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March 03, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-03

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 3, 1992 - Page 3


speak out
on trees
by Ren6e Huckle
Daily Staff Reporter
Concerns over a city ordinance
beefing up penalties for people who
cut down woodlands flared last night
in City Hall.
Almost a dozen Ann Arbor resi-
dents aired their support and criti-
cisms on the proposed Natural
Features Preservation Ordinance
during its second public hearing at
the City Council meeting last night.
The ordinance, proposed by
Councilmember Bob Eckstein (D-
5th ward), was sent to the city
Planning Commission at last
Tuesday's meeting to discuss its fate
before it goes before City Council in
Chamber of Commerce president
Woody Holmes said the ordinance
infringes upon the rights of private
property owners.
"The ordinance assumes that citi-
zens will willfully desecrate the
" land," Holmes said.
Ann Arbor resident Carl Hueter
called the ordinance "unfair."
Hueter also raised concerns that
the ordinance would penalize people
for developing their own property.
But other residents said they sup-
port an ordinance that would effec-
'The ordinance
assumes that citizens
will willfully desecrate
the land.'
- Woody Holmes
Chamber of Commerce
tively protect the Ann Arbor envi-
"The ordinance is a guide to wise
land use planning," Ann Arbor resi-
dent Ruth Kraut said.
Mike Garfield, another Ann
Arbor resident, said it is commend-
able that the ordinance addressed a
broad spectrum of environmental
problems, and urged the passage of
the proposal.
Councilmember Kirk Dodge (R-
2nd Ward) said he thinks the ordi-
nance is unjust and possibly illegal.
"It's inherently unfair. I'm not
sure its even constitutional," he
He said Democrats "saw (the
proposal) as political tar and were
trying desperately to scrape it off as
soon as possible."
But Eckstein said, "The commit-
tee needs more time."
Mayor Liz Brater said last night
that most of the people with sugges-
tions should have held them until the
next public hearing, after the
Planning Commission makes

Supreme Court
denies 24-hour
indecency ban

Eighties relic
LSA junior Dave Przygoda basks in the warm light of the tanning machine yesterday at the Endless Summer
Tanning Center. This is his final session at the center, as he used all of the others before his Daytona vacation.
Russia lifts price controls on

ol products
MOSCOW (AP) - Russia said would r
yesterday that domestic price con- cent. Pri
trols will be lifted on oil and oil services
products and a 50 percent tax im- 300 per
posed on them as the nation moves Russian
closer to full membership in the price co
International Monetary Fund. wardc
The measures, which will sharply economy
add to the soaring cost of living Kaga
since economic reforms were en- how hig
acted here two months ago, are to go bills wou
into effect April 15, said the Tass prices c
news agency, quoting unidentified percent
sources. consump
Russia needs to carry out such Kaga
measures to become a full member would i
of the IMF, making it eligible for electrici
international loans and investment. The]
The reforms also are intended to raise oil
increase government revenues and cent. Ka
help lower Russia's budget deficit, received
said Konstantin Kagalovsky, a gov- Russia's
ernment adviser on international fi- balance
nancial organizations. reforms.
Tass predicted crude oil prices Mean

and imposes tax

government's bid to banish
"indecency" from the airwaves 24
hours a day was derailed in the
Supreme Court yesterday. The jus-
tices left intact a ruling that such a
round-the-clock ban violates free-
dom of expression.
The Bush administration and ad-
vocacy groups had asked the court to
revive the ban to protect children as
well as the privacy of all listeners
and viewers.
Indecent material is legally de-
fined as describing "sexual or excre-
tory activities or organs" in terms
"patently offensive as measured by
contemporary community standards
for the broadcast medium."
Legally obscene material has no
constitutional protection, but mate-
rial that is merely indecent does.
Only Justices Byron White and
Sandra Day O'Connor voted to hear
arguments in the case, but four votes
are needed to grant such a review.
Justice Clarence Thomas did not
participate in considering the ap-
peals. He was a member of the U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia when it said
prohibiting indecent material 24
hours a day goes too far.
In other action, the court:
Agreed to decide whether a
Montana man convicted of fondling
a child may be forced to attend a
therapy program for sex offenders.
The court will review a ruling that
requiring such treatment would force
a defendant to admit guilt in viola-
tion of his right against self-incrimi-
Heard arguments in a contest
between property rights and the gov-
ernment's power to protect the pub-
lic. The issue, awaiting resolution by
July in a South Carolina case involv-
ing beachfront development, is
whether "just compensation" always
must be paid when private land is

