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March 02, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-02

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Monday, March 2, 1992

Continued from page 1
"technical change."
"There are a lot of advantages to
this change of jurisdiction," she said.
"One thing that came out in the
hearings is that the students are sig-
nificantly concerned about their op-
portunity to have input. This gives
us a greater opportunity to interact
with the students."
Smith then spoke against the
transfer. Although she said she did
not condone the behavior of students
who protested at the deputization
hearings, she said she was troubled
by the "lack of democratic process"
involved in the deputization

Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen Hartford also said
that she thinks students are being left
"I believe that students on cam-
pus need to be included earlier in the
process," she said. "We need to get
students onto committees, and into
meetings with (the regents.)"
Hartford also condemned the stu-
dents' protest methods.
During the meeting, about 20
students sat with their mouths
gagged holding signs which
protested their lack of input in the
Smith then criticized the
University for the lack of people of
color on the force. She also ques-

tioned the Michigan Union entrance
University President James
Duderstadt defended the policy.
"There is extensive student in-
volvement in that policy," he said.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor) also defended the policy, and
said that it was necessary to insure
the safety of the students who use
the Union.
Smith expressed concern that the
regents were not notified that three
of the students who testified at the
public hearings were employed by
the campus police force.
"I'm troubled that they did not
identify themselves," she said.
Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit)
stressed the need for teaching the
campus police how to react in a
University community.
"One student yesterday addressed
the sensitivity training. Make sure
this training is adequate. Make sure
the force understands the situation,"
she said.

Regent Philip Power (D-Ann
Arbor) said the issue was not
whether to have deputized police,
but how to have the best police force
"We need to make sure that our
force responds to the special needs
and characteristics of the University.
Our officers must be very well-
trained and carefully selected," he
He added that in his opinion, the
public hearings were extremely
Varner questioned what proce-
dure will be followed when both
Ann Arbor and campus police re-
spond to a situation. She also told
the board to make sure that the
force's oversight board is effective.
Baker cited an incident from
some years ago during which a stu-
dent attacked the University presi-
dent. He said Ann Arbor police ar-
rived promptly, but that a campus
force could have responded more
quickly or prevented the situation.

Continued from page 1
lated and more emphasis should be
put on education and awareness of
the issue.
Hollmann added, "(Other people
are saying), 'It's about time the uni-
versity starts protecting people who
are unable to defend themselves be-
cause it is like a slap in the face and
it prohibits further discussions.'"
Rosenthal agreed with
Hollmann's conclusion and added
the student Senate passed a speech
code resolution Jan. 8.
"While we find hate speech
wrong, no provisions should be in
the student conduct code," Rosenthal
said in summarizing the student
Senate resolution.
Several college administrators
said they have had success handling
hate speech with a general policy
that does not set specific language
Brown University does not have
a speech code, but Vice President
and General Counsel Beverly
Ledbetter said the administration
uses its harassment policy, the
Tenets of Community Behavior, six
to eight times a year.
In one particular case at Brown
last year, a student violated four
provisions - public drunkenness,
misrepresentation, disrespect, and
behavior which shows flagrant ha-
rassment - and was expelled.
Representatives at Duke

University and Princeton University
- colleges with anti-discrimination
policies, but no specific speech
codes - said they are not in favor of
strict speech codes.
Sue Wasiolek, dean for Student
Life at Duke, said, "Basically we
handle the situation in two ways -
if it rises to the level of assault or
disorderly conduct it goes through
the campus judicial process, if it's
just offensive speech we bring the
two parties together and try to
Princeton officials said the uni-
versity has also had a limited num-
ber of hate speech incidents. "We
'We felt it was
constitutional and not
an infringement on
freedom of speech.'
- Jan Sheppard
University of Wisconsin
Dean of Students
will permit people to speak their
minds and ideas ... provided that the
speech is not personally directed at
an individual," said Kathleen
Deignan, associate dean of students
at Princeton.
"I suppose some would say we're
fortunate ... Perhaps it is because we
bend over backwards to protect


CHINA: The Senate voted 59-39 to bar the president from
renewing most-favored-nation trading status to China for the 12
months beginning July 3 unless he can certify that the Chinese
government has released political prisoners and made other progress
on human rights.
Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Donald Riegle (D-Mich.) voted for
the bill.
HATIANS: The House voted 217-165 to suspend for six months
the repatriation of Hatians fleeing their homeland in the wake of a
military coup. It covers those in U.S. custody before Feb. 5.
Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Plymouth) voted for the bill.
Source: AP

