The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, March 18, 1992 - Page 3
Summer programs
offer students job,
research experience
'U' parking
lowers costs,
provides more
student spaces
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by Pari Berk
Students interested in preparing
for graduate school or getting in-
depth instruction and experience
from University professors can
spend a summer exploring opportu-
nities in one of three summer-long
The Summer Research
Opportunity Program (SROP), run
by the University's Graduate Office
of Minority Affairs, offers students a
$2,500 stipend for eight weeks of
summer research. The students learn
by working closely with a "mentor"
- a professor in the students' re-
search area.
"The program helped to prepare
me for graduate school because it
'The students gathered
data through
telephone interviews,
transcribed the data
onto computers,
analyzed the data, and
wrote summaries and
- Prof. J. Gary
gave me a taste of what I will be
studying," said School of Natural
Resources senior Kofi Boone of
SROP. "It also enhanced my
SROP Director Marilyn Gordon
said a program candidate must have
completed their first year at any uni-
versity across the country, must be
returning to school as an undergrad-
uate in the fall, and must be a
"reasonable" candidate for graduate
Gordon said the students are se-
lected in a highly competitive pro-
cess by a team of faculty and admin-
istrators. Applications must include
a statement explaining the reasons
the student is attracted to the pro-
gram, the student's academic tran-
script and a research proposal.
Students from across the nation
participate in the SROP.
"One-third of the students chosen
are from other campuses around the
country," Gordon said.
The program - which may be
done in any area of study - is ad-
vantageous to both the student and
the mentoring professor, said
Communications Prof. Marion
Marzolf. She said the program's
main advantage for her was interper-
sonal relations with the student.
Professor J. Gary Knowles, a
professor of education, said that he
originally became involved in the
program because he was behind in
his research.
"The two students I worked with
tapped into my research by helping
me on a project in which home
schooling was explored," he said.
"The students gathered data through
telephone interviews, transcribed the
data onto computers, analyzed the
data, and wrote summaries and con-
The Institute for Social Research
(ISR) also administers grants to two
summer programs - the Summer
Institute in Survey Research
Techniques and the Summer
Program in Quantitative Analysis,
sponsored respectively by ISR's
Survey Research Center (SRC) and
the Inter-University Consortium for
Political and Social Research
Undergraduate or graduate stu-
dents may elect six credit hours over
an eight-week period. The grant
covers the tuition, plus a $900 per
month stipend. Although selection
process is similar to SROP, the
ICPSR and SRC do not involve re-
search or working with a mentor.
Henry Heitowit, ICPSR educa-
tional resources director, said that
the program is not limited to minor-
ity students, but actively seeks them
for research.
"Our aim is to encourage minor-
ity students to become more familiar
with survey and quantitative meth-
ods. In addition, the program helps
improve dissertations and enhances
resumes," he said.
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by Joseph Smith
St. Patrick's Day
Above: About 1,000 members of the Irish Gay and Lesbian Organization, barred from
marching in the St. Patrick's Day Parade, stage their own march up New York's Fifth Avenue
Below: Engineering senior Tom Farrell and LSA first-year student Rick Chambers celebrate
St. Patrick's Day at O'Sullivan's yesterday.
Changes in the way the University assigns parking
privileges may make this the last year many students
have to put up with insufficient parking space and un-
fair fees, say parking service coordinators.
University Parking Services (UPS) is making
changes to better accommodate the needs of staff and
student drivers, said UPS coordinator Betty DeWolf.
"We're reaching out to the different mix of students that
we have."
UPS representatives said the University will be
lowering prices for student parking spaces next year to
$123 for a 10-month permit to park in one of six avail-
able lots. This year, students paid $244 for a 12-month
permit to park in one of three available lots.
The student lottery will also be offering 100 more
spaces than last year - a total of 600 spots.
Last year, many students said they were not able to
park cars on campus because of the limited number of
"A lot of students didn't know if they should even
bring their car and risk not getting a parking spot,"
DeWolf said.
In addition to the changes in cost and space, the lot-
tery will now be held in April so students can determine
early if they will have a parking space.
UPS will send parking notification and permits by
mail this year. The application deadline is April 3,,
UPS also offers some free parking for students with
disabilities. Disabled students can obtain a permit for a
University handicapped space by showing UPS a valid'
handicapped permit from any state.
These students will then be asked to use their state
permit along with the University permit they will be is-,
sued. All parking fees will be paid by the University.
Students interested in using the commuter lots need to
go to UPS, verify that they are students, and place a
commuter parking sticker on their car.
Besides the commuter lots which will be serviced by
University buses, there will also be lots that will be ser-
viced by Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA)
buses in the fall.