rendered useless by publiq policy.
Agreed to decide whether the
government improperly confines
some immigrant children who can-
not be released to relatives pending
deportation proceedings.
Agreed to decide in a New
Jersey case whether the government
may seize property paid for with
drug-trafficking profits after the
property is given to an innocent
Refused to kill a lawsuit
against New Jersey officials stem-
ming from a 13-year-old battle to
force Princeton University eating
clubs to admit women members.
Refused to revive a $3 million
libel award won, and then lost, by a
Michigan resort owner who says The
Detroit News falsely linked him to
the Mafia.
Peggy Charren, president of
Action for Children's Television,
which was a party in the broadcast
indecency case, said the high court
action "is a victory for people to
know that the place to take care of
children is the off button in the
On the other side, Bush adminis-
tration lawyers had said only a blan-
ket FCC broadcast ban on indecent
material would protect young peo-
"Children are present in the audi-
ence for late night television or radio
in large numbers," government
lawyers said. "Indecent broadcasting
cannot be restricted to those house-
holds in which it is welcome."
The appeals court here ruled last
May there must be a daily "safe-har-
bor" period when material unsuitable
for children is permitted on televi-
sion and radio.
Since then, the Federal
Communications Commission has
not tried to bar indecent material
broadcast from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m.

ise 500 percent to 700 per-
ces for most other goods and
have risen an average of
cent since January, when the
government started lifting
ntrols in the first steps to-
creating a free-market
alovksy gave no estimates of
gh gasoline or home heating
uld rise. He estimated higher
ould cause a 10 percent to 15
drop in Russia's energy
alovsky said price controls
remain on natural gas and
IMF had urged Russia to
1 prices by up to 1,500 per-
agalovksy said the IMF has
d a memorandum outlining
efforts to halt inflation and
its budget through price
nwhile, the British Treasury

announced yesterday that Britain
will be Russia's representative on an
IMF committee that will set
conditions for Russian membership.
The former Soviet Union was
granted associate status in the IMF
in October, giving it access to
technical expertise but no loans.
Kagalovsky said domestic oil
prices will be comparable to export
prices by the end of 1993.
The announcements came a day
after President Boris Yeltsin's top
economic adviser said economic re-
forms are beginning to work. Deputy
Prime Yegor Gaidar said, however,
that the situation was fragile and
could be wrecked "by a few clumsy
Gaidar told Russian television
Sunday that the government is turn-
ing its attention to corrupt officials
who he said are taking advantage of
Yeltsin's privatization program by
selling state property to themselves.

Abortion survey reveals disdain for informed consent

LANSING, Mich. (AP) - The head of an
anti-abortion group said yesterday she is not
concerned with a new survey showing most
Michigan residents oppose requiring women to
view pictures of fetuses and wait a day before
getting an abortion.
The "informed consent" proposal is up for a
vote in the House tomorrow. That would be its
last major hurdle since the Senate has passed
the bill and Gov. John Engler has indicated he
will sign it.
Fifty-four percent of the 810 registered
voters surveyed by telephone last week by the
Detroit Free Press and WXYZ-TV said they
opposed the legislation, the newspaper
reported yesterday.
Only 36 percent of the survey's respondents
said they supported the restrictions, the Free

Press said. Ten percent either did not know
how they felt about the measure or declined to
The survey conducted by Wayne State
University's Center for Urban Studies had a
margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage
Wayne State research analyst Robert Kahle
said the survey's results were inconclusive.
"From the way the question is stated, we
don't know if people are rejecting the waiting
period or that doctors show the women
pictures of fetuses," he said.
Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life
of Michigan, said the survey results conflict
with other polls that indicate overwhelming
support for informed consent measures.
The legislation would require women who

want to end a pregnancy to wait 24 hours.
During that time period, their doctors would be
required to show them photographs of develop-
ing fetuses and give them information about
alternatives to abortion and the risks involved
in the procedure.
"I think it's probably something completely
unreliable compared to other polls on the is-
sue," Listing said. "I think this is an attempt by
the Free Press to influence the vote that will be
held this week in the Legislature. The timing
of the release appears to be rather
But pro-choice forces say the poll is good
"I think it verifies what we've said all
along: Michigan citizens are getting tired of
having policy makers spend hours and hours

