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March 12, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-12

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A code by any other name is just a code. This is
the messge we should heed when considering
the watered-down code proposed by Peter
Mooney and Michael Warren, Jr.

Thirty years of Ann Arbor on celluloid? Weekend
etc. celebrates the 30th annual Ann Arbor Film
Festival with a look at its past and a preview of
this year's festival.

Okay, so we found out Sunday that Michigan
men's basketbll team could play with the best
teams in the nation, but the Wolverines showed
yesterday they could beat Purdue, too, 70-61.

Cloudy, still cold;
High: 26, Low: 13
Partly sunny; High 27, Low 14


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One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Vol. Cll, No. 91 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 12,1992 ©1992 The Michigan Daily
Aulisee hin Doily will be prp re fo
pubishngcandidet, position
tnd nmtc h ipac , ts
outlined In their public ~.L 'I I . I ~1 L~
3 d d9e ndnaito

by Andrew Levy
Daily Campaign Issues Reporter
DEARBORN - The three major
remaining Democratic presidential
hopefuls homed-in on Michigan
yesterday as they prepared for
Tuesday's delegate-rich primary in
the state.
Front-runner and Arkansas Gov.
Bill Clinton, fresh off his sweep
from the South in the Super Tuesday
contest, visited Henry Ford
Community College (HFCC) while
former Massachusetts Sen. Paul

Above: Democratic
presidential candidate Bill
Clinton shares the stage
with his wife, Hillary, as
they visit her high school
yesterday in Park Ridge, Ill.
Left Democratic hopeful
Paul Tsongas leaves his
home in Lowell, Mass.,
yesterday morning
following a not-so-Super
Tuesday. Both campaigned
in Dearborn last night.

no automobile strategy," Clinton
said after fielding a question about
the closing of General Motor's
Willow Run assembly plant in
"I want to have a system which
gives incentives to retrain the
workers continuously and charges
people who don't do it so we can do
it, and I want to change the tax code
to take.out the incentives for moving
the jobs overseas," he said. "And
then I want a strategy for getting the
American market back."
Clinton also said he supports help
for small businesses to increase job
"According to an MIT study, 85
percent of the jobs created in the last
12 years have been created in
businesses of under 50 (people)."
Clinton said. "So what do you have
to have? You need a very viable
small business economy."
He also called for abandoning the
current student loan system in favor
of a "National Service Trust."
"(Under my plan) anybody can
borrow the money to go to college
and sign a contract to pay it back in
one of two ways," Clinton said.
"Either as a small percentage of
See DEARBORN; Page 2

Tsongas attended campaign
fundraisers at the Hyatt Regency and
former California Gov. Jerry Brown
spoke to a crowd at Marquette
County Airport.
Clinton, on a tour of HFCC's
Capital Manufacturing Capital
Engineering Capital Technology
program, answered questions from
the media regarding manufacturing
jobs and education.
"Your national government has

Court decision unlikely to affect 'U' lawsuits

by Purvi Shah
Daily Administration Reporter
The Supreme Court decision
paving the way for students to
receive monetary awards in cases of
sexual discrimination or harassment
sexualI %araaament,
suprem6 Court,
and students
.fluaa in lys
will have little impact unless
victims also make a decision to risk
public humiliation by litigating,
University administrators say.
The Supreme Court cast a spin on
the issue of sexual discrimination

and harassment Feb. 26 in ruling 9-0
that students can now receive
pecuniary damages as restitution
under Title IX of a 1972 education
Since Title IX had been
interpreted to allow only
retroactive pay or injunctions to
stop the illegal activity, students -
who do not get pay and usually
graduate by the time cases are heard
- were previously stranded
without an effective remedy.
While the Supreme Court
decision may constitute an
ideological victory for women's
rights groups and provide an
impetus for money-conscious
officials to modify behavior, the