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English grant to help Detroit. high schools
by Guillermo Pinczuk
The University English
Department has received a $22,000
grant from the Ponting Foundation
to improve students' writing skills in
Detroit public high schools.
Prof. Barbra Morris, project
leader and a lecturer for the English
Composition Board (ECB) and
Residential College, said "The pur-
pose of the grant is to support
teacher leadership in the educational
development in the teaching of writ-
ing in the Detroit public schools."
Morris said teachers from more
than 11 schools will send proposals
designed to enrich students' writing
skills. Beaubien Middle School's
proposal enables students to design
plans with local businesses to im-
prove the community, she said.
Morris said there is a personal
and academic dimension to the pro-
ject. She added that while everyone
is aware of neighborhood crime and
drug problems, few recognize lack
of student motivation as an addi-
tional problem.
"We tend to underestimate the
importance of motivation and of stu-
dents picturing themselves complet-
ing high school and college," she
Morris said these students are
constantly reminded of the negative
aspects of their school and
"You have to imagine yourself
succeeding before you actually suc-
ceed. (Students) may not have the
same level of encouragement that a
student in Ann Arbor might have,"
she said. "The University could pro-
vide a sense of expectation and en-
couragement to these students." ':
The grant was awarded to the dO- .
partment based on the enormous
success of a 1984 project headed by
Morris for the MacKenzie High
School and was designed to enhance
high school students' writing and
critical thinking skills.
Morris emphasized the
University's role in the project.
"Collaborating across all levels'
of the school system demonstrates
the possibilities for cooperative.,
planning in education." "
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Ann Arbor Coalition to Unleash
Power, Michigan Union, Crofoot Rm,
7:30 p.m.
Hindu Students Council, weekly
mtg, Bhagavad Gita- Chapter 5, learn
Hindi,B 115MLB, 8p.m.
Korean Students Association, weekly
mtg, Michigan Union, 2203j Rm, 5
"International Observer Magazine"
General Meeting 8:00 p.m. Michigan
Latin American Solidarity
Committee, weekly mtg, Michigan
Rm, Michigan Union, Rm, 8 p.m.
Kaleidoscope Meeting,
Undergraduate Art. History Club, 4:15
p.m. Basement of Tapppan
Rainforest Action Movement, weekly
mtg, 1046 Dana (School of Natural
Resources), 7 p.m.
Students Concerned About Animal
Rights, weekly mtg, Dominick's, 7 p.m.
American Advertising Federation
(AAF) 3040 Frieze Bldg. 6:00 p.m.
U of M Shorin-Ryu UM Snowboard
Club, mass meeting, Wolverine Room,
7:30 p.m.
Public Relations Student Society,
2050 Frieze, 5:00 p.m.
Anthropolgy Carrer Night,
Executive Committee Conference Rm,
7 p.m.
Karate-Do Club, weekly meeting,
CCRB Martial Arts rm, 8-9 p.m.
"The Politics of Transititon in
Provincial Russia," CSST seminar,
4051 LS&A, 4-6 p..m.
"The trends in Eastern Europe and
their implications for the European
Community (EEC)," J. Lenczowski,
Michigan League--Hussey Rm, 6:00
"The U.N. Conference on
Environment & Development,
Environmental Inequity, and Local
Activism," 1520 Dana Bldg. 12:00-1:
Program in Genetics--Seminary,
Hemophila A and a Human
Transposable Element, N Lee Hall,
Conference on Sexuality discussion,
3100 Michigan Union, 7 p.m.
"Binary Star Formation," 807
Dennison, 4 p.m.
"Czech and Slovak: Two languages,
Two nations," Dr. Zdenek Hilavsa,
Lane Hall Commons, 12:00 noon
CP&P Presentation, Emplyer
Presentation, PIRG, 1:00 p.m.-8:00
p.m.; The Medical School Application
Process, CP&P Program Rm, 4:10 p.m.-
5:00 p.m.
Safewalk, night-time safety walking
service. Sun-Thurs 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.,
Fri-Sat, 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 102
UGLi or call 936-1000. Also, extended
hours: Sun-Thurs 1:30-3 a.m. Stop by
Angell Hall Computing Center or call
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
team walking service. Sun-Thur 8
p.m.-1:30 p.m. Fri-Sat 8:00 p.m.- 11:30
p.m. Stop by 2333 Bursley or call 763-
Discusssion of Objectivism: The
Philospohy of Ayn Rand, Chapter 4,
2212 MLB 8:00 p.m.
Undergraduate Psychology Peer
Advising, Undergraduate Psychology
Office, K-108 West Quad, 9:00 a.m.- 4:
00 p.m.
ECB Writing Tutors, Angell/Mason
Hall Computing Center, 7-11 p.m.