Continued from page 1
the residence hall," she said.
Hughes said off-campus housing
is attractive to students because it is
a renters' market and as a result,
landlords are eager to bargain with
prospective tenants. However, he
stressed an advantage residence halls
offer through special programming
which is unavailable in off-campus

Hughes presented the Housing
Division's rate recommendation to
'The cost will remain
- Regent Shirley McFee

the regents Thursday, but
cussed and voted on the

they dis-


Calvin and Hobbes

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by Bill Watterson
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Continued from page 1
in real income in the past decade and
the past few years, Levine said.
Major rioting occurred in Venezuela
three years ago in response to rising
prices and shortages of goods.
The government shuffled the
cabinet and created an advisory
council to the president in response
to the unrest which precipitated the
coup, he said.
Levine implied that these were
cosmetic changes. It is "effectively
impossible to get many people to
join the government," Levine said.
The government's immediate re-

sponse was to agree to a negotiated
surrender within a day of the late
evening insurrection. The govern-
ment suspended constitutional guar-
antees including the freedom of the
'The government looks
very weak. There is a
fear of another coup.'
- Dan Levine
Political Science Prof.
press and the right to assembly.
"All of a sudden all these chal-
lenges and changes have broken
through out of these dangerous
events," Levine said.
Levine predicted "profound
Continued from page 1
"I'd say you're Santa Claus sack
is pretty empty," Brown said.
"Lollipops for business are no better
than lollipops for the middle class."
Brown renewed his call for a
universal flat tax, saying the current
tax code was a "4,000 page tax
morass that feeds on the corruption

change" in the government of
Venezuela. Levine said political
leaders, the business world and al-
most every major political party ex-
cluding the government party are
calling for the resignation of the
president, the supreme court and the
congress and constitutional reform to
accelerate the pluralization of
Venezuelan politics.
"The political classes are very
anxious to preserve the democracy
until the end of the year" when elec-
tions take place, Levine added.
"The coup is very serious. What
is more amazing about the coup is
that it uncorked desire and fear to
make changes right away," Levine
was a terrible mistake," Clinton said,
repeating that he gave up a defer-
ment and made himself available for
the draft, but was never called.
Kerrey came after Clinton again
later, during a lengthy debate discus-
sion on national health care, and
how to get the care to rural residents
in states like Georgia.
"That was a baloney answer,"
Kerrey said when Clinton said his
plan would provide the preventive

U .1

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Service Schedule:
5pm Holy Eucharist
at St. Andrew's (across street)
6pm supper follows at the House
WEEKDAYS: (at the House)
7:15 Morning Prayer
5:30 Evening Prayer
(except Thursday)
Wednesdays: 4:10 pm Holy Eucharist at Campus Chapel
(exc. Ash Wed.) (on Washtenaw Ct. near CCRB)
Ash Wednesday Service:
March 4 at 5:30 pm at Canterbury House
For information about programs, activities, counseling, please call us
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'The question is not whether the middle class
gets a tax cut ... It's whether you want to give
it to the middle class or people who buy
stocks.' -Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton


of selling loopholes for campaign
Each of the candidates talked
tough on crime and promised help to
Georgia's defense workers worried
that military cuts will cost them their
The most colorful exchanges
came when the candidates were al-
lowed to ask questions of a rival.
Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey asked
Clinton how he could promote a
program that would allow for public
service to pay back college loans
when he didn't serve his country in
"I opposed that war. I thought it

care needed to slash the rate of in-
fant mortality and low-birth weight
babies. "Your proposal, Bill, does
not solve the problem and in fact
may make it worse."
Clinton retorted that Kerrey's
government-run plan included "nine
separate tax increases" and advo-
cated his plan to require employers
to either pay for workers' health care
or pay into a government insurance
"It's nice to be out of the line of
fire," joked Tsongas, the punching
bag for his rivals in the final minutes
of Saturday's debate in Colorado.


The University of Michigan



Tue. Mar. 3
Thu. Mar. 5
Fri. Mar. 6

Guest Artist Recital
John Jones, tuba, Ball State University,
accompanied by Jeannie Everett, piano,
and assisted by Fritz Kaenzig, tuba
Stevens: Sonatina
Bernstein: Waltz for Mippy III
Strauss: Concerto No. 1 for Horn
Vaughan Williams: Six Studies in English
Folk Song
Luedeke: Eight Bagatelles
School of Music Recital Hall, 8 p.m.