ruling is unlikely to change social
attitudes or spur victims to litigate
in light of recent sexual harassment
and sexual assault trials.
"It's my gut feeling that a
woman sues when she's so desperate
she doesn't know what to do.... It's
the fact that she's been wronged,"
said Affirmative Action Office
Representative Deborah Orlowski.
"People that complain about sexual
harassment aren't doing so because
they want money. Who wants to go
through all the nonsense in court?"
But University General Counsel
Elsa Cole said she believes more
lawsuits will be filed due to the
possibility of a financial award -
with increases in plaintiffs and

lawyers who will be more willing
to take cases.
Cole explained that lawyers
will now be able to request a certain
percentage of monetary damages for
fees. "Before there was no financial
incentive for attorneys," she said.
Yet, keeping in mind the burdens
of litigation, she adds, "It's very
difficult - one of these lawsuits -
whether you're an employee or a
student, because you yourself
become the subject of the dispute
because your own 'encouragement'
becomes the issue.
"It's often one person's word
against the other and that's hard to
prove. It takes a pretty tough person
to go through that."

Kay Dawson, assistant to the
Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs, and principal
drafter of the University policy on
sexual harassment, said the policy
would not have to be modified
because it currently focuses on
resolving disputes internally. .
A 1976 Michigan statute similar
to Title IX was used in 1986 to
fight an elementary school sexual
discrimination case and could have
been used as a standard to adjudicate
sexual harassment cases, but none
have been reported, Cole said.
Orlowski points to recent events
such as the Clarence Thomas hearing
and the William Kennedy Smith and

IASA provides
'U' students a
cultural haven

Marijuana activists
to sue for use of Diag
NORML protesting 'U' permit denial

by Mona Qureshi
Daily Staff Reporter
Many members of the University Indian American
Students Association (IASA) say the organization pro-
vides them a new opportunity to socialize with others
of similar cultural backgrounds, after having come
from high schools with a small representation of
Indian Americans.
"(IASA) was founded in the intent to make it into a
social organization," said Amrik Singh, a former
IASA president.
Singh explained he was born and raised in Detroit,
and attended a school with very few Indians. "Indian
people were pretty much scarce except for religious
community functions once a week," he said.
He said he did not have the chance to socialize and
meet other people of Indian origin.
The term "Indian origin" Singh and other IASA
members use refers to India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and
other related cultural origins, Singh said.
IASA Vice President of Public Relations Bobby
Guhasakar said he too never really had an opportunity
to meet and socialize with other Indians. In fact,
r ,,hnen.nr cn s h- .. un ot 2r i3~.-A nh mit hic

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Administration Reporter
The American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU) has decided to help
the University chapter of the
National Organization for the
Reform of Marijuana Laws
(NORML) obtain a permit to use the
Diag on April 4.
The University has denied
NORML's request to reserve the
Diag for a rally which was organized
to coincide with Hash Bash, a na-
tional pro-legalization of marijuana

gathering in Ann Arbor.
The ACLU's Washtenaw County
chapter will file a complaint in
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
this week.
Adam Brook, secretary of U of M
NORML, said his organization is
asking the court for permission to
use the Diag this year, an injunction
prohibiting the University from
denying NORML the Diag for Hash
Bash ever again, and "$10,000 in

Sonia and Archana Ghei attend the Indian American
Student Assembly dance on Saturday at the Union.

its Divali Show - a display of Indian cultural song
and dance in front of an audience. Last fall, 1,500
people came to see the show at the Power Center, and
nearly 500 had to be turned away.
Next week, IASA will have a cultural dance, where
attendees are expected to dress in traditional Indian
IASA also holds dances and "all-nighters" at the
CCRB, and maintains communication through a
newsletter. Dances usually attract 200 nennle or more.

Couple appeals ruling.
on partners ordinance
by Travis McReynolds it went to trial Feb. 7. Morris sai
Daily City Reporter the Grahams had no legal grounds t


The dismissed lawsuit challeng-
ing Ann Arhor's domestic nartner-

file suit against this ordinance.
Attorney Steven Jentzen, who


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