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February 13, 1992 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-02-13

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Page 4 -The Michigan Daily-Weekend etc.- February 13,1992
Med school made us smart
and now you can benefit

by Saima A. Khan

Tiaking care of your health and
keeping fit is becoming more and
more important. Some students
would just as soon spend their mid-
night hours in the CCRB as they
WoUld the Grad stacks. Regular ex-
eicise is a great way to relieve stress
a4d keep your body and mind
Be sure, as well, not to wait for
bealth problems to happen to you.
As with most things, prevention
and maintenance are the best ways to
take care of one's health. Don't for-
get your annual physicals
When trying to keep in tip-top
shape, students can run into various
evils. The following health ques-
tions and answers might help you
recognize some common hazards of
student living. The answers have
lyn provided by medical students
abbe University Medical School in
elaboration. with the University
Heth Service.
Q: What is the difference between
HDLs and LDLs?
A: High Density Lipoproteins
(UDLs) and Low Density Lipopro-
teiis (LDLs) are both found natu-
ray in the human blood system.
The relative abundance of these
lipoproteins can either enhance or
decrease your chances of developing
'high cholesterol."
Both HDLs and LDLs are com-
posed of both lipids (i.e. fats and an
odorless, white and waxy substance
atled cholesterol) and a protein
"coat." However, the HDLs are
high in protein and low in choles-
teol, while the LDLs are high in
cholesterol and low in protein. The
high cholesterol content of LDLs
make them unfavorable because they
contribute to the build-up of cho-
lesterol on the arterial walls.
On the other hand, the high pro-
tein component of HDLs enables
them to move fats and cholesterol
through the body and to the liver
where it is later removed. It is pos-
sible to alter the proportion of
lilibproteins in your blood. Eating
4ow-cholesterol foods, decreasing
sa'turated fats, increasing unsatu-
rated fats, as well as fiber and exer-
cise, can all help in lessening the
risk of developing high blood
.iblesterol in the future.
'Q: What are genital warts?.
A: Genital warts, (also referred to
as venereal warts and cocdylomata),
are caused by several strains of the
Human Papillomavirus (HPV).
They can occur on or around the gen-
ital or rectal areas, or in the mouth
of both men and women. The warts
vary tremendously in size, shape,
color and abundance.
While some individuals experi-
ence pain and/or itching with the
warts, others detect nothing and
hence, the virus often goes unde-

tected. This fact may put both men
and women at risk of developing se-
rious complications such as penile
or cervical cancer. Skin-to-skin con-
tact is often sufficient to transmit
the virus, though HPV is most of-
ten transmitted during intimate se-
xual activity.
Because the incubation period of
the virus varies from three weeks to
eight months or more, it is often
difficult for affected individuals to
identify the time at which they con-
tracted the virus. Some people do
not exhibit any growth of warts for
quite some time after becoming af-
fected with HPV, yet they are con-
tagious from the moment of con-
N 4L
I 4
'4 ,~ I*
Have fun with innards. Color this
muscleman by letters:
a=passion pink d=forest green
b=midnight blue e=lemon pucker
c=pumpkin lovin' f=velvety violet
traction. Thus, rapid and uninten-
tional transmission by undiagnosed
partners can be a problem with the
The best protection against HPV
is the proper use of condoms and la-
tex squares (dental dams), the use of
spermicide containing the ingredient
nonoxynol-9, and participation in
annual STD screenings. If preven-
tion is inadequate and warts are con-
tracted, there are a variety of treat-
ments available to facilitate re-
moval. However, since HPV is a vi-
ral condition, no treatment will
eliminate the actual virus and a per-
son may remain contagious even af-
ter the warts have been removed.
Q: How effective is Vitamin C in
helping to cure a cold?
A: While there is a long-standing
belief that Vitamin C is the "won-

