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March 02, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-02

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The Michigan Daily- Monday, March 2,1992 - Page 3

Bush, Buchanan
backers face off


Women of color
forum tackles
racism, sexism.

sizzling battle within the
Republican Party heated up yes-
terday with one of President
Bush's prominent supporters ac-
cusing challenger Patrick
Buchanan of flirting with
The' charge by former
Education Secretary William
Bennett came as Bush and
Buchanan campaigned in Georgia
for that state's critical primary
The campaign became more
vitriolic during the past week as
Buchanan accused the adminis-
tration of investing in pornogra-
phy and Bush called his chal-
lenger "a disappointment to all
Americans" for opposing the
Persian Gulf war.
Bush supporters insist the
president will be the party's nom-
inee and many of Buchanan's
conservative backers have con-
ceded he has little chance of
wresting the nomination from the
But these conservatives see
the race as a battle for the future
of the Republican Party, with
Buchanan forcing Bush to move
to the right and then emerging as
leader of a resurgent conservative
Bennett, appearing on ABC-
TV's "This Week with David
Brinkley," was asked whether he
agreed with commentators who
have suggested that Buchanan's
restrictive immigration views are
a kind of fascism.
"I think that Pat certainly flirts
with it ... it being fascism,"
Bennett replied.

"Pat has a mighty heart ... but
I am very disappointed with the
character and quality of the ap-
proach he is making," said
Bennett, who served with
Buchanan in the Reagan admin-
istration and went to the same
high school in Washington, D.C.
He added Bush "has to stand
up and fight for conservatives"
and that some of the president's
advisers have unwisely conceded
conservative votes to Buchanan.
White House Chief of Staff
Samuel Skinner, interviewed on
NBC-TV's "Meet the Press," said
he believed many Buchanan sup-
porters were "expressing some
kind of frustration" and were "not
really serious Buchanan voters."
"When conservatives look at
the record of George Bush, they
will see a very conservative
record," Skinner said. "It might
not be quite as conservative as
they would like in some areas,
but it is a very conservative
South Carolina Gov. Carroll
Campbell, in Atlanta tocampaign
for Bush, appeared on CBS-TV's
"Face the Nation" and said
Buchanan, in his appeal for votes,
was inaccurately portraying the
South as reactionary and
"We are not talking about
building a wall around America,"
Campbell said. "We are talking
about taking our place in the
Buchanan has assailed Bush
has an internationalist and has
waged an "America First"

High school students play the jury as University law students argue cases
in mock trials which took place at the Law Quad yesterday.
Soviet nuke disposal
to cost West blions

LONDON (AP) - Disposing of
warheads containing hundreds of
tons of radioactive plutonium and
enriched uranium presents problems
that may linger for centuries,
particularly in the former Soviet
The warheads would be a prize
for terrorists or Third World coun-
tries hoping to build a nuclear bomb.

Thomas Cochran, a senior scien-
tist at the National Resources
Defense Council, a Washington
arms-control organization, said the
most important thing the former
Soviets must do is disable the war-
heads to avoid accidental
One possibility is removing the
radioactive gas tritium, a component

'A 40-year obsession with constructing nuclear
weapons cannot be erased in a few months, or
even a few years.'
-William Walker
Sussex University fellow

by Christopher Scherer
Daily Staff Reporter
Women of color no longer want
to be labelled as Mexican mothers of
10 children, Squaws who walks 10
paces behind their husbands or Aunt
Jemima, said keynote speaker
Valorie Johnson at last Friday's ca-
reer conference coordinated by the
Woman of Color Task Force.
Approximately 700 women at-
tended the 10th annual conference
which opened with a speech by
Johnson, Director of Native
American Services in Lansing.
Although Johnson said she was
addressing the audience as a unified
group of women, she stressed the
need to "celebrate that diversity be-
cause we are not one dimensional."
She said women of color are
disproportionately affected by social
problems such as abuse and sexism.
Ir response to these problems,
Johnson stressed the need for
Johnson concluded by showing
the audience a "dream catcher" - a
circular ring adorned with feathers
and a net which, according to leg-
end, catches good dreams - as a
way for women of color to begin
realizing their dreams.
The conference sponsored work-
shops throughout the day including
"Women of Color in Higher
Education: Double Jeopardy."
University administrators Jacina
Davis and Pamala Roberts headed
the workshop which discussed the
problems women of color face with
sexism and racism.
Davis said she does not believe
women of color will be adequately
represented in the workforce due to
problems such as budget constraints.
"The women of color are dispropor-
tionately represented (in- the
University's work force)," she said.