The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the Fall and Winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. On-campus subscription rate for fall/winter 91-92 is $30; all other
subscriptions via first class U.S. mail, winter semester only, are $80. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
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Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550.

MARCH 10, 17, 24*

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Z v Kr s



Jazz Combos
Ed Sarath, director
Free admission
North Campus Commons, 8 p.m.

The Newberry Consort
Guest Artist Recital
"Musick for Severall Friends"
David Douglass, early violin; Ellen Hargis,
soprano; Kevin Mason, lute and theorbo;
Drew Minter, countertenor; Mary Springfels,
viola da gamba
Music of Locke, Purcell, Monteverdi and
School of Music Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
Faculty Voice Recital
by Willis Patterson, bass

" Confronting stereotypes, racism, and anti-semitism
" Building bridges to achieve a better understanding of each other
" How can we affect our future relations?
Place : Meet in SOUTH QUAD East Lobby
Time : 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Refreshments will be provided.

NEWS Henry GoldbIatt, Managing Editor
EDITORS: David heingold, Bethany Robertson, Stefanie Vines, Kenneth Walker
STAFF: Uai Barager, Hope C.lod, Barry Cohen, Ben Oed, Lauren Dermer, Erin Einhom, Ren Hucide, Lorea Lee, Andrew Levy.
Robin Litin, Nicole Malenfant, Travis McReynolds, Josh Maddser, Melissa Peed..., Karen Pier, Mona Qureehi, Karen Sabgir,
Christopher Scherer, Gwen Shaffer, Purvi Shah, Jennifer Silverb~erg, David Wartowskci, Chastity Wilson.
UST: David Shepardaon
OPINION Yael Citro, Geoff Earle, Amitava Mazumdar, Editors
STAFF: Matt Ader, Jenny Alix, Renee Bushey, Daren Hubbard, David Laidner, Jennifer Mattoon, Ad Rotenberg, Dave Rowe, David
Shepardson, Steve Small, Daniel Stewart
SPORTS John liyo, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Josh, Dubow, Albeit Lin, Jeff Wismsr~
STAFF: Andy DeKort, wKWbedy DeSempeloare.,Matthew DodgeShawn DuFreeneJeni Durst, Jim Foes, Ryan Herdngton, Mike Hill,
Bruce lnooencao, Dan Linna, Rod Loewenthal, Sharon Lundy, Adam IMer, Rich itvasky, Bernadette Ramsey, Mike Randio, Tim
Rardin' Chad Safran. Todd Schohus Jeff Sheran, Tm'S'o'ar ' Andy Stable Ken Sugura.
ARTS Elizabeth Lenhard, Michael John Wilson, Editors
EDITORS: Mark Binelfi(Fin), Diane Fdeden (Fne & PednormingAits), Alan J. Hogg, Jr. (Books), Je Komom (Weekend et),
Anneite Pefruso (Mussic).
STAFF: Nick Arvn, GrgBales,.. Margo Baumga.t, Skot Beal, Jen Bilk, AndrewJ. cahn, Jonathan chai. Jenie Dashlman, Richard S.
Davis, Gabrel Fed"erg " Rosanne Freed Forrest Green II , JessieHlladay, Aaron Hamburgr, Stephen Henderson, Jonathan
Higgins, Nima Hod"e, Marie Jacobson, Andrea Kachudas, Kristin Knudsen, Chide Lepley, Kristen McPAurphy, Amy Meng, Joesh
Mfinik,John Morgan, Mihell Philip, Dan Poux, Austin Ratner. Jeff Rosenberg, Christine Sovey, Sot Sterling,Alics Strausa,
Sarah Weidman, Josh Worth.
PHOTO Kristoffer Gillette, Kenneth J. Smoler, Editors
STAFF: Brian Cantoni, Anhony M. Croll, Michelle Guy, Doug Kanter, Heather Lowman, Sharon Musher, Susie Palsy, Moly Stevens,
Paul Taylor.


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Sun. Mar. 8

DISPLAY SALES Shannon Burke, Manap
STAFF. Greg Antia. Alizal, Bahain. Michael Barry, Yasmin Choudhry. Meghan Cleary, Molna Das, Kim Duffy, Amy Fank. Sheri









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