U-M Taekwondo Club, Monday
workout. CCRB Martial Arts Rm
2275, 6:30-8 p.m. Beginners welcome.
Discussion of Objectivism: The
Philosophy of Ayn Rand, U M
Students of Objectivism 2212 MLB 8
Native American Film Series, Do
Indias Shave? (Houma; In our
Language (Cheyenne); Sharp Rocks
(Cheyenne), Navajo Talking Picture,
(Navajo), Nat Sci Aud, 7:00 Music,
7:30 Films
Grief Recovery Workshop, five-part
series, Hospice of Washtenaw.
East Quad/RC Social Group for
Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals,
weekly mtg, 9 p.m.
U of M Ninjitsu Club, practice, I-M
Bldg, wrestling rm, 7-8:30 p.m
Husband's blows
land wife in 'U'
A domestic dispute led to vio-
lence Sunday evening at 9:45 p.m.
Police reports say that a husband
and wife became embroiled in an
argument which led the husband to
strike his wife's head eight times
with a claw hammer. The woman
was taken to the University
Hospital for treatment of the
wounds she recieved during the at-
tempted murder.
DPS responses
lead to warrant
University Department of Public
Safety (DPS) officers collected two
outstanding warrants issued by
other agencies Sunday when they
responded to separate incidents.
A trespass incident in East Quad
residence hall led to an arrest of
two men unaffiliated with the
University. DPS received a call at
6:02 p.m. reporting the men drink-
ing alcohol in a study lounge.
While the men were read the
trespass code, a computer check re-
vealed that one of them had an out-
standing warrant for contempt of
court issued by another agency. The
man was taken into custody and
turned over to the agency from
which the charge originated.
The second incident took place
at the University Hospital at 10:11
p.m. when DPS was advised that a
man in the hospital was wearing a
stolen jacket.
While officers were investigat-
ing the complaint, a warrant search
revealed a valid warrant for con-
tempt of court by another agency.
The man was arrested, processed,
and turned over to the other agency.
Bike shop
The Student Bike shop, located
at 607 South Forest St., was robbed
of $900 Thursday. An investigation
led to the discovery of two winter
coats on the roof of the store.
According to police reports, the
thieves used a vent on the roof to
enter the building.
In a pocket of one of the coats,
police found papers which tied the
crime to an ex-employee of the
shop. Police reports say that their
suspect is a homeless man who is
also wanted in connection with
other attempts to burglarize the
Student Bike Shop.
Parking meters on
North Campus
Double coin parking meters in
two parking lots on North Campus
were broken into Friday, according
to DPS reports.
At 10:14 a.m. a staff member re-
ported the burglary of seven meters,
which had apparently been pried
open, in parking lot NC-26.
Later in the night at 12:03 a.m.,
officers discovered one meter bro-
ken into in parking lot NC-16 and
another that someone had attempted
to open.
In both instances, police said
they could not determine the
amount of money stolen from the
meters. No suspects are known and
investigations are continuing.
3 cases of dorm
Three cases of malicious de-
struction of property was reported
in University residence halls this
week, according to DPS reports.
DPS reported Saturday that un-
known people emptied a fire extin-
guisher in the 4500 corridor of
Couzens Hall at approximately
11:40 a.m. The estimated clean-up
cost was $25.
Also in Couzens Hall, a staff
member reported Sunday that
someone had broken out an exterior
window located in a stairwell. No
suspects are known and damages
valued $50.
Police responded to a call at
11:36 p.m. Sunday reporting sounds
of breaking glass on a third-floor
Elliot stairwell in Mary Markley.
Police discovered that three men al-
legedly threw the metal frame of a
bed though a window.
Cab driver almost,
victim of mugging
A taxi cab driver was almost a
victim of armed robbery Friday.
While en route to South Maple St.,
the cabby's passenger claimed that
he had a 35mm pistol. "I'm going
to rob you," the man said.
However, he failedn to follow
through with his threat.
According to police reports, the
man fled from the taxicab before he
could get any money. The man was
apprehended when Ann Arbor po-
lice officers spotted him fleeing on
South Maple St.
Cop car hit by
During a routine check of Arbor
Land Mall last Monday, the car that
two police officers were driving,
was struck head-on by a Chevy
Beretta. The Beretta's driver was
driving in the Arbor Land parking
lot when the incident occurred, ac-
cording to police reports. -
He was issued a ticket for reck-
less driving. The police officers
sustained minor injuries.
-by Ben Deci
and Lauren Dermer
Daily Crime Reporters
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The Fifth Annaul Jack L. Walker
The Michigan Daily
Ve ye got it all
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The Fifth Annaul Jack L. Walker
Memorial Conference