"My main concern is the quality
of life for the people of color. When
we change the quality of life we will
have a more productive and happier
work force and that has to come
from the top," Roberts said.
Susan Taylor, Essence magazine
editor in chief, closed the conference
'My main concern is
the quality of life for
the people of color.
When we change the
quality of life we will
have a more
productive and happier
work force and that
has to come from the
- Pamala Roberts
University administrator
speaking about the problems facing
women of color and society today.
She said an individual - not the
government - must make changes
to further women of color. "There is
no person on earth who does not
have challenges," she said. "We
have the capacity to overcome any
challenges we have to face."
Conference co-chair Monica
Johnson said she was very pleased to
see so many women of color attend-
ing the conference.
"I would like to see, on the
University campus, a network (of
women) as a voice for us on current
issues that need to be addressed by
the University," she said.
University administrator Beverly
Myers said the conference would
help women of color when they re-
turned to the workplace. "(There is
an) empowering feeling to be a part
of the activity when people of color
are involved. The feeling of isolation
is removed."

Although the problems also
apply to the United States, the
situation is worse for its former
adversary, which is financially
strapped and must deal with an
arsenal Western experts estimate at
34,000 warheads.
"A 40-year obsession with con-
structing nuclear weapons cannot be
erased in a few months, or even a
few years," said William Walker, a
senior fellow at Sussex University
who is helping compile a world in-
ventory of uranium and plutonium.
"It's going to cost billions of
dollars which the Russians cannot
afford," he said. "Much of it will
have to come from the West.''

of many modern bombs that decays
rapidly, said Matthew Bunn, associ-
ate director of the Arms Control
Association, a Washington think
The quickest and cheapest way is
to pull the fusing and firing mech-
anism out, said Professor John
Simpson, director of the
Mountbatten Center for International
Studies at the University of
"But that can always be re-
placed," he said. "So, technically,
one of the questions that must be
faced is: Is there a way to quickly
and safely disable the weapon? At
the moment, there is no answer."

Detroit Summer '92 aims to rebuild, educate

Republican Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan speaks to a group f
third-grade Sunday School students at the Mt. Paran Church of God in
Atlanta yesterday.
Due to an editing error, part of former Attorney General Edwin Meese's
speech was incorrectly printed in the Feb. 21 Daily. Meese did not criticize
the University of Michigan's Interim Policy on Discrimination and
Discriminatory Harassment, but rather university speech codes in general. A
quote from him should have read: "They violate free inquiry and free ex-
pression at universities."
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

by Laura Adderley
Daily Staff Reporter
Planning has begun for Detroit
Summer '92 - a program aimed at
rebuilding Detroit's infrastructure.
National Greens, a grassroots or-
ganization comprised of more than
350 local groups around the country,
is responsible for organizing Detroit
Summer '92.
Byran Chambers, a Detroit
Summer '92 organizer, said the pro-
gram is vital because the quality of
Detroit's facilities is declining
"Detroit is on the leading edge of
decline; the future is now."
The three-week program is a
combination of field work in Detroit
neighborhoods rebuilding homes,
renovating buildings and gardening

and a series of "freedom building"
Chambers said he views the pro-
gram as "a form of empowerment as
well as a form of education and un-
derstanding. It's going to be on a
multiracial, multicultural basis."
Workshops will emphasize the
history and political economy of
Detroit, environmental racism, non-
violence training and cultural activi-
ties such as poetry readings, plays
and dances.
Roberto Mendoza - the author
of a paper entitled "Stop the War on
Young People of Color" - was re-
sponsible for suggesting Detroit
Summer '92.
National Greens adopted his idea
last summer at its national

Bunyan Bryant, another program
organizer and University associate
professor of natural resources, said
the key to the program's success will
be getting students involved in re-
building Detroit neighborhoods.
"I think that at the University of
Michigan, where we have some of
the best and brightest students in the
world and incredible resources, why
can't we get some of those resources
into Detroit to help rebuild it?" he
"Detroit in some respects reminds
me very much of a Third World
country. People get excited about
going to Third World Central

America; I wonder why we can't get
people excited about going to Third
World country U.S.A.," Bryant
Chambers said one of the basic
aims of Detroit Summer '92 is
making people more aware of urban
decay and getting people - espe-
cially students - involved who may
otherwise remain ignorant of the
problems that exist in cities like
"It's an act of allegiance, showing
that we're all together. It's a learning
endeavor, too. Maybe the people
aren't aware of it in the suburbs; they
can take this message back,
Chambers said.

