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March 03, 1992 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-03

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5 SO-T

The University Board of Regents transferred the
deputization of the University police force to
itself. Now, we must determine to whom this
force is accountable.

Ann Savageau travels to faraway lands, but you
don't even have to leave your armchair to see
Iran or Colorado. Clare Spitler displays this RC
professor's exhibit.

The Michigan women's tennis team dropped its
first two matches of the conference season to
highly-ranked Northwestern and Wisconsin, but
rebounded to beat N. C. State.

High: 53, Low: 37
Mostly sunny; High 55, Low 39


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One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CiI, No. 84 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 3, 1992 The Md n Daiy
Deputization shift likely to affect DPS-city relations

by Lauren Dormer
Daily Crime Reporter
Despite the recent shift in deputi-
zation authority from the
Washtenaw County sheriff to the
University Board of Regents, offi-
cials in the University Department
of Public Safety (DPS) say the
change is merely technical and will
not affect the department's structure.
But one aspect that is likely to
change - and recently came under
strain - is the University's police
services contract with the city of
Ann Arbor.
Closing Of
plant will
affect 'U'
by Hope Calati
Daily Staff Reporter

The Ann Arbor Police
Department has traditionally pro-
vided services to the University, but
campus deputization is decreasing
city officers' involvement in campus
Yet DPS Director Leo Heatley
said the shift in deputization power
will have no effect on the day-to-day
activities of the force. Because the
shift is technical, and not organiza-
tional, neither the structure of the
department nor officer hiring and
training will be affected, he said.
However, Shirley Clarkson, di-

rector of Presidential
Communications, said the
University expects a higher standard
of hiring and training as a result of
the shift.
"The feeling from the start is that
students are better served when offi-
cers are accountable to the
University," she said. "The officers
will learn all of the things required
by any police department, but be-
yond that, they must also understand
the campus and become part of the
"There will be a higher standard

in terms of sensitivity to particular
areas and improved relations with
students," she added.
DPS Lt. Vernon Baisden said the
highest priority is to get the most
qualified individuals and to maintain
a diversified force of men, women,
and minorities.
At the same time, the University
will have to negotiate its police con-
tract with the city. While last year's
contract sought to define procedural
relations between the forces, this
communication faltered recently.

Ann Arbor police declined to pro-
vide backup aid requested by DPS
for protection against student
City Administrator Alfred Gatta
said there are two levels of agree-
ment between the University and the
city of Ann Arbor concerning police
backup: a contractual agreement
with the University that generally
involves one day's notice for sup-
port, and "emergency support," in
which the Ann Arbor force will an-
swer campus calls for mutual aid in
emergency situations.

"Those in control of field opera-
tions at the time considered the
phone call a call for services in con-
tract," he said.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Douglas
Smith said DPS' phone call at 8:15
a.m. Feb. 21 asking for aid by 9 a.m.
did not allow for ample time, and
was not considered an emergency
"The University must understand
the day-to-day operations before it
makes certain demands," he said.
"There was no way we could get
See POLICE, Page 2

At the Feb. 21

regents meeting,

Spy budget to stay
at Cold War level
$30 billion set aside for intelligence

Fewer student job opportunities,
a decrease in admissions and a re-
duction in state higher education
funding are three possible effects the
closing of General Motors' Willow
Run plant in Ypsilanti might have on
the University.
Although the plant will not close
until .the summer of 1993, many
University officials said they are
concerned about the ramifications of
the closing.
Deborah May, director of Career
Planning and Placement, said she
expects a reduction in local jobs -
available to students because of
lower retail spending by Willow
Run employees.
Donald Peterson, director of
Placement for Engineering, also said
the plant closing will hinder em-
ployment opportunities for students.
"The GM downsizing has had an
impact on recruiting here. In the
past, they have been one of our
See WILLOW RUN, Page 7

WASHINGTON (AP) - Despite the
demise of the Soviet Union, the Bush adminis-
tration is proposing a secret intelligence budget
near Cold War levels, according to sources in-
side and outside the government.
Spending is estimated at $30 billion for
next year - about where it stood when Soviet
communism was considered a major threat.
Some members of Congress, which will
eventually vote on the intelligence budget
without revealing its contents, think the spies
and analysts ought to be taking cuts along the
lines of those faced by the military. But the
White House counters that intelligence activi-
ties will be all the more vital after the armed
forces are cut.
Officials will not comment publicly on the
intelligence budget. But Defense. Secretary
Dick Cheney, asked recently whether intelli-
gence cuts would equal those in defense, said,
"Let's just say (CIA Director) Bob Gates is a
happy man."
The administration's proposed budget for
next year does take a bite from intelligence
spending. But it is nowhere near as much as
the 7 percent cut in the defense budget of
which it is a part, according to indications from
official and private sources. And that is not sit-