on what they see as interfering with personal
decisions," said Margy Long, spokesperson for
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of Michigan.
"And I think that most people see through
Right to Life's disguise of their anti-abortion
bill as something supposedly in the best
interests of women."
"In the past legislators who are terrified of
Right to Life have always used their polls to
justify their votes. I don't know how they'll
justify it now," said Rep. Maxine Berman (D-
Southfield) and an outspoken pro-choice
"I think it's clear that the poll shows that
people believe women are intelligent enough to
make their own decisions without the state
stepping in and attempting to brainwash them."

What's happening in Ann Arbor today
MIeetings a.m., Fri-Sat 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop
amFiSt8pm-13 pm.SoMe t n sby 102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Also,
Recycle UM Mass Mtg. 2520 extended hours: Sun-Thurs 1-3 a.m.
Natural Resources Bldg. 6:30 p.m. Stop by Angell Hall Computing
Ann Arbor Committee to Center or call 763-4246

Serbs open fire on demonstrators; 3 wounded


SARAJEVO, Yugoslavia (AP)
- Ethnic Serbs opened fire with.
machine guns yesterday on about
1,000 demonstrators in Bosnia -
Hercegovina's capital - a day after
the republic's Muslims and Croats
voted to quit the Yugoslav federa-
tion. At least three people were
The Serbs want to stay with
Yugoslavia and a Serbian leader said
independence would mean war.
When Serb militants who had

been protecting a barricade on the
capital's main boulevard began fir-
ing on the crowd from a distance of
about 100 yards, demonstrators
threw themselves to the pavement or
fled in panic.
It was not clear whether the shots
were aimed over the heads of the
Some witnesses and police at the
scene said gunfire came from a
nearby army barracks as well.

Heavy shooting could be heard
throughout the city last night.
At least four people were re-
ported killed earlier yesterday as ex-
tremists sealed off Sarajevo.
All land and air routes into the
city were cut off, and the radio
warned residents to stay home.
High-ranking Bosnian govern-
ment officials had said earlier they
had reached agreement with the
Serbs to remove the barricades, but

there was no immediate
confirmation of that.
In the shooting on Sarajevo's
main boulevard, one woman -was
wounded in the ankle, and at least
two others were injured.
Also yesterday, early returns in-
dicated 98 percent of voters in the
republic of Montenegro favored re-
maining in the Yugoslav federation.
About 66 percent of the
electorate cast ballots on Sunday.

defend Abortion and
Reproductive rights
(AACDARR) weekly mtg,
Michigan Union, Tap rm. 8:00 p.m.
MSA Weekly meeting 3909
Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m. 7:30
IASA Board Meeting, Nikki
lounge, Mo-Jo, 9-11 p.m.
Asian American Student
Association, weekly meeting,
Nikki lounge, Mo-Jo, 7:30 p.m.
Anthropology Club, meeting
Dominick's, 7 p.m.
"What can we learn from
Swiss Cheese to Toughen
Plastics?" Albert F. Yee, and
"Computer-based Simulation
of Probabilistic, Discrete
Event Systems," T h o m a s
Schriber, Res. Club, 165 Chrysler
Center, 7:30 p.m.
Colloquium, 1640 Chem bldg.
4:00 p.m.
"What is sex?" monogamy and
polygamy, 3100 Michigan Union,
7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

Northwalk, North Campus night-
time team walking service. Sun-Thurs
8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Stop by 2333
Bursley or call 763-WALK.
Stress and Time Management,
Consultations with peer counselors
available, 3100 Michigan Union,
11-1 p.m.
Girl Scout Cookie Booths
Stockwell, 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Markley, Mo-Jo, from 4:30 p.m.-
7:00 p.m.
Undergraduate Psychology
Department, Undergraduate
psychology advising, walk-in or
appointment, K-108 West Quad, 9
a.m-4 p.m.
Spark: Revolutionary History
Series, "Revolutionary History
Series, 1918-23" MLB rm. B122 7:00
p.m..-8:00 p.m.
Kaffeestunde, weekly German
coffee and conversation, 3rd floor
Commons Rm., MLB, all welcome,
4:30-6 p.m.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors,
Angell/Mason Hall Computing

The M ichigan Daily



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