UM Asian American Student
Coalition MLB, rm. 2114, 7:30
Comedy Company, writers mtg,
new writers welcome, UAC offices,
2105 Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m.
Environmental Action
(ENACT), weekly mtg, 1Q40
School of Natural Resources, 7 p.m.
Ethnic Greek Dancing Club,
2209 Michigan Union,, 7:30 p.m.
Public Relations Student
Society of America (PASSA),
mtg, 2050 Frieze Building, 5:00.
Recycle UM, mass mtg, 2520
School of Natural Resources, 6:30
Society for the Advancement
of Environmental Education,
1046 School of Natural Resources,
7:30 p.m.
Take Back the Night, weekly
mtg, Michigan League, check desk for
rm, 7 p.m.
U of M Sorin-Ryu Karate-Do
Club, weekly meeting, CCRB
Martial Arts rm, 8:30-9:30 p.m.
"Oxidative-Heme Degradation
- The Inorganic Chemistry of
Bruises", Professor Alan Balch.
1650 Chemistry Buidling, 4:00 p.m.

by 102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Also,
extended hours: Sun-Thurs 1-3 a.m.
Stop by Angell Hall Computing
Center or call763-4246.
Northwalk, North Campus
nighttime team walking service. Sun-
Thur 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Stop by 2333
Bursley or call 763-WALK.
U-M Taekwondo Club, Monday
workout. CCRB Martial Arts Rm.
2275, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
U of M Ninjitsu Club, practice,
I-M Bldg, wrestling rm, 7-8:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Department of
Parks and Recreation,
registration for Over 30 Hockey
Leagues, Spring Science Day Camp,
and Spring Pioneer Living Day Camp.
Girl Scout Cookie Booths,
Baits I, Barbour, Bursley, Couzens,
East Quad, South Quad, West Quad,
4:30-7 p.m.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors.
Angell/Mason Computing Center, 7-
11 p.m.
Stress and Time Management,
Consultations with peer counselors
available, 3100 Michigan Union, 2-
4 p.m.
Undergraduate Psychology
Department, Undergraduate
psychology advising, walk-in or
appointment, K-108 West Quad, 9
a.m.-4 p.m.
Guild House Campus Ministry,
discussion group, Women's Book

Police nab man in
steam tunnels
A man set off an intrusion alarm
at Rackham while breaking into the
tunnel system beneaththesUniversity
yesterday at 4:30 a.m. Responding
officers apprehended the man, but
released him pending a warrant.
Drugs stolen from
'U' eye center
Several tablets of the drugs
Halcyon and Diazepam were taken
from the Kellogg Eye Center Friday.
The Department of Public Safety
(DPS) has no suspects. Police re-
ports describe the drugs as artificial
hormones that can cause extreme
side effects.
patients escape
from 'U' unit
Two patients of the University
Adolescent Psychiatric Care Unit es-
caped Tuesday at 8:50 p.m. The pa-
tients had obtained passes to a vend-
ing machine area in the hospital and

used the opportunity to escape. They
were apprehended three hours later
by DPS officers as they walked
down Observatory St.
Center robbed
The Packard Community Center
was broken into early Tuesday
morning. A VCR and some money
was taken. The suspect(s) first at-
tempted to gain entry to the building
through by the front door. When this
failed, the suspect(s) then removed
the fan from an air duct and entered
the building. The police have no
Ann Arbor visitor
A guest at the Residence Inn was
threatened with a snub nose revolver

while leaving the hotel last Monday.
The suspect put the gun to the vic-
tim's head and demanded money,
but the victim returned to the hotel
lobby before being harmed. He then
called the police.
Man assaults
woman on campus
A woman walking on North
University near State St. was the
victim of assault and battery last
Saturday night. She was asked by
the suspect whether she was married,
and when she refused to respond the
suspect spit at the victim and
punched her. A man who witnessed
the events interceded to assist the
victim, and the suspect then threat-
ened both the victim and her protec-
tor with a knife.
Flasher shocks
Ann Arbor Public
A flasher has harassed two sepa-
rate woman at the Ann Arbor Public

Library. On Feb. 18 a man picked
two separate female victims and po-
sitioned himself across from them at
reading desks. The man then pulled
down his pants. The suspect left the
library before police could appre-
hend him, but one victim claims she
can identify him.
Television stolen
from Markley
A television was stolen from a
student's room in Mary Markley
Hall last Saturday. The DPS officers
who responded have no suspects.
Man holds-up local
convenience store
The Hop In on Stadium street
was the scene of a hold up 3:15 a.m.
February 21. The suspect entered the
store and told the clerk he had a gun.
The suspect than hit the clerk and
escaped the store with $15.
Daily Crime Reporter

And they're both repre-
sented by the insignia you wear
as a member of the Army Nurse
-.: Corns. The ecduceus on the left

If / I ,I 1 I

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