ting well with some lawmakers.
"The intelligence budget has got to reflect
developments in the world," Sen. Howard
Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) said. "There's a general
consensus that there should be some cuts,"
added Metzenbaum, a member of the Senate
Intelligence Committee.
Democrats believe the intelligence budget
should be shaved at least another 2 or 3 per-
cent, bringing it closer to the defense cuts.
Spending on spy satellites is a likely target,
now that the former Soviet Union is disman-
tling many of its nuclear weapons and consoli-
dating the rest.
Last year, Congress cut about 1 percent
from the administration's requested spending.
For fiscal 1993, lawmakers say they will be
less generous
But the administration contends, in the
words of one official, that "intelligence is a
force multiplier," meaning that it makes up for
the smaller number of U.S. troops and
weapons. To feel confident that the United
States can afford to close bases and take many
troops and systems off alert, the administration
must be able to rely on timely intelligence, he
added, speaking on condition of anonymity.

On the picket line
(From left to right) Bob Back, Jim Steiner, and Joe Piliseko picket in front of Jacobson's on
Liberty Street yesterday. They are among 211 Teamsters drivers who have been on strike for
five weeks due to contract problems. They are upset because of a proposed three-year wage
freeze and issues regarding their insurance. The two sides have not met since Feb. 2, and
federal and state mediators have been unsuccessful in ending the strike.

Candidates exchange barbs, negative TV ads

by Andrew Levy
Daily Campaign Issues Reporter
Recent days have seen a shift to a
more negative campaigning style
among both Democrats and
Republicans in the presidential race,
as an onslaught of personal attacks
and negative advertisements have hit
the nation's airwaves.
On the Republican side,
President Bush and right-wing chal-
lenger Pat Buchanan have gone all
out in attempts to differentiate them-
selves from one another. Bush's ag-
gressiveness can be attributed to

Buchanan's strong showing in New
Hampshire, and to the fact that un-
committed delegates won 31 percent
of the South Dakota vote.
Among Democrats, former
Massachusetts Sen. Paul Tsongas
and Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton at-
tacked one another and were at-

tacked by the other Democratic can-
didates over the weekend, as they
met for three debates - in Denver,
Atlanta, and College Park, Md.
Bush has attempted to character-
ize Buchanan as a candidate with no
political experience, liable to cripple
the economy with protectionist tac-
tics. Buchanan, on the other hand,
has questioned Bush's conservatism.
In one Buchanan campaign ad-
vertisement, aired last week in
Maryland, the president was criti-
cized for signing a recent civil rights
See NEGATIVE, Page 2

- Maryland and Colorado may
play kingmakers today in anointing
one of the Democratic presidential
contenders a national candidate.
With former Massachusetts Sen.
Paul Tsongas showing strength in
late polls in both states, Arkansas
Gov. Bill Clinton yesterday was
looking beyond today's primaries

even as he tried to generate enthusi-
asm for a last-minute surge in
Tsongas' outlook in Colorado
and Maryland improved after his
win in the leadoff New Hampshire
primary. His pro-business economic
message plays well among the more
affluent, suburban voters found in

Democrats aiming for Maryland
and Colorado in primaries today

Sex charges
force Wash.
senator to
quit '92 race
OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) -
Democrats scrambled to save Sen.
Brock Adams' seat yesterday after
he dropped his re-election bid
amid allegations he sexually ha-
rassed eight women. Popular
Democratic Gov. Booth Gardner
said he would not decide whether
to run for more than a week..
Adams resisted continued calls
for his resignation from
Democrats and Republicans alike.
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Manufacturing index
passes 50 percent, out
of recession domain


hard-hit sectors of the economy got
upbeat news yesterday as a key
manufacturing barometer climbed
out of recession territory in February
and the construction industry en-
joyed its best showing since last
The Commerce Department re-
ported that consumers boosted their
spending a lackluster 0.2 percent in
January, while their incomes actu-
ally fell by 0.1 percent.
Private economists said the
mixed reports were typical of an

from 47.4 percent the month before.
A reading below 50 percent is
viewed as indicating a recession in
manufacturing while a reading above
50 percent signals an expanding
manufacturing sector. It marked the
first time the index has been above
the 50 percent mark since last
Economists said the closely-
watched manufacturing survey was
good news for the one-fifth of the
economy engaged in manufacturing,
a sector that had appeared to be
leading the country out of recession
ioo e n no n to fltt-r rinQ thP.

City approves
housing funds
$KXOforlw-income homes
by Erin Einhorn
Daily City Reporter
Creating affordable housing for Ann Arbor's low
and moderate income familes has long been a priority
for the city, said City Council members, who last night
unanimously approved the allocation of about $870,000
in federal funds for developing local housing units.
The resolution advocated that the city administration
make the development of affordable housing a main
priority and that the city encourage Washtenaw County
to find additional funds and contribute the project called
"the Ann Arbor Affordable Initiative."
The new funding comes from a U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development allocation for the
purpose of providing housing assistance under the
National Housing Affordability Act's "Home Program."
"These are new federal funds that are coming into
the eitv" aid Conncilmember Larry Hunter (D-1st


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