der drug" for colds, more than 30
different investigations show that,
not only are large doses of Vitamin
C ineffective in preventing colds,
they exhibit only a minimal effect
in making cold sufferers feel better
Those who avail themselves of
"Megadoses" of Vitamin C will
not only experience the same cold
symptoms as non-consumers of Vi-
tamin C, but they also put them-.
selves in jeopardy of developing ab-
dominal cramps, nausea and diarrhea.
Therefore, the best advice for
cold sufferers is simply to make
themselves as comfortable as possi-
ble, drink plenty of fluids and rest.
Vitamin C (especially in the form
of fresh fruit and vegetables) can
certainly be incorporated into this
routine, yet one should not expect a
miracle. A cold is still a cold.
Q: How accurate are Pap Smears?
A: The Pap smear was developed by
Dr. George Papanicolaou in the
1940s as a screening devise to detect
cervical cancer. When incorporated
as part of an annual pelvic examina-
tion, Pap smears are one of the more
reliable tests available .today to
monitor a woman's sexual health.
They help to distinguish normal
from abnormal cells vagina, uterus
and cervix.
A Pap smear consists of cells ob-
tained from the cervix and vaginal
walls which are then placed on a
slide and examined for abnormali-
ties. A single Pap smear detects up
to 90 percent of the most common
types of cancers of the uterus and
70-80 percent of the second most
common. Both of these common
types of cancer grow very slowly.
Thus, there is an excellent chance
that regular Pap smears will detect
the cancer before it spreads.
Q: What other illnesses, aside from
lung cancer, are associated with
A: When people smoke, they put
themselves at risk for developing a
myriad of health problems. Among
these are stroke, heart disease,
mouth and bladder cancer. In addi-
tion, smoking can aggravate existing
conditions such as asthma, bronchi-
tis, emphysema, peripheral vascular
disease, peptic ulcers, high cho-les-
terol and even the common cold.
When smoking is done in con-
junction with the use of oral contra-
ceptives or alcohol, the risk of de-
veloping some of these and other
conditions is even greater. Though
many people, especially women,
smoke as an appetite suppressant,
smoking can actually cause a dan-
gerous redistribution of fat in the
body (toward the abdomen and away
from the extremities).
Women who smoke can expect to
increase their risk of having miscar-
riages, reach menopause one to two
years earlier than those who do not
smoke, and put themselves at a
greater risk for developing osteo-
porosis. Ideally, smokers should
quit entirely in order to improve
their chances of leading healthy
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Looks like Lisa DeBoer, a Pharmacy grad student, is neglecting her New Year's resolutions.
So you re going to work out
at the CCRB every day, eh?.

by Lari Barager
B y December 27, you've finally digested your
mother's 18-course holiday dinner. You look in the
mirror and notice your stomach is beginning to roll.
over the waistband of your pants, your arms jiggle
when you wave, and you'd be the last to admit it, but
your legs are looking lumpier than a bowl of cottage
cheese. So, you make a New Year's Resolution to get in
shape once and for all. Will you adhere to the workout?
Only time will tell.
This January the Central Campus Recreation Build-
ing accommodated 88,389 running, swimming, weight-
lifting bodies - more than any other month, said
Building Director Debbie Webb.
Though the influx of Arnold Schwarzenegger
wanna-bes disrupted the workouts of the more serious
athletes for the first month after winter break, they've
already begun to dwindle away. (They're probably
couch-potatoing and eating microwave brownies.)
"New Year's Resolutions is the big rush. Then, they
start coming back in (February) thinking they're going
to drop 20 pounds before (Spring) break," said office
clerk Tracie Stoffer with a smirk.
Locker room attendant Robin Reeves admits she and
her co-workers have a running bet on how long it will
take the resolved athletes to drop out. "I lost - I said
they'd only last two weeks." OK, so the gung-ho
poseurs hung around until the end of January this year,
but you get the point.
Those still working out are self-proclaimed hard-
bodies. They seem shocked that someone would imply
that they don't exercise every hour of every day. "Oh,
no ... I've been working out for years, " several people
said. Of course you have. Haven't we all?
A few honest souls spoke out about their decision
to slim down.
"Over Christmas break I was just thinking about
how pathetically out of shape I am. I wanted to do
something about it," said LSA sophomore Jonathan
Shandell admits, however, that he (like many oth-

