresh from their History of Art lecture. "Note the painterly
qualityand broad spray-paint strokes."

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