ers) has had trouble maintaining a regular schedule.
"The first couple of weeks I went three times a
week really regularly. Recently I've tapered off to two
times a week and sometimes once a week. But, I haven't
completely stopped ... yet," Shandell said.
Shandell is just one of many who have been wimp-
ing out on their resolutions. Engineering sophomore
Tom Stoffel observed, "It's amazing how much the
room has cleared out ... the weak step aside."
"That's me!," Shandell piped up.
Jose Negron, a third-year Medical student said he
has been thinking about getting in shape for five years.
"I just started working out today," Negron huffed
in between paces on the StairMaster. "I started eating
less about four or five days ago, you know, a diet. I'm
going to last ... hopefully."
"I think after New Years people say, 'I've gotta get
in shape.' They either get tired of it, or class work just
becomes more important," said LSA sophomore Sharif
"The only reason I've kept going is because I go
with someone else. If I hadn't, I'd have stopped a long
time ago," Stoffel admitted.
Most of the regular CCRB-goers notice and detest
the swarm of new people who descend upon their fa-
vorite equipment in January, and they breathe a sigh of
relief when the numbers decrease.
"You're not used to having to wait for stuff.
There's going to be lines for the more popular equip-
ment," said building director Debbie Webb. "What I
tend to do is to use it as a time to get a work-out on
other machines. There's just no way you can buy enough
equipment so that everyone can have one and get rid of,
Whether you're an aspiring Jane Fonda or Richard
Simmons, you'll want to avoid the CCRB during its
peak hours between three and six p.m. Unfortunately,
for the shortest lines, the best hours to work out are
between seven and nine in the morning.
If you don't even get up for class that early, you're
surely not going to drag yourself out of bed to sweat
your fat away.


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February 9-15
* $10 off all shoes
* 25% off all running wear
Friday, February 14, noon-7
tRbfreshments served


Continued from page 1
last for a while.
Jeffrey Michael Powers Spa of-
fers massages at $25 for a half hour
and $40 for an hour. If that's a little
steep, a manicure or pedicure is very
relaxing (at $15 and $32 respec-
tively). Add a few bucks and they'll
cover your hands with paraffin wax.
This is a lot more fun than peeling
Elmer's glue of your fingers and
it'll leave your hands and/or feet
silky smooth.
Facials (for $40) might not
sound as relaxing as a Swedish mas-
sage (have you ever seen them vac-
uum someone's skin on late night
television? Ew!) but they are deliv-
ered in a room decorated with sooth-
ing colors with soft music wafting
course, and the Powers Spa's Hy-

Ooen Mon-Wed. & Sat. 10-6.
Fr 10-8. Sun. 12-4

Thur. 10-7.


drotherapy, in which a technician
aims water jets at different parts of
your body, is a cornucopia of sensa-
tions for the stressed out bod. Check
it out for $45, or try the glory of
the '70s at Oasis Hot Tub Gardens.
Toss off your go-go boots on a
Saturday night and dip into these oh-
so-discreet little dens of sudsy iniq-
uity. Bring a close friend (or two or
three) for $10 to $15 for a half-hour
and $18 to $26 for an hour. Prices
depend on the time of day and the.
day of the week.x
These wet love nests are espe-
cially relaxing. Each secluded tub
area (most of them are outdoors) is
equipped with a dressing room,
lighting and music that you can pro-
gram yourself, and an island theme.
What's more relaxing than hopping
into your Honda and escaping to
Fiji, Cozumel or Vancouver.
All these solutions take a little
time and at least some conscious ef-
fort. Sometimes, you're too stressed
to even worry about relieving your
stress, but changing some of your
living habits can help a lot.
Try sitting down for at least fif-

teen minutes during a meal, rather
than scarfing down a slice of pizza
while you work or meeting with a
study partner over dinner. Shut out
your work and enjoy. If you're
studying long hours, give yourself
several short breaks rather than one
long one.If you've been on your feet
all day, don't be embarrassed --toss
off your shoes and rub those toes.
Vitamins are a smart way to keep
your body in shape, but it can burn
your brain just trying to decipher
the countless bottles to be found in
any health food store.
Linda Jaseck at Seva recommends
calcium, magnesium and especially
Vitamin B-12 to keep up those en-
ergy levels. And when you need to
relax, but feel a little wound up, an
herbal supplement like Valerian
root combined with Hops will help
you snooze.
For the ragged (and impover-
ished) student, a massage or a jaunt
to the spa can only be a rare treat,
but you should take a few minutes
each day to consciously relax -
knead your temples with scented
oils, burn a little incense, have a de-
caf cappuccino, recite your favorite
poem to yourself as you wait for
your 4:00 lecture. If these tech-
niques don't always cut the cake,
(and you don't have time for that
fail-safe fallback -- vigorous and
safe sex) don't stress about it!



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